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"climate change: scientist admits the truth


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read it, emotional knee jerk mmgw groupies.....maybe will sink in.


Climate scientist admits key climate change metric is just something experts 'chose': 'Symbolic marker

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  • 2 months later...

Necroing thread, cause it doesn't belong anywhere else, and this is spot on.





"Climate change"   .   .   .   true, but it ain't Global Warming - we're moving into a mine Ice Age.


Yes, we'll still have a few "Hot" spells, but the trend is cooler.


Been saying this (and posted articles on it) for some time now.



"Dark Winter" ?



Eventually, people are no longer going to be able to deny they've been fed nothing but lies for years upon years.


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28 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

Necroing thread, cause it doesn't belong anywhere else, and this is spot on.





"Climate change"   .   .   .   true, but it ain't Global Warming - we're moving into a mine Ice Age.


Yes, we'll still have a few "Hot" spells, but the trend is cooler.


Been saying this (and posted articles on it) for some time now.



"Dark Winter" ?



Eventually, people are no longer going to be able to deny they've been fed nothing but lies for years upon years.


I've heard that this winter is supposed to be pretty bad.  The polar vortex's will return, etc.    We'll see.

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43 minutes ago, JAFBF said:

Necroing thread, cause it doesn't belong anywhere else, and this is spot on.





"Climate change"   .   .   .   true, but it ain't Global Warming - we're moving into a mine Ice Age.


Yes, we'll still have a few "Hot" spells, but the trend is cooler.


Been saying this (and posted articles on it) for some time now.



"Dark Winter" ?



Eventually, people are no longer going to be able to deny they've been fed nothing but lies for years upon years.


We literally just had the hottest July on record ...


Your need to be contrarian, anti-expert, and special just makes you sound like a moron...

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

We literally just had the hottest July on record ...


Your need to be contrarian, anti-expert, and special just makes you sound like a moron...


I could go into things you and most folk will not accept at this point.

Why bother ?


Let's just say there are going to be statistical outliers (natural or manmade) of "Hot" spells.

Hell, I'll even say these "Hot" spells could manifest in the middle of an "Ice Age".


Here's a question for consideration, pondering :

If we're heading into a melting of the "Ice Caps" and "Rising Sea Levels", why are the Elite buying up Ocean Front property/Mansions ?


Hell, even big Corporations are buying/building areas that "they" say are going to be under water ten years ago.



Stop and think about that for a bit.

They're spending Millions/Billions on property that they soon expect too be underwater   .   .   .  



A few decades before that, they were telling everyone we were heading for an "Ice Age".

Do you remember that ?


How many OMF's on here remember the "Coming Ice Age" ?


I'm sure even at this late stage of BS I can dig up such dire predictions.



Come on folks, there has too be more than just me that remembers this crap.

We're living in the damn Matrix (reality of lies), it's not just a damn Movie, it's a freaking Documentary.


No, we don't (I hope) have Bottle cap I/O interfaces in the back of our Skulls, but the Tell A Vision is not too much different.



When Rome had discession what did they do ?

Colosseum games / Circuses   .   .   .   Football, Basketball, Baseball,    .   .   .  



If it had not been for the total disrespect to the Country that gave them the ability to play/make the career they have, I would have likely never come too this portion of the Forum.

That's the only reason I'm here - they lit this match, and they can only blame themselves for the post I make.


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@JAFBF you blindly believe an ex crackhead pillow man grifter because doing so makes you feel special... You don't have some hard truth people won't accept. You have blog posts by fringe, non experts and tweets. 

And billionaires don't give two ducks man. They're loaded. They want the luxury of living on the coast now. They'll move if it becomes an issue. 


"The hottest July on record" isn't an outlier. It is another data point in a trend. 


All you care about though is doing the opposite of whatever the experts think. They don't know nothin with that fancy book learnin! It's snowing, damnit! I know what's really happening better than these so called experts! And Trump is taking office again August 13th!

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1 hour ago, JAFBF said:




Whooptie shit.  FYI it still can snow any month of the year in the high country of Colorado or Wyoming.  I can personally attest circa late 1970s mid August- Titcomb Basin Wyoming, elevation about 11,000' I woke up to 4 inches of snow on the ground.  

Nah- those Alaskan glaciers retreating miles from where they were in the 1900s is an optical illusion.   The real "science" not some crap they dug up on Red State says the Earth has warmed up significantly in the last 100 or so years.  

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:


I'll play.


So, we're meltiing   .   .   .   that means the "Ice Caps" are going to/melting   .   .   .  


Well, I'm so smart / wealthy, I'll go spend Millions on Ocean front property (O & Gore just for starters), and not worry about the coming flood from the Sea.


Since everyone sees the "unquestionable" rising of Sea levels, are my Insurance rates rising for said risk of flooding   .   .   .   ?



Does it make sense ?

Could they even get flood insurance under these circumstances ?



Come on, logic vs emotion.


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

@JAFBF you blindly believe an ex crackhead pillow man grifter because doing so makes you feel special... You don't have some hard truth people won't accept. You have blog posts by fringe, non experts and tweets. 

And billionaires don't give two ducks man. They're loaded. They want the luxury of living on the coast now. They'll move if it becomes an issue. 


"The hottest July on record" isn't an outlier. It is another data point in a trend. 


All you care about though is doing the opposite of whatever the experts think. They don't know nothin with that fancy book learnin! It's snowing, damnit! I know what's really happening better than these so called experts! And Trump is taking office again August 13th!


Yea, he must be totally Retarded too have created a multi million $$$ Enterprise.



Damn. wish I was that Retarded.

I sure as hell wouldn't be here spending my time trying to show the real News too the disaffected   .   .   .   for nothing   .   .   .  



WTF am I even bothering doing this ?


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9 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


I'll play.


So, we're meltiing   .   .   .   that means the "Ice Caps" are going to/melting   .   .   .  

Well, I'm so smart / wealthy, I'll go spend Millions on Ocean front property (O & Gore just for starters), and not worry about the coming flood from the Sea.

Since everyone sees the "unquestionable" rising of Sea levels, are my Insurance rates rising for said risk of flooding   .   .   .   ?

Does it make sense ?

Could they even get flood insurance under these circumstances ?

Come on, logic vs emotion.


Um Woodie explained it to you- if you're filthy rich- you're just going to move to higher ground when the tide rolls in.  Oceanfront property owners are already paying out the wazoo for hurricane insurance..  Warmer oceans = more frequent and destructive hurricanes.   Did you miss last year NOAA ran out of names for hurricanes and had to start using the Greek alphabet? Climate denial is a freaking cottage industry in some parts of the population.     

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4 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

But if you look at the USA, it isn't.  So fuck you.:D

Yeah- some people are really fucked alright.  Canada sets an all time record high for the country (I believe it was 117 degrees) - and a lot of those folks don't have air conditioning. Record forest fires in California and Oregon. Lake Meade has a nice bathtub ring where the water level has probably dropped around 20 feet or so, and historic water restrictions going up the end of the year. They could just shut the flow off at the Hoover Dam- but get ready for a water war with Mexico. We have plenty of water in Ohio- waiting for the influx of refugees from Arizona when they can't pay their $1,000 a month water bill.  :)  

Yeah- all just a "temporary" glitch.  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Um Woodie explained it to you- if you're filthy rich- you're just going to move to higher ground when the tide rolls in.  Oceanfront property owners are already paying out the wazoo for hurricane insurance..  Warmer oceans = more frequent and destructive hurricanes.   Did you miss last year NOOA ran out of names for hurricanes and had to start using the Greek alphabet? Climate denial is a freaking cottage industry in some parts of the population.     


As I stated, Al Gore, Barrack O, and NBC (I believe) and others, all bought massive, high $ property at quite low Sea Level elevations for lower $ value.



There's a long, history story of "Jobbers" I believe they were called, that would frequent the Pubs spreading dis rumors of calamity/bad news on the shipping ventures of the time to drive down the prices of the "stocks" in such ventures of the time.

Different day, same story today - with embellishments.



I guess you think it's normal for people to enter the WH essentially broke (Clintons, O's), but to leave as multi-Millionaires   .   .   .  

Damn, where/how do I get a job like that ?


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Hell, it was my understanding that there were lush Forests there until Alexander cut them down in his conquest.



In the days, weeks, months ahead, we're going too find that History is not what we were told it was   .   .   .   especially for the younger generations.


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1 minute ago, JAFBF said:


As I stated, Al Gore, Barrack O, and NBC (I believe) and others, all bought massive, high $ property at quite low Sea Level elevations for lower $ value.

There's a long, history story of "Jobbers" I believe they were called, that would frequent the Pubs spreading dis rumors of calamity/bad news on the shipping ventures of the time to drive down the prices of the "stocks" in such ventures of the time.

Different day, same story today - with embellishments.

I guess you think it's normal for people to enter the WH essentially broke (Clintons, O's), but to leave as multi-Millionaires   .   .   .  

Damn, where/how do I get a job like that ?


Yeah- and they've found fossils in Antarctica too.  IIRC during the Cretaceous period the entire world was tropical.  OTOH- in more recent history Cleveland was under a sheet of ice probably at least 1,000 feet thick. So past history is a pretty poor indicator of what's going to happen in the next 500 or so years. We can only control what we can control. And the science says belching out carbon dioxide like there's no tomorrow is probably a bad idea.   

Your post is  pure deflection.  Has nothing to do  with the fact world wide- the earth is warming up. Glaciers advancing or retreating is a damn good indicator of long term warming or cooling.  It's not just Alaska (Glacier Bay wasn't a Bay 150 years ago- it was a solid ice sheet) , South American Andes, Swiss alps. Antarctic Ice sheet.  All indicators of widespread global warming. 

You just keep on believing. I have no idea what the long term effects are going to be- as I'll be long dead and buried when whatever eventually happens- happens.  

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42 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


I'll play.


So, we're meltiing   .   .   .   that means the "Ice Caps" are going to/melting   .   .   .  


Well, I'm so smart / wealthy, I'll go spend Millions on Ocean front property (O & Gore just for starters), and not worry about the coming flood from the Sea.


Since everyone sees the "unquestionable" rising of Sea levels, are my Insurance rates rising for said risk of flooding   .   .   .   ?



Does it make sense ?

Could they even get flood insurance under these circumstances ?



Come on, logic vs emotion.


Bro you don't have an ounce of logic in your brain.... We have a 200+ page mega conspiracy dumbass thread to prove that


Again... They're wealthy as fuck. They'll just move again if needed. 



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24 minutes ago, JAFBF said:


As I stated, Al Gore, Barrack O, and NBC (I believe) and others, all bought massive, high $ property at quite low Sea Level elevations for lower $ value.



There's a long, history story of "Jobbers" I believe they were called, that would frequent the Pubs spreading dis rumors of calamity/bad news on the shipping ventures of the time to drive down the prices of the "stocks" in such ventures of the time.

Different day, same story today - with embellishments.



I guess you think it's normal for people to enter the WH essentially broke (Clintons, O's), but to leave as multi-Millionaires   .   .   .  

Damn, where/how do I get a job like that ?


You're a fucking moron that can't keep his conspiracy theories straight


If you think the entire global scientific community is in on a grand conspiracy to make ocean front property cheaper for the already extremely wealthy than you're an even bigger moron than I thought

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19 minutes ago, JAFBF said:



Hell, it was my understanding that there were lush Forests there until Alexander cut them down in his conquest.



In the days, weeks, months ahead, we're going too find that History is not what we were told it was   .   .   .   especially for the younger generations.


Kyle Becker

An OAN, Blaze, Newsmax writer with bachelor of arts degrees. Wow. 


You thought Trump would take office multiple times now. You're a moron. You've thrown your life away to a cult. Nothing is going to change soon and you know nothing. I repeat. You. Know. Nothing.

Your willful ignorance is so damn frustrating...



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I'll say it again.. AGAIN!!! Unlike the rest of you I live ON the Gulf of Mexico.. I have since I moved from Ohio in 1973.. Nineteen fucking Seventy THREE.. Before you liberal dipshits and Al Gore dreamed up global warming.. And I can assure you, the water hasn't risen one fucking inch on the three concrete piers I look at damn near every day..

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4 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Yeah, it's just an illusion according to  some. 117 degrees in Canada, 100+ in Siberia. They haven't seen water rising at their dock? Doubless haven't seen the permafrost melting up North either.  

But I have seen with my own eyes on my Cessna flight up to the Sheldon Cabin on Denali where the Ruth glacier has retreated a couple miles from where it was 100 years ago. 

But- but- the Texas deep freeze this past winter!!!! As the rational climatologists have said, as we heat up, expect more extreme events.  California fires? Australia has had the same issues, just not as widely reported. 

They (the climate deniers) aren't able to deny "the Greenhouse effect" because it's a damn irrefutable fact. CO2 traps heat in proportion to how much of it is there. PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION.  As an astronomer, our sister planet Venus is Exhibit A. If it had an Earthlike atmosphere,  doubtless we'd already have guys living on the planet's poles. Too bad, so sad. With an atmosphere of 95%+ carbon dioxide,  the surface temperature of Venus is hot enough to melt lead.  So JABF, produce your fake science that the Greenhouse effect is just a myth too. 

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Blah blah blah blah blah. Yes the climate is changing; from what source and to what extent we're pretty vague. What we can do and what we will do regardless the political party in power is probably pretty small. If it exists at all. Among the least effective solutions IMO is throwing money at it. 

By the way is it politically correct to mention this?



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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Blah blah blah blah blah. Yes the climate is changing; from what source and to what extent we're pretty vague. What we can do and what we will do regardless the political party in power is probably pretty small. If it exists at all. Among the least effective solutions IMO is throwing money at it. 

By the way is it politically correct to mention this?



Everything after "yes the climate is changing" is basically incorrect. Congrats 

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