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Number 1 reason why Brady Quinn won't win the QB competition


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I'm not a steeler fan, I'm a browns fan who just wants a QB who will help the browns win games.


L O L...Hypocrate!


Look at the thread you started here and your post from earlier today.


I'm so sick of this 'BQ Fags' and 'DA Fags' thing,



I just found it on some google images and was like wow.



Did you just come (sp?) across this picture while searching for "Gay men photos"? Or maybe "Brady Quinn Shirtless"?

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L O L...Hypocrate!


Look at the thread you started here and your post from earlier today.

yeah so ? haha, why do people take this stuff so seriously and can't lighten up?


I AM sick of the "DA Fags" and "BQ Fags" thing, but this has nothing to do with being fond of either quarterback, and has more to do with that this picture is rather homosexual. I do get annoyed that people take the QB thing too far and won't just simplify it to wanting a winner at the QB position.


they kept asking Daboll the OC which QB is going to start or win the competition, and he said the better player, that's a good answer. this thread is obviously a joke and not a real reason to why BQ will win or not win.

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it is a harmless joke, I couldn't care less about the picture itself whether it is DA there or BQ there, if either of them can be a winner at QB I'm all for supporting them. it's just joking towards all the threads saying why DA won't win or why BQ won't win.


btw I am not "Zombo", I guess anyone who says anything remotely neutral or semi negative towards BQ is a fake account? I had an old account before the board wipe happened but I don't remember the login.

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Gee then you could have picked the picture from camp that has DA giving the most gay limp wrist I have ever seen?


But no I bet you google Brady Quinn and Gay, and not DA and gay.



NIce attempt at back tracking though. Maybe next time you'll THINK before you post...


Nahh that'd be hoping too much for 90% of this board.

like I said I was looking at browns pictures in google images and it was one of the first things that popped up, I didn't see any "DA limp wrist picture" I've never seen that, but I probably would have posted it along with the OP. and I don't give a damn if either of them really are homosexual, I don't care, I want a WINNER.

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do you really have that big of an attachment to Quinn? geez.


Again: No. We're e-pissing in your face because we've seen that picture a zillion times. It ceased being funny long ago, now it's just old.


You want to create a feeling of togetherness here, homey? Post this.



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This picture:



really gives a new meaning to "BQ Fags" or whatever.


Amazing. You've really given a new meaning to the word "new."


The source code of the image even gives the year the pic was taken, 'net ranger.



Don't let things like effort, poise, or dignity get in the way of you being the biggest douche on the entire world wide web.

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like I said I had an account on here before the board wipe but don't know what happened to the login of it.


I think the funny thing is that Legacy Fan wouldn't be crying if it were DA in the OP, and I honestly could care less about the picture, it was just funny to me.


wanna know what the real reason will be if DA is the starter and BQ isn't? if DA keeps playing like he did yesterday.

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like I said I had an account on here before the board wipe but don't know what happened to the login of it.


I think the funny thing is that Legacy Fan wouldn't be crying if it were DA in the OP, and I honestly could care less about the picture, it was just funny to me.


wanna know what the real reason will be if DA is the starter and BQ isn't? if DA keeps playing like he did yesterday.


Trust me, if it was DA in the pic from 2+ years ago, and you came storming on here like it's the latest & greatest, my tears would be equally as large.


Eat a piece of 2 year old steak, or fish. They both taste terrible.

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Trust me, if it was DA in the pic from 2+ years ago, and you came storming on here like it's the latest & greatest, my tears would be equally as large.


Eat a piece of 2 year old steak, or fish. They both taste terrible.

I guess I've just never seen the picture then, I wasn't aware it was posted all the time, my bad.


did you not see that??

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did you not see that??

After I responded to your OP. But it was of no consequence. There are 5000 BQ v. DA threads on the board, and you get the grand idea to fire off a non-football related one. It was a lame joke when the stooler trolls were posting it in here 2 years ago.


I'm not sure if you noticed, but we played a game last night - and won.

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Plus Jerky, we have nothing against your Gay lifestyle since you were obviously searching for Gay Men photos on Google images.


We don't judge you.


Live life how you want to live Jerky! :)



actually it was "Cleveland Browns Pictures".


and if you look at the majority of my posts, they're about the game and or the players, so get over yourself Crying Fan.

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Calm down ...don't get in such a hissy Beefcake.


Sooooo sensitive.

haha I don't care about it, it's just funny to deal with people who post the following the majority of the time:


"yeah well you're just a BQ fag blahblahblabha"

"well you're a DA fag blahblahbalbhalbha"


how about we talk about improving the defense instead?

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haha I don't care about it, it's just funny to deal with people who post the following the majority of the time:


"yeah well you're just a BQ fag blahblahblabha"

"well you're a DA fag blahblahbalbhalbha"


how about we talk about improving the defense instead?


Cool. Does this mean your going to dig up an old pic of Rob Ryan horsing around with some friends and use it to start a thread about improving the Defense?

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