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electric cars are a stupid ass idea


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Long lines seen at Costco gas station to fill up for less | WWLP

WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – While the price of gas has gone up, some gas stations are busier than others right now.

22News stopped at Costco in West Springfield Friday afternoon as people waited in line to fill up. The reason for that can be seen when you pull up to the pump… $4.09, compared to the average $4.36 a gallon across the state.

AAA told 22News that getting memberships to wholesale groups is one way you can save money. A membership could knock off tens of cents per gallon.

At the front of the line, Debbie Gibbons from Westfield was filling up ahead of Saturday’s weather, “My husband and I work both full time jobs, we’re doing okay. I feel for the people who can’t. For myself, I think it’s worth the sacrifice. I’m not going to complain about it. You’ll never hear me complain about it. I’m not thrilled about it but I’m certainly not going to complain about it.”

Debbie owns a jeep and another SUV, so she said she is planning to drive less.

Another way you can save some money at the pump is to download gas station apps.


Damn babycow, I guess gas power cars are stupid too, huh? Bahahahaha







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I'd estimate we'd need at least 3x as many charging stations as current gas pumps to standardize electric vehicles. In any major metropolitan area that will probably require new ot upgraded electric infrastructure as well as the stations themselves. We're years out from standardizing EV. Maybe a decade or even more. Democrats need to get real about this and if it's what they really want to do get to work on the infrastructure while securing as much oil as they can get. All politicians are out of touch with reality but this will absolutely wreck their election chances if they don't get it together. They won't be able to call all the families and Americans who will be hurt badly by the recession racist Transphobes until they go away. 

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7.5 billion going to charging stations. A bunch more money to upgrade the power grid. Upgrading the power grid by itself is going to save a shit load of energy. Not sure why we would need 3x more charging stations vs gas stations. No one has a gas station at home. Most people charge their car at home or work.


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1 hour ago, Neo said:

If you have solar panels at your house and you don't have a long commute then I would say electric cars are fucking brilliant right now. 

Absolutely. If you don't you're s*** out of luck. When they are practical they will take over transportation. And then the Democrats will cry about lithium batteries. And then something else will take over but we'll have been dead for a long long time. I don't get the conflict. Cal is pulling  your dick. Or leg.


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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So weird that EVs have now become the next culture war target. I guess they're done with Mr. Potatoehead

Doesn't seem like a weird target to me. They aren't practical nor affordable for a large portion of the population. Inflation is already a bitch, and none of those people want their tax dollars going to subsidize Teslas for rich, white suburbanites. I personally think the pollution cost of strip-mining for rare-earth metals is much worse for the environment than the carbon cost of internal combustion vehicles.

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3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

Doesn't seem like a weird target to me. They aren't practical nor affordable for a large portion of the population. Inflation is already a bitch, and none of those people want their tax dollars going to subsidize Teslas for rich, white suburbanites. I personally think the pollution cost of strip-mining for rare-earth metals is much worse for the environment than the carbon cost of internal combustion vehicles.

I guess it's a different flavor that Dr Seuss, Mr Potatohead, the green m&m, CRT, etc

But it definitely is a hot button issue, and more relevant to current events. 


I'm of the mind we keep using governmental means to push infrastructure and adoption. It looks like it's succeeding with most major auto makers. The whole value chain needs to be sustainable though, as you've pointed out. 

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10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:



Video shows enormous line of Teslas waiting to charge in Louisiana

Just think after they get you hooked on EVs they will need to start adding all those taxes like they do gas... road taxes, equipment tax, infrastructure taxes , etc...

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17 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So weird that EVs have now become the next culture war target. I guess they're done with Mr. Potatoehead

Keep in mind that nonsense issues like making mr. Potato Head gender-neutral CRT allowing people with penises to compete in women's sports, product logos, green M & M's, sports teams nicknames  and a laundry list of other crazy shit would never make the news had it not been for, get ready to whine, "you guys" taking action on them.

(Not that most of your issues aren't silly and off base but these are some of the most glaring.)


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8 hours ago, Vambo said:

Just think after they get you hooked on EVs they will need to start adding all those taxes like they do gas... road taxes, equipment tax, infrastructure taxes , etc...

that is true. Like diesel cars. Diesel fuel used to be a good bit CHEAPER. Less processing, etc.

Now? they got ya. Now diesel fuel is a lot more expensive. Will cost a LOT more to fuel our tractor, dammit.

That will hit farmers also.

   So, we have two 100 watt solar panels, and we ordered a smallish solar generator. It will be great for long trips, especially if we can't have electricity at some campground. But it takes a lot of time to charge batteries. On our fishing electric motor, I leave the charger on all night to recharge the battery for the next morning. and if the power goes out for a few days or a lot worse... we can power the fan on the wood burning insert (back up to heat our home)

Imagine recharging your electric car as fast as you can put gas in your tank. Then laugh yourself right out of your chair. Never going to happen. It's a pipe dream - a utopian fantasy. Sure, electric cars are possible to do, but not practical. I read where some article writer was saying that. "Imagine driving cross country and not hearing your engine and truck engines and....".

Why, "imagine pretty monarch butterflies on the moon". Yeah. Go fly to Alaska on a solar powered Boeing 737.

I just don't get it.

With the way electric car goofs in our government spend money by the trillions more and more, you can be sure the cost of recharging your electric car will go up and up and up.

Runaway inflation is dangerous - it can collectively grow from several directions.

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10 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

I guess it's a different flavor that Dr Seuss, Mr Potatohead, the green m&m, CRT, etc

But it definitely is a hot button issue, and more relevant to current events. 


I'm of the mind we keep using governmental means to push infrastructure and adoption. It looks like it's succeeding with most major auto makers. The whole value chain needs to be sustainable though, as you've pointed out. 

Sure, but they're not doing anything to ease pollution from metals mining. Just go to the third-world and mine it there. Pictured below is two decades of expansion of a nickel mine in the Philippines that abuts a tropical rainforest. The greens need to start having serious conversations about weighing the costs of carbon footprint against the cost of toxic pollution.


Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/rise-of-electric-cars-endangers-last-frontier-philippines/index.html

Side note - The expansion of this mine was in large part driven by the need for nickel in electric car batteries.

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16 hours ago, cccjwh said:

7.5 billion going to charging stations. A bunch more money to upgrade the power grid. Upgrading the power grid by itself is going to save a shit load of energy. Not sure why we would need 3x more charging stations vs gas stations. No one has a gas station at home. Most people charge their car at home or work.


You're... not sure why? Really? Maybe, and I know this is wacky, it's because it takes approximately 10x as long to half assed charge an electric vehicle as fill up at a gas station. 

What the prime focus should be here is figuring how to charge the battery when driving, not just braking, in order to double the current range of the batteries. When they can do that they'll be in better shape. I have to assume me you've never worked on a construction project because let me tell you that infrastructure upgrade is going to take a long ass time. Especially if it's spearheaded by federal contractors. 

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3 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

You're... not sure why? Really? Maybe, and I know this is wacky, it's because it takes approximately 10x as long to half assed charge an electric vehicle as fill up at a gas station. 

What the prime focus should be here is figuring how to charge the battery when driving, not just breaking, in order to double the current range of the batteries. When they can do that they'll be in better shape. I have to assume me you've never worked on a construction project because let me tell you that infrastructure upgrade is going to take a long ass time. Especially if it's spearheaded by federal contractors. 

Again to me the solution is simple. Standardized interchangeable batteries like propane tanks at the hardware store. And they have to be available at just about every gas station.


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8 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Again to me the solution is simple. Standardized interchangeable batteries like propane tanks at the hardware store. And they have to be available at just about every gas station.


Pain in the ass though, isn't it. You have to get out and change your battery if you exceed your limits. And I imagine those batteries are a piece larger than your standard gasoline powered engine battery. 

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36 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Pain in the ass though, isn't it. You have to get out and change your battery if you exceed your limits. And I imagine those batteries are a piece larger than your standard gasoline powered engine battery. 

More or less pain in the ass than pulling into a station parking your car for for 5  or 6 hours? You can pull your car in and get an oil change in 15 minutes for 29 bucks. Auto parts stores and stole your battery or windshield wipers on the spot. Swapping out the battery would be easier than changing the oil.


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

More or less pain in the ass than pulling into a station parking your car for for 5  or 6 hours? You can pull your car in and get an oil change in 15 minutes for 29 bucks. Auto parts stores and stole your battery or windshield wipers on the spot. Swapping out the battery would be easier than changing the oil.



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5 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

You're... not sure why? Really? Maybe, and I know this is wacky, it's because it takes approximately 10x as long to half assed charge an electric vehicle as fill up at a gas station. 

What the prime focus should be here is figuring how to charge the battery when driving, not just braking, in order to double the current range of the batteries. When they can do that they'll be in better shape. I have to assume me you've never worked on a construction project because let me tell you that infrastructure upgrade is going to take a long ass time. Especially if it's spearheaded by federal contractors. 


Most people don't need a charging station. You charge your vehicle at home or at work. Only time you need them if you are drive a long way. Average distance per day someone drives? 39 miles. Probably less now, since so many people are working from home. 

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what next? ya have to have a certain permit to get a battery swap? I wonder how many battery swaps/recharges we would have had to do when we went on vacation out west - drove 4,000 miles......


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6 hours ago, JAFBF said:



You may just be the dumbest person I've ever interacted with. Or you have 0 ability to perform a "sniff test" on what you see on the internet. Or you just don't care because it fits your narrative

We need to get older folks through basic internet competency courses...


That isn't an "electric car graveyard" in France. That pic is from China. 




I get I'm supposed to "reason" with you. I'm supposed to walk through your beliefs and help coax you back from the edge, but it is clear that ship has sailed. Calling out your stupidity is all it's worth now. 



once again we see misinformation as possibly the biggest issue currently facing our country (and I'm sure much of the world). Even though plenty of reputable places have done the work to show that caption to be false, they'll never reach the millions of people that have already seen this false pic. All of the people that used this to enforce their own beliefs or the few that this actually swayed (or kicked them down the start of a rabbit hole). The correction will only reach a fraction of the original audience. The damage is done.

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The average American isn't going to be needing to use a mobile charging station. They'll charge at home in their garage at night (or at work if they're lucky). The average daily commute isn't going to use more than the range of the battery. 

Yes Cysko, you drive around more for work, got it. I'm talking about the average American and their typical day. And yes, planned longer commutes may need a charging stop (or multiple) along the way (At least for now)

Thinking about how often you go to the gas station and then assuming all of those stops will be long charging sessions is false, as that is not is how it would work out for most people on most days. 



and the battery is designed to last the life of the car, and it is under warranty, so very few consumers are ever going to need to front the cost of a battery replacement 

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