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Healthcare professionals refusing the vaccine

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As you know I am not among that number I got my vaccine without a second thought. But it occurred to me with some of you screeching about the fact that more Republicans than Democrats don't want the vaccine but there are certain groups who also don't want it. Seems that the complainers make excuses for those groups if they vote Democrat. But here's another group for you to make excuses for. Frankly it doesn't matter who healthcare workers vote for because this really isn't as political as the Biden sycophants want to believe.



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And just for the record my best friend, an RN, is really against Mederma and Pfizer vaccines. He will ramble on how about MDNA or something like that. His brother and sister-in-law just came down with what appears to be covid and they are pretty sick but not to the point of hospitalization.


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5 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan said:

I heard just the opposite from my cousin who is an CNP.  They say the Johnson and Johnson is the one that may be ineffective especially against the Delta variant.

Not talking about the effectiveness talking about the dangers related to that particular type of vax

Stands for Messenger RiboNucleic acid  usually one word

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When I was in the ICU recently I managed to get one of the male nurses to talk to me like a human early one morning. He was the nurse in charge of the floor. 


He said if the vaccine becomes mandatory for them he'll be looking for a new line of work. My sister, who is a MSN in Florida in the covid ward only recently got her first vaccine after over a year of working on the covid wing. 


Just, you know, for whatever that is worth.


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Texted... count em' 1, 2, 3, 4... & a 5th - Nurses.  Then texted a friend who's a Rad Tech who also spoke with her Fiance' (lab tech)   All ranging from Oregon to Vermont.

All of them, save for 1, is fully vaxxed with no issues.  The only one that isn't? She's a big Q supporter, go figure.

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1 hour ago, tiamat63 said:

Texted... count em' 1, 2, 3, 4... & a 5th - Nurses.  Then texted a friend who's a Rad Tech who also spoke with her Fiance' (lab tech)   All ranging from Oregon to Vermont.

All of them, save for 1, is fully vaxxed with no issues.  The only one that isn't? She's a big Q supporter, go figure.

One good anecdote deserves another I guess.


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Here's an article from Harvard no doubt they are Qanon devotees. But like I said even though I'm not among that number yes there are legitimate reasons for being hesitant.

(that has nothing to do with Donald Trump)




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In essence, all gen 1 Covid-19 vaccines, regardless of the pharmaceutical company manufacturing it, operate on the same principle: they target the spike protein of the novel Corona virus. The only major differences between the vaccines are how they go about doing it; namely, whether they are mRNA or viral vector based.

mRNA-based vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, etc) directly inject mRNAs encoding the covid 19 spike protein; these mRNAs are then translated into said spike proteins -minus the virulant portion of the covid genome - which the immune cells target in order to build immunity.

Viral-vector vaccines (J&J, Astrazeneca, etc.) insert the spike protein genome into a relatively benign adenovirus. When these viruses are then attacked by the body's immune cells, the immune cells also adapt to recognise and attack the covid spike protein imbedded in the adenovirus genome.

Prime example of many ways to skin a cat.

(Somewhat) full disclosure: I currently work in the pharmaceutical industry, and my company is directly involved in the manufacturing of Covid-19 vaccines. Due to my NDA, I'm limited on what I can and can't talk about.

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My sister is a speech therapist in a long term med rehab center and she volunteered as a subject for the A-Z vaccine. No issues, but is asking them to let her know when they are done with their followups (they did tell her when Pfizer became available that she was indeed not a placebo group member) so she could then get the Pfizer which is better protection against Delta.

And of course we ended a 4 couples bridge group when it got going and were not able to restart it because one member refused to get vaccinated. And surprise, surprise, surprise-------with Delta now running rampant in Texas, guess who just came down with it this week? No cheating now.😎

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6 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

And of course we ended a 4 couples bridge group when it got going and were not able to restart it because one member refused to get vaccinated. And surprise, surprise, surprise-------with Delta now running rampant in Texas, guess who just came down with it this week? No cheating now.

And if/when he/she recovers like 99% of the people who have COVID, what then? What will the hoopla have been for?

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7 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

My sister is a speech therapist in a long term med rehab center and she volunteered as a subject for the A-Z vaccine. No issues, but is asking them to let her know when they are done with their followups (they did tell her when Pfizer became available that she was indeed not a placebo group member) so she could then get the Pfizer which is better protection against Delta.

And of course we ended a 4 couples bridge group when it got going and were not able to restart it because one member refused to get vaccinated. And surprise, surprise, surprise-------with Delta now running rampant in Texas, guess who just came down with it this week? No cheating now.😎

Border Patrol not testing migrants for COVID before they're released across US


Migrants who illegally come across the U.S.-Mexico border and are apprehended by Border Patrol are not being tested for the coronavirus before being released from custody and allowed to travel across the United States, the Washington Examiner has learned.

“They aren’t tested at encounter. [Unaccompanied children] and family units are moved out of custody quickly. If they are infected and do not have obvious symptoms, they are sent out,” a senior Customs and Border Protection official told the Washington Examiner on Monday. The official is not a union member and spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Migrant families and children are “only tested once we turn them over or unless symptomatic,” the official added.


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On 8/3/2021 at 8:00 AM, Westside Steve said:

MRNA I just asked him and it's the Pfizer and AstraZeneca he doesn't like. I'm guessing the Moderna is the same but I don't know.


Just because you happen to be an RN doesn't necessarily mean you totally understand how MRNA works to illicit an immune response Steve. (I even had to do a crash course refresher on the subject)  FWIW, those saying this is a new and unproven technology- that's dead wrong- it's been around for years...   It's the primary reason why "Operation Warp Speed" was able to churn out an effective vaccine in record time. The technology on how to do it was already there.   

"mRNA vaccines have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine."

On 8/4/2021 at 10:30 AM, The Cysko Kid said:

According to my sister people with vaccines by all makers are still being admitted. 

So, you know, whatever. 

Correct- now how many times do I have to repeat myself? 95% effective isn't 100% effective. That was published from the get-go.  What I can "whatever" is 99%+ of the current covid deaths are occurring in the unvaccinated.  

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18 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Just because you happen to be an RN doesn't necessarily mean you totally understand how MRNA works to illicit an immune response Steve. (I even had to do a crash course refresher on the subject)  FWIW, those saying this is a new and unproven technology- that's dead wrong- it's been around for years...   It's the primary reason why "Operation Warp Speed" was able to churn out an effective vaccine in record time. The technology on how to do it was already there.   

"mRNA vaccines have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine."

Correct- now how many times do I have to repeat myself? 95% effective isn't 100% effective. That was published from the get-go.  What I can "whatever" is 99%+ of the current covid deaths are occurring in the unvaccinated.  

1 not necessarily of course nor anybody else with a computer and a Google account. But this guy hqs spent a lot of time looking into it and discuss it with a lot of medical professionals for what that's worth.

2 not talking about effectiveness either. 50% effective is not 100% effective for that matter. Talking about unknown possible long-term ill effects. Merely saying that some people have a rational reason for being hesitant to get the vaccine.

And since Pfizer and others will not be on the hook for damages should these occur, it adds a little bit of anxiety to the people who are already worried.


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1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

1 not necessarily of course nor anybody else with a computer and a Google account. But this guy hqs spent a lot of time looking into it and discuss it with a lot of medical professionals for what that's worth.

2 not talking about effectiveness either. 50% effective is not 100% effective for that matter. Talking about unknown possible long-term ill effects. Merely saying that some people have a rational reason for being hesitant to get the vaccine.

And since Pfizer and others will not be on the hook for damages should these occur, it adds a little bit of anxiety to the people who are already worried.


It's their choice- RN or 80 IQ cretin...  Pretty clear now those who are adamant antivaxxers aren't going to change their mind- regardless.  They had better hope they're not the 1% who winds up dead. 

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14 minutes ago, hoorta said:

It's their choice- RN or 80 IQ cretin...  Pretty clear now those who are adamant antivaxxers aren't going to change their mind- regardless.  They had better hope they're not the 1% who winds up dead. 

I think people are just tired of hearing you uninformed pricks  pretending that they are superior to everyone else. You are not.

Note that I wouldn't have used the word prick had you not resorting to the usual Democrat garbage of calling everyone who doesn't kiss Joe Biden's ass "80 IQ."


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10 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

I think people are just tired of hearing you uninformed pricks  pretending that they are superior to everyone else. You are not.

Note that I wouldn't have used the word prick had you not resorting to the usual Democrat garbage of calling everyone who doesn't kiss Joe Biden's ass "80 IQ."


Whatever... And plenty of those low IQ folks are democrat antivaxxers...  It was damn obvious from that chart Woody put up- like it or not- covid vaccination has been turned into a political football. Lower vaccinations rates in red counties... Coincidence? Like Hell... Or did you miss Lauren Boebert prancing around railing against the Fauci ouchie?  

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28 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Whatever... And plenty of those low IQ folks are democrat antivaxxers...  It was damn obvious from that chart Woody put up- like it or not- covid vaccination has been turned into a political football. Lower vaccinations rates in red counties... Coincidence? Like Hell... Or did you miss Lauren Boebert prancing around railing against the Fauci ouchie?  

Who cares about Lorena Bobbitt? (Or the Woodpecker for that matter.) Which groups are the least likely to get vaccinated? Negroes Hispanics and young people. Most likely? Seniors.

Also Donald Trump facilitated the fast-track and encouraged people to get the vaccination. For those of you who think everything is Trump Trump Trump.


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A little bit of an aside since you and your Protege the woodpecker seem to think you've got a giant gotcha with the red States unvaccinated rate. Let's use Alabama as an example, it's one of the most Republican states in the Union right? The African American percentage of Alabama is actually about twice the national average at 26%. And we know that African-Americans and young people are the least likely to be vaccinated. That would, or should if anybody was being fair, skew the manufactured results of that poll.


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40 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

A little bit of an aside since you and your Protege the woodpecker seem to think you've got a giant gotcha with the red States unvaccinated rate. Let's use Alabama as an example, it's one of the most Republican states in the Union right? The African American percentage of Alabama is actually about twice the national average at 26%. And we know that African-Americans and young people are the least likely to be vaccinated. That would, or should if anybody was being fair, skew the manufactured results of that poll.


There goes Steve….making sense again.

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6 hours ago, jbluhm86 said:

And if/when he/she recovers like 99% of the people who have COVID, what then? What will the hoopla have been for?

The hoopla was to protect the even older people than he in the group. They are at least not exposed to him.

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