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And Another Declares Himself A Never-Trumper


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16 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:
I was never a big fan of John McCain, disagreed with him on many things including ridiculous endless wars and the lack of success he had in dealing with the VA and our great Vets, but the lowering of our Nations American Flags, and the first class funeral he was given by our Country, had to be approved by me, as President, & I did so without hesitation or complaint. Quite the contrary, I felt it was well deserved. I even sent Air Force One to bring his body, in casket, from Arizona to Washington. It was my honor to do so. Also, I never called John a loser and swear on whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on, that I never called our great fallen soldiers anything other than HEROES. This is more made up Fake News given by disgusting & jealous failures in a disgraceful attempt to influence the 2020 Election!

now apologize, Tex. It's a fake story, totally fake.  You are starting to sound like a bot or something.

No proof, no reasoning, just angry fake venting.

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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

What does Stormy Daniels have to do with this? What are you reaching for now?

Do you want to be that f**king dense dense? Joe is a touchy feely guy. He's  never cheated on his wives, unlike Trump who's done so on all of them.  He's  even bragged about it,  IIRC. 

Nah, Orangie constantly lies, I just pointed out two of the most recent ones in other posts, but you're still willing to stick up for him because personal morality doesn't matter to you, as long as you like his agenda. In that the case, you can stop posting those pictures of Joe. 


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12 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Do you want to be that f**king dense dense? Joe is a touchy feely guy. He's  never cheated on his wives, unlike Trump who's done so on all of them.  He's  even bragged about it,  IIRC. 

Nah, Orangie constantly lies, I just pointed out two of the most recent ones in other posts, but you're still willing to stick up for him because personal morality doesn't matter to you, as long as you like his agenda. In that the case, you can stop posting those pictures of Joe. 


that is just stupid. No one here said Trump wasn't perfect - I wasn't a fan either. I made it clear.


Your biden and your obaMao have ZERO for eight years.

So it comes down to this, and the entire forum can see it - do you love your country more than you want to vent your feelings and vote for biden?

   Your choice. But you are sounding like Forrest Gump's imaginary not smart cousin.

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Joe Biden Caught Asking Young Girl 'Do You Know How Horny ...


Oct 21, 2017 · Child molester Joe Biden – one example among many of Satanism in Politics Posted by The People's Voice on Friday, October 13, 2017 No wonder Jeff Sessions abruptly ordered Joe Biden not to touch his granddaughter when they had the misfortune of running into the former Vice President at the Senate swearing in ceremony in 2016.


the entire forum can see this, so Hoorta can go have a happy TDS day anyway.

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New Information Emerges Around Biden Sexual Assault ...


Apr 30, 2020 · New information has emerged in recent days about a sexual assault allegation against the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, made by …

Biden snaps on NBC’s Savannah Guthrie for asking 'sleazy ...


Feb 03, 2020 · Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to lose his temper again at questions about his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine. The …

Politician claims Joe Biden made her feel ‘gross’ with ...


Mar 30, 2019 · A former Nevada politician published an essay Friday recalling a 2014 incident in which former Vice President Joe Biden made her feel “gross” …

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2 hours ago, Gorka said:

HAHA...your posts are exactly the same shit on a different day dude.  A blend of lies, innuendo, misinformation, and hypocrisy.

Which Vambo meme you talking about.? ...and I'll tell you where your wrong there as well.

When you resort to a personal  attack again, you just sink down to your hero's level. Keep hugging your Trump poster though. FWIW, the above is EXACTLY what DT has done for the last 3-1/2 years. Lies like a rug. FAKE NEWS!!! I didn't see that. (Like you apparently missed Vambo's TDS meme that I put in ODS perspective. ) "I never said that, or I  didn't  mean it". I was misunderstood when I told those folks in North Carolina  to try and commit voter fraud and vote twice. Try and explain it away the next day though.  :D

Yup, the left has "The Squad" what this PATHETIC little "Red State Forum" has is "The Gang" of right wing Trump apologists who will attack anything that's not on their side of the fence. Um, there's a few of us here who read sources that aren't essentially right wing propaganda machines, and are generally considered reliable. It's pretty interesting reading, seeing the hundreds of differing opinions from individuals who don't have their heads a mile up Trump's ass.

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14 minutes ago, Axe said:

Wow, dude, you are a total wack job..

He is. It's just pitiful. He can't bring himself to talk about biden, it's all lies/false narrative gleaned from leftwing sources that are based on "anonymous sources" that are based on hatred of republicans and having lost the last election.

just pitiful, he is.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Do you want to be that f**king dense dense? Joe is a touchy feely guy. He's  never cheated on his wives, unlike Trump who's done so on all of them.  He's  even bragged about it,  IIRC. 

Nah, Orangie constantly lies, I just pointed out two of the most recent ones in other posts, but you're still willing to stick up for him because personal morality doesn't matter to you, as long as you like his agenda. In that the case, you can stop posting those pictures of Joe. 


Joe never cheated on his wives?

Doesn’t rape account for anything?

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29 minutes ago, hoorta said:

When you resort to a personal  attack again, you just sink down to your hero's level. Keep hugging your Trump poster though. FWIW, the above is EXACTLY what DT has done for the last 3-1/2 years. Lies like a rug. FAKE NEWS!!! I didn't see that. (Like you apparently missed Vambo's TDS meme that I put in ODS perspective. ) "I never said that, or I  didn't  mean it". I was misunderstood when I told those folks in North Carolina  to try and commit voter fraud and vote twice. Try and explain it away the next day though.  :D

Yup, the left has "The Squad" what this PATHETIC little "Red State Forum" has is "The Gang" of right wing Trump apologists who will attack anything that's not on their side of the fence. Um, there's a few of us here who read sources that aren't essentially right wing propaganda machines, and are generally considered reliable. It's pretty interesting reading, seeing the hundreds of differing opinions from individuals who don't have their heads a mile up Trump's ass.

The Trumpettes just dig in deeper with this immoral bastard as should be expected. As long as the trains run on time they are fine with being part of the cult. When history looks upon Trump he will be right up there with dear ole Benedict and they will be right up there with his Tory supporters on the wrong side of history. It's not that they weren't warned though. I'm happy to never be associated with the Orange King of Lies. And I never have to defer issues away from him onto others as they do because he is so consistent in them. "Loser"? Would Donald ever use a tag like that on anyone?  Say it ain't so.😱

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Do you want to be that f**king dense dense? Joe is a touchy feely guy. He's  never cheated on his wives, unlike Trump who's done so on all of them.  He's  even bragged about it,  IIRC. 

Nah, Orangie constantly lies, I just pointed out two of the most recent ones in other posts, but you're still willing to stick up for him because personal morality doesn't matter to you, as long as you like his agenda. In that the case, you can stop posting those pictures of Joe. 


Here are all the times Joe Biden has been accused of acting inappropriately toward women and girls

May 4, 2020, 10:45 AM
Joe Biden's former staffer, Tara Reade, says the former Vice President and presumptive Democratic nominee, assaulted her in 1993. Reade's Senate ID card can be seen on the right. Associated Press, Tara Reade
  • Former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is facing heightened scrutiny over his past conduct towards women. 
  • Eight women have alleged that Biden either touched them inappropriately or violated their personal space in ways that made them uncomfortable.
  • One of those women, Tara Reade, alleges that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. Biden has unequivocally denied assaulting or harassing Reade.
  • Biden has also been criticized for repeatedly commenting on the physical appearance of women on the campaign trail, and for refusing to explicitly apologize for his behavior.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Over the last year, former Vice President Joe Biden has faced scrutiny over his interactions with women, as well as his refusal to apologize for his controversial behavior.

In March 2020, former Senate aide Tara Reade alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her while she worked for his office in 1993. Biden has unequivocally denied assaulting or harassing Reade.

Eight women, including Reade, have accused Biden of touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Seven of the women said Biden's behavior did not amount to sexual harassment or assault. 

Biden released a two-minute video after the initial allegations were made public in April 2019, but he was criticized for giving what critics deemed a "non-apology apology," in which he said he would try to do better moving forward. He later said he's "not sorry for anything that I've ever done."

The Delaware Democrat was further criticized for repeatedly making light of the allegations, and for commenting on the physical appearance of young girls he met on the 2020 campaign trail.

Here are all of the allegations against Biden:

Tara Reade alleged in April 2019 that Biden touched her in ways that made her feel uncomfortable while she worked in his Senate office in 1993. In March 2020, Reade alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993.

Reade first alleged in April 2019 that Biden would repeatedly "put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck" while she was employed in his Senate office from December 1992 to August 1993. 

She also alleged that she was asked to serve drinks at a work event because Biden liked her legs. Reade said when she refused to serve the drinks, her work responsibilities were reduced and she left her job.

In March 2020, Reade first publicly alleged that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993, pressing her against a wall in a Capitol Hill corridor, reaching under her skirt, and digitally penetrating her. 

Reade said she filed a complaint with the Senate personnel office concerning Biden's alleged "sexual harassment and retaliation," but didn't mention the alleged assault. 

Lucy Flores alleged in March 2019 that Biden grasped her shoulders from behind and kissed the back of her head without her consent during a campaign event in 2014.

Flores, a Democratic politician from Nevada, made her allegations in an essay published in New York Magazine's The Cut in late March 2019.

Flores said that while she was preparing to go onstage at a 2014 rally during her race for lieutenant governor, Biden came up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders, smelled her hair, and kissed the back of her head. 

"My brain couldn't process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused," she wrote. "The vice-president of the United States of America had just touched me in an intimate way reserved for close friends, family, or romantic partners — and I felt powerless to do anything about it ... Even if his behavior wasn't violent or sexual, it was demeaning and disrespectful."

Ally Coll, a former Democratic staffer, told The Washington Post in April 2019 that when she met Biden in 2008, he complimented her smile, squeezed her shoulders, and held her "for a beat too long.Coll initially brushed off the incident, but she told The Post that reflecting on it now, she believes Biden's actions were inappropriate.

"There's been a lack of understanding about the way that power can turn something that might seem innocuous into something that can make somebody feel uncomfortable," Coll told The Post in April 2019. 

Sofie Karasek, a progressive organizer, was photographed holding hands and touching foreheads with Biden at the 2016 Academy Awards. Karasek said she felt Biden violated her personal space in that interaction.

Karasek was one of dozens of sexual-assault survivors who stood on stage while Lady Gaga performed, "Til It Happens To You," a song concerning rape and sexual assault, at the 2016 Academy Awards.

A photograph from the event of the then-22 year old and Biden holding hands and touching foreheads went viral, but Karasek told The Washington Post in 2019 that she felt Biden had encroached on her personal space.

She also said she didn't think Biden's 2019 apology video adequately addressed the allegations against him. Biden never explicitly apologized for his actions, and Karasek said he "didn't take ownership in the way that he needs to."

"He emphasized that he wants to connect with people and, of course, that's important," she said. "But again, all of our interactions and friendships are a two-way street … Too often it doesn't matter how the woman feels about it or they just assume that they're fine with it."

Amy Stokes Lappos alleges Biden pulled her face close to him during a 2009 political fundraiser.

Lappos, a small business owner and Democratic political activist, told the Hartford Courant in April 2019 that Biden "put his hands behind my head and pulled me close and I thought, 'he's going to kiss me.'"

Lappos said her interaction with Biden occurred at a Greenwich, Connecticut fundraiser for Democratic Rep. Jim Himes in 2009.

Caitlyn Caruso said that after she shared her story of sexual assault at a University of Nevada event in 2016, Biden hugged her "just a little bit too long" and put his hand on her thigh.Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, speaks at the Poor People's Moral Action Congress presidential forum in Washington, Monday, June 17, 2019. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Associated Press

"It doesn't even really cross your mind that such a person would dare perpetuate harm like that," Caruso told The New York Times in April 2019. "These are supposed to be people you can trust."

DJ Hill alleges Biden rested his hand on her shoulder and moved it down her back at a 2012 fundraising event in Minneapolis. Hill said the encounter made her "very uncomfortable."

"Only he knows his intent," Hill told The New York Times in April 2019. "If something makes you feel uncomfortable, you have to feel able to say it."

Vail Kohnert-Yount, a former White House intern, said when she met Biden in 2013, he "put his hand on the back of my head and pressed his forehead to my forehead." Kohnert-Yount also said Biden called her a "pretty girl."Democratic 2020 U.S. presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden.


Kohnert-Yount told The Washington Post in April 2019 she was "so shocked" by her encounter with Biden that "it was hard to focus on what he was saying."

She said she wouldn't classify Biden's actions as sexual misconduct, but added that it's "the kind of inappropriate behavior that makes many women feel uncomfortable and unequal in the workplace."

In June 2019, Biden told the brothers of a 13-year-old girl to "keep the guys away" from her at a campaign event.Biden touches his head to a young girl's forehead as he greets guests after speaking during a campaign event with former President Barack Obama in 2012.

The Boston Globe reported that the interaction occurred when Biden met a voter at a coffee shop before a campaign event in Iowa.

When Biden met the voter's granddaughter, he asked her age. After she replied that she was 13 years old, Biden turned to her brothers and said, "You've got one job here, keep the guys away from your sister."

At a May 2019 campaign event, Biden told a 10-year-old girl, "I bet you're as bright as you are good-looking.

The girl's teacher and mother defended Biden, but progressive critics argued the comments were further evidence of the candidate's sexism.

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

When you resort to a personal  attack again, you just sink down to your hero's level. Keep hugging your Trump poster though.

You're one stupid fuck.

That would be considered a personal attack.

You like Obama so much because you're a tranny that likes dick.

That would also be a personal attack.

AGAIN...your posts are exactly the same shit on a different day dude.  A blend of lies, innuendo, misinformation, and hypocrisy.

That was not a personal attack, but rather accusations against you that have been proven. 

Learn what a personal attack is Mr. Moderator


FWIW, the above is EXACTLY what DT has done for the last 3-1/2 years. Lies like a rug. FAKE NEWS!!! I didn't see that. (Like you apparently missed Vambo's TDS meme that I put in ODS perspective. ) "I never said that, or I  didn't  mean it". I was misunderstood when I told those folks in North Carolina  to try and commit voter fraud and vote twice. Try and explain it away the next day though.

 I don't "explain things away". I present the truth, and you don't seem to like it very much...is what's really going on here.




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5 hours ago, hoorta said:


Yup, the left has "The Squad" what this PATHETIC little "Red State Forum" has is "The Gang" of right wing Trump apologists who will attack anything that's not on their side of the fence.

Case in point...repeating the same shit. Whining about MAGA and the "red state forum" AGAIN.

Then go create a Blue State Forum and quit your crying. But  you're right about attacking anything not on our side...BLM, Antifa. open borders, Pelosi, all that shit...

Um, there's a few of us here who read sources that aren't essentially right wing propaganda machines, and are generally considered reliable. It's pretty interesting reading, seeing the hundreds of differing opinions from individuals who don't have their heads a mile up Trump's ass.

What sources? I would love to know. No doubt there are heads over there up Bidens ass reporting how everything smells nice in there.



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4 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

The Trumpettes just dig in deeper with this immoral bastard as should be expected. As long as the trains run on time they are fine with being part of the cult. When history looks upon Trump he will be right up there with dear ole Benedict and they will be right up there with his Tory supporters on the wrong side of history. It's not that they weren't warned though. I'm happy to never be associated with the Orange King of Lies. And I never have to defer issues away from him onto others as they do because he is so consistent in them. "Loser"? Would Donald ever use a tag like that on anyone?  Say it ain't so.😱

Why do you lie so much?  I know why, but I'd like to hear from you why.

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On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2020 at 3:18 PM, hoorta said:

The responses from The Red State Forum are totally (and boringly) predictable Tex. 

What else is new, the facts have always been boring to you people. Don't wanna hear 'em cause they're always in your way.

I'm not savvy enough to do a meme generator- but you can bet the ranch all you would need to do is substitute Biden or Obama for Trump in Vambo's meme, that's exactly what Cal's head (and several others) would look like....  

Ok, I see the meme you referring to and once again you're wrong.  But Obama is not the president, only then would you be right.

Don't try to flip head exploding back on Cal. What you can't seem to grasp is that references to Obama by Cal and others is not a display of outrage toward Obama,  but rather to expose you assholes as the double standards hypocrites that you are.  He aint the fuckin president and can't make anyones head explode anymore...get it?

Tex's  latest gem was referring to Trump supporters as a cult.  You fuckers want to debate? OK debate this. No presidency could be more comparable to that of cult than Obama's.

First of all cult leaders are charismatic. That Obama was. Trump is hardly charismatic.

Recall how the school children were made to worship him through song... Oprah referring him as "The One"...Jamie Foxx "Obama our Lord and Savior".

Fuck you people.



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6 hours ago, Axe said:

Wow, dude, you are a total wack job..

Thanks for making my point... 


1 hour ago, Gorka said:


When you resort to a personal  attack again, you just sink down to your hero's level. Keep hugging your Trump poster though.

You're one stupid fuck.

That would be considered a personal attack.

You like Obama so much because you're a tranny that likes dick.

That would also be a personal attack.

AGAIN...your posts are exactly the same shit on a different day dude.  A blend of lies, innuendo, misinformation, and hypocrisy.

That was not a personal attack, but rather accusations against you that have been proven. 

Learn what a personal attack is Mr. Moderator

FWIW, the above is EXACTLY what DT has done for the last 3-1/2 years. Lies like a rug. FAKE NEWS!!! I didn't see that. (Like you apparently missed Vambo's TDS meme that I put in ODS perspective. ) "I never said that, or I  didn't  mean it". I was misunderstood when I told those folks in North Carolina  to try and commit voter fraud and vote twice. Try and explain it away the next day though.

 I don't "explain things away". I present the truth, and you don't seem to like it very much...is what's really going on here.



So Pilate asked Jesus "what is "truth"  It' certainly isn't what Trump and his minions hold as "truth".  Um you present Trump swamp gas that doesn't usually hold up to scrutiny, and a ton of deflection. BTW, If you called me that on the Browns forum- I'd kick your sorry ass off in a heartbeat for a month. So go hide behind Steve. In general, moderators don't take too kindly to personal insults. Or would you like me to sink down to your grade school level of personal insults? I have higher standards. So don't push your luck, my Mod powers do work here- and then who you going to cry to?  Kathy? Steve? Got it?  One more- and you are gone- take that to the bank- I'll be the anti Mr. T if I have to be to restore some semblance of rationality around here. But then there would be nothing left of the Red State Trump circle jerk forum left.... :D   

You however have proven that you're anti LBGT, post a meme applauding killing drug dealers out of hand, and a few other things that prove you're a total whack job who will defend whatever the lack of personal morality Trump has- if it's rational- or not. Go ahead, make an excuse for his BS about voting twice- it should be pretty entertaining.   

You've proven about jack shit pal- other than your a nice little Trumpette, and you don't like opposing opinions 

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1 hour ago, Gorka said:

Why do you lie so much?  I know why, but I'd like to hear from you why.

Perhaps if it came from Fox news you might pay attention, because my worst characteristic is that I'm brutally honest. So eat shit Gorka.


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1 minute ago, hoorta said:

Thanks for making my point... 


Um you present Trump swamp gas that doesn't usually hold up to scrutiny, and a ton of deflection. BTW, If you called me that on the Browns forum- I'd kick your sorry ass off in a heartbeat for a month. So go hide behind Steve. In general, moderators don't take too kindly to personal insults. So don't push your luck, my Mod powers do work here- and then who you going to cry to?  Got it?  

You however have proven that you're anti LBGT, post a meme applauding killing drug dealers out of hand, and a few other things that prove you're a total whack job who will defend whatever the lack of personal morality Trump does- if it's rational- or not. Go ahead, make an excuse for his BS about voting twice- it should be pretty entertaining.   

You've proven about jack shit pal- other than your a nice little Trumpette, and you don't like opposing opinions 


Well well it looks like I a touched a nerve.

Show me where I deflected? You can't.

I haven't proven jack shit?  lol I proved you spreading a lie. More than once...pal.

Everything smell nice up there in Bidens ass?


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18 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Well well it looks like I a touched a nerve.

Show me where I deflected? You can't.

I haven't proven jack shit?  lol I proved you spreading a lie. More than once...pal.

Everything smell nice up there in Bidens ass?


Damn, I hate to say this- but just go the fuck away already, you're living in Trumps alternate reality....  and can't even stay on point- you may think you are, but you're not....  

And that's my damn objective POV as a Mod.  and FWIW, people's lives depended on me making unbiased objective observations. So STFU already.... 

What name would you like me to call you? As far as I'll go in the realm of politeness is MAGAtard....  Incidentally- that's what grade school kids do... Just keep on upping the personal insults until the person attacked lowers themselves to that level, and responds in kind....  

If I'm lying- I'll match you 10 to one on Trumps proven lies...  I'm betting you can't come up with even one, without some fantastical "Trump logic". But keep on deflecting and defending  President Lysol...  

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8 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Perhaps if it came from Fox news you might pay attention, because my worst characteristic is that I'm brutally honest. So eat shit Gorka.


Well if Trump really said those things, I find it appalling and inexcusable. Therefore, I'm gonna man up and admit I was wrong. 

When will you?

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12 minutes ago, hammertime said:


your probably best to just wait after the elections to speak 

cause you keep saying the same thing over and over....

Yeah,  I only try to speak here when the stuff gets so out of hand I feel the need to reply- it's pretty hopeless. The surveys say 90%+ of the electorate has already made up their minds....  Arguing anything here as I've said a bunch of times is an exercise in futility.... 

Funny thing is on the other side of the fence is it's also always the same- the  "Trump Defense Forum".....   

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4 minutes ago, Gorka said:

Well if Trump really said those things, I find it appalling and inexcusable. Therefore, I'm gonna man up and admit I was wrong. 

When will you?

What is it you want me to admit I am wrong about? Then I'll think it over. Like I said you may not like what I say because I'm pretty brutally honest with what I think.

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