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Coach wearing a OAN t shirt on a fishing trip...the right eqiv of huff post.  Star running back wont play.  


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Good for the star runningback.

Whether it is for this issue or for the issue of fair compensation for the players I am happy to see the power balance shift towards the players' favor. 

Gundy has the right to wear what he wants and his players have the right to react how they see fit. 

But how fucking stupid does Gundy have to be? You're a CFB coach. You don't think there'd be a response to this with everything going on right now?

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

But how fucking stupid does Gundy have to be? You're a CFB coach. You don't think there'd be a response to this with everything going on right now?

Next, he'll wear a plain white tee shirt in a photo and get bitched out that it wasn't black..


People need to get a grip

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25 minutes ago, Kvoethe said:

First off...he was fishing..not anything coaching related.  He probably has a million free t shirts.  He probably thought the O was for oaklahoma.

That's objectively not true as he'd mentioned OAN in interviews previously


Who cares that he was fishing?

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9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

That's objectively not true as he'd mentioned OAN in interviews previously


Who cares that he was fishing?


9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

That's objectively not true as he'd mentioned OAN in interviews previously


Who cares that he was fishing?

Who cares about the whole thing?  The media.


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2 minutes ago, Kvoethe said:


Who cares about the whole thing?  The media.


Well, no, some of his players clearly do, the first of which being one of the best runningbacks in the country. 

Again, Gundy can say or wear whatever he wants. But he isn't immune from criticism and consequence. If he is so tone deaf that he can't see why his mostly African American CFB team would have a problem with this than he deserves it. 

His players have the right to not play. Go say they're snowflakes or whatever you want. They're sticking up for what they believe in and exercising the leverage they have (which apparently is just crying to one very stupid poster). I'm happy to see the power dynamic shifting.

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Eh, I've seen that attempt at humor done better. 

But based on that being your response I imagine you have no further input of you own. That's about what I expected. 

I say I am for Gundy wearing what he pleases and I'm for the players reacting as they please, but I'm the sensitive one? Maybe the snowflakes are the people getting pissy because a player spoke his mind? Huh, what a thought. 

If you have anything else to actually add to this just let me know. 

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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Eh, I've seen that attempt at humor done better. 

But based on that being your response I imagine you have no further input of you own. That's about what I expected. 

I say I am for Gundy wearing what he pleases and I'm for the players reacting as they please, but I'm the sensitive one? Maybe the snowflakes are the people getting pissy because a player spoke his mind? Huh, what a thought. 

If you have anything else to actually add to this just let me know. 

OAN has been around since 2007...and now he is offended??  Sounds like he has someone whispering in his ear.  Well if everyone can react how they please then society becomes paralyzed with everyone standing around being offended.  I have a question...do you think OAN is racist?  Should he be fired?  

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1 hour ago, Kvoethe said:

OAN has been around since 2007...and now he is offended??  Sounds like he has someone whispering in his ear.  Well if everyone can react how they please then society becomes paralyzed with everyone standing around being offended.  I have a question...do you think OAN is racist?  Should he be fired?  

Chuba Hubbard was 8 in 2007... Please try to keep up.

Yes, how dare people be allowed to react how they please. What a terrible future. One where minority groups can react to the majority how they see fit. Oh my God what ever are we going to do? Imagine, religions other than Christianity speaking out. Blacks speaking out. Gays speaking out. It would be better if they all just remained silent and took whatever the majority gave them. 

Give me a fucking break.


OAN promotes conspiracy theory bullshit and is damaging to social discourse. Support of OAN doesn't just mean you support conservative values, it means you support all of the crazy bullshit they push. Do I think the network is racist? Idk. I've mostly seen them push insane conspiracies. But given that they're just an extreme right wing station I could probably find racist, homophobic, etc remarks. 


Gundy getting fired was never the point of this thread. It was that a college football player exercised his ability to not play for Gundy and to take a stand for his beliefs. All of which he has a right to do. 

With this being a public institution, I'm not sure if the rules are different. If this was a private company and they felt Gundys political beliefs and actions were detrimental to business then they'd have the right to fire him. In this case it looks like he's going to try to work with his players. But the AD isn't dumb. This could cause transfers and hurt recruiting, which would affect performance, which is what he is judged on. That could get him fired.



At the end of the day this is about the balance of power shifting in CFB to the players, and it's about time. 

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We are arguing two different things.  I agree football players have been taken advantage of.


If he wasnt a 2000yd rusher no one would care.  He is being taken advantage of again by the media pushing their agenda and whoever is managing his career.  I can guarantee he has never seen an OAN article.  Someone told him to be offended and he jumped right on it.  If you cant see that...then your just as shortsighted as all the faux outraged people.

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1 hour ago, Kvoethe said:

We are arguing two different things.  I agree football players have been taken advantage of.


If he wasnt a 2000yd rusher no one would care.  He is being taken advantage of again by the media pushing their agenda and whoever is managing his career.  I can guarantee he has never seen an OAN article.  Someone told him to be offended and he jumped right on it.  If you cant see that...then your just as shortsighted as all the faux outraged people.

Sorry, but you can't guarantee shit. You say that because it helps make your narrative easier. 

He spoke out, on his own, and other players joined in, on their own. What evidence do you have that some puppet master is pulling the strings?

And even then, WHY would someone managing his career tell him to do this? What possible career benefit would there be to him sitting out while taking a stand on a social issue. We have evidence to show the NFL won't be a big fan of that. 

This is also more than just "oh the millennials (which he isn't) are just offended. Snowflakes." He's taking a stand on what he believes. Against OAN and what it stands for... which is clear to basically everyone. 

Would you think he's "offended" if he sat out because his head coach wore some anti second amendment or anti cop shirt? I wouldn't. I'd think he's taking his stand and he can use the power he has as he pleases. 



There just seems to be a lot of pushback when those that normally have the power in society all of a sudden don't anymore.

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