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The Final Word Thread on how biden makes Trump haters look like fools


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13 minutes ago, Neo said:

If Biden is evil then Trump is the Anti-Christ.

Gorka didn't like it when I pointed out the very scary possibility... Though doing a little Biblical researching a week ago, technically not- "The Antichrist". But "Abomination of Desolation" works for me....  

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Gorka didn't like it when I pointed out the very scary possibility... Though doing a little Biblical researching a week ago, technically not- "The Antichrist". But "Abomination of Desolation" works for me....  

Oh really? That's news to me.

Did you happen like my bible reference? Isiah 45:1?

You don't seem to like the responses below. Cat got your tongue maybe?

      7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Could it be a rumor being spread to smear Trump? Sure- possible.

And that's why you should be as skeptical as us MAGA guys.  At least show some skepticism, as you finally were able to bring yourself to do right there.

But's there's plenty of other documented stuff where he's been caught doing and saying stuff (McClain, Mattis, Kelly) that certainly makes the accusations within the realm of not just possibility, but probability.

Not denying this. I've repudiated more than once his comments about McCain. What you are looking for from us is total agreement with you. Any response other than that is unsatisfactory, evoking  cries of "denial" or "deflection". That is not what constitutes a debate.

Trump is a transactional sort of guy. Regarding the military- Hey- I'd love my boss if he gave me a big fat raise too. (not that they didn't deserve one) I'll reserve judgement of the wisdom on "bring the troops home"... 

Don't know what you're implying here?  That Trump is bribing the military to like him? Please stop.

DTs problem Gorka is its the reverse of the little boy who kept crying wolf. Now suppose this time it's not a wolf, so anyone who isn't a hard core Trump supporter says- yup, he's lied so many times about things- he's just lying again now.... Outside of MAGA circles, Trumps credibility is 100% shot. LOL, and that is a fact!!! Would Bush have caught this sort of flack for alleged comments similar to this? I doubt it. 

Reverse crying wolf in terms of what? That paragraph makes no sense to me, sorry.


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