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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Sorry- all I see is whataboutism and more name calling...  Deflect away- and in my book that's a big FAIL. What you call nonsense, I call an alternate reality that you've deluded yourself into believing. Russian Collusion has jack shit to do with the current charges Trump is facing. Of course you probably believe that four separate prosecutors and the DOJ are all out to get poor widdle Donnie.   Hells bells- you apparently would rather believe a demented delusional pathological liar Steve.  Maybe you missed my saying 1\6 is only a small part of DJT's legal troubles- though it may well be the most important. 

In case you missed the memo, the current NY fraud trial is only to determine how much Donnie is going to have to shell out as a penalty. And please don't think I'm so dumb to not realize whenever the verdict comes down Trump and his lawyers are going to immediately appeal it. Next, he's going to have to pay Ms Carrol a few more million because he can't keep his fat mouth shut. And.. And...  those court cases just keep on coming. :) 

Because you call it what aboutism does it mean it's not a valid argument you have been obsessed with Trump since he ran for president so there's that. All these egregious crimes you think he committed are after he was out of office. And it's not what aboutism to point out the fact that they were based on lies from your party. There was no Russian collusion we wasted 4 years and millions of dollars. There was no call for violence as a matter of fact I posted the CNN interview where he proved to the lying host there wasn't. That's not what aboutism it's a dishonest and corrupt news media. Pure and simple.

It's really cut and dried.



PS This threads actually about the fact that Trump can talk extemporaneously for a couple of hours were Biden can barely handle two or three coherent minutes. That's just a fact.

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Will they storm the capital cause their feelings?


No they will be to busy fighting over their gender, pronouns,if they can tell their sex lives to preschoolers (like you) and hurt feelings in a big circle jerk.

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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Sorry- all I see is whataboutism and more name calling...  Deflect away- and in my book that's a big FAIL. What you call nonsense, I call an alternate reality that you've deluded yourself into believing. Russian Collusion has jack shit to do with the current charges Trump is facing. Of course you probably believe that four separate prosecutors and the DOJ are all out to get poor widdle Donnie.   Hells bells- you apparently would rather believe a demented delusional pathological liar Steve.  Maybe you missed my saying 1\6 is only a small part of DJT's legal troubles- though it may well be the most important. 

In case you missed the memo, the current NY fraud trial is only to determine how much Donnie is going to have to shell out as a penalty. And please don't think I'm so dumb to not realize whenever the verdict comes down Trump and his lawyers are going to immediately appeal it. Next, he's going to have to pay Ms Carrol a few more million because he can't keep his fat mouth shut. And.. And...  those court cases just keep on coming. :) 

And when the thread topic is about Santos, and you chime in with “Mango Messiah” that’s either whataboutism or TDS…possibly both.

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10 minutes ago, Jax said:

Can someone tell me who the victim is here and why the bank Trump borrowed from said everything is fine?

The brainwashed don't know a political assassination even if it's spelled out for them.

The dumbasses aren’t aware that property valuations are highly subjective, and not set by the buyer or seller.

Besides, these loans were paid off years ago, so I agree who in the hell is the victim in this lawsuit?

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

Can someone tell me who the victim is here and why the bank Trump borrowed from said everything is fine?

The brainwashed don't know a political assassination even if it's spelled out for them.

1. Doesn't have to be victim for it to be a crime.

2. The people who were denied loans because Cheetos got larger loan.

3. Any company making bids against Cheetos's bids.

4. The dumbasses are the one who are about to be fined hundreds of millions of dollars because they are too stupid to listen to their accountants and lawyers. 👍

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

1. Doesn't have to be victim for it to be a crime.

2. The people who were denied loans because Cheetos got larger loan.

3. Any company making bids against Cheetos's bids.

4. The dumbasses are the one who are about to be fined hundreds of millions of dollars because they are too stupid to listen to their accountants and lawyers. 👍

5. You are clueless.

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7 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Will they storm the capital cause their feelings?


Ya know CCCJ, the Cult can't clearly see the future... But I sure as shit can....  Cult 45 already has their phony electors lined up... Anyone who thinks DJT's 60 or so  election challenges back 2020 isn't paying attention. That was just the warm up to the main event in 2024...  

Thankfully, there will be a serious military presence the next time the REAL electoral votes are counted.  

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7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Because you call it what aboutism does it mean it's not a valid argument you have been obsessed with Trump since he ran for president so there's that. All these egregious crimes you think he committed are after he was out of office. And it's not what aboutism to point out the fact that they were based on lies from your party. There was no Russian collusion we wasted 4 years and millions of dollars. There was no call for violence as a matter of fact I posted the CNN interview where he proved to the lying host there wasn't. That's not what aboutism it's a dishonest and corrupt news media. Pure and simple.

It's really cut and dried.


PS This threads actually about the fact that Trump can talk extemporaneously for a couple of hours were Biden can barely handle two or three coherent minutes. That's just a fact.

Yeah Steve, I understand completely you're part of the Cult. You don't have a  valid argument about 90% of the shit Trump is currently charged with.  So you'd rather bring up Russian Collusion- fuck that pal.  FYI, Trump can't talk for 10 minutes without a major reality fuckup. Lies? go explain away those classified documents Donnie took with him down to Mar a Lago.  Now you want to say MSM is screwed up. Go listen to News Max, Red State, or Patriot Alerts, just like your other nut jobs get their news from.   

It was so peaceful 1\6 the Capitol Police just won an appeal that they can sue the shit out of Donnie for physical and mental damages they suffered defending the Capitol from an insurrection.  FACT...  Have you had a swig of your Orange Kool-Aid today?   

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7 hours ago, hoorta said:

Russian Collusion

you lied about that, you happily bought it, buyers remorse - egg on your face. Admit it , you're just here out of spite because you can't kick anyone off here for not liking your inebriated stupidity and telling you so, and you just want to raise outrageous helter skelter over it.

  Doesn't work well. Do you know who is president now?

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

Lies? go explain away those classified documents Donnie took with him down to Mar a Lago.

It’s not like he put them in his garage next to his corvette, you know…like what’s his name.

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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yeah Steve, I understand completely you're part of the Cult. You don't have a  valid argument about 90% of the shit Trump is currently charged with.  So you'd rather bring up Russian Collusion- fuck that pal.  FYI, Trump can't talk for 10 minutes without a major reality fuckup. Lies? go explain away those classified documents Donnie took with him down to Mar a Lago.  Now you want to say MSM is screwed up. Go listen to News Max, Red State, or Patriot Alerts, just like your other nut jobs get their news from.   

It was so peaceful 1\6 the Capitol Police just won an appeal that they can sue the shit out of Donnie for physical and mental damages they suffered defending the Capitol from an insurrection.  FACT...  Have you had a swig of your Orange Kool-Aid today?   

Exactly. Spot on with every point. Now fuck off. Thank you.


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11 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yeah Steve, I understand completely you're part of the Cult. You don't have a  valid argument about 90% of the shit Trump is currently charged with.  So you'd rather bring up Russian Collusion- fuck that pal.  FYI, Trump can't talk for 10 minutes without a major reality fuckup. Lies? go explain away those classified documents Donnie took with him down to Mar a Lago.  Now you want to say MSM is screwed up. Go listen to News Max, Red State, or Patriot Alerts, just like your other nut jobs get their news from.   

It was so peaceful 1\6 the Capitol Police just won an appeal that they can sue the shit out of Donnie for physical and mental damages they suffered defending the Capitol from an insurrection.  FACT...  Have you had a swig of your Orange Kool-Aid today?   

And what about the documents Clinton, Obama, Pence took with them?  Those don't count because before Trump ever put his hand on the Bible to take the Oath ,, you fucking demonrats vowed to remove him from office by any means necessary short of an assassination.   The threat of him becoming president again is why the witch hunt still persists. Your TDS convinces you that this whole charade is on the up and up.

...and don't you ever think that people on your side didn't want him assassinated. You must be proud of them.

I bet you'd love to see him killed. Your TDS is really really strong.

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11 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yeah Steve, I understand completely you're part of the Cult. You don't have a  valid argument about 90% of the shit Trump is currently charged with.  So you'd rather bring up Russian Collusion- fuck that pal.  FYI, Trump can't talk for 10 minutes without a major reality fuckup. Lies? go explain away those classified documents Donnie took with him down to Mar a Lago.  Now you want to say MSM is screwed up. Go listen to News Max, Red State, or Patriot Alerts, just like your other nut jobs get their news from.   

It was so peaceful 1\6 the Capitol Police just won an appeal that they can sue the shit out of Donnie for physical and mental damages they suffered defending the Capitol from an insurrection.  FACT...  Have you had a swig of your Orange Kool-Aid today?   

That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you.

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13 hours ago, hoorta said:

Yeah Steve, I understand completely you're part of the Cult. You don't have a  valid argument about 90% of the shit Trump is currently charged with.  So you'd rather bring up Russian Collusion- fuck that pal.  FYI, Trump can't talk for 10 minutes without a major reality fuckup. Lies? go explain away those classified documents Donnie took with him down to Mar a Lago.  Now you want to say MSM is screwed up. Go listen to News Max, Red State, or Patriot Alerts, just like your other nut jobs get their news from.   

It was so peaceful 1\6 the Capitol Police just won an appeal that they can sue the shit out of Donnie for physical and mental damages they suffered defending the Capitol from an insurrection.  FACT...  Have you had a swig of your Orange Kool-Aid today?   


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2 hours ago, FY56 said:

And what about the documents Clinton, Obama, Pence took with them?  Those don't count because before Trump ever put his hand on the Bible to take the Oath ,, you fucking demonrats vowed to remove him from office by any means necessary short of an assassination.   The threat of him becoming president again is why the witch hunt still persists. Your TDS convinces you that this whole charade is on the up and up.

...and don't you ever think that people on your side didn't want him assassinated. You must be proud of them.

I bet you'd love to see him killed. Your TDS is really really strong.

LALALALA what about, what about, what about.  DJT has more than classified documents to worry about FY... Yeah, as I told Steve, the alternate reality folks think poor widdle Donnie is a victim of political persecution. However, in the REAL world, he's being prosecuted  to the tune of 91 felony charges, not counting a couple civil court cases.  If you think they're all meritless- well, you're full of shit.  

& FYI  I DON'T want this malignant narcissistic pathological lying wannabe dictator offed. TDS? Nah- that's just not seeing the Donald through MAGA colored orange glasses. :D  Take him out, and the CULT will have their martyr.  I f**king guarantee it.  

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

LALALALA what about, what about, what about.  DJT has more than classified documents to worry about FY... Yeah, as I told Steve, the alternate reality folks think poor widdle Donnie is a victim of political persecution. However, in the REAL world, he's being prosecuted  to the tune of 91 felony charges, not counting a couple civil court cases.  If you think they're all meritless- well, you're full of shit.  

& FYI  I DON'T want this malignant narcissistic pathological lying wannabe dictator offed. TDS? Nah- that's just not seeing the Donald through MAGA colored orange glasses. :D  Take him out, and the CULT will have their martyr.  I f**king guarantee it.  

Damn right "what about", and not ashamed of it because it exposes your "nothing to see here" hypocrisy. I will continue to go with that.

You are the typical speaking out of both corners of your mouth liberal. You liberal fucks embrace this two-tiered justice system only because it's aimed getting Trump for "the better good" that permeates your TDS afflicted brains.

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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

That would be FORMER President Trump, the guy with 91 felony counts he's currently charged with.    

See? liberals only go with "innocent until proven guilty" when it's in their own political interest.

Odd, they easily go with "definitely guilty regardless of the facts".

pretty ignorant.

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On 12/9/2023 at 10:30 AM, FY56 said:

And what about the documents Clinton, Obama, Pence took with them?  Those don't count because before Trump ever put his hand on the Bible to take the Oath ,, you fucking demonrats vowed to remove him from office by any means necessary short of an assassination.   The threat of him becoming president again is why the witch hunt still persists. Your TDS convinces you that this whole charade is on the up and up.

...and don't you ever think that people on your side didn't want him assassinated. You must be proud of them.

I bet you'd love to see him killed. Your TDS is really really strong.


Again cult member. Cheetos is not charged for taking the documents. He wasn't even charged for any of the documents he returned before the subpoena was served. He is charged with keeping the documents, something Pence, ByDon, Clinton never did. He is also charged with trying to hide the documents and then trying to destroy the evidence (CCTV) of him trying to hide the documents. If the fucking moron would have returned all the documents, he would have gotten the same pass everyone else got. 



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6 minutes ago, cccjwh said:


Again cult member. Cheetos is not charged for taking the documents. He wasn't even charged for any of the documents he returned before the subpoena was served. He is charged with keeping the documents, something Pence, ByDon, Clinton never did. He is also charged with trying to hide the documents and then trying to destroy the evidence (CCTV) of him trying to hide the documents. If the fucking moron would have returned all the documents, he would have gotten the same pass everyone else got. 



Pence and Dementia Joe shouldn’t even of had classified documents because they were VICE PRESIDENTS.

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4 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Pence and Dementia Joe shouldn’t even of had classified documents because they were VICE PRESIDENTS.

WTF are you talking about? They both had access to classified documents and had offices in the WH. You know never mind, it just another deflected from Cheeto's fuck ups. 

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