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Biden presidency scavenger hunt


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Looking forward to another war in some third world country..

Nice high taxes

Tanking economy due to lockdowns..

Rising gas prices

Losing the trade war...

Crazy Harris becoming president

Curing covid

Wheres your guns???

BLM who?


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Be careful of what you ask for you just may get it!

They have been leaking bits and pieces of Socialism slowly and then recently more and more out in the open ... now what will you get the utopia you imagined or the hell you were warned about.  

Heaven help us!

Prepare to see a lot of news outlets lose viewership as the last four years Trump has been the news everyday, now they will have to attempt to do some actual research and journalism.

Say goodbye to all the manufacturing jobs.

Say goodbye to peace in the world.

Say goodbye to your rights.

Say goodbye to your freedoms.

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Incremental harrassment at every turn for gun owners. That at least half the country.

skyrocketing taxes, fees, licenses, registration, you betcha they will try.

eventually, inflation will skyrocket. Primarily driven by energy prices which will skyrocket.

that means everything that is shipped by trucks... will be very, very expensive on the shelves.

Trucking companies will lose money, and close. Shelves went bare because of covid -

you just wait til the truckers go out of business. or go on strike for two or three months, etc.

Crime will explode.

But, maybe some things will be fine, because the dems won't be able to

be successful. They will fail, and they will corrupt our gov even more to protect themselves

from losing power.

It's history, folks. Often. We'll see if the courts can't/won't stop the corruption going on now.


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5 hours ago, Kvoethe said:


Looking forward to another war in some third world country..

Nice high taxes

Tanking economy due to lockdowns..

Rising gas prices

Losing the trade war...

Crazy Harris becoming president

Curing covid

Wheres your guns???

BLM who?


Feel free to add more.




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