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17 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Then you better find a way to vote for Liz Chaney then. She has more balls than any of you anti-democracy trumpublicans who still have not been able to admit you live in the Grand Delusion of a nitwit traitor. Either come back out of that 🐰🕳️ or STFU. Stop colluding with Nathan Bedford Forrest Gump.

 too bad you're unable to Converse in anything but nonsense.

 if I'm forced to make the decision I would certainly vote for her over the idiot that you put in office.

And I still call BS on your "conservatism" since you voted for the guy with the worst budget deficits in history. That still stands. And when do we see that

 Until Biden has more time to destroy the economy and then the next president and then the next until the president after him and after him etc etc

replacement plan for Obamacare? Surely he has that all worked out (which is why McCain voted it down).

 Despite his imprisonment McCain turned out to have an extremely thin skin. Even fellow military officer Colin Powell turned his back on him.

It was only a repeal that would have hurt millions of people just

in time for the advent of COVID-19.

 Remember I liked Obamacare when it was originally Romneys plan. I was no longer in support when idiot Obama threw out the mandate. Opposite of what he campaigned on.

Not sure what that has to do with anything but you and Joe don't focus very well. So you are for or against Obamacare or what? Not that it matters.




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Also just for the record as to the issue of deficit spending the Lion's Share of that is military spending. Even though I think that can be wasteful I certainly prefer that to throwing money at people to sit on their ass and squirt out babies rather than work.

And I fully support shutting down the government when the budget gets to the point the law kicks in rather than just voting for more money and kicking the can down the road.


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10 hours ago, TexasAg1969 said:

Then you better find a way to vote for Liz Cheney. She has more balls than any of you anti-democracy trumpublicans who still have not been able to admit you live in the Grand Delusion of a nitwit traitor. Either come back out of that 🐰🕳️ or STFU. Stop colluding with Nathan Bedford Forrest Gump.

Liz Cheney may have balls but she certainly lacks a spine.

I fully expect her to be primaried, and if she wants to further her political career, she’s going have to put a “D” next to her name.

Maybe she can Buddy up to other Rino's like John Kasich and Mike Pence.

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27 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Liz Cheney may have balls but she certainly lacks a spine.

I fully expect her to be primaried, and if she wants to further her political career, she’s going have to put a “D” next to her name.

Maybe she can Buddy up to other Rino's like John Kasich and Mike Pence.

Actually some people think that the opposition really loves them when they take a stand against their party. It rarely works out in the long run. Ask John McCain.

I have absolutely no beef with Mike Pence. 


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1 hour ago, Axe said:

Fixed that for ya

There's absolutely nothing Mike Pence could have done. I think the election was dirty I think that there are a lot of s*** votes that were allowed to be counted but at the end of the day two things: no chance it would have swung the election except for possibly the senate in Georgia and second nobody with the power to do anything wanted to.

It had nothing to do with Republicans versus Democrats or the law. It was the ruling class versus America.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

There's absolutely nothing Mike Pence could have done. I think the election was dirty I think that there are a lot of s*** votes that were allowed to be counted but at the end of the day two things: no chance it would have swung the election except for possibly the senate in Georgia and second nobody with the power to do anything wanted to.

It had nothing to do with Republicans versus Democrats or the law. It was the ruling class versus America.


If there were a lot of shit votes counted- then fucking prove it Trumpie.  You've had months- and all you have is nothing burgers to date.  Or do you believe Mike Lindell's latest showing Matrix screen shots proves anything other than he's batshit crazy?   Bring your fucking proof on- in court. Sort of been quiet on that front of late.. Wonder why?  Because any lawyer that has a few communicating neurons isn't going to risk getting disbarred or get embarrassed dragging up the same old shit for another  round that's going to get laughed out of court. Sure, it's all a MSM coverup- but when Tucker heads over to Hungary to get the template on how to destroy democracy in America, it's all hunky-dory.  

Go whine about your imaginary "Deep State" while the others in the rabbit hole drinking the Kool Aid still believe it. .  Republican election officials were in on the Biden scam too in multiple states .. 60 court cases were all "rigged"... His hand selected SCOTUS told him TWICE to take a hike already...  Rudy is gonna get disbarred, and Kraken is next on the list.  Sorry Steve- fuck all this Trump horseshit- I'm damn tired of listening to this never ending conspiracy crap already.... The guy is mental, and can't admit he lost an election fair and square.  


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

If there were a lot of shit votes counted- then fucking prove it Trumpie.  You've had months- and all you have is nothing burgers to date.  Or do you believe Mike Lindell's latest showing Matrix screen shots proves anything other than he's batshit crazy?   Bring your fucking proof on- in court. Sort of been quiet on that front of late.. Wonder why?  Because any lawyer that has a few communicating neurons isn't going to risk getting disbarred or get embarrassed dragging up the same old shit for another  round that's going to get laughed out of court. Sure, it's all a MSM coverup- but when Tucker heads over to Hungary to get the template on how to destroy democracy in America, it's all hunky-dory.  

Go whine about your imaginary "Deep State" while the others in the rabbit hole drinking the Kool Aid still believe it. .  Republican election officials were in on the Biden scam too in multiple states .. 60 court cases were all "rigged"... His hand selected SCOTUS told him TWICE to take a hike already...  Rudy is gonna get disbarred, and Kraken is next on the list.  Sorry Steve- fuck all this Trump horseshit- I'm damn tired of listening to this never ending conspiracy crap already.... The guy is mental, and can't admit he lost an election fair and square.  



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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

If there were a lot of shit votes counted- then fucking prove it Trumpie.  You've had months- and all you have is nothing burgers to date.  Or do you believe Mike Lindell's latest showing Matrix screen shots proves anything other than he's batshit crazy?   Bring your fucking proof on- in court. Sort of been quiet on that front of late.. Wonder why?  Because any lawyer that has a few communicating neurons isn't going to risk getting disbarred or get embarrassed dragging up the same old shit for another  round that's going to get laughed out of court. Sure, it's all a MSM coverup- but when Tucker heads over to Hungary to get the template on how to destroy democracy in America, it's all hunky-dory.  

Go whine about your imaginary "Deep State" while the others in the rabbit hole drinking the Kool Aid still believe it. .  Republican election officials were in on the Biden scam too in multiple states .. 60 court cases were all "rigged"... His hand selected SCOTUS told him TWICE to take a hike already...  Rudy is gonna get disbarred, and Kraken is next on the list.  Sorry Steve- fuck all this Trump horseshit- I'm damn tired of listening to this never ending conspiracy crap already.... The guy is mental, and can't admit he lost an election fair and square.  


Sorry Larry nothing there worth responding to. Like Obamao, he's not the president anymore and won't be again. Try to focus on the damage your own guy is doing.


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9 hours ago, Vambo said:


6 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Sorry Larry nothing there worth responding to. Like Obamao, he's not the president anymore and won't be again. Try to focus on the damage your own guy is doing.



Another one of Hoorta's superheroes:

49ers roster 2021: Nate Sudfeld to beat out Josh Rosen?

It's not the most provocative 49ers training camp battle, but Nate Sudfeld will look to beat out Josh Rosen for the team's QB3 role in 2021. The San Francisco 49ers have a crucial competition ...
yes, my pick was Josh Allen - who was ALL PRO last year. And there WAS widespread voter fraud. Ballot harvesting.
Meanwhile - since hater liberal looney lingo no workee -

Vote Harvesting a Recipe for Coercion and Election Fraud ...

Vote harvesting gives party activists, campaign consultants, and other political guns-for-hire the ability to manipulate election outcomes either through coercion of voters or outright ballot theft...

Project Veritas uncovers 'ballot harvesting fraud' in ...

Sep 27, 2020Both President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr have warned that the increased use of mail-in ballots, due to COVID-19 concerns about in-person voting, is vulnerable to fraud, especially when...

AG Paxton: San Antonio Election Fraudster Arrested for ...

AG Pax­ton: San Anto­nio Elec­tion Fraud­ster Arrest­ed for Wide­spread Vote Har­vest­ing and Fraud Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today announced the arrest of Rachel Rodriguez for election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.
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On 8/6/2021 at 6:17 PM, TexasAg1969 said:

LOL! What a bunch of knee jerky ninnies. I didn't write the articles, just merely posted them. But you can send in your gold and silver American Eagles to trumpy and he will gladly send you a loyalty card. But remember he does not require your loyalty to the Constitution, so you should all be just fine there.🤣

I'll give them sort of a pass on the eagle.. But digging a little deeper- with apologies to Paul Simon's "Slip slidin' away".  Trump is still "Grift Grifting Away"...  You want a loyalty card? You're going to get directed to a website where if you're still in love with him, you can make a generous contribution for "the CAUSE".  

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9 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Sorry Larry nothing there worth responding to. Like Obamao, he's not the president anymore and won't be again. Try to focus on the damage your own guy is doing.


Thank God he's out of office Steve... But he's still doing serious damage to democracy- just MHO.  BTW- I've said I'm not a fan of Biden racking up a few trillion more in debt. 

Does it hurt too bad when I post an accurate history lesson for you? FWIW, 1\6 wasn't a "little demonstration that got out of hand". "Trial by combat"- Rudy.  "Take names and kick ass."- Brooks.  The Lyin' King Captain Bone Spurs said he'd be right up there with them leading the charge. Yup- those sitting in jail said they were there because Trumpie told them to be there.     

Oh, I'll let it go Steve- when Orangie is either in jail or a mental institution.  

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You guys keep talking about TDS.

Yet there still continues to be daily posts about Obama. Almost 5 years later

I guess there’s ODS also

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Just now, hoorta said:

I'll give them sort of a pass on the eagle.. But digging a little deeper- with apologies to Paul Simon's "Slip slidin' away".  Trump is still "Grift Grifting Away"...  You want a loyalty card? You're going to get directed to a website where if you're still in love with him, you can make a generous contribution for "the CAUSE".  

Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind
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7 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Thank God he's out of office Steve... But he's still doing serious damage to democracy- just MHO.  BTW- I've said I'm not a fan of Biden racking up a few trillion more in debt. 

Does it hurt too bad when I post an accurate history lesson for you? FWIW, 1\6 wasn't a "little demonstration that got out of hand". "Trial by combat"- Rudy.  "Take names and kick ass."- Brooks.  The Lyin' King Captain Bone Spurs said he'd be right up there with them leading the charge. Yup- those sitting in jail said they were there because Trumpie told them to be there.     

Oh, I'll let it go Steve- when Orangie is either in jail or a mental institution.  


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11 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Thank God he's out of office Steve... But he's still doing serious damage to democracy- just MHO.  BTW- I've said I'm not a fan of Biden racking up a few trillion more in debt. 

Does it hurt too bad when I post an accurate history lesson for you? FWIW, 1\6 wasn't a "little demonstration that got out of hand". "Trial by combat"- Rudy.  "Take names and kick ass."- Brooks.  The Lyin' King Captain Bone Spurs said he'd be right up there with them leading the charge. Yup- those sitting in jail said they were there because Trumpie told them to be there.     

Oh, I'll let it go Steve- when Orangie is either in jail or a mental institution.  

Completely honestly nothing you have to say hurts me one way or the other. Is that why you post this bombastic stuff? To hurt me?

But I pointed out the hypocrisy enough times that I don't expect a straight response. (Your boy 'dodged the draft'* too just for one example) But you're certainly welcome to your opinions. 

* just for the record had my draft number not been so high I have done it myself.


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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Completely honestly nothing you have to say hurts me one way or the other. Is that why you post this bombastic stuff? To hurt me?

But I pointed out the hypocrisy enough times that I don't expect a straight response. (Your boy 'dodged the draft'* too just for one example) But you're certainly welcome to your opinions. 

* just for the record had my draft number not been so high I have done it myself.


Guess I just love being bombastic then Steve...  I've lost track of how many times the conspiracy goobers who populate this forum tell me that I'm nuts.... Pot, meet kettle.  :)  

Yep- BDS is rampant here- and that's OK? But even mention Bone Spurs and watch the TDS bullshit erupt.   

PS- regarding the draft- not only did I pull a high number- I also got a legit 1-Y deferment for a medical condition I have.  If you're interested- PM me- I'll tell you what it is....  

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48 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Guess I just love being bombastic then Steve...  I've lost track of how many times the conspiracy goobers who populate this forum tell me that I'm nuts.... Pot, meet kettle.  :)  

 of course that's true that's just how it is.

Yep- BDS is rampant here- and that's OK? But even mention Bone Spurs and watch the TDS bullshit erupt.   

OK? Sure why not? I don't delete or punish TDS guys. And I don't think you're being honest in the slightest bit because the way I see it all the BDS is directed exactly toward his, or his handlers, policies.

PS- regarding the draft- not only did I pull a high number- I also got a legit 1-Y deferment for a medical condition I have.  If you're interested- PM me- I'll tell you what it is....  

 Not at all my friend that's your personal business.  But you are certainly free to share in private. I would have filed conscientious objection* papers walk away the numbers came up my way.


* translated: fuck a bunch of that going to Vietnam and getting my ass shot off shit.




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7 hours ago, Browns149 said:

You guys keep talking about TDS.

Yet there still continues to be daily posts about Obama. Almost 5 years later

I guess there’s ODS also

well, your bigmouth leftist liar marxist obaMao commie is still in the news, too. And he did nothing good/great for America.

Meanwhile, Pres Trump did well over 200 GOOD/GREAT THINGS for America.

That is what "America First" is. Complaints about obaMao commie and biden are justified and legit.

Complaining about all the asinine hater false narratives about Pres Trump - including "orange skin" slurs, are not.

The UNJUSTIFIED slurs and barbs and lies about Pres Trump is known as TDS.

You can't name one good/great thing obaMao commie OR biden have ever done good/great for America.

I challenged Hoorta on it, and he feebly came up with obaMaocare. that was bad for America.


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