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Personal covid stories

Westside Steve

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Within the last week I've heard some reports of some friends some my age some slightly younger who has contracted the virus. That's not surprising it was up on Put-in-Bay something of a closed community where most physical contact this time of year would be in  personal homes. In the last couple days I've heard of at least five people who are close to me and more I only know marginally, add that number to a few more I knew of before. 1 hospitalization and full recovery for a guy who wasn't in great health to begin with. All the rest report symptoms no greater than the common cold with a temporary loss of smell.

Just for the record I would bet that a lot more people will get it and a lot more people will be fine. But for those who prefer to sit on their ass 24/7 you can keep the excuse going until January.


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16 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Old people die. It's what they do. 

And trumpy plus you could give a shit less. I guess you can hardly wait for another 200,000+ before Jan. 20 to help balance the SS budget next year. Sounds like a real plan. Just remember to participate in that plan for the future of the young when you hit eligibility age. 

BTW if I thought that things actually worked that way for my death to save my adult kids and teen grandkids, I'd be first in line asking old St. Pete for a spot up there. But my life experiences with it tell me it just doesn't work that way. And if you did a little search you'd find people of all ages still die of it. Do yourself a favor. Go find a few of the individual stories out there with other than the old. Maybe you will change your "weed 'em out" tune.

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You keep saying 200,000 like it's a relevant number. It's not, except for the fear factory to drum up fear and thus obedience. There's 400 million people in the the country. 200,000 is like a grain of sand on the beach. 


I could post the states death numbers for you again but there's no point in it. You're a fear junkie. And you're old so I guess I don't blame you but I also don't care. 

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Here's a personal story.

My son, 14, contracts an annual cough that sound very croupy due to fall allergies.  Happens every year like clockwork.  A few weeks back, my son contracts this cough on a Tuesday.  I know damn well if he goes to school on Wednesday they will send him home and force us to the Dr.  Wednesday morning I call and schedule the appointment to go to the Dr. that evening.  Other than his croupy cough, no fever, no other symptoms.  The Dr. has no choice but to administer the covid test.  She did say that if it wasn't for covid, she would have sent him home with a prescription for a steroid.  

Dr. says its about a 3 day turn around for the result.  So my son has to stay home until the results are in.  

Saturday morning rolls around and still nothing from the Dr., but I decide to call in and check.  My floor dropped when they said that his test was positive.  So now starts the whole process of the entire house being quarantined.   Mind you, this entire time, my son never never sick beyond the cough.  

My concern is this: As contagious as Covid is made out to be, NO ONE else in my house tested positive.  My wife and I went and got tested and the results were negative.  My son is 14 and fairly active.  We both are usually engaging in father and son horseplay all the time.  If anyone was going to get Covid, it would have been me, and then of course to my wife.  
I'm no Covid denier and my family do our part as requested.  But I can't help but question the test results and how accurate the test is.  I can't help but question how contagious Covid really is. 


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6 minutes ago, BrownsKidd said:

Here's a personal story.

My son, 14, contracts an annual cough that sound very croupy due to fall allergies.  Happens every year like clockwork.  A few weeks back, my son contracts this cough on a Tuesday.  I know damn well if he goes to school on Wednesday they will send him home and force us to the Dr.  Wednesday morning I call and schedule the appointment to go to the Dr. that evening.  Other than his croupy cough, no fever, no other symptoms.  The Dr. has no choice but to administer the covid test.  She did say that if it wasn't for covid, she would have sent him home with a prescription for a steroid.  

Dr. says its about a 3 day turn around for the result.  So my son has to stay home until the results are in.  

Saturday morning rolls around and still nothing from the Dr., but I decide to call in and check.  My floor dropped when they said that his test was positive.  So now starts the whole process of the entire house being quarantined.   Mind you, this entire time, my son never never sick beyond the cough.  

My concern is this: As contagious as Covid is made out to be, NO ONE else in my house tested positive.  My wife and I went and got tested and the results were negative.  My son is 14 and fairly active.  We both are usually engaging in father and son horseplay all the time.  If anyone was going to get Covid, it would have been me, and then of course to my wife.  
I'm no Covid denier and my family do our part as requested.  But I can't help but question the test results and how accurate the test is.  I can't help but question how contagious Covid really is. 


You can't help but question the entire response to this especially because 99% of it has been political up to now. Best wishes to you and your family.


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31 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

You keep saying 200,000 like it's a relevant number. It's not, except for the fear factory to drum up fear and thus obedience. There's 400 million people in the the country. 200,000 is like a grain of sand on the beach. 


I could post the states death numbers for you again but there's no point in it. You're a fear junkie. And you're old so I guess I don't blame you but I also don't care. 

No one wants anyone to die and any death is tragedy. 

Review the number of Deaths due to:
Heart Disease  - 655,000 
Tobacco - 480,000
Alcohol - 95,000
Drug related - 70,000

I understand the argument that heart disease and tobacco addictions aren't contagious.  But what bothers me is the concentrated narrative surrounding Covid and how politicized Covid became. Even though the above deaths aren't contagious (at least not like a virus, but some would argue that there is a social/familial spread), there is plenty that could be done to eliminate and reduce those deaths.  There are actions that the gov't could take to reduce deaths occurring from the issues stated above.  The problem is see, unless the media makes it an issue, no one gives a shit about those deaths.  Those deaths are just "Shit Happens".  


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7 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Could have been a false positive.

Maybe. According to the Dr. the test he was given, the one given to the back of the nasal passage is 97-98% accurate.  
I wanted to get him tested again.  But the Dr. nor the health dept. ever gave that as an option.  
If you test positive they do not throw out the option to go get tested again.  You can, but the health department never advises to got get tested again. 

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10 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

I know 5 people (personally) that have had it.  2 have died, 1 of them being my pastors wife.   She was in so-so health, but the other? He was 51 and seemed perfectly fine.

So that would make 40% for me.


Anecdotal isn't always the finest idea.

This isn't anecdotal. This is hard official numbers. Everyone on this thread is anecdotal.




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20 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

I know 5 people (personally) that have had it.  2 have died, 1 of them being my pastors wife.   She was in so-so health, but the other? He was 51 and seemed perfectly fine.

So that would make 40% for me.


Anecdotal isn't always the finest idea.

Yeah certainly not. But we've had something like a hundred posts from tex about one guy who got sick which proves Trump is the devil. 


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Here’s a little info on the Rona virus count.

My wife has been working as a business office manager in several nursing homes for a little over 30 years.

She knows everything about all of the “residents” including cause of death.

She told me that it’s remarkable that there have been no deaths attributed to pneumonia, seasonal flu, or respiratory issues.

Every single one of them has been declared a victim of Covid 19.

And she’s getting the same story from her network of associates working in the nursing home industry.

Kind of makes you have one of those “uh-oh” moments.

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4 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And trumpy plus you could give a shit less. I guess you can hardly wait for another 200,000+ before Jan. 20 to help balance the SS budget next year. Sounds like a real plan. Just remember to participate in that plan for the future of the young when you hit eligibility age. 

BTW if I thought that things actually worked that way for my death to save my adult kids and teen grandkids, I'd be first in line asking old St. Pete for a spot up there. But my life experiences with it tell me it just doesn't work that way. And if you did a little search you'd find people of all ages still die of it. Do yourself a favor. Go find a few of the individual stories out there with other than the old. Maybe you will change your "weed 'em out" tune.

Millions of babies and millions of people die of smoking where's your outrage those can be easily be prevented will you crusade to save people from those atrocities? 

And Creepy Biden plus you could give a shit less.

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I posted this on another thread somewhere, but I forget which one.

I work for a large biotech company here in Ohio that is paying for COVID tests for it's employees. I took the free COVID antibody test last week and found out that I had contracted COVID sometime within the last 4-6 months without even knowing it. I never showed any symptoms, nor did anyone else in my family and friends group. I guess I'm in the lucky majority of people who get COVID and are asymptomatic. 


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6 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Here’s a little info on the Rona virus count.

My wife has been working as a business office manager in several nursing homes for a little over 30 years.

She knows everything about all of the “residents” including cause of death.

She told me that it’s remarkable that there have been no deaths attributed to pneumonia, seasonal flu, or respiratory issues.

Every single one of them has been declared a victim of Covid 19.

And she’s getting the same story from her network of associates working in the nursing home industry.

Kind of makes you have one of those “uh-oh” moments.

Come on now, you're not supposed to think for yourself.... you're supposed to do as you're told. 

So Harris and Biden are going to get a handle on COVID, and slowly fix all of Trump's mistakes? No, she won't, because she will claim that no matter what she does, Trump's COVID response was "so incompetent that the results are now unstoppable".... Bank it like a Browns loss in Pittsburgh.

Then, her disciples and the media will parrot her remarks until it becomes a fact, and then they can all feel better about themselves as people still die as she tries to keep humanity moving forward.... "It's not our faults, it's HIS" they'll all shout as they all finally reach the limits of how much blood their hearts can give.  

If anyone is still out there who actually thinks for themselves, if they ponder "How the hell do you stop the spread of a virus while keeping some sort of human normality", they will probably have an uh-oh moment of their own..... Too bad those people are all bunched together under a rainbow, next to the pot of gold, petting their unicorns. 


Maybe Harris and Biden will close down the entire country with an executive martial law order... 

Maybe people that have yet to be financially affected by COVID will suddenly get an email from HR telling them they are no longer needed, but at least they will provide the phone number to the local EDD office.

Maybe people that are receiving a fat, juicy pension will get a super fun email from Harris saying she is going to commandeer that payment to help fund a vaccine.... but she'll thank them for their understanding and patriotism as they do their part to save all of those who are less fortunate. 

Maybe you should be careful what you wish for...



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8 hours ago, Vambo said:

Millions of babies and millions of people die of smoking where's your outrage those can be easily be prevented will you crusade to save people from those atrocities? 

And Creepy Biden plus you could give a shit less.

LOL! What the hell were you smoking when you posted that. In fact I grew up in a smoking home and did not carry that on to my own children's home. I also advocated getting it out of VA facilities where I worked and today that VA hospital I worked in (I have no idea about others) is a smoke free zone from the moment you park on the grounds. Go find another issue.

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36 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

LOL! What the hell were you smoking when you posted that. In fact I grew up in a smoking home and did not carry that on to my own children's home. I also advocated getting it out of VA facilities where I worked and today that VA hospital I worked in (I have no idea about others) is a smoke free zone from the moment you park on the grounds. Go find another issue.

Millions of babies die where's your outrage it can be easily be prevented will you crusade to save people from those atrocities? 

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8 hours ago, D Bone said:

Come on now, you're not supposed to think for yourself.... you're supposed to do as you're told. 

So Harris and Biden are going to get a handle on COVID, and slowly fix all of Trump's mistakes? No, she won't, because she will claim that no matter what she does, Trump's COVID response was "so incompetent that the results are now unstoppable".... Bank it like a Browns loss in Pittsburgh.

Then, her disciples and the media will parrot her remarks until it becomes a fact, and then they can all feel better about themselves as people still die as she tries to keep humanity moving forward.... "It's not our faults, it's HIS" they'll all shout as they all finally reach the limits of how much blood their hearts can give.  

If anyone is still out there who actually thinks for themselves, if they ponder "How the hell do you stop the spread of a virus while keeping some sort of human normality", they will probably have an uh-oh moment of their own..... Too bad those people are all bunched together under a rainbow, next to the pot of gold, petting their unicorns. 


Maybe Harris and Biden will close down the entire country with an executive martial law order... 

Maybe people that have yet to be financially affected by COVID will suddenly get an email from HR telling them they are no longer needed, but at least they will provide the phone number to the local EDD office.

Maybe people that are receiving a fat, juicy pension will get a super fun email from Harris saying she is going to commandeer that payment to help fund a vaccine.... but she'll thank them for their understanding and patriotism as they do their part to save all of those who are less fortunate. 

Maybe you should be careful what you wish for...


our country is going to get screwed up so bad, a whole lot of biden voters in the millions will realize they thought they bought a utopian change to America, but ended up dooming America. at least for four years.

  On the bright side, even Munchin of WV says there is no chance he would EVER vote for packing the supreme court,


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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

You? No. But people with average cognitive skills probably could. Whether you agree or not it's not hard to understand.


Well since I am so dense then please explain. It seems very unspecific to me. 

There are millions of babies that die of starvation. I donate yearly to Save The Children and have it selected on my Amazon Smile account so a small % of my every purchase goes to that organization. Now that is more specific.

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