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Another shooting

MLD Woody

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

And yet somehow we seem to be the only developed country with "cray crays" huh?

Well we do have more ethnic diversity than most of those countries.

But don't worry woodpecker soon enough we will have given up every freedom we ever had. No doubt in 30 years your generation will be looking band longing for the good old days just like many of us older folks. No doubt by then whoever the younger generation is who have plenty of meaningless bullshit to obsess over and piss you off.

But by all means make sure to take your eye off the ball and work as hard as you can for an assault weapons ban. That way joe biden will seem like a real big shot, pun intended. And then wring your hands when it doesn't do anything.




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17 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Well we do have more ethnic diversity than most of those countries.

But don't worry woodpecker soon enough we will have given up every freedom we ever had. No doubt in 30 years your generation will be looking band longing for the good old days just like many of us older folks. No doubt by then whoever the younger generation is who have plenty of meaningless bullshit to obsess over and piss you off.

But by all means make sure to take your eye off the ball and work as hard as you can for an assault weapons ban. That way joe biden will seem like a real big shot, pun intended. And then wring your hands when it doesn't do anything.




So our country's high level of gun violence = meaningless bullshit? Got it


And this is coming from the side that obsesses over whatever culture war issue their party tells them to in order to get them riled up and distract them. Trans people existing is your big issue this week. It'll be something else in a few months. It's just the reactionary right 

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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

And yet somehow we seem to be the only developed country with "cray crays" huh?

No. Just many more of them.

As with everything else you look at things superficially, not taking into account that the US is the 3rd most populous nation in the world, and most diverse.

Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):

  1. Norway — 1.888
  2. Serbia — 0.381
  3. France — 0.347
  4. Macedonia — 0.337
  5. Albania — 0.206
  6. Slovakia — 0.185
  7. Switzerland — 0.142
  8. Finland — 0.132
  9. Belgium — 0.128
  10. Czech Republic — 0.123
  11. United States — 0.089
  12. Austria — 0.068
  13. Netherlands — 0.051
  14. Canada — 0.032
  15. England — 0.027
  16. Germany — 0.023
  17. Russia — 0.012
  18. Italy — 0.009

In addition, a 2018 CRPC study ranked the U.S. at number sixty-four in the world in terms of mass shooting rates per capita.

Gee wiz where are we? This can't be right!

Countries with the Highest Rates of Violent Gun Death (Homicides) per 100k residents in 2019

  1. El Salvador — 36.78
  2. Venezuela — 33.27
  3. Guatemala — 29.06
  4. Colombia — 26.36
  5. Brazil — 21.93
  6. Bahamas — 21.52
  7. Honduras — 20.15
  8. U.S. Virgin Islands — 19.40
  9. Puerto Rico — 18.14
  10. Mexico — 16.41

I wont even get into how inner city crime affects the homicide rate statistics cause I don't want to be rayciss.

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11 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

But hey, trans people exist, so I realize you all have you're priorities somewhere else...

Shootings nor cray crays were bad under Trump, but certain idiots had to vote in a war mongering idiot...you get what you vote for!

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So our country's high level of gun violence = meaningless bullshit? Got it


And this is coming from the side that obsesses over whatever culture war issue their party tells them to in order to get them riled up and distract them. Trans people existing is your big issue this week. It'll be something else in a few months. It's just the reactionary right 

Your response to the high level of gun violence is exactly meaningless b*******.

And I think as to the culture wars... The conservative side is just a natural reaction to you science deniers.



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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

So our country's high level of gun violence = meaningless bullshit? Got it


And this is coming from the side that obsesses over whatever culture war issue their party tells them to in order to get them riled up and distract them. Trans people existing is your big issue this week. It'll be something else in a few months. It's just the reactionary right 


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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I recall taking a year end Science test in high school which i ultimately bombed.

In hindsight, I should’ve blamed the pencil which today parallels the thought process on guns.

It doesn't, but given the first part of your post, I guess I shouldn't be surprised 

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25 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

It doesn't, but given the first part of your post, I guess I shouldn't be surprised 

which is just vague asinine gibberish that makes you feel like a big bird.

wrong. The trans shooter had pistols. Some have had shotguns. You are just a bird's butt as usual,

...you're stupid sarcasm isn't ooing to give you much of a career or a life, if you ever start to have a life.

It's sad you are so antagonistic. Regarding your stupid post - just why do you "feel" that a monumental political win over non-birdbrains, in this case, an excuse to violate the inherent RIGHTS of about 300 MILLION AMERICANS to stop kids from getting a gun and shooting someone?

   You "want to do something" ? that's a lie. The only thing you want is that political dagger against our 2nd Amendment.

and you are "so offended" ...bs.

   How many children are killed by cars? etc etc? Odd, you refuse to talk about that.

But as I've said so many times before, and you run and hide then come back like no fact was ever presented to you...

you need help. Here's a link:

There are several different factors that can cause beak deformities in birds. These factors can include nutritional deficiencies, environmental contaminants, bacterial or viral infections, fungal or parasitic infections. Trauma can also cause your bird's beak to become deformed.


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7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

It doesn't, but given the first part of your post, I guess I shouldn't be surprised 

But science never was my thing Pecker.

I was a numbers guy, that used computer programming and business analytics in my career that allowed me to retire at age 59.

BTW, I paid for my student loans.

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woodpecker et all whine "we have to DO something"

armed guards at schools? NO

teen mental illness drugs looked at? NO

"red flag laws" for students in schools? NO

Police alerts for seriously troubled, (teen) threateners of violence NO

metal detectors in all schools ? NO

arming *qualified*. highly screened,  highly trained teachers in schools? NO

reduce exposure to extreme violence in movies, video games and tv shows? NO

they don't give a crap, really.

they just want to laugh at the political all time win they could get.


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And one aspect which has never been the subject of a government investigation, is the link between such heinous acts of senseless violence, such as school shootings and those under the influence of mind-altering psychiatric drugs, documented to cause violence, mania, psychosis, depersonalization and even homicidal ideation.

With millions of people prescribed psychiatric drugs, clearly not everyone taking them (or in withdrawal) will experience violence, mania, psychosis or homicidal ideation. However, according to international drug regulatory agency warnings, a percentage of them will. And no one knows who will be next. 

psychiatric drugs and school shootings

School Shootings and School Violence

At least 38 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 183 wounded and 83 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs). This list includes those who have not only used guns, but also the use of knives, swords, and bombs. Moreover, this list is only comprised of cases where the perpetrators toxicology reports and/or psychiatric drug use was disclosed. More often than not, the perpetrator’s psychiatric drug use, or toxicology report is not made public.

Fully documented report on investigating link between psychiatric drugs and violence

The mental health watchdog group, Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) International created a fully documented 64-page report that details more than 60 examples of school and mass shootings, stabbings and senseless violent acts committed by those under the influence of psychotropic drugs or experiencing serious withdrawal from them. It also provides more than 30 studies that link antidepressants, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, mood stabilizers and sedative hypnotics to adverse effects that include hostility, mania, aggression, self-harm, suicide and homicidal thoughts.

Citing Mental Illness as the “Cause”

Media quote experts saying that such individuals are “mentally disturbed,” or have “untreated mental illness,” but that doesn’t explain the level of violence we are seeing or what drives a person to pull a trigger or intentionally crash an airplane, killing all 150 people on board.

A review of scientific literature published in Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry regarding the “astonishing rate” of mental illness over the past 50 years revealed that it’s not “mental illness” causing the problem; rather, it’s the psychiatric drugs prescribed to treat it. Therefore, citing a mental disorder is not a predictor of aggressive behavior; however, the drugs prescribed to treat it are documented to cause such behavior.

There Must Be Disclosure of Psychiatric Drug Use in Investigations

Drug proponents argue that there are many shootings and acts of violence that have not been correlated to psychiatric (psychotropic) drugs, but that is exactly the point. It has neither been confirmed nor refuted, as law enforcement is not required to investigate or report on prescribed drugs linked to violence, and media rarely pose the question.  In cases of toxicology reports, the Coroner can decide not to publicly release the full toxicology report, even when perpetrator is deceased.

CCHR is clear that not every violent killer has been documented to be under the influence of, or withdrawing from a psychotropic drug at the time of committing a crime, but in many cases such drugs only emerge when investigative reporters probe the killer’s background. And the media does not always ask the right questions.

Therefore, some of the recommendations in the report include:

  • Legislative hearings should be held to fully investigate the correlation between psychiatric treatment and violence and suicide.
  • Toxicology testing for psychiatric drugs should be mandatory in cases where someone has committed a mass shooting or other serious violent crime, the information from which would become part of a national database that all branches and levels of law enforcement could access.

Read the full report here.

watch the video, woodpecker. pretend you really "want to do something".

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 in conclusion, woodpecker, we gave you some serious FACTS again.

Odd, you haven't had anything to say afterwards. The families of those who lost children in schools....

don't need your two faced fake compassion - you lefties just crassly USE them to further your hateful

"fight everything we are the world" political bigotry.

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In 2019, mass shooting victims comprised 0.2% of all firearm deaths. Source: https://health.ucdavis.edu/what-you-can-do/facts.html

Here are some pretty informative graphs from PBS published a couple years ago. Source: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/mass-shootings-are-rare-firearm-suicides-are-much-more-common-and-kill-more-americans


Sounds like researchers have started using the term "active shooter" to differentiate stuff like gang/drug violence from gun violence directed at the general public. From the FBI, in 2021, there were 103 deaths and 140 wounded victims of active shooters. 


My working theory is that you see an increase after 1999 when the Columbine shooting happened. The way the media covered it showed marginalized people that they could go out in a blaze of glory and get their faces plastered all over the world. Social media became widespread around what, 2008? And that correlates with another apparent increase in these shootings over time. I am hoping that these numbers will at least plateau now that we seem to have reached something close to equilibrium with the presence of social media. 

The fear that is created by mass shootings is incredibly disproportionate to the actual loss of life. 

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On 4/11/2023 at 12:52 PM, calfoxwc said:

which is just vague asinine gibberish that makes you feel like a big bird.

wrong. The trans shooter had pistols. Some have had shotguns. You are just a bird's butt as usual,

...you're stupid sarcasm isn't ooing to give you much of a career or a life, if you ever start to have a life.

It's sad you are so antagonistic. Regarding your stupid post - just why do you "feel" that a monumental political win over non-birdbrains, in this case, an excuse to violate the inherent RIGHTS of about 300 MILLION AMERICANS to stop kids from getting a gun and shooting someone?

   You "want to do something" ? that's a lie. The only thing you want is that political dagger against our 2nd Amendment.

and you are "so offended" ...bs.

   How many children are killed by cars? etc etc? Odd, you refuse to talk about that.

But as I've said so many times before, and you run and hide then come back like no fact was ever presented to you...

you need help. Here's a link:

There are several different factors that can cause beak deformities in birds. These factors can include nutritional deficiencies, environmental contaminants, bacterial or viral infections, fungal or parasitic infections. Trauma can also cause your bird's beak to become deformed.


Not sure that it's the beak that's the problem, it's more likely the size of his brain, it's very small.

He could play football without a helmet. 

How do woodpeckers absorb a remarkable amount of shock to the head — 1200 to 1400 g — for each hit on a tree? A football player, by comparison, might absorb 120 g without damaging his brain.

Woodpeckers: The Advantage of a Small Brain | Evolution News



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6 hours ago, FY56 said:

Not sure that it's the beak that's the problem, it's more likely the size of his brain, it's very small.

He could play football without a helmet. 

How do woodpeckers absorb a remarkable amount of shock to the head — 1200 to 1400 g — for each hit on a tree? A football player, by comparison, might absorb 120 g without damaging his brain.

Woodpeckers: The Advantage of a Small Brain | Evolution News



 The sound woody's head make when hit...


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On 4/10/2023 at 10:18 PM, MLD Woody said:

But hey, trans people exist, so I realize you all have you're priorities somewhere else...

Dozens if not thousands of people with fucked up ideas exist. We accept some we don't accept others unfortunately we ignore some but canonize others.

All depends on the political and financial profit there is in it.



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On 4/11/2023 at 10:42 PM, Canton Dawg said:


I think the term "assault rifle" explains the AR-15 pretty well but since some people struggle with the concept of "language", they should just call it a "military style" weapon and be done with it. The Ar-15 is the same weapon platform used by our military personel and special forces, it was designed for that purpose. It was designed FOR THE MILITARY. It was designed to REPLACE the M14 during the Vietnam War. IT WAS DESIGNED FOR THE MILITARY.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArmaLite_AR-15

I'm not arguing they should be taken away from law abiding people, but if you can't even call it what it really is, how are they supposed to even try to come up with some sort of legislation on stem gun violence? 

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16 minutes ago, Neo said:

I think the term "assault rifle" explains the AR-15 pretty well but since some people struggle with the concept of "language", they should just call it a "military style" weapon and be done with it. The Ar-15 is the same weapon platform used by our military personel and special forces, it was designed for that purpose. It was designed FOR THE MILITARY. It was designed to REPLACE the M14 during the Vietnam War. IT WAS DESIGNED FOR THE MILITARY.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ArmaLite_AR-15

I'm not arguing they should be taken away from law abiding people, but if you can't even call it what it really is, how are they supposed to even try to come up with some sort of legislation on stem gun violence? 


"Language", you got that right.

The letters AR, which stands for the manufacturer Armalite has morphed into "Assault Rifle", a commonly used, although wrong term.

When you look up "assault rifle" the definitions go anywhere from "there no such thing" to descriptions of a military rifle.

The "no such thing" crowd analogizes that all rifles can be assault rifles, as can be a broom. If I assault you with a broom it must be an assault broom.

 Myre, Greg (February 28, 2018). "A Brief History Of The AR-15"National Public Radio. Retrieved November 20, 2021. AR" comes from the name of the gun's original manufacturer, ArmaLite, Inc. The letters stand for ArmaLite Rifle and not for "assault rifle" or "automatic rifle.

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