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Trump Predicted Biden's Rising Gas Prices


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When you throw everything you possible can at something, there a good chance something will stick. But you cult members block out all the crap he has been wrong about. 

I predicted a bunch of memes and no one talking about Cheetos's other predictions. 

"There will be no school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, no Fourth of July. There will be no nothing, there will be no future. Other than that, it's quite a good plan, I think," Trump said, specifically addressing Biden's plan to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

"He will deliver poverty, misery, depression. I will deliver jobs, jobs, jobs," Trump said, as thousands of people cheered while he spoke from the tarmac at Oakland County International Airport. 




“If he gets in, you will have a depression the likes of which you’ve never seen. Your 401(k)s will go to hell and it’ll be a very, very sad day for this country,” Trump said in the Oct. 22 candidate debate.

2021 Stock Market Year In Review – Forbes Advisor

It was a wild year in many respects, but the stock market turned in a solid performance in 2021. Except for a few brief sell-offs, the S&P 500 gained 26.9% for the year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) gained 18.7% in 2021, while the Nasdaq Composite gained 21.4%.

Donald Trump says if Joe Biden elected 'no one will be safe' (freep.com)

"If the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms," Trump said in a wide-ranging speech long on exaggerated claims and fear-mongering.

US election 2020: Trump says opponent Biden will 'hurt God' - BBC News

"Take away your guns, destroy your Second Amendment. No religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God.

"He's against God, he's against guns, he's against energy, our kind of energy."



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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

When you throw everything you possible can at something, there a good chance something will stick. FIiAjZoXIAQeiuc.jpg.524c4cd5508578229decdc83c19a5875.jpg





You mean like the shit you just threw? Well that didn't stick.

You are some special kind of idiot.

There was this thing called COVID, remember?  Biden did shit. COVID is going away, jobs are retuning.

During Trumps first three years the unemployment rate hit a 50-year low, income growth doubled.

Then came COVID.

Why the confused look CCCP?  CNN never reported it you say??



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4 minutes ago, Neo said:

Funny how you Trumpers conveniently forget that little fact when talking about Trump gas prices.

Your ignorant replies are not generally funny. image.png.08ff84aa2fc33dfb4dce23acd2d8ac2c.png

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Called it. 

30 minutes ago, Gorka said:

You mean like the shit you just threw? Well that didn't stick.

You are some special kind of idiot.

There was this thing called COVID, remember?  Biden did shit. COVID is going away, jobs are retuning.

During Trumps first three years the unemployment rate hit a 50-year low, income growth doubled.

Then came COVID.

Why the confused look CCCP?  CNN never reported it you say??



Yes and he ended up with the worse job record since Hoover. Again your cult leader predicted a lot of stuff, for some reason you are amazed he got one out of 100 correct.

Trump economic record: Worst jobs numbers leaving office since Herbert Hoover | Fortune


“The fact is we won the presidential election, we won it big. And we're going to win tomorrow,” Trump



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so what? covid hit.

Newt Gingrich: Joe Biden's top 10 blunders | Fox News

President Biden has overseen a remarkable number of complete blunders with just 7 months in office. To make sense of them all and consider how to overcome them, I decided to make a list of them.

100 Mistakes, Missteps, and Misstatements in Biden's First ...

100 Mistakes, Missteps, and Misstatements in Biden's First 100 Days ... Waiting longer than any president in the past 100 years to hold a formal press conference. ... That was already happening before Biden took office. Sending stimulus checks to convicted criminals, including murderers in prison.

Biden's first year: The president's biggest blunders | Fox ...

President Biden was sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021, where he talked about unity and major legislative goals. However, his administration has been plaqued by tensions within the Democratic ...


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38 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Called it. 

Yes and he ended up with the worse job record since Hoover. Again your cult leader predicted a lot of stuff, for some reason you are amazed he got one out of 100 correct.

“The fact is we won the presidential election, we won it big. And we're going to win tomorrow,” Trump



You're one stupid fuck.

What part didn't you fucking get??? 

Yes, Trump left with the worst job record.

Let me take you by the hand one more time:

During Trumps first three years the unemployment rate hit a 50-year low, income growth doubled.

Then came COVID.

That should be self explanatory.


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37 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Called it. 

Yes and he ended up with the worse job record since Hoover. Again your cult leader predicted a lot of stuff, for some reason you are amazed he got one out of 100 correct.

Trump economic record: Worst jobs numbers leaving office since Herbert Hoover | Fortune


“The fact is we won the presidential election, we won it big. And we're going to win tomorrow,” Trump




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3 hours ago, Gorka said:

You're one stupid fuck.

What part didn't you fucking get??? 

Yes, Trump left with the worst job record.

Let me take you by the hand one more time:

During Trumps first three years the unemployment rate hit a 50-year low, income growth doubled.

Then came COVID.

That should be self explanatory.


Ah don't get mad poor guy. I'll let you use Covid as an excuse. Just like if they stop counting vote at midnight Cheetos would have won the election. But this thread is about your lord and savor's prophecies. How cult members can block out all the stupid one that didn't come true and start a thread about that 1 in a 100 that did come true. None of the other cult members call him out for the stupidity that is this thread. Instead you get triggered by a non cult member calling him out for it.



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12 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Ah don't get mad poor guy. I'll let you use Covid as an excuse. Just like if they stop counting vote at midnight Cheetos would have won the election. But this thread is about your lord and savor's prophecies. How cult members can block out all the stupid one that didn't come true and start a thread about that 1 in a 100 that did come true. None of the other cult members call him out for the stupidity that is this thread. Instead you get triggered by a non cult member calling him out for it.



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6 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Ah don't get mad poor guy. I'll let you use Covid as an excuse.

Not a chance little fella, I take pleasure in getting mad at idiots. I can't help it. 

I don't take pleasure in getting mad at kids that wont listen. Which one are you?

COVID wasn't an excuse, it was a reason. 

Just like if they stop counting vote at midnight Cheetos would have won the election. But this thread is about your lord and savor's prophecies.

Lord and savior?  You're just upset because you know in your heart that there is only one Lord and Savior.


How cult members can block out all the stupid one that didn't come true and start a thread about that 1 in a 100 that did come true. None of the other cult members call him out for the stupidity that is this thread. Instead you get triggered by a non cult member calling him out for it.

Never has a cult following been better exemplified than when your Lord and Savior was in office. Please do continue accusing the other side of what you are guilty of. I'll expose you and your hypocrisy every time.

Sing it for us cccp! You know the words!




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Still waiting for somebody to address the stupidity of this thread. Memes and YouTube are the cults members only responses. It's funny that you guys actual think I read your memes and watch your videos. Like most people here, I do not. But you keep putting that work in. 👍

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10 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Still waiting for somebody to address the stupidity of this thread. Memes and YouTube are the cults members only responses. It's funny that you guys actual think I read your memes and watch your videos. Like most people here, I do not. But you keep putting that work in. 👍

Whether Trump predicted rising gas prices or not…I really don’t give a fuck.

What I do care about is paying out the ass for a gallon of gas.

The last time I paid over $4 for a gallon was when your Obozo was Prez.

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54 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Still waiting for somebody to address the stupidity of this thread. Memes and YouTube are the cults members only responses. It's funny that you guys actual think I read your memes and watch your videos. Like most people here, I do not. But you keep putting that work in. 👍


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2 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Whether Trump predicted rising gas prices or not…I really don’t give a fuck.

What I do care about is paying out the ass for a gallon of gas.

The last time I paid over $4 for a gallon was when your Obozo was Prez.

If you don't care stop replying to the thread. I did nothing but make fun of some moron bragging about Cheetos being right about one prediction out of 100. 

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31 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

If you don't care stop replying to the thread. I did nothing but make fun of some moron bragging about Cheetos being right about one prediction out of 100. 


Before a thought from your near empty head gets down to your fingers, take a moment to think about it before you type.

He wasn't replying to the thread topic you liberal moron, he was replying to you.

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12 minutes ago, Gorka said:


Before a thought from your near empty head gets down to your fingers, take a moment to think about it before you type.

He wasn't replying to the thread topic you liberal moron, he was replying to you.

You mean he was replying to a post about making fun of a moron bragging about Cheetos getting one of his predictions right. Making fun of Cheetos sure does trigger you guys. 




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4 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

You mean he was replying to a post about making fun of a moron bragging about Cheetos getting one of his predictions right. Making fun of Cheetos sure does trigger you guys. 





He was replying to a post making fun of a moron bragging about how Trump got only one prediction right out of a 100. Obviously, you were too stupid to get the message.

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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

If you don't care stop replying to the thread. I did nothing but make fun of some moron bragging about Cheetos being right about one prediction out of 100. 

I cccjwh can't whistle
And it really gets my goat
Cause I feel I've missed the boat
And I cccjwh can't act
People say that it's a snap
But I've proved them wrong on that
Cause I cccjwh am a moron
I cccjwh am an idiot
I cccjwh am Retarded
But at least I cccjwh know it
And I cccjwh show it
And everybody knows it's true
In every little thing I do
A layer of stupidity is poured on
Cause I cccjwh a moron
I cccjwh can't think
My brain is just pile
Full of memories and denial
And I cccjwh can't love
The fault is all my own
And that's why I'm alone
Cause I  cccjwh a moron
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