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DNC ratings - DUMPSTER FIRE bad.


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Who cares what the ratings are? It's already established that no one is rushing to the polls to vote for Biden.

There aren't legions of morons ready to kill themselves for the guy like Trump.

That doesn't mean people won't vote for Biden. It's a clear lesser of two evils vote.

Also, most of the people you consider "Real America", Trump wouldn't be caught dead with them. How you got conned into believing the new York elitist billionaire is an "every man" is beyond me....

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25 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Who cares what the ratings are? It's already established that no one is rushing to the polls to vote for Biden.

There aren't legions of morons ready to kill themselves for the guy like Trump.

That doesn't mean people won't vote for Biden. It's a clear lesser of two evils vote.



Also, most of the people you consider "Real America", Trump wouldn't be caught dead with them. How you got conned into believing the new York elitist billionaire is an "every man" is beyond me....


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1 hour ago, Axe said:

You probably should put the crack pipe down ..

You should probably stop sniffing Trump butt gas....  I have no doubt the ratings sucked- but then again who ever watched the respective party infomercials for any length of time?  That is unless you're a party loyalist- or Donald Trump with his hate filled Twitter account at the ready.  

BTW, I did tune in- and was pretty shocked both Hillary "lock her up" and Pelosi didn't take the opportunity to constantly rip Trump apart. I detected class there- something Trump has nothing of.... 

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Who cares what the ratings are? It's already established that no one is rushing to the polls to vote for Biden.

There aren't legions of morons ready to kill themselves for the guy like Trump.

That doesn't mean people won't vote for Biden. It's a clear lesser of two evils vote.

Also, most of the people you consider "Real America", Trump wouldn't be caught dead with them. How you got conned into believing the new York elitist billionaire is an "every man" is beyond me....

Hard to say that Woody. Bloomberg had some supporters. But true who cares about the ratings? I watched bits and pieces thought it was pretty disgusting but the worst thing about it was it was a Corona staged event. Almost like watching a rerun of a baseball game in an empty stadium with piped In Crowd noise and cardboard cutouts. It will probably work better for Biden because still have 15 takes in case he forgets where he is halfway through his acceptance speech.

I have no doubt the RNC event will be just as stupid well almost anyway.


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I'll start the commentary with the disclaimer "But bur what about Cal???"


Not only should you cringe with embarrassment watching a pre-recorded and spliced together performance but old Joe pulling out the Nazi card is about as ridiculous as it gets.

Maybe even more than Moochelle whining about being oppressed. Close anyway.


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