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And Another Declares Himself A Never-Trumper


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Oh Gorka... How is Dump perceived across the pond? I'll use the old Mush Dim-Bulb line (what did you do to deserve a medal from Trumpie for Rush, other than significant suck up time)??? You gonna say- as I predict- who gives a fuck what the Brits think? Ya see, I'm already in your head big time... 

Mega dittoes... Yup- he's a totally cool dude....   "Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace –"

In short, he's a flaming asshole, (sorry to bust your bubble) exactly what I've been saying for months... :D   


PS- & FYI-  I actually used to listen to Rush and Hannity.  Want to know why I tuned them off? Goes back to the (unfortunate) Terry Schiavo thing. Hannity was adamant Mom and Dad were right, and had the hallucination after years in a vegetative state- she was going to "get better". Well, when Terry's CAT scan hit the Internet- (FWIW, that would now be a serious HIPPA violation, and someone would go to jail over that) I asked my pal- a neurologist- who deals with this stuff on a daily basis- "What do you think"?   "There's nothing left there, other than brain stem twitching, virtually all families let the person go- long before it even gets close to this stage".  But Sean just kept hammering away they shouldn't pull the plug on her. Oh, Terry was totally unaware of her surroundings- but does that give Mom and Dad the right (sorry, her husband trumps you) to keep her hanging on to nothing, just so you can keep holding her hand?   

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

good, because defending your obaMao after you wouldn't criticize him or biden for EIGHT FREAKING YEARS -

you can't name one, it isn't my fault. You try and fail, it's on you, boo. Your nasty irrational TDS is hate, that's all.

There is a serious "Walk Away" movement happening in America. You don't like it, shove it.

But good luck shoving your asinine belligerence towards Pres Trump on someone who would believe it. I guess that is why you came on this forum as his big nanny protector TDS fellow.

Have a nice day, and you are completely wrong.

Who said I was defending him? OTOH, you're the butt wipe who's said "he never did anything good, or great" for America....  And how un-American can that possibly be? Sure as hell looks like party before country.... & Like now all of a sudden I kiss the Squads ass? You believe anything you see in Red State- and FWIW, you're the worst offender on this forum.... 

So...  I finally found- and posted around a dozen "never did anything good for America" in that link Cal, because I eventually found something credible to refute your horse shit.  Time was on my side.... You're the one in total D-Nile, but don't let some facts get in the way of your hatred.....  Yeah- I have Biden syndrome- I can't hardly remember what I did yesterday, much less 8 years ago.  I needed a good objective  link to refresh my memory....  My bet? You're going to go Rich4Eagle postal spewing more incoherent crap....  That's what us Moderators know....  

So now you want to deflect to Trumpie? He's got his own problems to worry about.... Says someone who's the poster child for ODS?  .... 

WAAAAHHHHH    Obama.. just terrible... Got some time? There's around 30 of Barak's positive accomplishments in that link- bet you can't spin your way out of all of it... Just one? there's at least 10. LOSER!!!  Don't you just LOVE it when Trump spews that?  Be honest Cal- it's totally cool. Said it before- you need some anger management counseling in regards to Obama... :D      

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Double talk much? My assertion that Trump  is an adulterer whose affair torpedoed his first marriage is somehow false?    




Waste no time making a false assertion right from the start did you?  Show me were I said it your claim was false or how I double talked?

You did exactly what I predicted you would do in bold,  which you conveniently omitted.

That has just earned you my refusal to read the rest of that mess. Maybe someone else will. Good luck.

What you will do now is NOT answer those questions but rather accuse ME of deflecting away from Trumps affair with Daniels....and/or  accuse me either of ignoring /denying Trumps questionable morals or defending him....then blather about the "red state" forum and your disdain for MAGA, thinking your gonna hurt our feelings....wash, rinse, repeat

 That is exactly the way you operate.  Tell me it isn't...G'head.


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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

"Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace –"



True (to an extent). And that right there is a glaring indication of your TDS.^

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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

OK, maybe Biden groped and even raped a few women.

Well, well, you finally manned up.

Yet you continue to blather about Trumps sexcapades.  You can't see how fucked up that is? That kind of behavior in this case would be something commonly known as TDS.

  These are inexcusable comments from a draft dodger, about people who fought and died for this country. BTW, I heard the reason he didn't want to go was because it was raining and would muss up his hair.  I would love to see a protester get close enough to give that hair a yank to see if it's real.  :)     Just more ammunition from my side- as a commentator said "does this guy even have a conscious?   


Now if you would suck on this:

He was 6 feet tall and had an athlete’s build. He played football in high school and was active in sports throughout college. He spent one summer as a lifeguard at a local pool.

But after he graduated college in the spring of 1968 and became eligible for the draft and —possibly — combat duty in Vietnam, he received a diagnosis that let him avoid military service.

No, not bone spurs. Asthma.

And his name was Joe Biden.

Just a few months before President Donald Trump received his now-infamous diagnosis of “bone spurs in the heels,” former high school football star Biden got the same 1-Y draft deferment for “asthma as a teenager.” It was one of five deferments Biden received (the same number as notorious GOP “draft dodger” Dick Cheney) and allowed him to avoid being drafted at the height of the war. The year 1968 was one of the bloodiest of the Vietnam conflict with 296,406 Americans drafted into military service — the second-highest during the war.

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Well. A blast from the past. It sure has been a while since military service has been a requirement to run for political office. But by all means keep shouting bone spurs while you fly your Biden flag. By the way, if the fucker has asthma maybe he shouldn't be wearing that stupid mask all the time?


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10 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

What is it you want me to admit I am wrong about? Then I'll think it over. Like I said you may not like what I say because I'm pretty brutally honest with what I think.

Well there's your problem. Being brutally honest doesn't translate to being right.

The next time you're wrong I'll let you know.

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Well there's your problem. Being brutally honest doesn't translate to being right.

The next time you're wrong I'll let you know.

I did not say I was right, only that I don't lie. You are the one translating my right to an opinion as an intentional lie. Would you like to amend that?

I can handle "You're full of shit." just fine. It's calling me a liar I don't care for because that I have never been despite my wife's requests to not be so damned 

honest with people where I worked. My answer was always that I never had to remember any lies that way. And if they disagree then so what. At least they

know exactly where I stand.


So when I tell you that you are a part of the cult of personality, it's not a lie from me, but it is my opinion, take it or leave it. You buy into it because he tells you what

you want to hear. But he is the Liar King so you believe him. That is the one talent he does truly possess.

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11 hours ago, hoorta said:

It's so pleasant for a change to do an exchange with someone, and not have to deal with vitriol....  I'M RIGHT!!! NO, I'M RIGHTER!!!!  

Look in the mirror . Your posts consists of nothing but vitriol.

My 0.02....  

1) He certainly acts like he does, but I question his sincerity about that- and a bunch of other stuff.... 

2) The Squad can go to hell, they don't represent my viewpoint- and if the paranoids here would be willing to admit it- they don't represent the views of  a lot of Democrats, either. 

The viewpoints of the squad should not represent the views OF ANY Democrat. Will you admit to that? 

Your principles and viewpoints, so you say, align with those on the right ...those you detest. Explain that.

3) I wouldn't doubt it- but you at least have to try and see it from the other side also- a lot of people see Trump as pure evil, (90% from my viewpoint) and aren't going to vote for him, on that basis alone.

TDS. Enough said.

I won't do it- yet. OK, I will- in part... At the risk of being railed against as nut job....

That's already been established, carry on...

But it's real easy to take the Bible's Matthew 24- and paint Trump as the "Abomination of Desolation"- who will show "signs and wonders" who will deceive even the elect.  Um, Religious conservatives who did a Faustian deal with him to get their agenda pushed? 

Where's OLDBROWNSFAN been by the way?   I would value the opinions of OBF more so than a liberal hypocrite who goes with Biblical references when they happen to align with his views.

This made me recall a Bible reference made after Trump was elected. First observed by Netanyahu.  King Cyrus, some say a PAGAN, some say more of "half believer" , ..probably had affairs with the Stormy Daniels' of his day ….was chosen by God to deliver Babylon from hardship and sin...BECAUSE GOD KNEW HE WAS THE MAN FOR THE JOB. The man that would drain the swamp in Babylon!

But of course that Bible reference would be an absurdity to you. Right?

Coincidentally King Cyrus is mentioned in Isaiah  45:1  Interesting eh?

I hope OBF is Ok.

Maybe he's just had it with liberal scum.

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I think a "lie" is an intentional untruth told, that has no legitimate basis for being told, and the one who tells it

has ulterior motives for telling it.

Especially when confronted with evidence that it is not true.

Especially when the lie is ONLY focused on political gain grounds.

     obaMao and biden are the king liars. Pres Trump isn't perfect, but when he made his promises, he told the truth because he's kept his promises - despite all the "resistance".

Same old crap, Tex. You rant but you don't seem to have any legit reason for what you rant about.

Worse with Hoorta - that list of events is NOT what obamao did good/great for our America.

event - won peace prize? truth is, he never deserved it, it was a political hack left nonsense thing - and it was

NOT A GOOD/GREAT thing for America, Hoorta.

Now Hoorta calls Pres Trump a draft dodger.

Were you in the military Hoorta?

That is TDS.

Bitch and bitch and bitch and bitch and bitch about Pres Trump's imperfections, deflect, change the subject, threaten to shut the forum down, bring in ringers to get hostile to start trouble, try to get conservatives kicked off the board...


no workie, emotional knee jerkie.

Why? Because Pres Trump and VP Pence have accomplished more GOOD/GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS

FOR AMERICA that any other P/VP in American history. Military/Economy/Veterans/Employment/Trade Deals...

the list is LONG - dramatically improved for ALL AMERICANS.

Pres Trump is imperfect, what a bunch of crap that gets thrown at him. Hoorta's obaMao commie and biden are worse than imperfect.

   Eight years, and not one freaking complaint from the resident irrational haters.

Again, Hoorta FINALLY MANS UP and tries to answer -


and Hoorta got desperate and came up with "stupid events" in obaMao/biden's history.

and accomplishments that obaMao and biden falsely take credit for - do not count, Hoorta.

Still waiting for Hoorible Hoorta to man up and give me a REAL GENUINE answer. No bogus answers accepted.

because, Hoorta/Tex CAN'T NAME ONE, and they're done.

(although, king liar obaMao and slooty joe biden did blow socialist dishonest smoke up their rears)


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Well. A blast from the past. It sure has been a while since military service has been a requirement to run for political office. But by all means keep shouting bone spurs while you fly your Biden flag. By the way, if the fucker has asthma maybe he shouldn't be wearing that stupid mask all the time?



My brother also had childhood asthma, outgrew it before he was a teen. Ran track in high school and broke a school record.

He also beat up some kid in an after school fight. LOL

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28 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

So when I tell you that you are a part of the cult of personality, it's not a lie from me, but it is my opinion, take it or leave it. You buy into it because he tells you what

you want to hear. But he is the Liar King so you believe him. That is the one talent he does truly possess.

but your opinion is baseless. You've been shown that. Most of your rants are baseless, unwarranted, unsubstantiated, untrue blurbs in some kind of pseudo-rage thing you have going. Hoorta is even worse.

How can it be a cult of personality when any one of us admit he isn't a perfect person> ?

How many times do I have to explain I never liked Trump the person? I never liked his stupid "you're fired" show.

Never liked him anywhere.

That's hollywood.

But, Pres Trump? THANK GOD we elected him. THANK GOD he's kept nearly all? of his promises. THANK GOD PRES TRUMP didn't lie about what HE would do if elected.

Pres Trump kept his promises. I already posted how obaMao/biden broke theirs.

For eight years, Hoorta and Tex had NOTHING to ever say about the obaMao/biden dicktatership mire.

Bash him for not given you lefties free stuff, bash him for being brash...but he lOVEs his country.

He defends our Constitution/Bill of Rights/Military/Black Colleges/School Choice, our Flag, our Veterans/unborn and born children protected from murder, from bad give America away trade deals, the list is long.

   Obamao/biden ? nope. obaMao complained about our Constitution ! He never helped the struggling black colleges ! He always HAS been a children murder supporter !

   Worst thing is - the hate for Pres Trump, and the silence over everybody else.

Which, I wonder - bots? or just leftwing political snots?

sorry, I'm some kind of rhyme mode recently...LOL


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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I did not say I was right, only that I don't lie.

You are the one translating my right to an opinion as an intentional lie. Would you like to amend that?

No I would not. This little dialog we are having pertains to the link you posted, and my "liar" response to it, not your absurd opinions.

When you post a link that is a lie, or when you spread a lie, you deserved to be called a liar.

That content in that link was apparently true, therefore I recanted.

And never try to hide behind the "just my opinion" veil to try and mask a lie.  I will call you out.

So when I tell you that you are a part of the cult of personality, it's not a lie from me, but it is my opinion, take it or leave it. You buy into it because he tells you what

you want to hear.

Exactly which lie have "I bought into"  Hoorta?  er I mean Tex?

But he is the Liar King so you believe him. That is the one talent he does truly possess.

Ah lest we forget, the "Liar King"!, and Obama didn't lie?

C'mon now, be that brutally honest man you profess to be.


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well, for eight years of obaMao/biden, Tex was really honest - he honestly didn't want to ever criticize them.

Hoorta was even more quiet than that.

Strange how they get "principles" as soon as they lose the pres election.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

well, for eight years of obaMao/biden, Tex was really honest - he honestly didn't want to ever criticize them.

Hoorta was even more quiet than that.

Strange how they get "principles" as soon as they lose the pres election.

Obamas record was near criminal...but he acted presidential so we're good.

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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

We were not discussing Obama. We were discussing Trump. He is the Liar King. Just another attempt to deflect from the discussion.

Obama’s biggest whoppers

(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
(Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)
The Fact Checker
Jan. 19, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. EST

The Fact Checker started during the 2008 campaign and then went on hiatus for the first two years of President Obama’s presidency before becoming a permanent Washington Post feature in 2011. All told, we’ve fact-checked more than 250 statements by Obama.


With his presidency coming to a close, here’s a look at 10 of Obama’s biggest whoppers, listed in chronological order. All of these earned Four Pinocchios, of course, but they also landed on our annual list of the biggest Pinocchios of the year.

To keep it simple, we have shortened the quotes in the headlines. To read the full column, click on the link embedded in the quote.

Image without a caption

This was a 2007 campaign claim by Obama, then a senator, that was wildly off the mark. In reality, there are five times more black men enrolled in colleges and universities than young black men in federal and state prisons — and two and half times the total number incarcerated (including local jails). Even if you expanded the age group to include African American males up to 30 or 35, the college attendees would still outnumber the prisoners.

“We signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history”

This 2011 claim was not based on a dollar figure but on dubious math — that supposedly 95 percent of working families received some kind of tax cut under the Making Work Pay provision in Obama’s stimulus bill. John F. Kennedy actually wins the prize for biggest tax cut, at least in the last half-century. By the same measure, the income tax provisions of George W. Bush tax cuts were more than twice as large as Obama’s tax cut over the same three-year time span. (While a large portion of Bush’s tax cut went to the wealthy, it also benefited the working poor.)

“90 percent of the budget deficit is due to George W. Bush’s policies”During the 2012 campaign, Obama repeatedly reminded voters that he became president during a grim economic crisis. But he went too far when he claimed that only 10 percent of the federal deficit was due to his own policies. About half of the deficit stemmed from the recession and forecasting errors, but a large chunk (44 percent in 2011) were the result of Obama’s actions. At another point, Obama also falsely suggested that the Bush tax cuts led to the Great Recession.


This memorable promise by Obama backfired on him in 2013 when the Affordable Care Act went into effect and at least 2 million Americans started receiving cancellation notices. As we explained, part of the reason for so many cancellations is because of an unusually early (March 23, 2010) cutoff date for grandfathering plans — and because of tight regulations written by the administration. So the uproar could be pinned directly on the administration’s own actions.

President Obama offered an evocative image at a 2013 news conference when the sequester spending cuts struck the federal budget — janitors sweeping the empty halls of the Capitol, laboring for less pay. But it turned out that he was completely wrong. Janitorial staff did not face a pay cut — and Capitol Hill administrative officials even issued a statement saying the president’s remarks were “not true.” Then the White House tried to argue that janitors at least faced a loss of overtime. That was not correct either. The episode was emblematic of the administration’s overheated rhetoric during the sequester debate.

Obama did refer to an “act of terror” in the immediate aftermath of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but in vague terms, wrapped in a patriotic fervor. He never affirmatively stated that the American ambassador died because of an “act of terror.” Then, over a period of two weeks, given three opportunities in interviews to affirmatively agree that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack, the president obfuscated or ducked the question. So this was a case of taking revisionist history too far for political reasons.


In 2014, Obama repeated a claim, crafted by the White House communications team, that he was not “specifically” referring to the Islamic State terror group when he dismissed the militants who had taken over Fallujah as a “JV squad.” But The Fact Checker obtained the previously unreleased transcript of the president’s interview with the New Yorker, and it’s clear that’s who the president was referencing.

Obama, a former senator, got quite a few things wrong in this 2014 claim. He spoke of legislation that would help the middle class, but he was counting cloture votes that mostly involved judicial and executive branch nominations. Moreover, he counted all the way back to 2007, meaning he even included votes in which he, as senator, voted against ending debate — the very thing he decried in his remarks. At best, he could claim the Republicans had blocked about 50 bills, meaning he was off by a factor of 10.

Long before Obama killed the Keystone pipeline project in 2015, he made a number of dubious claims about it, including that the pipeline would have no benefit for American producers at all. But the crude oil would have traveled to the Gulf Coast, where it would be refined into products such as motor gasoline and diesel fuel; the State Department said odds were low that all would be exported. Also, about 12 percent of the pipeline’s capacity had been set aside for crude from North Dakota and Montana.


Obama in 2016 misled the public about the number of people held accountable for the 2014 scandal over manipulated wait-time data at the Department of Veterans Affairs, which contributed to patient deaths. Congress responded by passing a law that sped up disciplinary actions for senior executive service employees. But when Obama made his statement in September, only one senior executive had been removed for a case involving wait time (though the actual firing was for an ethics violation).

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4 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

We were not discussing Obama. We were discussing Trump. He is the Liar King. Just another attempt to deflect from the discussion.

yes, we are. You won't, because like Hoorta, you can't sincerely name one good/great thing they accomplished for America.


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14 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

We were not discussing Obama. We were discussing Trump. He is the Liar King. Just another attempt to deflect from the discussion.

Wow. Deflection to tell me I was deflecting.

You posted a link about Trump calling vets "losers".

I called you a liar.

I admitted I may have been wrong.

I resented Trump saying that, therefore NO DEFLECTION idiot.

You babbled about being brutally honest.

I said being honest doesn't make you right. 

I asked the Obama liar question not to deflect to that turd, but to give you the opportunity to prove your "brutal honesty" and you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

You're a poser. Cal has been right about you all along.

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On 9/5/2020 at 9:58 AM, TexasAg1969 said:

I did not say I was right, only that I don't lie. You are the one translating my right to an opinion as an intentional lie. Would you like to amend that?

I can handle "You're full of shit." just fine. It's calling me a liar I don't care for because that I have never been despite my wife's requests to not be so damned 

honest with people where I worked. My answer was always that I never had to remember any lies that way. And if they disagree then so what. At least they

know exactly where I stand.

So when I tell you that you are a part of the cult of personality, it's not a lie from me, but it is my opinion, take it or leave it. You buy into it because he tells you what

you want to hear. But he is the Liar King so you believe him. That is the one talent he does truly possess.

You're in good company Tex- he's called me a bunch of names and a liar too...  I've reached the point I really don't care anymore what he thinks of me, and his endless defense of Trump... He's apparently OK with DTs total lack of morality, and just deflects away to Biden and the Democrats when it's pointed out. 

I hope those Trump boats sinking on Lake Travis was an omen.  :D 

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6 hours ago, Gorka said:

I asked the Obama liar question not to deflect to that turd, but to give you the opportunity to prove your "brutal honesty" and you couldn't bring yourself to do it.

You're a poser. Cal has been right about you all along.

And Cal is a right wing nut job Gorka- I've got him blocked because there's no sense trying to have a discussion with a political wacko. 70% of the threads here are stuff Cal's pulled off of assorted right wing propaganda machines. I've had enough of your endless spin too.... 

I'll be spending a lot less time over here- heading back over to the football board , and let you guys beat off to your Trump posters... Regarding the Browns Board- a friendly reminder-  I do the moderating there, and I don't tolerate name calling and other assorted crap.  :)   

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On 9/5/2020 at 10:16 AM, Gorka said:

I hope OBF is Ok.

Maybe he's just had it with liberal scum.

yep, he had better things to do in his life than have woody and a few others belittle Christians.

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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

And Cal is a right wing nut job Gorka- I've got him blocked because there's no sense trying to have a discussion with a political wacko. 70% of the threads here are stuff Cal's pulled off of assorted right wing propaganda machines. I've had enough of your endless spin too.... 

I'll be spending a lot less time over here- heading back over to the football board , and let you guys beat off to your Trump posters... Regarding the Browns Board- a friendly reminder-  I do the moderating there, and I don't tolerate name calling and other assorted crap.  :)   

Hoota, can you take your little woodpecker with you? I think it's cowardly to label every single site that makes you

look like a fool "right wing propaganda machines". You constantly attack Pres Trump with falsehoods, you twist do a far left illegal mexican hat dance when you are asked to provide ANY kind of back up to your slurs.

     You've smarted off to the conservative voices over here, don't let the door hit ya on yer liberal sassy unclassy way out, Mr.
"Ima mod and you better not disagree with me or I'll take my ball and go home. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !"

"republican" baloney. Have a nice liberal day.   


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You whining Cal? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! Suspect that you are though.... You're so f**king predictable.... Just tired of your endless right wing garbage, and had to put it on ignore- you're the Rich4Eagle of the poli board... The more facts you don't like and get presented with- the more hysterical your defense gets. And always, always have to get the last word in.... 

Tex is right, those of you suffering from acute DTSS Deranged Trump Supporter Syndrome need cult deprogramming.... 

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

You whining Cal? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! Suspect that you are though.... You're so f**king predictable.... Just tired of your endless right wing garbage, and had to put it on ignore- you're the Rich4Eagle of the poli board... The more facts you don't like and get presented with- the more hysterical your defense gets. And always, always have to get the last word in.... 

Tex is right, those of you suffering from acute DTSS Deranged Trump Supporter Syndrome need cult deprogramming.... 

CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? you lied again. You said you were leaving to go back to football. BTW, remember you smarting off about Josh Rosen, you and some of your friends called a "best pocket passer" ..."Most NFL ready" ???

and you said Josh Allen was garbage and told me to shut up?


Josh Rosen just got cut by his second team. The dolphins had enough of him too and cut him. But don't cry, your football qb

"super-duper stud" - has been picked up by the Bucs. I think he's fourth string, behind Tom Brady.

   So, I expect an apology - I was right - and you were.......08-11-Trump-Wrong.jpg

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