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Guys to Watch


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Here's who I'm most focused on:


1. Quinn: Duh. He's a patient passer facing a Cover 2 that allows teams to hit the fast, short stuff. Might be a perfect fit.

2. Robaire Smith: Just read a great article on OBR about how missed he was last year. Dieken said he's THE leader of the defense, a pro's pro, and we were rudderless without him.

3. DQJ: He has a chance to be a Pro Bowler and it starts here against the best runner in the NFL.

4. James Davis: I think he's our Willie Parker, a real find. Read somewhere that like the Steelers, cutback runners do the best against the Vikings... although nobody does really well.

5. Cribbs: As a WR. He's a YAC guy made for this WCO-ish offense and Quinn's ability to hit the quick slant in stride, often as a blitz beater.

6. Joe Thomas: Like DQJ, this is a primetime matchup, the stuff of Pro Bowls.


I had to have my wife help with this because I don't know anything about football, as DTBH exposed the other day.

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Here's who I'm most focused on:


1. Quinn: Duh. He's a patient passer facing a Cover 2 that allows teams to hit the fast, short stuff. Might be a perfect fit.

2. Robaire Smith: Just read a great article on OBR about how missed he was last year. Dieken said he's THE leader of the defense, a pro's pro, and we were rudderless without him.

3. DQJ: He has a chance to be a Pro Bowler and it starts here against the best runner in the NFL.

4. James Davis: I think he's our Willie Parker, a real find. Read somewhere that like the Steelers, cutback runners do the best against the Vikings... although nobody does really well.

5. Cribbs: As a WR. He's a YAC guy made for this WCO-ish offense and Quinn's ability to hit the quick slant in stride, often as a blitz beater.

6. Joe Thomas: Like DQJ, this is a primetime matchup, the stuff of Pro Bowls.


I had to have my wife help with this because I don't know anything about football, as DTBH exposed the other day.

If mack plays this will be another key position of interest and if wright is out we have a bad situation with poteat in there we might want to close our eyes if we see farve tunnelvisioning in that direction...heheehe


Ive thought for a longtime that you are are some guy with no knowledge of the game and it turns out i was right you do have your wife do all the research and you just post it! hehehehehe ;)

I love your wifes writeups shep tell her to keep up the good work!...;)

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I have been saying over and over how R.Smith was a HUGE loss to us, as he was the only LEGIT DE we had...and was known as an upper level run stopper. The complete lack of legit DE's in our defense is the PRIMARY reason we suck against the run...and our OLB's are ineffective.


Now, on to the guys I am watching for:

1. Wimbley: Ryan has been talking him up big. The Browns are going to be using him in various positions, and utilizing him on inside stunts. Ryan can't seem to say enough about his athleticism and his determination to succeed. Those two things, plus the added schemes should result in not only a return to the rookie success, but I believe he will surpass it.


2. Furrey: Believe it or not, I think he is going to be the key to our offensive success this week. His ability to drag across the middle and still have the speed to beat S's is going to be critical in keeping the LB's/S's honest to give us even a chance to have a running game. Watch for a minimum of 6-8 catches.


3. Elam: He is the general of the DB's. His experience practicing with Favre is going to be a huge bonus for our DB's. I guarantee he has been telling them every detail about Favre's pump fakes and play action. Watch for him to be ball-hawking all game long.


4. Lewis: Yes, I know. He is 30 and has lost a step. He tippie-toes through the line. BUT...he is still in phenomenal shape, and he still wants this. He is not going to be asked to carry the team...but he is going to be asked to put some power up the middle. If he can average 3.0 or so per carry against the Vikings...this will be a HUGE success, especially to help give the defense the needed rest.


5. Cribbs/ST's: The play of ST's is much appreciated here in Cleveland...and with a ball control offense it is going to be even a bigger factor than ever before. It is all about field position. The Vikings gave up the HIGHEST AVERAGE PUNT RETURN and the 12th highest in Kick Returns. The Browns gave up the 9th LOWEST punt returns and the 16th lowest kick returns. Add that to the Cribbs returns...and that is a huge upside for the Browns.

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espn has a madden simulation up.


Minnesota wins 28-10


Quinn goes 11-26 for 172 yards. 1 TD and 2 picks.


Jamal has 25 yds rushing on 10 carries.



not all that surprising...as they are basing all that 'game simulation' off of last years stats.

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Here's who I'm most focused on:


1. Quinn: Duh. He's a patient passer facing a Cover 2 that allows teams to hit the fast, short stuff. Might be a perfect fit.

2. Robaire Smith: Just read a great article on OBR about how missed he was last year. Dieken said he's THE leader of the defense, a pro's pro, and we were rudderless without him.

3. DQJ: He has a chance to be a Pro Bowler and it starts here against the best runner in the NFL.

4. James Davis: I think he's our Willie Parker, a real find. Read somewhere that like the Steelers, cutback runners do the best against the Vikings... although nobody does really well.

5. Cribbs: As a WR. He's a YAC guy made for this WCO-ish offense and Quinn's ability to hit the quick slant in stride, often as a blitz beater.

6. Joe Thomas: Like DQJ, this is a primetime matchup, the stuff of Pro Bowls.


I had to have my wife help with this because I don't know anything about football, as DTBH exposed the other day.



Good stuff Shep.


The only tweakage I would recommend is the Oline as a UNIT as opposed to 1 guy in 1 matchup. For instance, a lifetime ago - I was an OG that pulled and trapped frequently in a wishbone offense that loved to run wide counter-traps, QB bootlegs, power sweeps and quick pitches. If I'm pulling and someone doesn't fill the spot I vacate effectively, that could be problematic and the play could get stuffed before it ever starts if we're well scouted, well read and not on the same page as a unit. Teams that like to blitz tendencies are VERY good at reading an OG all the way down to his stance. When we'd get a wide side of the field, they'd even be looking at how much weight I had down on my fingers.


NOW, if I don't reach my trap block coming from back side to play side - I'm gonna get an earful from the coaching staff when we come off the field. In addition, when you're pulling or trapping and somebody on the oline gets pushed back so you gotta belly OR someone shoots through a gap so you gotta take that defender instead of reaching your projected destination - the play gets buried (or you pray you've got a Barry Sanders saving your butt). This can UNFAIRLY make the pulling/trapping guard look bad when in actuality it's because someone else didn't carry out their part of the assignment. That's why we always say the oline has to gel as unit.


There's so many different blocking schemes and scenarios where these guys gotta be on the same page and TRUST one another for carrying out their part of the play. They also gotta communicate effectively all game long. There wasn't 1 formation we couldn't block scheme wise. We had dynamite backs and our QB went to the state finals in the 100 yard dash so they made us look better than we were on many occasions. I don't see a worn and torn Lewis capable of bailing out an oline when it breaks down here and there so I share your enthusiasm about Davis.

- Tom F.

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Fox is showing "The Favre Show" to the most of the country so I'll be watching in hd. http://www.the506.com/nflmaps/


and unlike you Quinn lovers, I realize the fact that winning cures all. So no, I'm not rooting for a Quinn collapse like he had his last game.


Son of a bitch! I go to school at BG and according to this map that area of Ohio is getting the Detroit game. I xxxxing HATE Detroit.

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There should be a state law against allowing an Ohio station to carry the Lions game over the Browns, no matter how close Detroit is!


Do people in Detroit even watch the Lions games? Seriously, that's something I'd like to know. The only place Detroit games should be televised is in the city of their opponent.

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