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China Seeds


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"The USDA and agriculture officials across the U.S. have issued warnings about unsolicited shipments of foreign seeds and advised people not to plant them. Officials are concerned the mystery seeds, which appear to have originated in China, could be invasive plant species.


CBS News has confirmed that residents in all 50 states have now reported receiving suspicious packages of seeds."


Our response ;)


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Investigated and proved to be meaningless..some kind of reviewing scam...just mostly veggie seeds...unless they are proprietary gene modded...then they can take over farms like Monsanto does.

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2 hours ago, Kvoethe said:

Investigated and proved to be meaningless..some kind of reviewing scam...just mostly veggie seeds...unless they are proprietary gene modded...then they can take over farms like Monsanto does.

That is an EXCELLENT POINT. and very possible.

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9 minutes ago, Axe said:

Apparently none of you has ever stepped on a fuckin Florida sand spur barefooted ;)

Apparently none of you has ever gone snorkeling in the Caribbean with a bunch of friends, and got

fire coral stings up your shorts, upper inside of your thigh. But the nice nurse said it also resembled jellyfish stings.


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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Cal, the pic in the OP is of Sand Spurs.. Once they take root in the ground they are damn near impossible to get rid off.

AHA ! Sorry you had to explain that to me. LOL Looked like wheat to me....

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