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The corolation between the American left and the pre=WWII nazi party

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as I've showed in the past, America changes direction ever 4/8 years to put

the Great Ship America back on course.

except the dems are working on dismantling the steering....

the left are a lot of people who demand control over other people. It's a sick thing - they are hell bent to

prop up their fragile egos and inherent failings as human beings - by accruing the power to manipulate other people.

     You can find these people in churches, not just politics. You can find them in education...the military.....some coaching positions - especially of kids... the clergy.... forums...managers of online platforms.....some police depts......colleges......etc.

  That is why so many people joined the ranks of the nazis. Why so many joined the communist parties in communist china and the soviet union.

    It's sickening - the extremes that have occurred in history, groups of people controlling.

the nazis were worse than dangerous in this way - they were ruthlessly satanic like in their demand for control and power over people.

It's like a narcotic to most - they get that power, and it rages in groups. like the kkk, blm, weathermen....antifa, ms13....

and social media has enabled collective groups emerging. A lot like the borg of Star Trek, who were famous for their cold blooded
You will be assimilated" to every non-Borg human being.

The left in America is saying to Real America - "you must be assimilated" so they don't lose their power. They have to have more and more and more and more of it.

  At every single aspect of Real American life, they bitch, endlessly, and insist on turning everything upside-down, inside-out and bass-ackwards.

   At this point - what HAVEN"T they bitched about? Christians, Christian churches, conservatives, right to life, property ownership, people who worked hard all their lives to be successful, imaginary victimhood at every single second they imagine some kind of fake persecution so they can rally other controllers' demands for.

   "all police". "all conservatives". "all rich people". "all white people", capitalism, Real Marriage, anything Biblical, cows, pickup trucks, every single hamburger bun is racist, guns, fishing rods, boats, campers, traveling, farming.... etc etc etc - they label "RACIST" because the black power groups in cities don't do those things.

  But it is all just a play for power. Just....like.... how the nazis grew to dominate Germany and other countries - POWER. and they always have to have persecuted people. The nazis persecuted Jews - blamed them for anything they could think of. Socially and economically destroyed their lives and livelihoods, destroyed their safety, put them on the run, and finally put them in death camps.

   Right now, it's ok for blm/antifa/ms13 to burn cities down, murder rape beat up other people. nazis had that kind of power, too.

the nazi brownshirts served their purpose well. See the similarities?

Just read  - and see it. History repeats itself for those who don't know it.

And, btw, note the definition of "left". Compare leftwing behavior..to nazi behavior.




The Brownshirts: The Role of the Sturmabteilung (SA) in Nazi Germany 




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Your hero tried a (failed)  coup on January 6th. "come on down it will be wild".  Pound salt in your delusions.  That's what Banana Republic strongmen do- when they don't like the results of a free and fair election. Create nonexistent conspiracy theories- I know you've got a million of them on why Cheetos lost.  60-1. But-but- but my ass...  

You're the one who's blindly following a megalomaniac pathological liar into a dictatorship. Unfortunately,  you're so far down in rabbit hole of the adulation of Mr. Cult- you can't possibly see the OTHER parallel to Adolph and the Nazis... .  

Biden and the Democrats aren't perfect- but at least they're not insane....  

PS- your hero wouldn't know what statesmanship is if it walked up to him and hit him upside of the head with a 2X4.  

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Biden and the Democrats aren't perfect- but at least they're not insane....  

I got a great laugh out of this.

You should consider stand up comedy.

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Your hero tried a (failed)  coup on January 6th. "come on down it will be wild".  Pound salt in your delusions.  That's what Banana Republic strongmen do- when they don't like the results of a free and fair election. Create nonexistent conspiracy theories- I know you've got a million of them on why Cheetos lost.  60-1. But-but- but my ass...  

You're the one who's blindly following a megalomaniac pathological liar into a dictatorship. Unfortunately,  you're so far down in rabbit hole of the adulation of Mr. Cult- you can't possibly see the OTHER parallel to Adolph and the Nazis... .  

Biden and the Democrats aren't perfect- but at least they're not insane....  

PS- your hero wouldn't know what statesmanship is if it walked up to him and hit him upside of the head with a 2X4.  

I think both of you are filtering things through your own lenses of what you want to be true but cal is somewhat closer to the truth. The left is a regressive homogeneous viewpoint where no free ideas or innovation can thrive and they militantly seek to enforce it in all walks of life. 


Your fevered delusions of an insurrection are somewhat laughable. The capitol protests were pretty far down the list of demonstrations that were anywhere close to an actual insurrection except in liberal heads. 

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Remember that meme, everybody I hate is Hitler? While I truly believe that any comparison between any modern American politician and Uncle Adolf is a crock of shit there are certainly similarities among the way the national socialists came to power and any other turnover of political power anywhere in the world.   Just like animal farm works for the Bolshevik revolution and 1776.

 But it aint happening here today. Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the bunker.



 As to the lunatic rage against trump? Feh

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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Your hero tried a (failed)  coup on January 6th. "come on down it will be wild".  Pound salt in your delusions.  That's what Banana Republic strongmen do- when they don't like the results of a free and fair election. Create nonexistent conspiracy theories- I know you've got a million of them on why Cheetos lost.  60-1. But-but- but my ass...  

You're the one who's blindly following a megalomaniac pathological liar into a dictatorship. Unfortunately,  you're so far down in rabbit hole of the adulation of Mr. Cult- you can't possibly see the OTHER parallel to Adolph and the Nazis... .  

Biden and the Democrats aren't perfect- but at least they're not insane....  

PS- your hero wouldn't know what statesmanship is if it walked up to him and hit him upside of the head with a 2X4.  

Still hung up on Trump huh, still spreading lies to make yourself feel better about voting for the murdering Biden and your involvement in the bloodshed happening around the country ...lol 

Your TDS runs deep you are beyond help I see a padded room in your future! May God have mercy on your soul!

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that is just another glaring example of Hoorta's TDS BS.


That is after I clearing explained my contention on the subject previously in the past.

It makes for a very, very legit discussion.

all Tex and Hoorta can do is troll, and change subjects because they can't keep up with

any legit thread.

  Too bad, but - it's emotional knee jerk time, every time, with them.

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6 hours ago, Vambo said:

Still hung up on Trump huh, still spreading lies to make yourself feel better about voting for the murdering Biden and your involvement in the bloodshed happening around the country ...lol 

Your TDS runs deep you are beyond help I see a padded room in your future! May God have mercy on your soul!

Same for you MAGAs...  You like living in some right wing alternate reality.  

Nope- Donald Trump is a danger to democracy in America.  I duly notice some here have deluded themselves into thinking what happened January 6th was OK.  

I saw this in another forum-  Sorry that Cal's "Greatest President in the history of America" falls far short of the mark....  

"Trump’s legacy will be that of a one term twice impeached President that ran record trade and fiscal deficits, lost the trade war with China, while bankrupting thousands of small farmers. Failed campaign promises include and are not limited to building the wall along the Mexico/US Border and denuclearizing North Korea. Trump also minimized the Covid-19 pandemic and continuously played golf while 500,000 people died. His opponent in the 2020 presidential election received the most votes of any election in US history. Trump ran the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States with 276 indictments and his administration and he, himself, lost over 100 court cases, many by judges he appointed. Last, he instigated an attempted coup of the federal government promoting violence and then denounced his loyal followers after the coup failed affectively throwing them under the bus. AND that's the abbreviated version!"

wah, wah, wah- It's all FAKE NEWS.  Stuff it Vambo.  

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14 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Trump also minimized the Covid-19 pandemic and continuously played golf while 500,000 people died.

Larry, you’re spewing bullshit again.

There was 400k Covid deaths under the Trump administration.

The Covid body count under Biden is nearing 200k….and he has the luxury of using the Trump vaccine.

Would you care to make a wager that there will be more Covid deaths under Biden vs Trump?

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Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump

29 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Same for you MAGAs...  You like living in some right wing alternate reality.  

Nope- Donald Trump is a danger to democracy in America.  I duly notice some here have deluded themselves into thinking what happened January 6th was OK.  

I saw this in another forum-  Sorry that Cal's "Greatest President in the history of America" falls far short of the mark....  

"Trump’s legacy will be that of a one term twice impeached President that ran record trade and fiscal deficits, lost the trade war with China, while bankrupting thousands of small farmers. Failed campaign promises include and are not limited to building the wall along the Mexico/US Border and denuclearizing North Korea. Trump also minimized the Covid-19 pandemic and continuously played golf while 500,000 people died. His opponent in the 2020 presidential election received the most votes of any election in US history. Trump ran the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States with 276 indictments and his administration and he, himself, lost over 100 court cases, many by judges he appointed. Last, he instigated an attempted coup of the federal government promoting violence and then denounced his loyal followers after the coup failed affectively throwing them under the bus. AND that's the abbreviated version!"

wah, wah, wah- It's all FAKE NEWS.  Stuff it Vambo.  

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump 176325561_10208339927292326_3558815598519567615_n.jpg.673c9c65fb48d2c4d35afd2c05e64c0b.jpg

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Hoorta can't explain his dumb stances, it's all for antagonistic show. resorting to false bombastic slurs that have zero

legitimacy is all he has.

not workin, emotionally jerkin.

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Same for you MAGAs...  You like living in some right wing alternate reality.  

Nope- Donald Trump is a danger to democracy in America.  I duly notice some here have deluded themselves into thinking what happened January 6th was OK.  

I saw this in another forum-  Sorry that Cal's "Greatest President in the history of America" falls far short of the mark....  

"Trump’s legacy will be that of a one term twice impeached President that ran record trade and fiscal deficits, lost the trade war with China, while bankrupting thousands of small farmers. Failed campaign promises include and are not limited to building the wall along the Mexico/US Border and denuclearizing North Korea. Trump also minimized the Covid-19 pandemic and continuously played golf while 500,000 people died. His opponent in the 2020 presidential election received the most votes of any election in US history. Trump ran the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States with 276 indictments and his administration and he, himself, lost over 100 court cases, many by judges he appointed. Last, he instigated an attempted coup of the federal government promoting violence and then denounced his loyal followers after the coup failed affectively throwing them under the bus. AND that's the abbreviated version!"

wah, wah, wah- It's all FAKE NEWS.  Stuff it Vambo.  

You truly are nuts.

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3 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

You truly are nuts.

neither he nor Tex can name one good/great thing their obaMao commie or biden did

for America in eight years, nor can they point to ANYTHING good/great their biden fool

has ever done good/great for America in 47 years.

They can't name one, they're done.

troll as they want -

this is the truth:


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On 5/6/2021 at 9:12 PM, DieHardBrownsFan said:

You truly are nuts.

Nope-sorry.   VAM-BOT and the folks living in the alternate reality of Cheetos are the "nuts". .   Cheney for President, or Ben Sasse. Don't think the few extant moderate republicans with the balls to stand up to Trump aren't hoping he'd just drop dead from a heart attack, and soon?   

“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light,” Mr. Trump said. “And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but we’re going to test it?” he added, turning to Mr. Bryan, who had returned to his seat. “And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way.”

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?” he asked. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.” :D :D :D 

Yes DHB- the ignoramus actually said that.. but Joe is senile... you still want to think he actually "won" the election 60 court cases to the contrary?  Mr. of 30,000 lies and disinformation.  

I'll start at his Wall- that Mexico was going to pay for- Remember? Well, I happen to have in my possession a peso (pre devaluation) that I'll be happy to contribute to the cause. It's worth about 1\5000th of a cent.  :D  We're going to have a great infrastructure plan. Really?  I'll replace Obamacare with something far better. My ass. RE: Covid- "it's just going to go away, by Easter, when the weather warms up, blah, blah X 20+ times of bullshit.  

Well, I've said my piece- enjoy your right wing circle jerk.  

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Hoorta can't comment on the OP, the lefties emotionally knee-jerk and ramble slurs about other crap.

in fact, every time we try to talk about the truth about things, every one of these biden worshippers emotionally get

terrified like startled chipmunks


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16 hours ago, hoorta said:

Well, I've said my piece- enjoy your right wing circle jerk.  

We will, especially after witnessing your deep throating of Biden and other Liberal nonsense.


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On 5/6/2021 at 4:17 PM, Vambo said:

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump 

So endearing Vambo- I've got you trained like a Pavlov dog....   all I have to do is just say TRUMP and HERE WE GO VAMBO!!  HERE WE GO!!!  TDS, TDS TDS....   :D  :D  :D  

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7 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

We will, especially after witnessing your deep throating of Biden and other Liberal nonsense.


I don't buy most of the liberal nonsense FWIW. But I also don't live in the Trump rabbit hole either.  What this country dearly needs is a moderate right party that isn't kissing Trump's (delusional) ass on a regular basis. I know what I heard- and Trump is out of his f**king mind...  

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

So endearing Vambo- I've got you trained like a Pavlov dog....   all I have to do is just say TRUMP and here we go Vambo!!!  Here we go!!!  TDS, TDS TDS....   :D  :D  :D  


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9 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I don't buy most of the liberal nonsense FWIW. But I also don't live in the Trump rabbit hole either.  What this country dearly needs is a moderate right party that isn't kissing Trump's (delusional) ass on a regular basis. I know what I heard- and Trump is out of his f**king mind...  


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1 minute ago, Vambo said:


ROTFLMAO!!!!  Actually, I live rent free in YOUR head...   Can't give it up yet huh?   WOW!!! You know how to create memes....   Means your more intelligent than 90% of the MAGA cretins... :D :D :D  

Actually Cheetos is still living rent free in your head. You must have a bot surveying the board..   Joe lives rent free in your head....   

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

ROTFLMAO!!!!  Actually, I live rent free in YOUR head...   Can't give it up yet huh?   WOW!!! You know how to create memes....   Means your more intelligent than 90% of the MAGA cretins... :D :D :D  

Actually Cheetos is still living rent free in your head. You must have a bot surveying the board..   Joe lives rent free in your head....   


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18 hours ago, hoorta said:

I don't buy most of the liberal nonsense FWIW. But I also don't live in the Trump rabbit hole either.  What this country dearly needs is a moderate right party that isn't kissing Trump's (delusional) ass on a regular basis. I know what I heard- and Trump is out of his f**king mind...  


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On 5/6/2021 at 7:51 AM, The Cysko Kid said:

I think both of you are filtering things through your own lenses of what you want to be true but cal is somewhat closer to the truth. The left is a regressive homogeneous viewpoint where no free ideas or innovation can thrive and they militantly seek to enforce it in all walks of life. 


Your fevered delusions of an insurrection are somewhat laughable. The capitol protests were pretty far down the list of demonstrations that were anywhere close to an actual insurrection except in liberal heads. 

So the gaslighting is already working...

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

So the gaslighting is already working...

 So gaslighting must be the new hipster psychobabble meaningless catchphrase right?

 But really woodpecker if you think that was an actual insurrection and not just a bunch of middle aged people milling around (Well except for the unarmed women that was murdered)  It's time to buy a few rifles go to the basement and waited for the Civil War.


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16 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

So the gaslighting is already working...

Whatever you think woody. Ive of late bern put in the position where literally none of any of your bullshit and by your I mean any of you matter the first thing to me. I could not give less of a fuck what you think. Sorry to have to put it so bluntly, because I do like you. 

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18 hours ago, Vambo said:



Seriously, don't you have something more productive to do with your time than feebly trying to insult me pavlov doggie? Your string of responses shows you're obviously following my comments WOW!!! I even have my own MAGA Fan Club!!! I'm honored.  :D :D :D 

Why not run along and see what other right wing crap you can dig up on The Blaze, Red State, Newsmax, or OANN... Stuff your other right wing pals will really appreciate keeping up on the latest conspiracies...  

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