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Matrix - resuscitations

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On 12/23/2021 at 8:14 AM, FairHooker11 said:

The Red pill has never been what the Maga crowd thinks, even dating back to 15 years ago when fan theories beyond how the story would go with the Matrix Online started to become popular.  

It's just another (I hate using this term because of the more social application) appropriated symbol people use incorrectly.

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49 minutes ago, tiamat63 said:

The Red pill has never been what the Maga crowd thinks, even dating back to 15 years ago when fan theories beyond how the story would go with the Matrix Online started to become popular.  

It's just another (I hate using this term because of the more social application) appropriated symbol people use incorrectly.

I think regardless of the game culture of "Matrix Online"  (and I am not a gamer so to speak) came to life some 5 years after the 1st film?

its way too late in the parlance for the W bros or true devotees of the film (or game?) to change anyones minds. 

I hear red pill, and Im hearing conservative leaning truth that interestingly enough connects itself to Brandon Brown and his MSM's 

deflective statement we all know as FJB. 

Sorry W bros want to tell us that it was regarding a "trans' moment.... 


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