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Australians are terrified as ‘draconian’ measures continue


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Imagine being an alien and landing here today. You would ask what all of the lock downs were for and you'd ask to see the planets death cause numbers.

You would see that "heart disease" kills over 15% of the human inhabitants every second of every day and you would say, "Shit, yea, you guys need to get a handle on this."

Then someone would push their SuperSize carton of fries away, while taking one last drag from their cigarette and say, "No, that's not the reason, we don't care about that" and slide their finger to the very bottom of the list to where it said "COVID" and the number next to it of 0.0001%  (804,951 Total COVID Deaths / 7.6 Billion Total Inhabitants) 



You would shake your head, get back into your spaceship and fly away, the whole time hoping that you weren't infected with the one true virus that is killing the planet...



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2 hours ago, tiamat63 said:

I'd be more terrified of the spiders there.  Ever see a Huntsman?!?!  No, sir.  I will pass.

the Huntsman would be frightening, but there are far worse things:


don't ever go on safari in Australia. I wouldn't even go there at all..

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Of course heart disease isn't contagious

Yep, it's even worse. It's self inflicted and it's their human right to stuff their face until they're obese, or light another cigarette and the rest of us have to pay for it with higher health insurance premiums and planet lock downs. . 

15% vs 0.0001%

Sooner or later even you will reach your limit of how long we close the planet, how long we kill the global economy, how long we force the closure of people's businesses and life's dreams and how long we force everybody to simply exist, instead of live.

Maybe it's in 2 months, maybe 11, maybe 3 years, but eventually even you will say "OK, we've done all we can and it sucks that people are still getting sick from this form of the many viruses that humanity lives with, but it's time to move the heard across the river and get life back to normal." 

I just got there a bit before you will..... 


15% vs 0.0001%

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

the Huntsman would be frightening, but there are far worse things:


don't ever go on safari in Australia. I wouldn't even go there at all..

What you're saying is - Australia is basically the closest thing we have to Jurassic Park.

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1 hour ago, D Bone said:

Yep, it's even worse. It's self inflicted and it's their human right to stuff their face until they're obese, or light another cigarette and the rest of us have to pay for it with higher health insurance premiums and planet lock downs. . 

15% vs 0.0001%

Sooner or later even you will reach your limit of how long we close the planet, how long we kill the global economy, how long we force the closure of people's businesses and life's dreams and how long we force everybody to simply exist, instead of live.

Maybe it's in 2 months, maybe 11, maybe 3 years, but eventually even you will say "OK, we've done all we can and it sucks that people are still getting sick from this form of the many viruses that humanity lives with, but it's time to move the heard across the river and get life back to normal." 

I just got there a bit before you will..... 


15% vs 0.0001%

Except we half assed it. We closed down in some areas but not others. We asked some to wear masks while others yelled about freedoms. We pushed for social distancing while our president yelled on Twitter about LIBERATING states. 


Our country is full of morons and here we are.

We're a laughing stock

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New York exempts celebrities from forced mandatory quarantine — which normal people could be jailed for violating


Different rules for the rich and famous

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37 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Except we half assed it. We closed down in some areas but not others. We asked some to wear masks while others yelled about freedoms. We pushed for social distancing while our president yelled on Twitter about LIBERATING states. 


Our country is full of morons and here we are.

We're a laughing stock

The riots and looting in Democrat controlled cities that didn't want Trumps help...What has the Democrats done to help? Seems the most deaths and cases are from Democrat run areas...

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45 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Except we half assed it. We closed down in some areas but not others. We asked some to wear masks while others yelled about freedoms. We pushed for social distancing while our president yelled on Twitter about LIBERATING states. 


Our country is full of morons and here we are.

We're a laughing stock

Cuomo, fellow govs mum after CDC drops 2-week quarantine guidance
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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

"For one thing, there are a number of nations that have experienced higher fatality rates than the United States, including Belgium, Britain, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Chile, and Brazil. (All of them, incidentally, have some form of government-run health care.)


Then there are developing nations that probably don’t have an accurate count of death totals and authoritarian nations like China — whose mendacity helped unleashed the virus on the world — that are almost surely lying. Then there are still-mysterious reasons for why some nations experience lower fatality rates despite high numbers of infections."


darn, there goes Hoorta's, woodpecker's and biden's bragging rights.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I like this little gem from your linked article. . .

For four days, Democrats hit Donald Trump for both failing to stop coronavirus and for the economic fallout from state lockdowns. Biden hasn’t explained how Democrats would have rescued the economy andstopped COVID, much less offered any specifics on how he plans on stopping more cases moving forward — other than arguing for a national mask mandate, which he has no power to decree or enforce.

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6 hours ago, D Bone said:

Imagine being an alien and landing here today. You would ask what all of the lock downs were for and you'd ask to see the planets death cause numbers.

You would see that "heart disease" kills over 15% of the human inhabitants every second of every day and you would say, "Shit, yea, you guys need to get a handle on this."

Then someone would push their SuperSize carton of fries away, while taking one last drag from their cigarette and say, "No, that's not the reason, we don't care about that" and slide their finger to the very bottom of the list to where it said "COVID" and the number next to it of 0.0001%  (804,951 Total COVID Deaths / 7.6 Billion Total Inhabitants) 



You would shake your head, get back into your spaceship and fly away, the whole time hoping that you weren't infected with the one true virus that is killing the planet...



Being a big fat fuck kills 400,000 people a year. And of course some smart mark will come around and say "well being a big fat fuck isn't contagious" 


I beg to differ. If you are a big fat fuck and you have kids they are liable to be big fat fucks too. That shitty fat mentality is most definitely contagious. 

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54 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Being a big fat fuck kills 400,000 people a year. And of course some smart mark will come around and say "well being a big fat fuck isn't contagious" 


I beg to differ. If you are a big fat fuck and you have kids they are liable to be big fat fucks too. That shitty fat mentality is most definitely contagious. 

If you want to institute govt. controls to help prevent fat people I'm all ears. That'll infringe on their freedoms though


But you are right about fat, unhealthy parents just teaching their kids to be fat and unhealthy


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7 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I like this little gem from your linked article. . .

For four days, Democrats hit Donald Trump for both failing to stop coronavirus and for the economic fallout from state lockdowns. Biden hasn’t explained how Democrats would have rescued the economy andstopped COVID, much less offered any specifics on how he plans on stopping more cases moving forward — other than arguing for a national mask mandate, which he has no power to decree or enforce.

Biden and the dems accused Trump of being a racist for imposing travel restriction on China, and Pelosi said to go out and hug a Chinaman.

Yeah they would have stopped COVID.


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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

If you want to institute govt. controls to help prevent fat people I'm all ears. That'll infringe on their freedoms though

 that's true. Isn't that the point the Trump haters are trying to make that he didn't make masks social distancing quarantine lockdown mandatory back in March? For the entire country? Or exactly what is it the left is bitching about?

But you are right about fat, unhealthy parents just teaching their kids to be fat and unhealthy

 in George Washington's time 98% for the population was employed in agriculture just trying to scratch enough food out of the ground to survive. Today maybe 2%. And one of our biggest problems is we have too much food to eat. Like over feeding goldfish. So if the politicians cared enough about that, which of course they don't, they could mandate dietary standards at exercise programs for every American. Some people love the arbitrary covid-19 rules. Joe might as well write it into his platform.



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16 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

the Huntsman would be frightening, but there are far worse things:


don't ever go on safari in Australia. I wouldn't even go there at all..

I've been to Australia many times and loved it.  The women were so friendly.

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