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The corolation between the American left and the pre=WWII nazi party

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Hoorta is just a liberal pretending to be "objective".

No, Hoorta, you never listed one, because there isn't one. You're so much like your woodpecker -

"I won that debate, blah blah, nonsense TDS BS".

There is NOTHING your obaMao commie or biden did that was good/great FOR AMERICA,

because they failed to do anything good/great FOR AMERICA = they did good for you, Constitution, Israel ignoring/bashing, military disrespecting, Constitution hating wannabe fascists.

You and Mex cry about the Constitution - yet you fully support this:

Promises Broken: Obama’s Attack on the Constitution - The ...


Jul 28, 2011 · Obama turned the U.S. Constitution on its head in that signing statement, taking for himself and the imperial presidency a power that is exclusively reserved to …

Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

President Obama Says U.S. Constitution ‘Just a Piece of ...


Jan 10, 2017 · President Obama, as he concluded his farewell address in Chicago on Tuesday, called the U.S. Constitution “just a piece of parchment." “Our Constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift,” said...

Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution | Op ...


Nov 03, 2008 · But Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution. He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to …

Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution | Canada Free Press


Nov 01, 2008 · Barack Obama complains that the Constitution is a `charter of negative liberties.’ That’s because the Constitution was intended as a limiting document, to curtail the power of the federal...

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9 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 Because  if you support the Joe Biden economic plan  and immigration policy, you are garden variety  tax and spend free shit antibusiness liberals who encourage illegal immigration. 

 I haven't seen enough to know if you actually join the squad in terms of antisemitism. 

 As simple as that.


FWIW Steve...  I happen to be a fiscal conservative- and printing trillions that we don't have bothers me greatly. Sugar high? We'll soon enough see. Also pro life- but flip flopping phony Cheetos on the issue doesn't even know which end of a Bible is up- (fact) and couldn't 't even quote a verse- outside of someone of the Falwell persuasion cluing him in what to quote from 2 Corinthians.  :D  Trump was perfectly willing FYI- to let potential immigrants rot on the other side of the border. Is it an issue now? Sure as hell is- but maybe you ought to look at the inscription on the Statue of Liberty before you say- just keep the riff-raff out of our flag waving Trumpist America.  

Squad? don't get me started...  Marjorie Taylor Green "Moron Loco" is every bit as far right as any of the squad is far left. Period- end of discussion.  As far as I'm concerned, they can ship her off to Auschwitz and give her the gas treatment for that incredibly clueless and crude anti Semitic comment.  Or you want to tell me a few 100k folks died unnecessarily because Cheetos told his minions "masks optional"? 

BTW, one of the guys I looked up  to in my CSU tennis days- John Hirsh was as Jewish as they come.  

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11 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Hoorta is just a liberal pretending to be "objective".

No, Hoorta, you never listed one, because there isn't one. You're so much like your woodpecker -

"I won that debate, blah blah, nonsense TDS BS".

There is NOTHING your obaMao commie or biden did that was good/great FOR AMERICA,

because they failed to do anything good/great FOR AMERICA = they did good for you, Constitution, Israel ignoring/bashing, military disrespecting, Constitution hating wannabe fascists.

You and Mex cry about the Constitution - yet you fully support this:

Promises Broken: Obama’s Attack on the Constitution - The ...


Jul 28, 2011 · Obama turned the U.S. Constitution on its head in that signing statement, taking for himself and the imperial presidency a power that is exclusively reserved to …

Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins

President Obama Says U.S. Constitution ‘Just a Piece of ...


Jan 10, 2017 · President Obama, as he concluded his farewell address in Chicago on Tuesday, called the U.S. Constitution “just a piece of parchment." “Our Constitution is a remarkable, beautiful gift,” said...

Barack Obama's Poor Understanding of the Constitution | Op ...


Nov 03, 2008 · But Obama, like many leftists before him, is unhappy with the constraints of our Constitution. He wants to turn voluntary responsibilities and moral obligations that citizens choose to …

Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution | Canada Free Press


Nov 01, 2008 · Barack Obama complains that the Constitution is a `charter of negative liberties.’ That’s because the Constitution was intended as a limiting document, to curtail the power of the federal...

Seriously- are you brain damaged or what?  Just quit the crap already- I listed stuff TWICE short attention span.. Deny, deflect- You claim it's BS- I call your right wing crap BS ditto.  Fair enough?   That's called DEFLECTION Cal... Trump is documented asking Mike Pence to overthrow the electoral vote & that was hunky-dory from his POV.   (that potentially could have gotten Mike killed),  I hate to slime down to your delusional level-  so go fuck yourself...  

You're so far in denial of reality... Just go back to your right wing rabbit hole, and keep up on Red State, Blaze, and other assorted crap that keeps polluting your mind.  

SCOTUS says TRUMP LOST...   Cheetos was under the delusion "HIS" Supreme Court was- against all evidence to the contrary- just going to declare him Emperor for life.  BARF!!!!   Until you're willing to admit that's a Trumplican fucked up version of reality, you're part of the problem, not the solution....  

Cheetos incited an armed insurrection on the Capitol- with Congress in session.  As my very objective wife just told me. "What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when they come for you"?  Bad boy.  :D :D :D   Cheetos knows damn well he's the witch in the witch hunt- and the walls are closing in.  Slime ball business dealings back to Atlantic city-  (well documented, I may add). Al Capone went to Alcatraz for tax evasion.  Will his tax accountant tell all to get a lighter sentence?   Nah- his palling around with Epstein was just a coincidence. He had better hope Ghislaine doesn't sing like a canary...  FYI Cal...   your greatest president ever is at the top of the slime and anti democratic list ever too.  Just too bad Joe and the squad didn't repeat his campaign act... LOCK HIM UP!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!  

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48 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Seriously- are you brain damaged or what?  Just quit the crap already- I listed stuff TWICE short attention span.. Deny, deflect- You claim it's BS- I call your right wing crap BS ditto.  Fair enough?   That's called DEFLECTION Cal... Trump is documented asking Mike Pence to overthrow the electoral vote & that was hunky-dory from his POV.   (that potentially could have gotten Mike killed),  I hate to slime down to your delusional level-  so go fuck yourself...  

You're so far in denial of reality... Just go back to your right wing rabbit hole, and keep up on Red State, Blaze, and other assorted crap that keeps polluting your mind.  

SCOTUS says TRUMP LOST...   Cheetos was under the delusion "HIS" Supreme Court was- against all evidence to the contrary- just going to declare him Emperor for life.  BARF!!!!   Until you're willing to admit that's a Trumplican fucked up version of reality, you're part of the problem, not the solution....  

Cheetos incited an armed insurrection on the Capitol- with Congress in session.  As my very objective wife just told me. "What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when they come for you"?  Bad boy.  :D :D :D   Cheetos knows damn well he's the witch in the witch hunt- and the walls are closing in.  Slime ball business dealings back to Atlantic city-  (well documented, I may add). Al Capone went to Alcatraz for tax evasion.  Will his tax accountant tell all to get a lighter sentence?   Nah- his palling around with Epstein was just a coincidence. He had better hope Ghislaine doesn't sing like a canary...  FYI Cal...   your greatest president ever is at the top of the slime and anti democratic list ever too.  Just too bad Joe and the squad didn't repeat his campaign act... LOCK HIM UP!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!  

Biden incited hundreds of armed insurrections across the US, he does what his tramp wife and Hoe VP tell him when he is not drugged up...but just remember!



This is what you voted for...LOCK HIM UP!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!  

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

FWIW Steve...  I happen to be a fiscal conservative- and printing trillions that we don't have bothers me greatly. Sugar high? We'll soon enough see. Also pro life- but flip flopping phony Cheetos on the issue doesn't even know which end of a Bible is up- (fact) and couldn't 't even quote a verse- outside of someone of the Falwell persuasion cluing him in what to quote from 2 Corinthians.  :D  Trump was perfectly willing FYI- to let potential immigrants rot on the other side of the border. Is it an issue now? Sure as hell is- but maybe you ought to look at the inscription on the Statue of Liberty before you say- just keep the riff-raff out of our flag waving Trumpist America.  

Squad? don't get me started...  Marjorie Taylor Green "Moron Loco" is every bit as far right as any of the squad is far left. Period- end of discussion.  As far as I'm concerned, they can ship her off to Auschwitz and give her the gas treatment for that incredibly clueless and crude anti Semitic comment.  Or you want to tell me a few 100k folks died unnecessarily because Cheetos told his minions "masks optional"? 

BTW, one of the guys I looked up  to in my CSU tennis days- John Hirsh was as Jewish as they come.  

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

FWIW Steve...  I happen to be a fiscal conservative- and printing trillions that we don't have bothers me greatly. Sugar high? We'll soon enough see.

 No we won't soon see.  This is more like the dead beats in the private sector who let their utility bills and mortgage get behind years and tahe a 150%  home value loan.  Pay it off but still neglect the bills.

We will see economic sleight of hand and a corrupt media to tell us everything is wonderful even though even now inflation is going through the roof.  Not to mention the remnants of the US workforce. And again that's what you voted for. Not for for ben sasse   not for Liz Chaney not for Mike pence.  Would those people support this garbage? Of course not. But... I would rather have Marjorie Taylor green voting on issues that matter to me  regardless of a couple crackpot remarks , rather than AOC Omar or Maxine waters.

Also pro life- but flip flopping phony Cheetos on the issue doesn't even know which end of a Bible is up- (fact) and couldn't 't even quote a verse- outside of someone of the Falwell persuasion cluing him in what to quote from 2 Corinthians.  :D  Trump was perfectly willing FYI- to let potential immigrants rot on the other side of the border. Is it an issue now? Sure as hell is- but maybe you ought to look at the inscription on the Statue of Liberty before you say- just keep the riff-raff out of our flag waving Trumpist America.  

 Again who gives a fuck about the flip flop if the candidate flipped to the position you support. The asshole you voted for flip flopped but in the opposite direction. The fake Catholic

Squad? don't get me started...  Marjorie Taylor Green "Moron Loco" is every bit as far right as any of the squad is far left. Period- end of discussion.  As far as I'm concerned, they can ship her off to Auschwitz and give her the gas treatment for that incredibly clueless and crude anti Semitic comment.  Or you want to tell me a few 100k folks died unnecessarily because Cheetos told his minions "masks optional"? 

Marjorie Taylor Greene has nothing to do with anti-Semitism and hating Israel like your candidate. And his minions. (Actually  His handlers;  the old fool is a minion himself)And mask optional? What a bunch of bullshit. The United States had less deaths  per capita just about every shitbag foreign country that made people wear masks all the time.  And people with brains  (meaning not Joe) realise it's not  Within the president's power to tell people to wear masks or not. It's a state thing remember?  So look at the numbers in the lockdown states run by your new party. (And look at your hypocrite Democrat governors fucking off on their own requirements when they think cameras are on). 

BTW, one of the guys I looked up  to in my CSU tennis days- John Hirsh was as Jewish as they come.  

 So what? What does that have to do with anything? When you sober up go back and read what I said I don't accuse you of personality being an anti-Semite particularly but you support people like the squad and the Democrat party who are some of the most anti-Israel (and pro Hamas) politicians we've seen in while. 





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Just a little review so folks can remember what they are loyal to and not who they are loyal to. It was never about either Biden or Trump and what they did or did not accomplish. It has always been about one man's attempt to be dictator 🤥 or king 🤴, take your choice. Either way this date in history (May 25) was to ensure we would never have either dictator nor king and to ensure power was split between executive, legislature and court. If you ignore the latter in favor of loyalty to an individual then you need this review to remind you of what makes you Constitutional and why. If you fail to recognize final court decisions, then you are not a defender of the Constitution.


"During three months of debate, the delegates devised a brilliant federal system characterized by an intricate system of checks and balances."

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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just a little review so folks can remember what they are loyal to and not who they are loyal to. It was never about either Biden or Trump and what they did or did not accomplish. It has always been about one man's attempt to be dictator 🤥 or king 🤴, take your choice. Either way this date in history (May 25) was to ensure we would never have either dictator nor king and to ensure power was split between executive, legislature and court. If you ignore the latter in favor of loyalty to an individual then you need this review to remind you of what makes you Constitutional and why. If you fail to recognize final court decisions, then you are not a defender of the Constitution.


"During three months of debate, the delegates devised a brilliant federal system characterized by an intricate system of checks and balances."


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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just a little review so folks can remember what they are loyal to and not who they are loyal to.

 You should heed your own words. 

Among other things...

I am personally loyal to border security. Making it easier for qualified emigrants to make their homes here. And much harder for illegal's drug dealers coyotes et cetera to come across the border.

 I am loyal to standing firm with Israel not Iran not hamas

 If I try to be loyal to fiscal responsibility which we can't really expect from either party or either candidate. But it's much much worse from Joe Biden 's puppermasters.  Show I am forced to choose between dog shit and cat shit.

 I am loyal to energy independence and American energy options. Not Middle Eastern not Russia.

 I am loyal to equality not equity. Not propping up the dregs of our society and rewarding BLM for  the underperformance of their race.  That includes equal pay for equal results.

 As for law and order?  An assault murder rape robbery  is the same crime regardless of the race or religion of the people involved.

 I am loyal to people regardless of colour being responsible for their own actions.

 I am loyal to less of a footprint in unwinnable wars in 3rd world shitholes. Even though I know sometimes you have to hold your nose and shoot.

 I am loyal to low corporate and capital gains taxes to allow American business to compete in the world market.

 Whichever candidate is closest to me in those ideals is the candidate I will support.  Regardless of his personality hair colour or age.



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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Cheetos incited an armed insurrection on the Capitol- with Congress in session.  As my very objective wife just told me. "What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do when they come for you"?  Bad boy.  :D :D :D   Cheetos knows damn well he's the witch in the witch hunt- and the walls are closing in.  Slime ball business dealings back to Atlantic city-  (well documented, I may add). Al Capone went to Alcatraz for tax evasion.  Will his tax accountant tell all to get a lighter sentence?   Nah- his palling around with Epstein was just a coincidence. He had better hope Ghislaine doesn't sing like a canary...  FYI Cal...   your greatest president ever is at the top of the slime and anti democratic list ever too.  Just too bad Joe and the squad didn't repeat his campaign act... LOCK HIM UP!!! LOCK HIM UP!!!!  


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just a little review so folks can remember what they are loyal to and not who they are loyal to.

you are getting to be more incoherent and irrelevant in your posts. It's like some folks I've met in years past. They would use a Bible verse, take it out of context, to manipulate people to do what they wanted them to do. Paint the church, mow lawn, come every single Sunday, teach Sunday School, sweep the floor.

   There were a few times they tried that with me - I explained the original Hebrew and Greek context of the verse, and explained that they were out of line trying to manipulate me.

   Never happened again. She actually came up much later on and apologized. I was good with that.

   You are very much like her - except you would be quoting some witches incantation, here's a good read for you, since you are engrossed in gross bs:

Occultism in Nazism - Wikipedia


Historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 's 1985 book, The Occult Roots of Nazism, discussed the possibility of links between the ideas of the occult and those of Nazism. The book's main subject was the racist-

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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Just a little review so folks can remember what they are loyal to and not who they are loyal to. It was never about either Biden or Trump and what they did or did not accomplish. It has always been about one man's attempt to be dictator 🤥 or king 🤴, take your choice. Either way this date in history (May 25) was to ensure we would never have either dictator nor king and to ensure power was split between executive, legislature and court. If you ignore the latter in favor of loyalty to an individual then you need this review to remind you of what makes you Constitutional and why. If you fail to recognize final court decisions, then you are not a defender of the Constitution.


"During three months of debate, the delegates devised a brilliant federal system characterized by an intricate system of checks and balances."

'Squad' Dems threaten to block police reform again, citing 'structural racism'


Latest Democrat apologizes after being caught violating COVID rules that she supposedly supports


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

 You should heed your own words. 

Among other things...

I am personally loyal to border security. Making it easier for qualified emigrants to make their homes here. And much harder for illegal's drug dealers coyotes et cetera to come across the border.

 I am loyal to standing firm with Israel not Iran not hamas

 If I try to be loyal to fiscal responsibility which we can't really expect from either party or either candidate. But it's much much worse from Joe Biden 's puppermasters.  Show I am forced to choose between dog shit and cat shit.

 I am loyal to energy independence and American energy options. Not Middle Eastern not Russia.

 I am loyal to equality not equity. Not propping up the dregs of our society and rewarding BLM for  the underperformance of their race.  That includes equal pay for equal results.

 As for law and order?  An assault murder rape robbery  is the same crime regardless of the race or religion of the people involved.

 I am loyal to people regardless of colour being responsible for their own actions.

 I am loyal to less of a footprint in unwinnable wars in 3rd world shitholes. Even though I know sometimes you have to hold your nose and shoot.

 I am loyal to low corporate and capital gains taxes to allow American business to compete in the world market.

 Whichever candidate is closest to me in those ideals is the candidate I will support.  Regardless of his personality hair colour or age.





Furthermore I am loyal to the idea that men have penises and women have vaginas. I love people equally who don't believe that but they are wrong.

Also Abortion is not one of my prime loyalties, even though I respect people of religion and think we should make exceptions for them.

 I am also loyal to the idea that we can help people out in need but those people should try to give back to society whatever they possibly can.

 Every one of these issues regardless of the candidates party religion race sexual preference or hair colour.


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23 hours ago, hoorta said:

 Marjorie Taylor Green "Moron Loco" is every bit as far right as any of the squad is far left. Period- end of discussion.  As far as I'm concerned, they can ship her off to Auschwitz and give her the gas treatment  Which is as insane as anyone on this board has ever spewed for that incredibly clueless and crude anti Semitic comment.  

 Typical I don't think you even know what it was. She compared the mask/vax mandate to the mask mandate to the star on the arm band.  Yeah like you democrats compared asking illegals for their ID to nazis stopping Jews in the street  to see their papers. Idiotic.



Yet personally I've said it again and again comparing any American politician to Hitler is fucking insane.

 But there are a few of your new friends.




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2 hours ago, hammertime said:

I wondered how anyone with any decency could continue to post in favor of our current situation and I see we have a board wino, a confused soldier Mex and some damn godless birdboy.....

The election was a sham, everyone knows it.

You mean around 70% of the Republicans think so...  And 53% of them still believe Trump is the "real" president not Joe Biden....  Some folks are living in fantasy land...   Keep on swilling the Trump Kool-Aid.  

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4 hours ago, hammertime said:

I wondered how anyone with any decency could continue to post in favor of our current situation and I see we have a board wino, a confused soldier Mex and some damn godless birdboy.....


The election was a sham, everyone knows it.


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

You mean around 70% of the Republicans think so...  And 53% of them still believe Trump is the "real" president not Joe Biden....  Some folks are living in fantasy land...   Keep on swilling the Trump Kool-Aid.  

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On 5/9/2021 at 1:09 AM, Vambo said:


What this country needs is that middle ground party, which does exist, but doesn't get the voice of reason it deserves.  
The Libertarian party.  Strictly constitutional, limited government, personal freedoms and rights that extend to even the LGBTQ crowd.

Here is the platform.


I"m not 100% in agreement with everything, but damn, they get very close on a lot of issues.  
We need to drop this two party system and allow the freedom of political thought to exist in all levels of government.  But most people, as even represented in this forum, can only see black and white.  Trump or Biden.  Our hopes and freedoms don't rest on either of those two asses, rather it rests on the political literacy that "We the People" should know and understand.  It rests on "We the People" to demand better from all levels of politics and our media.  
We are allowing our personal identities to be shaped by politicians and the media.  Instead, We the People, should be shaping our politicians and the media should exist as an unbiased factual representation of information to the people.  


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On 5/25/2021 at 8:33 AM, calfoxwc said:

you are getting to be more incoherent and irrelevant in your posts. It's like some folks I've met in years past.d

I used a perfectly logical, coherent and linked post to remind you what the Constitution actually says and how you have continued to ignore it.

You on the other hand you are no longer capable of logic since you are emotionally attached at the hip to a huckster.

I shall refer to you as Calstitionalized since you now live in your own world with no reference to or memory of the Constitution you swore to uphold.

You have not committed nor will you commit to our 3 way form of government as written in that document when it does not fit your unfit delusional leader. In that way he is Hitler reborn and you are his propaganda victim. Yep-it's your own emotions that did you in.

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3 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I used a perfectly logical, coherent and linked post to remind you what the Constitution actually says and how you have continued to ignore it.

You on the other hand you are no longer capable of logic since you are emotionally attached at the hip to a huckster.

I shall refer to you as Calstitionalized since you now live in your own world with no reference to or memory of the Constitution you swore to uphold.

You have not committed nor will you commit to our 3 way form of government as written in that document when it does not fit your unfit delusional leader. In that way he is Hitler reborn and you are his propaganda victim. Yep-it's your own emotions that did you in.

Of course, on my end- all I get is more insults from Vambo & BDS deflection when they're presented with some accurate poll numbers.  This joke of a Forum is currently overrun with it.  As I mentioned in a PM to you - this is an OPINION Forum, not a discussion forum. It's painfully obvious no one is going to change anyone's opinions just by giving them a mountain of FACTS that their OPINIONS are dead wrong.  My opinion FWIW, is with few exceptions of us stray voices of reason- these guys are living in some delusional right wing la-la land, some more than others.  

I'll give you one final example- and it regards the Maricopa County FRAUDIT.  It came out yesterday it was financed by a big Trump supporter who formerly owned Overstock... The volunteers running the fraudit are unpaid, barely trained (99% certainly) big time MAGA folks. LOL, looking for bamboo fibers and kinetic irregularities... Start looking for Mars dust if that fails.. :D  The chain of custody went out the window when they had to vacate the Coliseum for a graduation, and it's being monitored ONLY by Trump's big time propaganda channel OANN.   Why would anyone think that this bullshit isn't anything but totally objective? UM when they report whatever crap they come up with?   Because every MAGA will believe it as Gospel truth- because Trump will tell them it is...  

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

"Some animals are more equal than others."


Yes Steve- there's a few people who post here who have the manners of a chimpanzee- you know who they are.  :)   

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6 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

I used a perfectly logical, coherent and linked post to remind you what the Constitution actually says and how you have continued to ignore it.

You on the other hand you are no longer capable of logic since you are emotionally attached at the hip to a huckster.

I shall refer to you as Calstitionalized since you now live in your own world with no reference to or memory of the Constitution you swore to uphold.

You have not committed nor will you commit to our 3 way form of government as written in that document when it does not fit your unfit delusional leader. In that way he is Hitler reborn and you are his propaganda victim. Yep-it's your own emotions that did you in.

and you lie. It doesn't mean we always agree with the Supreme Court. But we are a FREE COUNTRY, despite your cowardly lyin.

You and Hoorta brag about the Supreme Court - so here's your sign: (it means "YOU LOSE AGAIN"


In Historic 9-0 Decision, Supreme Court Drops A Sledgehammer On Illegal Aliens

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30 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yes Steve- there's a few people who post here who have the manners of a chimpanzee- you know who they are.  :)   

chimpanzees give unwarranted warning points?

or is this a request for woodpecker to stop his crap, and for Mex to quit texing?

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17 hours ago, hoorta said:

You mean around 70% of the Republicans think so...  And 53% of them still believe Trump is the "real" president not Joe Biden....  Some folks are living in fantasy land...   Keep on swilling the Trump Kool-Aid.  

fantasy this:


The Fayette County Bureau of Elections told KDKA, a local CBS affiliate, that several precincts were having difficulty scanning bar codes on all ballots, and several voters told the outlet that their Republican ballots were not accepted.

Chris Varney, an elections judge, told the outlet the issue was initially believed to be affecting all ballots, but officials then determined the problem only affected Republican ballots.

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