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Happy Juneteenth. Celebrating the end of slavery in the United States


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3 hours ago, Browns149 said:

Stricter gun control will do very little to  stop gun violence. The problem isn’t, so much, the gun. It’s the person holding the gun. That is the bigger problem 

Nothing will stop a thug from being a thug to solidify your point... The point being... You can take away all the guns you want.. A thug will just find another means in which to kill someone regardless of weapon choice.. There are about 120 guns to every living soul in America (that's astronomical) Think about that..... There's no fucking way they'll confiscate them all.. And as I said... As long as there are blacksmiths and Machinists.. Guns aren't going anywhere anytime soon.. Your living in a fantasy world if you think stricter gun laws are gonna do anything...

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5 hours ago, Browns149 said:

Stricter gun control will do very little to  stop gun violence. The problem isn’t, so much, the gun. It’s the person holding the gun. That is the bigger problem 

A uniquely American problem...



I'm sure there's nothing we need to look into further here ...

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13 hours ago, cccjwh said:

I vote for reasonable gun control. I can't make people be less stupid. See this thread, where people are upset we are celebrating the end of slavery in the US. I mean wtf is wrong with you nut jobs?


Cohen commented in a Tuesday Instagram post reacting to the news: "2 tiers of justice? Kodak was charged for the same crime. Got over 3 years. Mr. Biden will not serve a day.

6 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Ignore the stats. It doesn't matter to me. There is no fixing it. We aren't going to close this Pandora's box. This is the new America; you can get shot for throwing popcorn or pulling into someone driveway. A GOP Utopia. 

In speaking with Fox Digital on Tuesday, Cohen said the DOJ's plea deal with the younger Biden is out of step with a prosecutor’s typical treatment of federal crimes, especially when they involve public figures.


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Ever country has problems with mental health, trying again. Maybe think for yourself, instead of repeating the talking points you were given.


Any time you try to take this argument down the rabbit hole with them it unravels fairly quickly. 

They think they can be fucking Rambo fighting off a tyrannical government from their home because they own some guns. As if our military couldn't just push a button and obliterate them. 

Or you'll get rambling about the 2nd amendment. 


All while ignoring the rest of the world (how American). Ignoring data. Etc. 


We're heading towards a future where gun reform only happens once everyone has some connection to a shooting. And I'm sure nothing happens while this dumbass old fools are still voting. 

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


Oh, so you support free, government provides healthcare for everyone so anyone can get the help they need? 



Or you think mental health issues only exist in the US?

So whenever someone gets killed by a drunk driver, you blame the car?

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10 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Any time you try to take this argument down the rabbit hole with them it unravels fairly quickly. 

They think they can be fucking Rambo fighting off a tyrannical government from their home because they own some guns. As if our military couldn't just push a button and obliterate them. 

Or you'll get rambling about the 2nd amendment. 


All while ignoring the rest of the world (how American). Ignoring data. Etc. 


We're heading towards a future where gun reform only happens once everyone has some connection to a shooting. And I'm sure nothing happens while this dumbass old fools are still voting. 

I really stop trying. The is no fixing this problem. Something might happen when there a school shooting every other day. But I doubt it. A bunch of dead kids is a small price to pay so they can have their toys.


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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

So whenever someone gets killed by a drunk driver, you blame the car?

What utility does a car have? What is its purpose?

Ok, now how about a gun?

See the difference? (of course you don't)


Are there cars designed for the purpose of being better at killing people?

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

What utility does a car have? What is its purpose?

Ok, now how about a gun?

See the difference? (of course you don't)


Are there cars designed for the purpose of being better at killing people?

And the big dummy that you are doesn't understand the basic use of a gun as a tool,, to HUNT food!.. Yes there are bows and arrows.. Guns are just a more efficient means as far as transportability and accuracy.... Guns aren't just a tool of death... Anything can be a tool of death. (Knives,Forks, Leather punchers,etc) Guns are considered a tool of self defense and survival... Your pea sized brain is too small to accept or accommodate these ideals.. I myself are not the biggest fans of Guns... But I understand the need for them.. I got news for you charlie... there are about 120 guns per 1 living human being in this country alone (that's astronomical)... If you think all of those guns are just gonna suddenly be confiscated.. your dreaming... as I told another poster.. As long as there are blacksmiths and machinists in the world...  You can bet your bippy guns arent going anywhere fast... There will always be a market... No matter whose in power....

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

What utility does a car have? What is its purpose?

Ok, now how about a gun?

See the difference? (of course you don't)


Are there cars designed for the purpose of being better at killing people?

2 different tools for 2 different purposes.

The moral of the story, they can both kill people.

Pretty simple.

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

What utility does a car have? What is its purpose?

Ok, now how about a gun?

See the difference? (of course you don't)


Are there cars designed for the purpose of being better at killing people?

Driving is a privilege.

Right to bear arms shall not be infringed is a right.

See the difference?

You don't care about the deaths of anyone, just as long as you feel good taking away the rights of others.

You could solve all the car related deaths and injuries but since you personally find use in cars, the deaths don't matter.

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I really need more reactions.


"There is evidence that tax-exempt foundations and wealthy individuals are financially supporting Gun Control efforts with the goal of disarming the public to establish a centrally controlled government and to eliminate the US Constitution. It is obvious that in the rapidly changing world we need to find answers to the many factors behind Violent Crime in which guns are used. That will take time and patience. In the meantime, is there a gray area for compromise in the Guns and Violence issue? Yes, logically, from all the evidence presented in this review, citizens should be encouraged to carry arms for self, family, and fellow citizen protection, and as a check on government, a right guaranteed by the constitution and endowed by our God-given natural right. The challenges facing us are multifaceted. Is Gun Control really about People Control?"

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Meanwhile, I haven't seen any pro-gun control/ban person whine about hunter biden getting off scot free after committing a FELONY by being a drug addcit/user and denying it on the application form .....but gets off scot free.

  Not once have I ever heard them wail about the black on black gun cime in out of control giant democrat cities like chicago and nyc. They want to have a stick so they can poke it in the eye of every gun owner in our country. Sick social media-inspired/leftwing-inspired crap.

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

What utility does a car have? What is its purpose?

Ok, now how about a gun?

See the difference? (of course you don't)


Are there cars designed for the purpose of being better at killing people?

May be an image of 8 people and text

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1 hour ago, nickers said:

And the big dummy that you are doesn't understand the basic use of a gun as a tool,, to HUNT food!.. Yes there are bows and arrows.. Guns are just a more efficient means as far as transportability and accuracy.... Guns aren't just a tool of death... Anything can be a tool of death. (Knives,Forks, Leather punchers,etc) Guns are considered a tool of self defense and survival... Your pea sized brain is too small to accept or accommodate these ideals.. I myself are not the biggest fans of Guns... But I understand the need for them.. I got news for you charlie... there are about 120 guns per 1 living human being in this country alone (that's astronomical)... If you think all of those guns are just gonna suddenly be confiscated.. your dreaming... as I told another poster.. As long as there are blacksmiths and machinists in the world...  You can bet your bippy guns arent going anywhere fast... There will always be a market... No matter whose in power....

And I imagine you get all of your meat through hunting where you use a gun, correct?

And, when hunting, what is the purpose of the gun? What is it designed to do to the animal?

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

I really need more reactions.


"There is evidence that tax-exempt foundations and wealthy individuals are financially supporting Gun Control efforts with the goal of disarming the public to establish a centrally controlled government and to eliminate the US Constitution. It is obvious that in the rapidly changing world we need to find answers to the many factors behind Violent Crime in which guns are used. That will take time and patience. In the meantime, is there a gray area for compromise in the Guns and Violence issue? Yes, logically, from all the evidence presented in this review, citizens should be encouraged to carry arms for self, family, and fellow citizen protection, and as a check on government, a right guaranteed by the constitution and endowed by our God-given natural right. The challenges facing us are multifaceted. Is Gun Control really about People Control?"

ALL laws about people control. 

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

Driving is a privilege.

Right to bear arms shall not be infringed is a right.

See the difference?

You don't care about the deaths of anyone, just as long as you feel good taking away the rights of others.

You could solve all the car related deaths and injuries but since you personally find use in cars, the deaths don't matter.

Oh so you've completely ignored my questions and jumped to the 2nd amendment. Those questions just being logical follow ups to the point you thought you were making. Of course, it's the easiest "point" to shoot down (no pun intended), so of course you bailed on it immediately. 


And I didn't realize you were part of a well regulated militia. I didn't realize bearing arms meant any arms, at any time, anywhere, with no registration.



Sure thing, moron. This isn't at all about making our country safer. This has nothing to do with trying to make our country look pathetic on the developed global stage. It's all just about taking rights away. Genius stuff....


Yes, since I "personally" find use in cars. As if only I would stand to lose if cars were banned. What a fucking moronic thing to state. Not to mention all of the registration and regulations around cars already...




Any gun nut actively trying to compare guns to cars has completely lost the plot. That argument has been shot down one hundred times and each time one of you morons thinks you've just come up with the brilliant defense. 

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19 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Ignore the stats. It doesn't matter to me. There is no fixing it. We aren't going to close this Pandora's box. This is the new America; you can get shot for throwing popcorn or pulling into someone driveway. A GOP Utopia. 

Stats? You understand that response was just about total nonsense right? But, even though it doesn't deserve a response, where and by whom would someone be most likely to be shot?


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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

But, even though it doesn't deserve a response, where and by whom would someone be most likely to be shot?

I certainly wouldn’t want to be a young African American male in Chicago.

Because Black Lives Matter.

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1 minute ago, Westside Steve said:

Stats? You understand that response was just about total nonsense right? But, even though it doesn't deserve a response, where and by whom would someone be most likely to be shot?



It's pretty simple Steve. The only major difference between the UISA and every other 1st world nation. Easy availability to firearms. 



I'm done. Like I said, no point in arguing about it. There is no going back, we just have to live with this GOP utopia.


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Oh so you've completely ignored my questions and jumped to the 2nd amendment. Those questions just being logical follow ups to the point you thought you were making. Of course, it's the easiest "point" to shoot down (no pun intended), so of course you bailed on it immediately. 


And I didn't realize you were part of a well regulated militia. I didn't realize bearing arms meant any arms, at any time, anywhere, with no registration.



Sure thing, moron. This isn't at all about making our country safer. This has nothing to do with trying to make our country look pathetic on the developed global stage. It's all just about taking rights away. Genius stuff....


Yes, since I "personally" find use in cars. As if only I would stand to lose if cars were banned. What a fucking moronic thing to state. Not to mention all of the registration and regulations around cars already...




Any gun nut actively trying to compare guns to cars has completely lost the plot. That argument has been shot down one hundred times and each time one of you morons thinks you've just come up with the brilliant defense. 

hat amendment along with the constitution and spirit that lies within is what made our nation great. You don't just gloss over our constitutional amendments because you think you know better than everyone else. You have no clue what this nation was founded on or it's principles.

Well, now you know.

It doesn't make our country safer, are you ever going to catch on? Also, how's all the regulations on cars working out? People still dying I see.

When are you gun control nuts going to learn the constitution?

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