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Sturgis Motorcycle Rally - All Gas No Brakes

MLD Woody

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It would be interesting to see serious hospitalizations and/or deaths caused by this event.... NOT JUST POSITIVE TEST RESULTS, as those are simply used as ammunition for ulterior motives by our virtuous leaders. 

My 54yr old male 1st cousin and 30yr old niece both tested positive after having a sore throat for 3+ days. My cousin felt better before he even got the result and felt normal within 10 days after his first symptom. My niece "felt like she had a bad cold" for about 7 days after her first symptoms, and felt normal within 14-20 days.

My cousin lives in Utah, rides mountain bikes, hikes and is easily in the top % of general health for his age group. (just say no to SuperSizing and yes to riding a bike) 

My niece is stage 2 obese, orders pizza and coke nightly to assist her on being a legend at online Call of Duty.  

They are the only people that I personally know who have tested positive, and that is their experience.

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27 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Yeah, why would we ever want to know about positive cases 


If it were AIDS in the 1980s, then sure.... but it is not. 

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23 hours ago, D Bone said:

It would be interesting to see serious hospitalizations and/or deaths caused by this event.... NOT JUST POSITIVE TEST RESULTS, as those are simply used as ammunition for ulterior motives by our virtuous leaders. 

My 54yr old male 1st cousin and 30yr old niece both tested positive after having a sore throat for 3+ days. My cousin felt better before he even got the result and felt normal within 10 days after his first symptom. My niece "felt like she had a bad cold" for about 7 days after her first symptoms, and felt normal within 14-20 days.

My cousin lives in Utah, rides mountain bikes, hikes and is easily in the top % of general health for his age group. (just say no to SuperSizing and yes to riding a bike) 

My niece is stage 2 obese, orders pizza and coke nightly to assist her on being a legend at online Call of Duty.  

They are the only people that I personally know who have tested positive, and that is their experience.

No one is arguing most covid cases are mild or asymptomatic. The danger is- they're still infectious, and could transmit the disease to someone who could wind up in the hospital- or dead.  I won't bother debating anymore to the obvious MAGA  retort- well, the body count is inflated. Their minds are made up anyway it's 90% a political hoax to defeat Trump.... 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

No one is arguing most covid cases are mild or asymptomatic. The danger is- they're still infectious, and could transmit the disease to someone who could wind up in the hospital- or dead.  I won't bother debating anymore to the obvious MAGA  retort- well, the body count is inflated. Their minds are made up anyway it's 90% a political hoax to defeat Trump.... 

You obviously have me confused with someone else living in the political side of your head.... I did not say, and have never said that COVID is a hoax, much less a hoax to defeat Trump.... I'll leave that discussion for you all, as it interests me about as much as debating how good the Stoolers are. 

I simply believe the reaction to COVID has been completely over blown. I believe this because of what I have seen in my everyday, normal life. I am not one to be led to a cliff, much less follow anyone over it..... Imagine if 24 hour news and social media existed in the 80s, when if you contracted HIV you died.... end of story. Dead.  

I personally know 3 people who contacted COVID and HIV.........

2 family members contracted COVID and experienced symptoms no worse than the everyday cold, and they both felt normal in 7-20 days from first symptoms. 

1 friend tested positive for HIV in the summer of 1985,  just 1 month after we both graduated high school........ He never saw Christmas. 

^ Forgive me if I don't panic and lock myself in my room for the foreseeable future of the little time I'm lucky enough to live on this planet.  


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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

No one is arguing most covid cases are mild or asymptomatic. The danger is- they're still infectious, and could transmit the disease to someone who could wind up in the hospital- or dead.  I won't bother debating anymore to the obvious MAGA  retort- well, the body count is inflated. Their minds are made up anyway it's 90% a political hoax to defeat Trump.... 

I think the irrational reporting on it is without a doubt hopes to defeat Trump. Listen to your buddy tex.

Also along with the fact that most cases are mild or asymptomatic the people actually in danger of dying are in their 80s. And sick. Already. And at the average life expectancy in America is 78 years. So your buddy Cuomo was right they were going to die anyway.

And the people that died of and not from something else or a very tiny fraction of Society.

Plus it makes you seem a wine cooler when you tell the grandchildren you lived through such a horrible pandemic. It's not like we've got the Holocaust slavery the Great Depression or World War II to brag about.

"Grandpa tell us the story about not being able to find toilet paper again!"


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I'm pretty sure my brother and his wife had it in January.  They never got tested so who knows.  I know no one else who has gotten it.  The er at local hospitals are not filled with covid patients.  The funeral parlors are looking for business.  I'm beginning to wonder myself.

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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I'm pretty sure my brother and his wife had it in January.  They never got tested so who knows.  I know no one else who has gotten it.  The er at local hospitals are not filled with covid patients.  The funeral parlors are looking for business.  I'm beginning to wonder myself.

Man, same thing here. My daughter came home from Australia December 3rd 2019 via LAX International Terminal. Within 7 days she got really sick. It started with a fever, then sore throat and then coughing like I have never seen. She remained really sick for almost 3 weeks, and the cough lingered until the end of February, long after returning to Australia.

My wife also got sick with the same symptoms just after Christmas, and her cough lingered for 10 weeks. (if she were a horse, I would've called the vet to put her down) 

I too got sick just after the 1st, but not nearly as bad as my daughter or my wife.... Typical cold/flu. 

My mother in law came down Dec 26th for Christmas via San Francisco airport to Burbank airport and was around all of us, including my daughter for 4 days. She flew home Dec 29th and got sick in mid January, ending up in the hospital with pneumonia Feb 10th-15th.... We almost lost her. She now lives in our city in assisted care and is physically doing great, but mentally is miserable because we can not go see her, and if she leaves the building for any reason, she is quarantined for 14 days..... "Existing. Not living." < Her quote.

^ I am 100% positive that we all had it even though none of us have been tested for antibodies.... Some day one of us will test positive for the antibody, but the Dr will say,

"Nah, even though you were all really sick way back then, you couldn't have had COVID that early because it simply wasn't in the USA yet. You just got the deadly virus sometime later but luckily you all didn't get even know it and didn't get sick..... because COVID is such a smart ass virus who loves to play games" 


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17 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Ah yes, the same lady that doesn't want to listen to the "elite class of so called experts". The governor version of one of the biggest issues in this country. Someone that definitely doesn't have ulterior motives for disagreeing with something that makes her state look bad.


I'm convinced

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23 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Ah yes, the same lady that doesn't want to listen to the "elite class of so called experts". The governor version of one of the biggest issues in this country. Someone that definitely doesn't have ulterior motives for disagreeing with something that makes her state look bad.


I'm convinced

I find a conclusion based on speculation laughable.

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Ah yes, the same lady that doesn't want to listen to the "elite class of so called experts". The governor version of one of the biggest issues in this country. Someone that definitely doesn't have ulterior motives for disagreeing with something that makes her state look bad.


I'm convinced

Elite Class of so-called experts otherwise known as media hacks.


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