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When A Vaccine Is Available To You


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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

I'm all for vaccinating the elderly first, for two reasons 

1. As the numbers show they're in 100's X more danger than anyone else 

2. If the vaccine turns them into bloodthirsty mutants they won't be able to catch anyone. 

I'm still pretty fast on a racquetball court. Where do you live?🧛‍♂️😂

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5 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just wondering how many of you will decide to get it when it's there. I know I will. First place I will check is the VA since they have all my medical records. I may hold out for Moderna's.

Who will get a COVID-19 vaccine first?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine.  We have a limited amount of this vaccine to start.

We’ve worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal partners to develop a phased plan that will help us do the most good for the most people during this time. Under this phased plan, we’ll first offer vaccines to Veterans in our long-term care facilities and frontline VA health care workers.  Vaccinating our health care workers first helps us continue providing care for Veterans.

After 2 groups, we’ll begin to offer vaccines to more Veterans who are at high risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Your VA health care team will contact you if you’re eligible to get a vaccine during this time.

We will follow CDC guidelines for determining who is considered to be at high risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Factors that may influence the risk of severe disease include the following:

  • Age. The risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 increases with age.
  • Existing health problems. People with certain health problems (like diabetes, heart disease, or obesity) have a higher risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19.
  • Other factors that raise a person’s risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19, such as living in a nursing home or other group living facility.

More questions answered at: www.va.gov/covid-19-vaccine/

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Sure why not. but let me repeat we are stupid if we completely ignore the law of unexpected consequences.


I'll line up for the vaccine as soon as it's available to my (elderly) group.  

Though your point is well taken Steve. Could there be adverse effects that we won't know about until much later?  Possible, not likely. I know enough immunology (just saw the explanation) of how these vaccines work. To make it simple, they contain Messenger RNA (not DNA) that your antibody producing white cells recognize, and they in turn start producing antibodies specifically directed at covid viruses.  

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Here are the common side effects you should expect if you get Moderna's coronavirus shot

10 hours ago

US regulators did not flag any major safety concerns with Moderna's coronavirus vaccine candidate, paving the way for an expected emergency OK that could come later this week.

But that doesn't mean the two-dose vaccine is side-effect free. More than nine in 10 people who got Moderna's shot registered some side effects, which were mostly mild or moderate in severity and lasted one to three days after an injection.

A 53-page briefing document on Moderna's vaccine released Tuesday by the US Food and Drug Administration gave us the most detailed look yet at how safe and effective the shot is. 

Most of these are commonly expected with vaccines, related to the shot generating an immune response in the body. On the whole, these reactions were unpleasant but not threatening.


The most common side effects were:

  • Pain at injection site (91.6%) 
  • Fatigue (68.5%)
  • Headache (63.0%)
  • Muscle pain (59.6%)
  • Joint pain (44.8%)
  • Chills (43.4%)

It's tricky to directly compare Moderna's candidate to Pfizer's vaccine, which won an emergency OK from the US Food and Drug Administration last Friday.

The two clinical trials followed different protocols and split up their participants differently. For instance, Pfizer's study divided results by age into two buckets: older and younger than 55. While setting the two studies side by side is like comparing apples and oranges, it appears that Moderna's shot carried more common and severe side effects than Pfizer's.


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8 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Back in 2007 while I was working for the Government in DC, I got a TDAP, and pneumonia shot all at the same time. Two in the left arm   Next day I had a 102 fever and felt like my arm had been hit by a sledge hammer.

egad. Reminds me of all the air hypo? shots in basic training. Right down the line. Always wondered what all those shots were. lol

I had to go lookup the TDAP acronym...

What is Tdap?

What is the Tdap vaccine? The Tdap vaccine offers protection from three serious diseases: tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough). It's the first booster designed to protect adults and adolescents from whooping cough, a very contagious disease that they're at risk for themselves and can pass on to babies.
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illegals and diseased woodpeckers that fly across the border can carry serious

contagious diseases. We need a vaccine against illegal border crossers.

a by-product intent of those who HATE building our wall and VERIFYING who comes into our country.

Illegal Immigration Spreads Infectious Disease in U.S ...


Judicial Watch Reports that “illegal immigrant minors entering the U.S. are bringing serious diseases—including swine flu, dengue fever, possibly Ebola virus and tuberculosis—that present a danger to the American public as well as the Border Patrol agents forced to care for the kids, according to a U.S. Congressman who is also medical doctor. This has created a ‘severe and …

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yep. the people who HATE us building a wall to keep diseases out, are

angry that fewer Americans will get these diseases:

Diseases in Venezuela

Food borne, water borne and other infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Typhoid, Chikungunya, Tuberculosis, Venezuelan haemorrhagic fever, Measles, Mumps, Cholera, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis D and Rubella occur in Venezuela, with the occasional serious outbreak.


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yeah, let em in, they don't have no stupid vaccines, but we want the illegals to vote again, in greater numbers in American elections...

and Americans to get diseases because they suck United Nations' teats.

Infectious Diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean: Are They Really Emerging and Increasing? 1 Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. During the 1950s and 1960s,... 2 Cholera. Another disease reemerging in the Americas is epidemic cholera,... 3 Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis. An outbreak of human infection with VEE virus associated...

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Quote from a pharmacist:
“There’s something very strange going on with this Covid thing. I’ve been a Pharmacist for 43 years, 30 years as an owner. It’s December 12, 2020, well into the “flu season”.
I have not dispensed any Tamiflu this season whatsoever. Tamiflu generic is the most prescribed medication for the flu, once you’re diagnosed having the flu. Extremely effective. I asked my friend Mike, who works as a salesman for a major national wholesaler, how much tamiflu and generic has he sold to Pharmacies this season. He hasn’t sold any. He has 75 accounts of independent pharmacies across the United States.
Conclusion: By now, it’s well known that Covid tests give false positives. How many of these false positives are actually “the flu”? How many are just “the common cold”? Why does the CDC report daily case numbers & deaths for Covid and not for the flu?
CDC says Covid is more deadly than the flu. Well, if you’re potentially taking a large number of flu cases and bundling them into the Covid numbers, then yes, the perception is that it’s more deadly.
I believe we’re being played. Yes, Covid is real, it can be deadly. We now have drug regimens to treat Covid effectively, one being Dr. Zev Zelenko’s @zev_dr regimen, among others. I believe the Covid numbers are being skewed upward, on purpose to continue instilling fear and panic into people, for governments to continue with lockdowns, for more small businesses to be put out, for more people to kill themselves, or others; for more & more social upheaval. Why? Total population control through fear. If we are so obedient to wear masks, obedient to stand here, don’t stand there, obedient to get the Covid vaccine, obedient to carry proof you’ve gotten the vaccine; otherwise, you won’t be able to fly; then it will be buses, trains, taxis, Uber’s,Target,Walmart, grocery stores, everything. Just like that. You’re giving up your freedoms to a virus that has a 99.4 % survival rate, according to the CDC. And the vaccine? Like I’ve told my customers all these years; don’t be the first on your block to try anything new. They really don’t know what they’ll find out in 6 months, a year, 5 years & longer, that can be attributed to the vaccine.
It’s way past time for people to take their heads out of their **rears** and start thinking for themselves.
---Harvey Staub
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2 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

Who will get a COVID-19 vaccine first?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine.  We have a limited amount of this vaccine to start.

We’ve worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal partners to develop a phased plan that will help us do the most good for the most people during this time. Under this phased plan, we’ll first offer vaccines to Veterans in our long-term care facilities and frontline VA health care workers.  Vaccinating our health care workers first helps us continue providing care for Veterans.

After 2 groups, we’ll begin to offer vaccines to more Veterans who are at high risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Your VA health care team will contact you if you’re eligible to get a vaccine during this time.

We will follow CDC guidelines for determining who is considered to be at high risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Factors that may influence the risk of severe disease include the following:

  • Age. The risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 increases with age.
  • Existing health problems. People with certain health problems (like diabetes, heart disease, or obesity) have a higher risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19.
  • Other factors that raise a person’s risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19, such as living in a nursing home or other group living facility.

More questions answered at: www.va.gov/covid-19-vaccine/

Veterans can sign up for notifications through that website. I did that earlier today. They will eventually let you know when you can schedule the vaccine. I plan to send a note to my primary care team to schedule me as soon as eligible as an older vet taking VA meds for VA diagnosed hypertension, one of those risky health problems for more severe reactions.

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9 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Veterans can sign up for notifications through that website. I did that earlier today. They will eventually let you know when you can schedule the vaccine. I plan to send a note to my primary care team to schedule me as soon as eligible as an older vet taking VA meds for VA diagnosed hypertension, one of those risky health problems for more severe reactions.

I was told my my PACT  Team that they will notify me when available.

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2 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I was told my my PACT  Team that they will notify me when available.

Thanks. I'm putting my request in to the team this morning. I suspect I will get the same answer.

EDIT: An FYI for vets who use VA.


EDIT #2: And it appears Cleveland VA was one of the prioritized sites for use since they have a high COVID population of patients.


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