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So get the shot

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And take off those stupid fucking masks.


 Anybody here going to insist on wearing one after the vaccination?

 I can think of 2 who might but I don't want to work use anybody.

 Thanks for the vaccine president trump.


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The government blew their wad on this one by the way.  In a couple months when they start clutching their pearls and wringing their hands about variants and shit it will already be too late. Not for the hoorta's of the world who have traded in all the freedom and individualism they ever had to feel a part of some political party that couldn't give the first shit about them (goes for you too, cal, don't think I've forgotten) but the great majority of people are going to tell them to get fucked.

As well they should. 

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18 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

The government blew their wad on this one by the way.  In a couple months when they start clutching their pearls and wringing their hands about variants and shit it will already be too late. Not for the hoorta's of the world who have traded in all the freedom and individualism they ever had to feel a part of some political party that couldn't give the first shit about them (goes for you too, cal, don't think I've forgotten) but the great majority of people are going to tell them to get fucked.

As well they should. 



O you know they're going to start screaming about the variants.  They've gotten a taste of  Totalitarianism  through panic and will be hard pressed give that up.


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8 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Oh come off it. You're way way into being on the right. 

Just remember they don't care a damn thing about you either. 

perhaps you should cut back on the wine? You were talking about those who traded in their freedom and individualism...

that is what our conservative values ARE.

   There is no democratic party anymore. Just a bunch of corrupt, nazi-like corrupt marxist sombeitches. ObaMao commie was about control, it was their anger they couldn't take over then. Now, they are hell's bells, and if you don't think obaMao commie is not running this country with  It is about doing RIGHT for AMERICA.

    Some republicans do. Zero democrats do. Although, Manchin of WV comes out of the woodwork at times. If anybody cares ABOUT AMERICA, the republican party is your only chance to save it.

  Unless more than half the voters create a new party, which I have brought up in the past, "American Liberty" or "American Eagle" party.

Just because you can find something to bitch about on both sides doesn't mean you are a libertarian bud. 


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50 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

perhaps you should cut back on the wine? You were talking about those who traded in their freedom and individualism...

that is what our conservative values ARE.

   There is no democratic party anymore. Just a bunch of corrupt, nazi-like corrupt marxist sombeitches. ObaMao commie was about control, it was their anger they couldn't take over then. Now, they are hell's bells, and if you don't think obaMao commie is not running this country with  It is about doing RIGHT for AMERICA.

    Some republicans do. Zero democrats do. Although, Manchin of WV comes out of the woodwork at times. If anybody cares ABOUT AMERICA, the republican party is your only chance to save it.

  Unless more than half the voters create a new party, which I have brought up in the past, "American Liberty" or "American Eagle" party.

Just because you can find something to bitch about on both sides doesn't mean you are a libertarian bud. 


You hold the party line without ever questioning it or deviating so much as an iota on any issue that I can remember since at least 2011 when I joined this board. That's not individualism by any definition of the word, bud.

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5 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

You hold the party line without ever questioning it or deviating so much as an iota on any issue that I can remember since at least 2011 when I joined this board. That's not individualism by any definition of the word, bud.

not true. I bashed bush w for not doing anything about illegal immigration back then. It was politically expedient to ignore it.

I agreed going to war in Iraq. I had a liberal friend in intel over there - he said if the American people knew the truth, they would

have ALL been on board.

so, pay more attention, bud. Pres Trump did over 200 good/great things FOR AMERICA. what was there to bitch about?

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1 minute ago, The Cysko Kid said:

You can tell yourself whatever it is you want. People in denial tell themselves all kinds of things. You're not fooling anyone though. 



You're a liberal at times. Telling falsehoods about other people to get attention

to FEEL GOOD is what they do.

  You outed yourself. For no good reason.


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I'm never a liberal, cal, and I'm never a conservative. My views on things are never ever dictated by a political party. Yours though...very much fed to you by the media you consume. It would be healthy for you to take a more balanced approach to things, as it would be healthy for a great many people these days.

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5 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

I'm never a liberal, cal, and I'm never a conservative. My views on things are never ever dictated by a political party. Yours though...very much fed to you by the media you consume. It would be healthy for you to take a more balanced approach to things, as it would be healthy for a great many people these days.

your assumptions are nonsense. My views are my own, you just can't stand being disagreed with. My principles are definite - they don't change. Like abortion, why the hell should I be "more balanced" ??? The "more balanced" approach is often bs. "both parties do it".

right - some reps do here and there, and the dems are ALWAYS doing it.

the two sides are not the same just because both are imperfect. Pres Trump did over 200 hundred good/great things FOR AMERICA.

biden hasn't done one his entire life. neither has obaMao commie. I call it as I see it.

I told y'all there was going to be a war - I didn't get that from any media, I got it from my understanding of history.

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7 hours ago, hammertime said:

So you speak ?

finally found your sweet spot huh?

go away the country doesn’t need people like you right now.

 Conversely the woodpecker thinks the solution to any problem is more and more free shit. Whether it's to American,  Chinese, Middle Eastern or European deadbeats.


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Liberals like Hoorta and woodpecker and the rest - love the grandiose feeling they get with

bashing the great things about America that most Americans love.

Hate drives them, but they cover it up with bashing a popular GREAT for AMERICA president.

All of them are on board the "elitist feeling train". I think they are somewhere between feeling sad or euphoric.

When they are sad, they lash out, because it make them happy to vent and criticize.

Note - they will NOT criticize biden or kamoola or any dem, ever.

    They also don't know/reject HISTORY - they don't support Israel because America supports Israel, and when they don't...

it makes them FEEL SO special and elite.  Same thing for torturing and murdering unborn and born children. They are so SUPERIOR they feel, that their convenience is supreme.

   Just like, a liberal can belligerently rail at a poster, and the liberal FEELS WONDERFUL,  but if the poster rails back, why that

upsets the liberals' feelings of superiority, and the responder might get warning points or socially ostracized....even lose their job to the "cancel culture".

   See, history teachers that the Jews in Germany were "cancel cultured".  They were made the objects of derision, laid down as a norm by the power of the nazi party. The nazi party came to dominate with evil because so many Germans kept quiet, and egocentrically went CYA and collarborated. Even to the point of george soros turning in fellow Jews to end up in death camps.

   But, this is America - we don't have to worry about the left getting that much a hold on us that it ruins America and all of us.

But, I would stock up a little here and there with food, make sure you have water and can protect yourselves. these next 3.75 years are not going to be American freedom and prosperity norm, I think.

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According to Dr. Klotman, Baylor C of Med., there is another in early development based on one person's immunity from all variants so far identified. Might take about a year to get out there on the market in a viable way.

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