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NYT: Facebook Prepares for Possible Crackdown on Trump after Election


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An August 21 New York Times article detailed Facebook’s plans to suppress the Trump campaign after the election if the president “interferes once the vote is over.”











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10 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

This is a big reason why I want Trump to lose


I want to see the absolutely massive temper tantrum he will inevitably throw if he does

The country be damned you cock sucking know nothing never done anything lil bitch ?

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7 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Your time away didn't stop you from being a sad internet tough guy, huh?

And here I thought people outgrew behavior like that...

WTF are you talking about?


Didn't threaten you, just called you for what you are,, sadly


Tell us Woody.. How is it to wake up every morning with the same old dick taste in your mouth? Or do different ones taste different?

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18 minutes ago, Axe said:

WTF are you talking about?

Didn't threaten you, just called you for what you are,, sadly

Tell us Woody.. How is it to wake up every morning with the same old dick taste in your mouth? Or do different ones taste different?


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