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Climate change this time we mean it

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 OK after decades after decades of doom and gloom is this the real one? Is this when the cartoon guy on the corner with the placard that says the end is near is finally going to pay off?

 And if Earth doesn't look more like Mercury in 5 years what will be the excuse from the environmentalists?



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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


 OK after decades after decades of doom and gloom is this the real one? Is this when the cartoon guy on the corner with the placard that says the end is near is finally going to pay off?

 And if Earth doesn't look more like Mercury in 5 years what will be the excuse from the environmentalists?



Are you of the opinion that humanity's existence is having zero/none/nadda effect on the earth?

If no, where is your line that the 7.9 billion people and everything they manufacture in their lives, does in fact have an effect? 1%? 17%? 66.7%? A little. Just a skosh. Not much? Shit load?

If yes, then you're a wackadoodle.

We all have lines and limits, just trying to find yours on this topic. 


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54 minutes ago, D Bone said:

Are you of the opinion that humanity's existence is having zero/none/nadda effect on the earth?

 Of course not what have I ever said to make you think that?

If no, where is your line that the 7.9 billion people and everything they manufacture in their lives, does in fact have an effect? 1%? 17%? 66.7%? A little. Just a skosh. Not much? Shit load?

 I'm not sure exactly. I read your next question which isn't exactly a yes or no question you're asking me what percent I believe mankind causes.

If yes, then you're a wackadoodle.

 See above. But let me say this . Breathing eating taking a shit or a piss cutting down vegetation to build a house growing animals for food....  What's your solution?

We all have lines and limits, just trying to find yours on this topic. 

 I think we do what we can and a lot of people are enamoured with the panic. Kind of like covid understand? Furthermore if we only have 5 years until it's too late what would you suggest we do? How about we have a lottery and kill every other person?But seriously it will have to be drastic. And do you think something drastic is going to get done? That's a yes or no.  If yes when and by whom? If no we are all going to die right?  So we have 5 years not only to stop the increase in carbon but to lower it. You think that's possible? Because remember even at present levels if we stop it here we are all dead





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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Of course not what have I ever said to make you think that?

Well, you posted this thread so I see my question as a fair one based on this post alone. 

Breathing eating taking a shit or a piss cutting down vegetation to build a house growing animals for food....  What's your solution?

I have been saying for years that the cancer of this planet is simply overpopulation, and everything that results from it are merrily the symptoms. No politician from any country will ever have the balls to say it though. We humans are like locusts.... we flock to the resource, we multiply in numbers at an unsustainable rate, we devour the resources and we move on to the next section of land.

My solution? Fuck, I honestly don't even know where to start. I will say though that if I were 'King of the Planet' (this is gonna hurt and might even make some cry), baby boys would be sterilized at birth. People would need a license to reproduce. I would let the current overpopulation slowly die out over 2, 3, 4 generations. I would target 3 billion humans as my ultimate goal..... Food, resources, housing, etc would no longer be a problem and as for the planet, mother nature would be very happy.   

Kind of like covid understand?

Yep. Sure do!

Furthermore if we only have 5 years until it's too late what would you suggest we do?

I don't agree with anyone's timeline, much less 5 years. But we need to start to do something, otherwise yours and my great grandchildren will ask "Why we didn't even try." But do I personally think the earth will die, or start an unchangeable death in 5 years? No, I don't. 

And do you think something drastic is going to get done? That's a yes or no. 


So we have 5 years not only to stop the increase in carbon but to lower it. You think that's possible?

I think it's possible to slow the rise, but not lower it overall..... Just too many humans on the planet, and that merry go round is only spinning faster and faster and no one wants to even give it a second glance. 

I live my life doing everything realistically possible to make a change, while still living a fulfilling life. 

I had one kid. I recycle. I own fuel efficient Honda vehicles, and I own those vehicles for no less than 12 years. I don't eat animals. I actually give a shit about plastic and won't use straws, Styrofoam, etc.. I turn off my light switches. I keep the house a little warmer in the summer and colder in the winter than most other people in this country do. 

^ All of that and a lot more from me. It doesn't make me a hero and I can't single handedly save the planet, but if you have enough people trying to make a change and at least giving a single shit about some mother fucking thing other than their fat ass selves, then it does start to add up.

I used to tell my players that every practice was as thin as a sheet of paper. One, two, or three can barely even be seen. But if you stack enough pieces of paper on top of each other, the end result is dramatic. Same goes with humanity.... and at least trying. 




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This tells you everything you need to know.




Climate is controlled by the Sun.


Did you know that Antarctica used to be Tropical ?

Imagine that   .   .   .   but now we're in peril of "Global Warming" (total BS).


We're going into a Solar minimum cycle, the first effects of which are expected to be felt around Jan 2022.

This has happened over and over throughout history.


CO2 is a joke at .03% (.0003 parts per 10k) composition of air.

Have a "rambling" post elsewhere from a few weeks back, that hints at the real target - interesting time for this to all come up - those that know, know.

We actually need much higher levels of CO2 (plant growth), but good luck convincing the Climaphobes of that.



Meanwhile, we're going into the next Ice Age.

We'll still have hot spells, but we'll also have more cold spells.


How severe is still a question.

40 - 60 years is a minimum based on past trends if it's a mild one as is expected.


That's pretty ugly, and there's no guarantee it's going to be the "mild" one (cycles are not definitive).

Good chance most of us will be gone by then, but that is also not guaranteed.



Ozone issue ?

Volcanic, not Aerosols.


Heads up, we're having quite a bit of Volcanic activity around the World now, and there are some big events (S) coming that are going to be sold as "Climate Change".


But what do I know, I'm just another loon on the 'net.


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9 hours ago, Westside Steve said:


 OK after decades after decades of doom and gloom is this the real one? Is this when the cartoon guy on the corner with the placard that says the end is near is finally going to pay off?

 And if Earth doesn't look more like Mercury in 5 years what will be the excuse from the environmentalists?



they don't need excuses, they eventually just change the name again in covering their butts.

Like they used to say " man made global warming", until the scandals started up,

and the legit studies contradicted their crisis screams, and they couldn't handle the truth.

so they just changed the name to "climate change" because climate DOES change.

stupid attempt. maybe like they mooned a wet stop sign on a subzero winter day.

they can't stop their egos dominating, so they can't stop the nonsense.

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Isn't it odd, that all these big wigs saying "Climate change" is going to cause the Seas to flood the coast lands, are buying Ocean front property ?


A few years ago, DNSBC bought a bunch of low level Real Estate after broadcasting a piece on rising Sea Levels inundating the Coastal waterways.


Freakin' weird.


Corrupt Kerry (as well as Climate magnate Gore) has accumulated a sizeable amount of Ocean front property.


If you're paying attention, you'll see a lot of other Climate "experts" are doing the same thing.


In reality, maybe just driving down the price of Real Estate ?



Pretty freakin' odd would you think ?


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14 hours ago, D Bone said:


 Sure. No doubt. I think of human race is a little bit similar to bacteria. Reproduce constantly live off the host and eventually the host dies.  The circle will remain unbroken. Just look at the population over the last 3 or 400 years. European cities were overcrowded people were dying left and right from the plague… When they found a reasonably unpopulated country, this one, they came over here. Like the post apocalyptic science fiction movies we are running out of places to go.

 As far as the article seems like we have a doomsday prediction every few years. 

 You and I both know that if that's the case extreme measures need to be taken. And let's face it we aint gonna take em.   We will do stupid shit like signing the Paris accord and dance in a circle because we're saving the world. 

By the way I have no idea if this particular article is the real thing or not. We've heard it before. Personally I don't doubt that it's possible.I think the environmentalists just get angry because not everybody joins them in in their hand wringing.  Of course that goes for most people who are zealots for any cause.


 The film the day after tomorrow was 20 years ago. 


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Joke's on the Trumpublicans now. A conservative movement for addressing climate change because they had no place with you, nor do they want to be around the lefties in climate change. June 5 rally in Miami. Be there or be left behind.


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1 hour ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Joke's on the Trumpublicans now. A conservative movement for addressing climate change because they had no place with you, nor do they want to be around the lefties in climate change. June 5 rally in Miami. Be there or be left behind.


 Just another reason it's impossible to have an intelligent discussion with you Biden loving hard left lunatics. This has nothing to do with Donald Trump. This has to do with the fact that we are not going to do anything substantial about man made global warming. We're just not I don't give a fuck how many rallies you want to have or how many trees you want to hug or how many protests or riots or lootings you name it,  just face it. The bone and I had a reasonable discussion about this and you're unable to keep up. Trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump.

 It doesn't have anything to do with left wing or right wing either. It's what are you willing to do how far are you willing to go and how much good do you think you will accomplish? I'll give you a hint. The  Earth doesn't care about demonstrations. And honestly I don't give a shit if you ride your bicycle or not. Look at the population today and look at the population in the 1500s when Columbus showed up.


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many on college campuses. They aren't conservatives, they are college kids looking for a new

group to socialize with. Zero emissions? you first, kiddies. stop breathing and pass out all you want.


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2 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Joke's on the Trumpublicans now. A conservative movement for addressing climate change because they had no place with you, nor do they want to be around the lefties in climate change. June 5 rally in Miami. Be there or be left behind.


 By the way tex it looks as though Benjamin Sasse got somewhere between a 0 and a 0.2% rating by the league of conservation voters.  He opposed EPA overreach and Obama era restrictions. Apparently like me he is not very impressed with climate alarmists.


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16 hours ago, JAFBF said:

Isn't it odd, that all these big wigs saying "Climate change" is going to cause the Seas to flood the coast lands, are buying Ocean front property ?


A few years ago, DNSBC bought a bunch of low level Real Estate after broadcasting a piece on rising Sea Levels inundating the Coastal waterways.


Freakin' weird.


Corrupt Kerry (as well as Climate magnate Gore) has accumulated a sizeable amount of Ocean front property.


If you're paying attention, you'll see a lot of other Climate "experts" are doing the same thing.


In reality, maybe just driving down the price of Real Estate ?



Pretty freakin' odd would you think ?


You're a moron

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Climate change is real


The science has been politicized


Conservatives disagree because their news outlets tell them to


Boomers already fucked plenty up for future generations, just add this to the list


They'll never accept getting less of anything to help alleviate the issue, especially since, again, it's politicized


We're stuck waiting for them to die off and just hope the damage isn't too base by then






And Steve's "oh well we couldn't do anything about it anyway so why bother??" is almost worst than moronic Cals hard right takes or JABAFs conspiracy theory bullshit takes






We have to hope this recent influx of Q believing, fringe right wingers doesn't fuck the place up too bad for the rest of us before they all die. Seeing some of the takes around the Insurrection it's clear they've lost all grasp of reality...


It is too on brand for so much of that generation to just fuck stuff up on the way out




Yes, I'm speaking in generalizations, as it appears some older conservatives at least realize how big of a fringe joke their party has become (Hoorta).






Don't reply. Not worth any time

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Climate change is real


The science has been politicized


Conservatives disagree because their news outlets tell them to


Boomers already fucked plenty up for future generations, just add this to the list


They'll never accept getting less of anything to help alleviate the issue, especially since, again, it's politicized


We're stuck waiting for them to die off and just hope the damage isn't too base by then






And Steve's "oh well we couldn't do anything about it anyway so why bother??" is almost worst than moronic Cals hard right takes or JABAFs conspiracy theory bullshit takes






We have to hope this recent influx of Q believing, fringe right wingers doesn't fuck the place up too bad for the rest of us before they all die. Seeing some of the takes around the Insurrection it's clear they've lost all grasp of reality...


It is too on brand for so much of that generation to just fuck stuff up on the way out




Yes, I'm speaking in generalizations, as it appears some older conservatives at least realize how big of a fringe joke their party has become (Hoorta).






Don't reply. Not worth any time

There is no climate emergency, say 500 experts in letter to the United Nations


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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Climate change is real


The science has been politicized


Conservatives disagree because their news outlets tell them to


Boomers already fucked plenty up for future generations, just add this to the list


They'll never accept getting less of anything to help alleviate the issue, especially since, again, it's politicized


We're stuck waiting for them to die off and just hope the damage isn't too base by then






And Steve's "oh well we couldn't do anything about it anyway so why bother??" is almost worst than moronic Cals hard right takes or JABAFs conspiracy theory bullshit takes






We have to hope this recent influx of Q believing, fringe right wingers doesn't fuck the place up too bad for the rest of us before they all die. Seeing some of the takes around the Insurrection it's clear they've lost all grasp of reality...


It is too on brand for so much of that generation to just fuck stuff up on the way out




Yes, I'm speaking in generalizations, as it appears some older conservatives at least realize how big of a fringe joke their party has become (Hoorta).






Don't reply. Not worth any time

You’re a moron.

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Richard Nixon is credited with the creation of the EPA in 1970,

(a thorn in the automotive industry's side for how many years?)

whereby a lot of pollutants were reduced if not outright eliminated from the air land, and water.....

but to listen to the pecker and texmex writing how the world is in trouble and damaged by his / their father's generation.

is to believe that innovation and tech cannot help further the reduction in some of these so-called C02 problems.

Huh, what's that? a possible "working" federal department?  go figure

on a similar note- I challenge the moron..er pecker to explain his siding with nuclear  (as i recall from one of his earlier rantings from other threads) as to how he 

would get around the nasty waste storage /elimination solution?


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By the way for the guys suffering from TDS and now claim to be environmentalists (because they think trump is anti-environment or EPA… ) here's your candidate. 

 By the way as I attempt to not be a hypocrite I actually agree with him here.



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