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Ghosts or Legends

The Gipper

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For some reason, I went way back into the archives of this board, and found some familiar names who did a lot of posting but who have not been around here in a long, long time.  So I was just wondering  if you all recall them, and/or know why they may have dropped out.  Here is a list of names that I saw when looking at posts from a decade ago:












Kosar for President


WPB Dawg Fan





We Need Tom Tupa



Chicopee John


(I know what is up with a couple of them: Howie/Ghoolie)


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8 minutes ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I always wondered what happened to Miktoxic. 

I remember him too.....He was the guy with the Family Guy painting of Brian sitting at a bar.

I always assumed Lumbergh was Ghoolie trolling for Derek Anderson. That one got real quiet after DA was gone.

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43 minutes ago, hx214 said:

I remember him too.....He was the guy with the Family Guy painting of Brian sitting at a bar.

I always assumed Lumbergh was Ghoolie trolling for Derek Anderson. That one got real quiet after DA was gone.

I can 100% guarantee you that Lumburgh was never Ghoolie- just an Oregon State fan.....  

3 hours ago, The Gipper said:

For some reason, I went way back into the archives of this board, and found some familiar names who did a lot of posting but who have not been around here in a long, long time.  So I was just wondering  if you all recall them, and/or know why they may have dropped out.  Here is a list of names that I saw when looking at posts from a decade ago:

I'll follow up with what I know...  

Inspecta   left in the big Board split, formed the other board, I believe he's RIP




Furnier  Doug is still around, just doesn't post, we're friends on FaceBook



RifferX  still around- just doesn't post



rich4eagle  Rich got in a snit when folks didn't agree with him, left in a big huff

Kosar for President


WPB Dawg Fan

hammertime   a regular on the "other" board




We Need Tom Tupa



Chicopee John John just doesn't post. 


(I know what is up with a couple of them: Howie/Ghoolie)


I can add a few- Shep\Shepwrite- prolific on the other forum, was here too until he left. Met him once after a Browns game. BTW, his daughter is drop dead gorgeous, should have been a model... Going all the way back to AOL. ArtBeitz- Barry McBride, founder of the RavensSuck Zone and Bernie's insiders, now contributing to 247 sports. And BeesIndy, MetalMarte.  And of course RIP, KS Hutchins here.....  Add to the RIP names- FatDad. Wasn't there a Gumbo (or something similar) that used to bring food to the Tailgates? And of course, the Original Tailgatemeister- who doesn't post- Roachmstr.

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I always wondered what happened to Miktoxic. 

I always assumed he was a friend of yours, Tom. Not sure why. Always wondered where he went. 

Tom, as in me?  If you are talking about me.  No, only knew him through the board.

Supposedly he begged off the NFL (not just this board) because of the supposed "kneeling" controversy.  I don't know, it all seemed nefarious to me, but if in fact that is truly why he did it. so be it. 

And oddly enough, I am currently wearing one of the T-shirts that he made and distributed to a lot of the regulars.  On that T-shirt he put a lot of names, here are some others from that who we have not seen in forever:

Bacon Hound

Bad News Browns

Beef Jerky

Bring Back Brownie

Browns 57



ERie Dawg

Fear the Roo

Harry Buffalo


Louisville Slugger

Medicine Man

Pumpkin Eater

Richis where


Cleveland Sound

Tim Couch Pulls Out



The T-shirt was for the Annual Tailgate Blowout  Cleveland vs. Cincinnati  9/29/13

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25 minutes ago, jcam222 said:

Yep Mik left over the kneeling. Shame I always enjoyed posting and chatting with him. He did shirts a couple times. Always did wonder what happened to Tim Couch Pulled Out too. 

I guess the kneeling thing really mattered to some, didn’t realize it got some of those here. Shame.... he was pretty damn funny. 

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44 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

I always wondered what happened to Miktoxic. 

I always assumed he was a friend of yours, Tom. Not sure why. Always wondered where he went. 

Tom, as in me?  If you are talking about me.  No, only knew him through the board.

Supposedly he begged off the NFL (not just this board) because of the supposed "kneeling" controversy.  I don't know, it all seemed nefarious to me, but if in fact that is truly why he did it. so be it. 

And oddly enough, I am currently wearing one of the T-shirts that he made and distributed to a lot of the regulars.  On that T-shirt he put a lot of names, here are some others from that who we have not seen in forever:

Bacon Hound

Bad News Browns

Beef Jerky

Bring Back Brownie

Browns 57



ERie Dawg

Fear the Roo

Harry Buffalo


Louisville Slugger

Medicine Man

Pumpkin Eater

Richis where


Cleveland Sound

Tim Couch Pulls Out



The T-shirt was for the Annual Tailgate Blowout  Cleveland vs. Cincinnati  9/29/13

Yes, sorry... that was not your quote. I thought he was a friend of yours for some reason. 

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2 minutes ago, Comeonman said:

I guess the kneeling thing really mattered to some, didn’t realize it got some of those here. Shame.... he was pretty damn funny. 

Eh, him referring to certain black players as "monkeys and apes" on the Tavern kind of rubbed me the wrong way

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1 hour ago, Comeonman said:

I always assumed he was a friend of yours, Tom. Not sure why. Always wondered where he went. 

Regarding Mik- seemed besides that, he was stressed out over some financial problems, and never made it back.... He's one of the guys that's missed....  

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3 minutes ago, Comeonman said:

Yes, sorry... that was not your quote. I thought he was a friend of yours for some reason. 

You may be thinking of Westside Steve.  He and I went to high school together....and he got me involved here.   I and a lot of others here had participated on the old AOL board.   I think I stuck it out there longer than nearly everyone else, but, I finally got kicked off AOL because I told a Steeler troll to have an up close and personal affair with Messrs. Smith and Wesson.   As far as I know, Steve is the only participant here that I knew outside of being on the board. Of course, I have met many great people as a result of being on here.  

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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Regarding Mik- seemed besides that, he was stressed out over some financial problems, and never made it back.... He's one of the guys that's missed....  

Well, he was a New Yorker,  lived in Dobbs Ferry, I believe, just north of NYC.  New Yorkers always seem to be more stressed and hyper than people from anywhere else...even if they aren't. But certainly it is possible he could have been having issues. 

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Lumbergh Last seen on a Bills Board last year in a DA v. Peterman debate

So, he was the early day Woody... all up a guy's ass simply because of the school the guy attended, which was the same as he?  I mean, he must have been in love or something.

I went to the same college as Charlie Frye....but that did not mean I could not see his flaws and weaknesses as a QB. That would be like me here a dozen years later still pimping Charlie Frye

And isn't DA retired now? Apparently, yes....see this:    On May 9, 2019, Anderson announced his retirement from the NFL.[51] He later attributed his retirement to lingering effects from the 2018 concussion; he remains in regular contact with Allen and approved of the hiring of his (Anderson's) friend Ken Dorsey as quarterbacks coach.[52]

Does that mean now that this Lumbergh can go back to being a regular human,  instead of a star struck teeny bopper?   Not that I care, because all that came down, and those guys left before I started on as a regular here. 

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26 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

You may be thinking of Westside Steve.  He and I went to high school together....and he got me involved here.   I and a lot of others here had participated on the old AOL board.   I think I stuck it out there longer than nearly everyone else, but, I finally got kicked off AOL because I told a Steeler troll to have an up close and personal affair with Messrs. Smith and Wesson.   As far as I know, Steve is the only participant here that I knew outside of being on the board. Of course, I have met many great people as a result of being on here.  

Haha, some (most) Steelers fans deserve that. I’ve only met you and Larry so far, hopefully more in the future. This board kicks ass... 

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2 hours ago, jcam222 said:

Yep Mik did shirts a couple times. Always did wonder what happened to Tim Couch Pulled Out too. 

I too, enjoyed reading Tim's post. Seemed like a sharp football guy.. Hope Mik is well, heck we all struggled at sometime..many good laughs when Mik was around 

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2 hours ago, nickers said:

We also forgot mz the pussy the pussy and SoCal.. SoCal was a cool cat...There's someone else were forgetting but the name escapes me...

Imfaoooo LOL!... I guess no one corrected that... God I'm dying with laughter here...

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10 hours ago, FairHooker11 said:

I miss mik too-  best drunk poster after a loss

love the Browns / Vikings London game shirt too - 

Mik if your out there, best wishes to you 

I had thought about putting another name on the list:  FairHooker11.....but then I thought...no, he makes a rare appearance...and here you are. Glad to see you.  Don't be a stranger.

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9 hours ago, nickers said:

We also forgot mz the pussy the pussy the pussy the pussy the pussy and SoCal.. SoCal was a cool cat...There's someone else were forgetting but the name escapes me...

I don't remember them.

But...I DO remember Retard........even if it is a memory that would be better blotted out.

On another thread I attempted to talk about starting a Browns Board Hall of Fame.

Maybe we should augment that with a Hall of Shame.

Obviously, it appears Ghoolie  would be   in that Hall.  Hell, he could theoretically be in both simultaneously.  When he was right, no one could hammer stupid steeler trolls better than he.

And Retard would make the HOShite.  edit:  (autocorrect still in place...S-t--ock--ton  S--h-o-r-t-s is who I am referring to,  and if your name is being autocorrected to Retard, you know you have to put him into the HOS.) :lol:

Who else?   I assume anyone who has been permanently banned would automatically qualify. 

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5 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

I don't remember them.

But...I DO remember Retard........even if it is a memory that would be better blotted out.

On another thread I attempted to talk about starting a Browns Board Hall of Fame.

Maybe we should augment that with a Hall of Shame.

Obviously, it appears Ghoolie  would be   in that Hall.  Hell, he could theoretically be in both simultaneously.  When he was right, no one could hammer stupid steeler trolls better than he.

And Retard would make the HOShite.  edit:  (autocorrect still in place...S-t--ock--ton  S--h-o-r-t-s is who I am referring to,  and if your name is being autocorrected to Retard, you know you have to put him into the HOS.) :lol:

Who else?   I assume anyone who has been permanently banned would automatically qualify. 

Who was the guy that hung from Ghoolie's nuts and got banned when he went after Zombo?

I'm totally blanking on the guy's name, and it was only a year or so that he got banned. 

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8 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

Who was the guy that hung from Ghoolie's nuts and got banned when he went after Zombo?

I'm totally blanking on the guy's name, and it was only a year or so that he got banned. 

Pats fan.. Boo McFagley... it fits & Z had every right to boot him

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2 hours ago, The Gipper said:


Maybe we should augment that with a Hall of Shame.

Obviously, it appears Ghoolie  would be   in that Hall.  Hell, he could theoretically be in both simultaneously.  When he was right, no one could hammer stupid steeler trolls better than he.


First of all it's not a very good idea to begin with.

Second his handle was goolie not ghoolie, he meant to sound like Ghoulardi but just spelled it wrong. Also goolie isn't even a word in any dictionary anywhere.....he mentioned some bs reasons why but they are apparently like gool the fool himself they are gone. Good, leave it that way. Why dig up this junk again?  Not a good idea at all.

......oh BTW, when he was young he went to the same church that I went to, my late 94 year old mother in law knew his parents, his dad was an usher, mom made perogies. He went to YSU while I was there.  And yes he was well known as a big @$$#©€¥ every where he went.  Leave it RIP.  :lol:

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45 minutes ago, mjp28 said:

First of all it's not a very good idea to begin with.

Yes, it is.

Second his handle was goolie not ghoolie, he meant to sound like Ghoulardi but just spelled it wrong.

He spelled it with an H...

Also goolie isn't even a word in any dictionary anywhere...

So? Who gives a shit...it is a screen name, not a spelling bee or a scrabble game.

..he mentioned some bs reasons why but they are apparently like gool the fool himself they are gone. Good, leave it that way. Why dig up this junk again?  Not a good idea at all.

......oh BTW, when he was young he went to the same church that I went to, my late 94 year old mother in law knew his parents, his dad was an usher, mom made perogies. He went to YSU while I was there.  And yes he was well known as a big @$$#©€¥ every where he went.  Leave it RIP.  :lol:


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36 minutes ago, The Gipper said:

First of all it's not a very good idea to begin with.

Yes, it is.

Second his handle was goolie not ghoolie, he meant to sound like Ghoulardi but just spelled it wrong.

He spelled it with an H...

Also goolie isn't even a word in any dictionary anywhere...

So? Who gives a shit...it is a screen name, not a spelling bee or a scrabble game.

..he mentioned some bs reasons why but they are apparently like gool the fool himself they are gone. Good, leave it that way. Why dig up this junk again?  Not a good idea at all.

I stand corrected.   He spelled it Ghoolie but meant to spell it Ghoulie after Ghoulardi but messed that up, then some bs answer......I actually went back and looked it up.

And to in any way to immortalize trolls, all profane jerks and banned characters is just a dumb idea, period.

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11 minutes ago, mjp28 said:

I stand corrected.   He spelled it Ghoolie but meant to spell it Ghoulie after Ghoulardi but messed that up, then some bs answer......I actually went back and looked it up.

And to in any way to immortalize trolls, all profane jerks and banned characters is just a dumb idea, period.

What is it about the words hall of shame you don’t understand. It’s a joke category

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