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Satanic Temple Gathering

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:




"Can't you just not get married?" Haha haha. How much of this did you get through Woodrow? I skipped around a while. Looks like the Maharishi Mahesh about two-thirds of the way through. Of course getting head from a stranger is a selling point. Okay okay depending on the stranger. Not from the Maharishi.

Even you have to admit my shock and offend position comes in here? But what the heck, kids are stupid.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

"Can't you just not get married?" Haha haha. How much of this did you get through Woodrow? I skipped around a while. Looks like the Maharishi Mahesh about two-thirds of the way through. Of course getting head from a stranger is a selling point. Okay okay depending on the stranger. Not from the Maharishi.

Even you have to admit my shock and offend position comes in here? But what the heck, kids are stupid.


Your shock and offend position is stupid the majority of the time because it's very narcissistic. As if anyone doing anything you don't like is doing it just to mess with you. And I would think,if anything, that just makes you a snowflake (remember when that was the attack of the moment, not CRT or groomer?)


I don't know what particular instance you're talking about here, if it is a particular one or not. 


I just post Channel 5 videos, regardless of the subject, because I enjoy them and share them. Though I know if it's not the epoch times, etc (whatever the new far right hotness is) a handful of posters here won't watch.

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9 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Your shock and offend position is stupid the majority of the time because it's very narcissistic. As if anyone doing anything you don't like is doing it just to mess with you. And I would think,if anything, that just makes you a snowflake (remember when that was the attack of the moment, not CRT or groomer?)


I don't know what particular instance you're talking about here, if it is a particular one or not. 


I just post Channel 5 videos, regardless of the subject, because I enjoy them and share them. Though I know if it's not the epoch times, etc (whatever the new far right hotness is) a handful of posters here won't watch.

Oh horseshit. If you don't think these kids are dressing up in their devil costumes and spouting their crazy devil shit aren't doing it to show off and freak people out, IOW shock and offend, you're stupid. I think you're a contrarian and bickerson most of the time but I don't think you're stupid. By the way I think the guy in the Hat is a goofball too.

As far as the bonus CRT and grooming shit I know you love to push it into every subject we discussed but... If you and the other lefties  think it's a good idea to teach white kids they are no good and should feel guilty all the time and the eight-year-old should learn how to suck cock fine. These devil worshipping kids are just acting out. Kind of like when a 10-year old realizes that the funniest word in the world is poop. But you can certainly bond with whomever you choose.




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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Oh horseshit. If you don't think these kids are dressing up in their devil costumes and spouting their crazy devil shit aren't doing it to show off and freak people out, IOW shock and offend, you're stupid. I think you're a contrarian and bickerson most of the time but I don't think you're stupid. By the way I think the guy in the Hat is a goofball too.




Steve, confused by your double negatives. Are you trying to tell me that there aren't a few true devil worshipers running around out there?  Because if you believe it's just for show and freaking people out, you're wrong.  

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12 hours ago, hoorta said:

Steve, confused by your double negatives. Are you trying to tell me that there aren't a few true devil worshipers running around out there?  Because if you believe it's just for show and freaking people out, you're wrong.  

No confusion necessary. You're correct. I'm not quite sure what a double negative has to do with it but it most certainly is a double standard. Maybe a triple quadruple or beyond that standard. Regardless of your political kinship with the woodpecker it's stupid to make your argument based on the fact that there might be one or two cases. That's why using terms like all or every are b*******. There is nothing that was 100% pure but don't base your logic on tiny fractions. No doubt there are some people who really believe Satan is their Lord and Master.

Fuck 'em. There are probably some people who take their mail order degree in theology from the Church of Universal life seriously.  And I do not afford them the same degree of respect for their pastorship as I would the priest of Saint Patrick's. And frankly I don't think you believe it either.

Fair? Not really. There just needs to be a grown up in the room. Even though the law makes it tough.


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