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The Laughs Don't Stop

MLD Woody

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You live in a fun little reality, huh? If you truly think that's why there aren't "liberal" posters on here then you're so far off there's no helping you

Thanks Woodpecker.  The key word d is reality good call. 

I figure it should be easy enough to prove some of these people you hate wrong, correct? If they were, I mean.


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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Notice I haven't been around lately Woody?  The above is the reason why. FWIW, I'm living my life a lot happier now. Your assessment of what this forum has devolved into is from my POV- entirely accurate.   

They can wallow in their swamp, or Kari LAKE for that matter... I have better things to do with my time than try to have a rational discussion with the QAnon crowd.

BTW FY... Those of us with a few communicating neurons- and some small sense of morality-have gotten mighty tired and appalled at DJT's now incessant name calling.. Horseface, Mad Dog, Psycho, terrorist... Some in the MAGA crowd, er cult- still want this nut job to be president again? Unreal!!! Once the multiple legal festivities that Orangie is embroiled in are over, I hope the folks he's denigrated start bringing defamation lawsuits against him.  Yep, some here take their cue from the Orange windbag in the name calling department, and I'm totally fed up with it. 

Adios, muchachos.  Have a nice conspiracy day.  

There you go woodpecker; a perfect example of why you liberals are such a bunch of fucking idiots, and I say that with all due respect.



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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

BTW FY... Those of us with a few communicating neurons- and some small sense of morality-have gotten mighty tired and appalled at DJT's now incessant name calling.. Horseface, Mad Dog, Psycho, terrorist... Some in the MAGA crowd, er cult- still want this nut job to be president again? Unreal!!! Once the multiple legal festivities that Orangie is embroiled in are over, I hope the folks he's denigrated start bringing defamation lawsuits against him.  Yep, some here take their cue from the Orange windbag in the name calling department, and I'm totally fed up with it. 

Adios, muchachos.  Have a nice conspiracy day.  



Say it ain't so! Did Trump hurt your feelings again?

Defamation lawsuits, hell yeah let's try that next!  

And what possibly could be worse than wanting a name calling Trump to be president again? That's easy...you wanting Biden to be president again.


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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Notice I haven't been around lately Woody?  The above is the reason why. FWIW, I'm living my life a lot happier now. Your assessment of what this forum has devolved into is from my POV- entirely accurate.   

oh, stupid whiney bs.

you, texie, and woodpecker left to "teach us a lesson to not let you own this forum"

the lesson is a fake one. Seems you haven't learned your lesson, the terrible twins plus one still hate,

and texie is still trying to start trouble with me, only this time on the Browns forum. Another cowardly move on his part - jumping on to tiam smarting off to me and me addressing it. lol. Very, very cowardly act, texie.

   You lose every time you try your crap, hoorta. Did you sober up enough to actually type? sad.

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2 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

If your assertion that trump is wrong that the left will try to call desantis a hateful genocidal nazi everything-ist I'd say you are heavily in denial.

No doubt, but no one has said that as far as I can tell. Although I would love to hear just once from a resident lefty admitting it.

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On 3/24/2023 at 7:36 PM, FY56 said:



Say it ain't so! Did Trump hurt your feelings again?

Defamation lawsuits, hell yeah let's try that next!  

And what possibly could be worse than wanting a name calling Trump to be president again? That's easy...you wanting Biden to be president again.


Sheeze, you think Trump's incessant playground name calling is befitting of the potential leader of the Free World? Get outta here with that load of horse shit....  Really?  Sure FY, let's have a malignant narcissistic pathological lying, and now showing a few other psychological defects in charge of the nuclear football. Scares the shit out of me, and it should you too. BTW & FYI, I'm not on the Biden train for a second term. However, given the choice, I would vote for Joe the Sanitation worker ahead of your Mango Messiah for president.  

Speaking the spreader of horse shit.... The first horseshoe just dropped on your "hysterical" er, historical former president...  First President to be impeached twice. First former President to be indicted of a potential crime. Quite the resume. And before you MAGAs start screaming "witch hunt", Bragg had to convince a Grand Jury that there was in fact reason enough to indict the Orange one.  Said it way back, the witch has been accurately identified.  

LOL, you lost ones... Some of us have the popcorn supply loaded up for the stuff that's coming down the pike shortly. Just on the civil side for poor widdle victim Donnie (he plays that card SO well, and is already grifting off of his latest legal predicament). Coming soon to courtrooms across the country. :D Ms. Carrol's rape case, and the NY AG's mega million dollar tax fraud suit this fall.  

Then there's the "perfectly" illegal election interference phone call to Brad in Georgia, Stolen documents and a few other things of questionable legality in Florida being investigated....  And lastly, but not leastly, that little insurrection on January 6th. DJT for jail 2024.   

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Sheeze, you think Trump's incessant playground name calling is befitting of the potential leader of the Free World? Get outta here with that load of horse shit....  Really?  Sure FY, let's have a malignant narcissistic pathological lying, and now showing a few other psychological defects in charge of the nuclear football. Scares the shit out of me, and it should you too. BTW & FYI, I'm not on the Biden train for a second term. However, given the choice, I would vote for Joe the Sanitation worker ahead of your Mango Messiah for president.  

Speaking the spreader of horse shit.... The first horseshoe just dropped on your "hysterical" er, historical former president...  First President to be impeached twice. First former President to be indicted of a potential crime. Quite the resume. And before you MAGAs start screaming "witch hunt", Bragg had to convince a Grand Jury that there was in fact reason enough to indict the Orange one.  Said it way back, the witch has been accurately identified.  

LOL, you lost ones... Some of us have the popcorn supply loaded up for the stuff that's coming down the pike shortly. Just on the civil side for poor widdle victim Donnie (he plays that card SO well, and is already grifting off of his latest legal predicament). Coming soon to courtrooms across the country. :D Ms. Carrol's rape case, and the NY AG's mega million dollar tax fraud suit this fall.  

Then there's the "perfectly" illegal election interference phone call to Brad in Georgia, Stolen documents and a few other things of questionable legality in Florida being investigated....  And lastly, but not leastly, that little insurrection on January 6th. DJT for jail 2024.   


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46 minutes ago, Axe said:

Wow! Our resident POS Wino has TDS BAD doesn't he 🤣

Yeah I don't think he's on the Biden train I think he's on Biden's dick. 

And is the name calling infantile? Indeed it is. But... If being an asshole was against the larry would be looking at fifteen or twenty life sentences.


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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Sheeze, you think Trump's incessant playground name calling is befitting of the potential leader of the Free World? Get outta here with that load of horse shit....  Really?  Sure FY, let's have a malignant narcissistic pathological lying, and now showing a few other psychological defects in charge of the nuclear football. Scares the shit out of me, and it should you too. BTW & FYI, I'm not on the Biden train for a second term. However, given the choice, I would vote for Joe the Sanitation worker ahead of your Mango Messiah for president.  

Speaking the spreader of horse shit.... The first horseshoe just dropped on your "hysterical" er, historical former president...  First President to be impeached twice. First former President to be indicted of a potential crime. Quite the resume. And before you MAGAs start screaming "witch hunt", Bragg had to convince a Grand Jury that there was in fact reason enough to indict the Orange one.  Said it way back, the witch has been accurately identified.  

LOL, you lost ones... Some of us have the popcorn supply loaded up for the stuff that's coming down the pike shortly. Just on the civil side for poor widdle victim Donnie (he plays that card SO well, and is already grifting off of his latest legal predicament). Coming soon to courtrooms across the country. :D Ms. Carrol's rape case, and the NY AG's mega million dollar tax fraud suit this fall.  

Then there's the "perfectly" illegal election interference phone call to Brad in Georgia, Stolen documents and a few other things of questionable legality in Florida being investigated....  And lastly, but not leastly, that little insurrection on January 6th. DJT for jail 2024.   

Too bad you don’t crawl out of your hole more often, to tell us what a stellar job that old fuck in the WH is doing. 


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4 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Too bad you don’t crawl out of your hole more often, to tell us what a stellar job that old fuck in the WH is doing. 


Aw, your deflection is SO endearing....  Like Charlie McCarthy and the GQP...   Political Witch Hunt!!!!   It's just a little itty bitty felony  🙄... Never mind when you get right down to it.... (and we don't have the indictments yet) that the wheels of justice have finally nailed DJT with illegal activity. That's the facts, Jack- as in Mr. Smith.  More to follow.. Another FACT. So keep on living in your rabbit hole, I have lots of Orville Redenbacher ready to go. X7 :D :D :D   

OTOH, you'd rather revel in Orangie's massive accomplishments? Like a tax cut benefitting his rich pals? I'm going to BUILD A WALL AND MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT....  SHORT ATTENTION SPAN... That was the point when I realized Trump was totally full of his own shit..... Senior Trump... no tengo deniero, no tengo nada pesos...Did you actually believe his horse shit horse shit on that one? Answer that one truthfully pal... I'll wait....  OMG... Quote... "I LOVE the poorly educated"....  You one of them? Sure looks like it.  

Can we discuss his I have a better plan than Obamacare, or a massive infrastructure plan that was "vaporware"? Know what that means?   

TDS? You have BDS, so suck it pal.... 

Let me put it to you bluntly...  Joe B.... Senile but sane. Trump...  I really don't think you want me to elaborate about the dangerous alternate reality that Orangie is living in.....   Ya see, lately I've been frequenting message boards with the level of discussion that put this pile of shit conspiracy laden message board to shame. 

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Aw, your deflection is SO endearing....  Like Charlie McCarthy and the GQP...   Political Witch Hunt!!!!   It's just a little itty bitty felony  🙄... Never mind when you get right down to it.... (and we don't have the indictments yet) that the wheels of justice have finally nailed DJT with illegal activity. That's the facts, Jack- as in Mr. Smith.  More to follow.. Another FACT. So keep on living in your rabbit hole, I have lots of Orville Redenbacher ready to go. X7 :D :D :D   

OTOH, you'd rather revel in Orangie's massive accomplishments? Like a tax cut benefitting his rich pals? I'm going to BUILD A WALL AND MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT....  SHORT ATTENTION SPAN... That was the point when I realized Trump was totally full of his own shit..... Senior Trump... no tengo deniero, no tengo nada pesos...Did you actually believe his horse shit horse shit on that one? Answer that one truthfully pal... I'll wait....  OMG... Quote... "I LOVE the poorly educated"....  You one of them? Sure looks like it.  

Can we discuss his I have a better plan than Obamacare, or a massive infrastructure plan that was "vaporware"? Know what that means?   

TDS? You have BDS, so suck it pal.... 

Let me put it to you bluntly...  Joe B.... Senile but sane. Trump...  I really don't think you want me to elaborate about the dangerous alternate reality that Orangie is living in.....   Ya see, lately I've been frequenting message boards with the level of discussion that put this pile of shit conspiracy laden message board to shame. 


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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Aw, your deflection is SO endearing....  Like Charlie McCarthy and the GQP...   Political Witch Hunt!!!!   It's just a little itty bitty felony  🙄... Never mind when you get right down to it.... (and we don't have the indictments yet) that the wheels of justice have finally nailed DJT with illegal activity. That's the facts, Jack- as in Mr. Smith.  More to follow.. Another FACT. So keep on living in your rabbit hole, I have lots of Orville Redenbacher ready to go. X7 :D :D :D   

OTOH, you'd rather revel in Orangie's massive accomplishments? Like a tax cut benefitting his rich pals? I'm going to BUILD A WALL AND MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT....  SHORT ATTENTION SPAN... That was the point when I realized Trump was totally full of his own shit..... Senior Trump... no tengo deniero, no tengo nada pesos...Did you actually believe his horse shit horse shit on that one? Answer that one truthfully pal... I'll wait....  OMG... Quote... "I LOVE the poorly educated"....  You one of them? Sure looks like it.  

Can we discuss his I have a better plan than Obamacare, or a massive infrastructure plan that was "vaporware"? Know what that means?   

TDS? You have BDS, so suck it pal.... 

Let me put it to you bluntly...  Joe B.... Senile but sane. Trump...  I really don't think you want me to elaborate about the dangerous alternate reality that Orangie is living in.....   Ya see, lately I've been frequenting message boards with the level of discussion that put this pile of shit conspiracy laden message board to shame. 

You certainly spread a lot of bullshit on a FORMER President.

Funny I don’t hear you crowing about the Senile but sane geriatric President you voted for.

What is his most endearing policies Larry?

Is it the wide ass open Southern border? Or perhaps it’s his 40 year high inflation?

Or how about trying to shake a hand of some imaginary person? Better yet asking the whereabouts of a deceased Congresswoman?

Yes Larry , you voted for this shitshow now take a bow because Dementia Joe will be one and done in 2024.

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5 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

You certainly spread a lot of bullshit on a FORMER President.

Funny I don’t hear you crowing about the Senile but sane geriatric President you voted for.

What is his most endearing policies Larry?

Is it the wide ass open Southern border? Or perhaps it’s his 40 year high inflation?

Or how about trying to shake a hand of some imaginary person? Better yet asking the whereabouts of a deceased Congresswoman?

Yes Larry , you voted for this shitshow now take a bow because Dementia Joe will be one and done in 2024.

Which makes him a hypocrite on top of a drunken lunatic. At least the woodbecker is up front about his support for free shit, "open borders", the repeat of the 1st and 2nd amendments, placing  negroes women and homosexuals above the law.  


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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Aw, your deflection is SO endearing....  Like Charlie McCarthy and the GQP...   Political Witch Hunt!!!!   It's just a little itty bitty felony  🙄... Never mind when you get right down to it.... (and we don't have the indictments yet) that the wheels of justice have finally nailed DJT with illegal activity. That's the facts, Jack- as in Mr. Smith.  More to follow.. Another FACT. So keep on living in your rabbit hole, I have lots of Orville Redenbacher ready to go. X7 :D :D :D   

OTOH, you'd rather revel in Orangie's massive accomplishments? Like a tax cut benefitting his rich pals? I'm going to BUILD A WALL AND MEXICO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT....  SHORT ATTENTION SPAN... That was the point when I realized Trump was totally full of his own shit..... Senior Trump... no tengo deniero, no tengo nada pesos...Did you actually believe his horse shit horse shit on that one? Answer that one truthfully pal... I'll wait....  OMG... Quote... "I LOVE the poorly educated"....  You one of them? Sure looks like it.  

Can we discuss his I have a better plan than Obamacare, or a massive infrastructure plan that was "vaporware"? Know what that means?   

TDS? You have BDS, so suck it pal.... 

Let me put it to you bluntly...  Joe B.... Senile but sane. Trump...  I really don't think you want me to elaborate about the dangerous alternate reality that Orangie is living in.....   Ya see, lately I've been frequenting message boards with the level of discussion that put this pile of shit conspiracy laden message board to shame. 


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On 3/24/2023 at 4:54 PM, hoorta said:

Notice I haven't been around lately Woody?  The above is the reason why. FWIW, I'm living my life a lot happier now. Your assessment of what this forum has devolved into is from my POV- entirely accurate.   


Confiding in Woody. Awww how precious.

You're living your life happy now because after 7 yrs. your side has finally indicted Trump.

They had no choice. It's now or never, and you're too big a coward to admit it.

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If anyone here had a mortal compass they would know both right and left are corrupt.  But I’ll take the side that believes in life, securing our border, protection the constitution, values a family, acknowledges 2 genders, 


yet somehow were the bad guys? No.  That’s how you know your on the correct side.

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1 hour ago, hammertime said:

If anyone here had a mortal compass they would know both right and left are corrupt.  But I’ll take the side that believes in life, securing our border, protection the constitution, values a family, acknowledges 2 genders, 


yet somehow were the bad guys? No.  That’s how you know your on the correct side.

  Truth be known, I'm sure every president in history has done something illegal somewhere down the line that he could possibly be indicted for with the Clinton and Biden crime families probably committing the most egregious acts. I doubt anyone ascends to the office of the presidency without doing some pretty shady shit.   But Wino Larry can't be bothered to recognize and accept this because of his blind hatred for Trump.. I truly feel sorry for him..

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20 hours ago, hoorta said:

Sheeze, you think Trump's incessant playground name calling is befitting of the potential leader of the Free World? Get outta here with that load of horse shit....  Really?  Sure FY, let's have a malignant narcissistic pathological lying, and now showing a few other psychological defects in charge of the nuclear football. Scares the shit out of me, and it should you too. BTW & FYI, I'm not on the Biden train for a second term. However, given the choice, I would vote for Joe the Sanitation worker ahead of your Mango Messiah for president.  

Speaking the spreader of horse shit.... The first horseshoe just dropped on your "hysterical" er, historical former president...  First President to be impeached twice. First former President to be indicted of a potential crime. Quite the resume. And before you MAGAs start screaming "witch hunt", Bragg had to convince a Grand Jury that there was in fact reason enough to indict the Orange one.  Said it way back, the witch has been accurately identified.  

LOL, you lost ones... Some of us have the popcorn supply loaded up for the stuff that's coming down the pike shortly. Just on the civil side for poor widdle victim Donnie (he plays that card SO well, and is already grifting off of his latest legal predicament). Coming soon to courtrooms across the country. :D Ms. Carrol's rape case, and the NY AG's mega million dollar tax fraud suit this fall.  

Then there's the "perfectly" illegal election interference phone call to Brad in Georgia, Stolen documents and a few other things of questionable legality in Florida being investigated....  And lastly, but not leastly, that little insurrection on January 6th. DJT for jail 2024.   

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'Bill, Remind me again how hush money works? Asking for a friend.'

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

  Truth be known, I'm sure every president in history has done something illegal somewhere down the line that he could possibly be indicted for with the Clinton and Biden crime families probably committing the most egregious acts. I doubt anyone ascends to the office of the presidency without doing some pretty shady shit.   But Wino Larry can't be bothered to recognize and accept this because of his blind hatred for Trump.. I truly feel sorry for him..

I remember a quote by Godfather author Mario Puzo... "Behind every millionaire lies a million crimes"

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6 hours ago, hammertime said:

If anyone here had a mortal compass they would know both right and left are corrupt.  But I’ll take the side that believes in life, securing our border, 1) protection the constitution, 2)  values a family, acknowledges 2 genders, 


yet somehow were the bad guys? No.  That’s how you know your on the correct side.

Whatever hammer. I happen to agree with you on that stuff, or did you forget I'm pro life? Sadly, there's no room in the current GOP for folks who won't kiss Trump's ass. The loonies have taken over- and you know who they are.   

HOWEVER, the fraudulent Mango Messiah doesn't believe in numbers 1 & 2... Protect the border? Sure, but Donnie's xenophobia is out of control.   Wanted to ban Muslims IIRC. Let me refresh your memory further...  :)  Yeah Donnie- blah, blah, blah.... F'n broken record. This from 12\22. I know your brainwashed cult believes this crap. Here's a sampling of what to expect should this looney wind up back in the White House.  

1) “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social and accused “Big Tech” of working closely with Democrats. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

2) I know Donnie is a true family man (sarcasm). That's why he's cheated on every one of his wives... Seems his current legal problem stems from having a little fun with Stormy, then having Mike Cohen pay her off to keep quiet about it.   

PS- Regarding the left wing out to lunch sex kooks, swing that over to the far right where equally nutty kooks think DJT was sent by God to save America.  🙄

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5 hours ago, Axe said:

  Truth be known, I'm sure every president in history has done something illegal somewhere down the line that he could possibly be indicted for with the Clinton and Biden crime families probably committing the most egregious acts. I doubt anyone ascends to the office of the presidency without doing some pretty shady shit.   But Wino Larry can't be bothered to recognize and accept this because of his blind hatred for Trump.. I truly feel sorry for him..

LOL, blind hatred? Nah, I have my eyes wide open and I happen to see 20\20 regarding what Cheetos has been up to in the last several decades. 

You missed my memo Axe... Plenty to be disgusted about regarding Trump's unprecedented interference in the 2020 election. The legal ramifications of that have yet to be played out in court-yet... But they're coming, take it to the bank.  

Sure- RE: the Clintons, one of the reasons Hillary lost. I maintain to this day if the Democrats had ran anyone other than Hillary, they would have handily beaten DJT.  Some folks (myself included) mistakenly thought Donnie would "grow up" and act presidential when he won. Boy, was I ever wrong about that.  

Joe may indeed be senile, but Orangie isn't all that far behind. The Terrible Toddler's spew is getting REAL old Axe. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

LOL, blind hatred? Nah, I have my eyes wide open and I happen to see 20\20 regarding what Cheetos has been up to in the last several decades. 

You missed my memo Axe... Plenty to be disgusted about regarding Trump's unprecedented interference in the 2020 election. The legal ramifications of that have yet to be played out in court-yet... But they're coming, take it to the bank.  

Sure- RE: the Clintons, one of the reasons Hillary lost. I maintain to this day if the Democrats had ran anyone other than Hillary, they would have handily beaten DJT.  Some folks (myself included) mistakenly thought Donnie would "grow up" and act presidential when he won. Boy, was I ever wrong about that.  

Joe may indeed be senile, but Orangie isn't all that far behind. The Terrible Toddler's spew is getting REAL old Axe. 


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

LOL, blind hatred? Nah, I have my eyes wide open and I happen to see 20\20 regarding what Cheetos has been up to in the last several decades. 

You missed my memo Axe... Plenty to be disgusted about regarding Trump's unprecedented interference in the 2020 election. The legal ramifications of that have yet to be played out in court-yet... But they're coming, take it to the bank.  

Sure- RE: the Clintons, one of the reasons Hillary lost. I maintain to this day if the Democrats had ran anyone other than Hillary, they would have handily beaten DJT.  Some folks (myself included) mistakenly thought Donnie would "grow up" and act presidential when he won. Boy, was I ever wrong about that.  

Joe may indeed be senile, but Orangie isn't all that far behind. The Terrible Toddler's spew is getting REAL old Axe. 


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