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Ukraine..... Here's Why


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The full interview.. Again Steve, I can't recommend this guy's youtube highly enough.. The segment on Soros  is among the best snippets.. Not to mention the FBI and DOJ discussion

I recommend watching the entire thing.. They cover a vast range of topics


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I watched the entire video - over time.

I never heard of "Kill Chain".

the dems/deep state are dangerously corrupt in our government.


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Besides that no doubt there are Mexican nationalists that think Texas should be part of mexico.

Also do you think the French and the Dutch Etc were helping out the United States out of the goodness of their hearts or love for liberty? Please.


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Furthermore if it's that important why not go in with guns blazing? What possible benefit does a free and independent Ukraine bring to the United States of america? And yes maybe conservatives have traditionally been on the side of boots on the ground Etc unless you're talking about Vietnam which was democrats. Not like we've gained anything from that or Iraq or Afghanistan


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10 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Furthermore if it's that important why not go in with guns blazing? What possible benefit does a free and independent Ukraine bring to the United States of america? And yes maybe conservatives have traditionally been on the side of boots on the ground Etc unless you're talking about Vietnam which was democrats. Not like we've gained anything from that or Iraq or Afghanistan


what benefit? how about avoiding WWIII dammit ? "it's not our problem" was a precursor to WWI and WWII. Watch the entire video - pukin even SAID that Poland, Ukraine, Baltic States....had no right to exist. He's SAID the worst that ever happened was that the soviet union fell apart.

   Ukraine losing to russia gives russia Poland, Norway, Sweden, Baltic States, ....

not just my opinion. It is history.


The 6 EU countries at risk from Russian invasion as Putin sets sights beyond Ukraine

RUSSIAN troops amassing on the border with Ukraine have sparked international concern. But is Vladimir Putin setting his sights further West

According to some analysts, EU member states who do not belong to the NATO military alliance are also particularly vulnerable to Russian invasion.

This means Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta, and Sweden could all be on Moscow's list of possible targets, with Finland and Sweden believed to be particularly vulnerable.

READ MORE: Russia threatens to nuke Europe as tensions escalate dramatically

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One of the fortunate, or unfortunate aspects of worldwide mass communications is that it's easy to find dozens if not hundreds of different opinions on different YouTube or news like sites.

Let's face it that's going to create a problem for some of the conservative voters here. Go with the side who doesn't put so much emphasis on bankrupting the nation with proxy wars or sticking with the Democrats as they defend their slush fund.

If the Democrats and the FBI actively lied about Russian influence on the American election why wouldn't they lie about everything? Oh yes, I forgot, they do.


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21 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

I don't like Putin.  I like the Russian people (mostly) especially the good looking women.

I'm with you on the women... I mean my God , Ksenia Solo gives me major wood!!


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