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Trump leaves presser dais in a huff...


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One female reporter asked a "nasty question".

Second one did not ask question fast enough.


Eh... wasn't going that well for him anyway, but what a pussy...

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6 minutes ago, Tour2ma said:

One female reporter asked a "nasty question".

Second one did not ask question fast enough.


Eh... wasn't going that well for him anyway, but what a pussy...

Of the reporter?

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figures. She's chinese?

maybe some of you should go live in communist china - you seem to like it so much.

or russia - your deep state hacks pulled off a giant KGB op right here in America.

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6 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Or maybe you aren't.

I would ask Pres Trump respectful, intelligent questions.

not even like you would ask your obaMao commie or your higgardly.

and you worship traitors, because they had a lot of military, but you diss Gen Flynn.

that is just asswhole hypocrite moves right there.

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She baited him s little, and I think they leaned a little hard into the racist play (he says enough dumb shit on his own)

but my God he's such a snowflake. 


This is what happens when you've never worked a day in your life and never had anyone tell you no


It's amazing he conned so many of you into thinking he's s real American "every man" 

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9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

She baited him s little, and I think they leaned a little hard into the racist play (he says enough dumb shit on his own)

but my God he's such a snowflake. 


This is what happens when you've never worked a day in your life and never had anyone tell you no


It's amazing he conned so many of you into thinking he's s real American "every man" 

Left's playbook

1.  Accuse Racism

2. Deny your right to speak

3. Using the mob mentality

4. Play the victim

5. Appeal to authority fallacy

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