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Happy first day of Cheeto's first (of many) criminal trials.

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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

yeah, you are a liar.

Hope it makes your life happier - but booze

is a depressant, I have read.

I'm not popular around here with your woodpecker and ccc?

That is something to be glad about.

You are only here to "hit and run" with insults, belligerent garbage, and whatever is causing your rage.

Sorry to hear you have that many ...I'm guessing, booze company "donations" to "charity".

At least you sound a little more sober in the middle of the day, mr. "I'm against abortion" but "I vote for it all the time"

Puke away - that is one benefit to being online.

Name calling and stupid drunk memes will get you nowhere.  LOL!!!!  As they say in grade school, you can dish it out, but you can't take it. Belligerent garbage, rage? Yep, that describes your POV regarding anything that isn't far right OAN, Red State, or Newsmax "GARBAGE" That's MY POV, so stuff it.    

I may just hang around for a bit posting contrarian stuff from Glen Kirshner, David Packman, Brian Taylor Cohen, or The Lincoln Project.  JUST TO PISS YOUR DELUSIONAL BRAIN OFF.  

Liar? you mean in your twisted logic the pathologically lying Orange Blob you worship?   

You asked for it, you got it Cal... Starting off with my contributions...  Humane Society and ASPCA- F-YOU Kristi. I won't even go into my dozens of Catholic Charities...  South West Reservation Aid, Saint Joseph's, Saint Stephen's,  and Saint Bonaventure Indian Missions. Ever been to an Indian Reservation Cal? Well, I have. There's still people living in dirt floor huts with no running water. Let this sink into your alternate reality brain for a minute- it was a quote on the desk of a Real Estate agent I saw in Estes Park Colorado many years ago, and I've never forgotten it. Chief Red Cloud of the Arapahoe Sioux (FWIW, he also took a trip East to meet President Grant) . "When the white man came, he made to us many promises, more than I can' remember. But he never kept but one- he promised to take our land- and he took it."

Continuing... American Red Cross, Alzheimer's Association.  Boy's Town, Disabled Veterans. Mercy Ships, Mercy Corps, Hope...  Need a hundred or so more? FWIW, I could return your delusional abuse in spades, but I'm not in the mood to right now... Just keep it up, and I may change my mind.  

Aw, get yourself some antipsychotic drugs Cal, and you may be worth more of my time.  

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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

Thanks for making my point again Cal can't stand a POV that clashes with the echo chamber. You just don't like anyone pointing out you posting stuff here that no one reads. BTW, a guy by the name of Winston Churchill on occasion happened to swill quite a bit of booze.  Teetotaler, ah you have an issue with people who drink. So I like wine-Too bad, so sad.  No wonder you adore another one like DJT.   In case you don't realize it- you're not very popular with a lot of other posters here either. 

FWIW, I do happen to have a heart and a conscience- FYI I keep a spreadsheet listing any charitable organization that has tried to hit me up for money it's 206 lines long, and growing. I'm too lazy to look it up, but I'd bet I've contributed at least once to the majority of them. 

Ya know Cal, I stopped by your house a few days ago, but you weren't home.  :D :D :D  




Your point of view is that it's OK to undermine democracy by weaponizing the justice system as long it's against your political opponent.

And you say you have a conscience. Fuck off loser.

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14 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Name calling and stupid drunk memes will get you nowhere.  LOL!!!!  As they say in grade school, you can dish it out, but you can't take it. Belligerent garbage, rage? Yep, that describes your POV regarding anything that isn't far right OAN, Red State, or Newsmax "GARBAGE" That's MY POV, so stuff it.    

I may just hang around for a bit posting contrarian stuff from Glen Kirshner, David Packman, Brian Taylor Cohen, or The Lincoln Project.  JUST TO PISS YOUR DELUSIONAL BRAIN OFF.  

Liar? you mean in your twisted logic the pathologically lying Orange Blob you worship?   

You asked for it, you got it Cal... Starting off with my contributions...  Humane Society and ASPCA- F-YOU Kristi. I won't even go into my dozens of Catholic Charities...  South West Reservation Aid, Saint Joseph's, Saint Stephen's,  and Saint Bonaventure Indian Missions. Ever been to an Indian Reservation Cal? Well, I have. There's still people living in dirt floor huts with no running water. Let this sink into your alternate reality brain for a minute- it was a quote on the desk of a Real Estate agent I saw in Estes Park Colorado many years ago, and I've never forgotten it. Chief Red Cloud of the Arapahoe Sioux (FWIW, he also took a trip East to meet President Grant) . "When the white man came, he made to us many promises, more than I can' remember. But he never kept but one- he promised to take our land- and he took it."

Continuing... American Red Cross, Alzheimer's Association.  Boy's Town, Disabled Veterans. Mercy Ships, Mercy Corps, Hope...  Need a hundred or so more? FWIW, I could return your delusional abuse in spades, but I'm not in the mood to right now... Just keep it up, and I may change my mind.  

Aw, get yourself some antipsychotic drugs Cal, and you may be worth more of my time.  


It got you to take the time to post a self-aggrandizing pile of rubbish. Good work Hoorta, you're awesome.

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28 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Sorry dipshit didn't read that crap. Maybe someone did. Good luck.

Until you admit that this was a political witch hunt from the beginning all your blathering is meaningless.

Your blathering meaningless support of Trump is pretty meaningless too.  LOL- You've so painted yourself back into a corner so far- you can't get out- and possibly come up for some reality air with any counterpoints. Go head,  believe what you want to believe- plenty of evidence I, and the courts of America are saying in contradiction.  Lost in your little alternate reality (LALALA I can't hear you- what a f**king cop out) where 1\6 was a just peaceful protest and DJT had 100% right to transfer boxes of top secret documents to Maga Retardo.  And telling Mr. Raffensberger find me more votes wasn't election intimidation.  

Ignore the dangers of Project 2025 or Agenda 47 at your own risk. If you think that's just leftist paranoia- think again. Trump and his pals have pretty clearly spelled out what they're going to do again, should they get back in the White house.  Face- FY- support Trump and your supporting a very dangerous delusional mentally unstable nut job.   

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Your blathering meaningless support of Trump is pretty meaningless too.  LOL- You've so painted yourself back into a corner so far- you can't get out- and possibly come up for some reality air with any counterpoints. Go head,  believe what you want to believe- plenty of evidence I, and the courts of America are saying in contradiction.  Lost in your little alternate reality (LALALA I can't hear you- what a f**king cop out) where 1\6 was a just peaceful protest and DJT had 100% right to transfer boxes of top secret documents to Maga Retardo.  And telling Mr. Raffensberger find me more votes wasn't election intimidation.  

Ignore the dangers of Project 2025 or Agenda 47 at your own risk. If you think that's just leftist paranoia- think again. Trump and his pals have pretty clearly spelled out what they're going to do again, should they get back in the White house.  Face- FY- support Trump and your supporting a very dangerous delusional mentally unstable nut job.   

I don't read your rubbish. What makes you think I'll read this?

You're a piece of work.

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6 minutes ago, FY56 said:


It got you to take the time to post a self-aggrandizing pile of rubbish. Good work Hoorta, you're awesome.

You forget FY just responding- Cal called me a LIAR for saying I'm not a charitable type... Of course you missed that. I thought you didn't read what I was posting- guess not.  

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

You forget FY just responding- Cal called me a LIAR for saying I'm not a charitable type... Of course you missed that. I thought you didn't read what I was posting- guess not.  

Correct. The first sentence sticks out like a sore thumb. You left yourself wide open.

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Just now, FY56 said:

I don't read your rubbish. What makes you think I'll read this?

Um, because you responded to it? Did I hurt your authoritarian feelings?  

FWIW, main reason I don't hang out here much it's 95% conspiratorial right wing garbage. 

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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Um, because you responded to it? Did I hurt your authoritarian feelings?  

FWIW, main reason I don't hang out here much it's 95% conspiratorial right wing garbage. 

Too bad for you. 

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4 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Um, because you responded to it? Did I hurt your authoritarian feelings?  

FWIW, main reason I don't hang out here much it's 95% conspiratorial right wing garbage. 

I enjoy rubbing your nose into your own liberal shit way too much to have my feelings hurt.

The authoritarian around here was the guy who cries to Steve about not being able to shut this forum down. Who was that asshole Hoorta?

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38 minutes ago, FY56 said:

You need psychiatric counselling there TDS guy.

If there ever was a circle jerk it's among you left wing "get Trump" cheerleaders.

Projection whataboutism much? LOL!!! FWIW, my family may have several inherited several health problems, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure- but let me assure you FY- mental illness isn't one of them.  Now old crazy Cal is another story entirely.  :D  

Nope, in case you're in denial- a boatload of Grand Jury felony charges says me and the judicial system are on the right side of reality. TDS is just such a lame excuse from the MAGA crowd. FYI TDS = anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass.  Fact. 

Have you bought any of your Lord and Savior's  NFT cards or his Bible yet?  I understand how this Con Man has deluded his low IQ followers, but I was hoping (with a shred of intelligence) you'd finally see the light that DJT is a serial criminal, and his pigeons are finally coming home to roost.  

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6 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Projection whataboutism much? LOL!!! FWIW, my family may have several inherited several health problems, hypothyroidism, high blood pressure- but let me assure you FY- mental illness isn't one of them.  Now old crazy Cal is another story entirely.  :D  

Nope, in case you're in denial- a boatload of Grand Jury felony charges says me and the judicial system are on the right side of reality. TDS is just such a lame excuse from the MAGA crowd. FYI TDS = anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass.  Fact. 

Have you bought any of your Lord and Savior's  NFT cards or his Bible yet?  I understand how this Con Man has deluded his low IQ followers, but I was hoping (with a shred of intelligence) you'd finally see the light that DJT is a serial criminal, and his pigeons are finally coming home to roost.  

Oh boy here we go again, more drivel. Must commend you for your persistence you narcissistic bitch. LOL. You really think people read your crap don't you?

Don't read nothing more than a couple sentences from you, if you hadn't figured it out yet.

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1 minute ago, FY56 said:

I enjoy rubbing your nose into your own liberal shit way too much to have my feelings hurt.

The authoritarian around here was the guy who cries to Steve about not being able to shut this forum down. Who was that asshole Hoorta?

Right back at ya... maybe I'll stick around laughing at you watching you do try a smartass a um duh, I don't respond to any opposing viewpoint I have no valid response to- other than ignoring it. And denying anything vaguely reclimbing reality. Yep- right wing echo chamber.     

Ah gee... You nut jobs couldn't possibly have gone over to 8 chan to spew your right wing QAnon hate?  

Maybe you missed it- I'm not the only one who thinks this political garbage gives The Browns Board a bad name. 

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4 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Oh boy here we go again, more drivel. Must commend you for your persistence you narcissistic bitch. LOL. You really think people read your crap don't you?

Don't read nothing more than a couple sentences from you, if you hadn't figured it out yet.

Denial- a river in Egypt. FWIW, I hope to be cruising the Nile- August 2027- nice total eclipse in Luxor.  

I know others here enjoy your alternate reality drivel FY but carry on.  Considering you keep responding- you're making a fool out of yourself.  I need to head to bed- but have another glass of port first just to prove to Cal that I'm a fucking alcoholic.  :D :D :D 

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14 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Right back at ya... maybe I'll stick around laughing at you watching you do try a smartass a um duh, I don't respond to any opposing viewpoint I have no valid response to- other than ignoring it. And denying anything vaguely reclimbing reality. Yep- right wing echo chamber.     

Ah gee... You nut jobs couldn't possibly have gone over to 8 chan to spew your right wing QAnon hate?  

Maybe you missed it- I'm not the only one who thinks this political garbage gives The Browns Board a bad name. 

You aint laughing at nobody. Your claim to be laughing epitomizes the fake that you really are. In fact it sounds you've become a little perturbed. No?

Am I supposed to care what the fuck your buddies over on the Football forum think? Gee why didn't you tell me!

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3 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Denial- a river in Egypt. FWIW, I hope to be cruising the Nile- August 2027- nice total eclipse in Luxor.  

I know others here enjoy your alternate reality drivel FY but carry on.  Considering you keep responding- you're making a fool out of yourself.  I need to head to bed- but have another glass of port first just to prove to Cal that I'm a fucking alcoholic.  :D :D :D 

Yes Hoorta Denile is a river in Egypt. Boy your comebacks are fresh and cutting edge.

Go to bed Hoorta, your boyfriends been waiting.

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 I don't read your shit but i keep responding to it.   HAHAHAHA.  Welcome to the forum where opposing opinions or reality isn't welcome.  

10 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Yes Hoorta Denile is a river in Egypt. Boy your comebacks are fresh and cutting edge.

Go to bed Hoorta, your boyfriends been waiting.

SO cutting- and so sad.   NOT!!!   I've finally figured out your number FY- and you aren't impressing me much anymore.  

Yep.. I'm sure (assuming you've read Project 2025) that the LBGTQ folks will no longer welcome in AmeriKKA.   And Muslims, and a few other "undesirables".  Maybe you should go to bed after you hug your Trump poster and admire your NFT cards. Maybe even read a bit out of that Trump Bible you bought- it will do you no harm.    :D   

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Costello on Wednesday said Cohen "decided that while he didn’t believe the allegation, he thought the story would be embarrassing for Trump, and especially for Melania, so he decided to take care of it himself." 

Costello testified that Cohen’s "motivation for this became obvious" amid Cohen’s alleged desire to work in the Trump administration after the 2016 election. 

Costello testified Cohen thought Trump would make him attorney general "or at least chief of staff to the president." 

"Cohen then explained that, for that reason, he negotiated the sum of $130,000 in exchange for the NDA. When asked if Trump had any knowledge of this, Cohen told me no. When asked whether Cohen got the $130,000 from Trump or any Trump entity or friend, Cohen again said no," Costello testified. 

"When asked if this was from Cohen’s own money, Cohen said no. He was asked where, then, did he get the money, and Cohen explained he took out a HELOC Loan because he didn’t want anybody to know where the money came from." 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

You forget FY just responding- Cal called me a LIAR for saying I'm not a charitable type... Of course you missed that. I thought you didn't read what I was posting- guess not.  

poor victim. No, stupid, I didn't call you a liar about your charities. sounds like  you desperately want to feel better about yourself.

Maybe you need to join AAA to do that.

I'm fond of donating to Veteran's groups = the Gary Sinise Foundation and Wounded Warriors. Were you ever a veteran ? Of course not.

And the 2nd Amendment Foundation.

I technically qualify for Veteran Benefits - during those late years of the Vietnam Era - but I have always said that so many other Veterans deserve it more. We pay for our medical.

I haven't been to an Indian Reservation - but I have attended an awesome presentation by a Lakota Indian about their history at the Tatanka Visitors Center in S. Dakota.

Perhaps you would like to whine about glaciers calving again.

That was good stuff. LOL

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Hoorta should definitely stay out of political discussions.

I thought woody and cccp had a lot of meaningless rants but hoorta...I can't even read what he writes.

It's just meaningless dribble.

Trump was in office once already and no he doesn't have an evil master plan if he gets into office this time.

But no need to argue over it, you'll see first hand when he gets re-elected.

So for fun why don't you make a list of all his evil plans and we'll keep score.

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33 minutes ago, Jax said:

Hoorta should definitely stay out of political discussions.

I thought woody and cccp had a lot of meaningless rants but hoorta...I can't even read what he writes.

It's just meaningless dribble.

Trump was in office once already and no he doesn't have an evil master plan if he gets into office this time.

But no need to argue over it, you'll see first hand when he gets re-elected.

So for fun why don't you make a list of all his evil plans and we'll keep score.

Exactly.. If Trump had an "evil plan" as it were. it would've been in motion a long time ago... And what these idiots forget is.. Trump doesn't need the money.. They conveniently forget he "Worked free for the people of the United States of America" All this "evil plan" stuff is happening right before our eyes via Obamas and Soros Shadow govt... Joe is just the puppet on the end of a string who doesn't even know what day it is half the time... Anyone who believe other wise is just flat out lying to themselves just to satisfy and ease their own consciousness while their neighbors , friends and family get the shaft... This generation of people are the most evil, conceited , ego driven bunch of people I've ever seen. And selfish to the core... I mean did we just suddenly forget the vile instigating of Maxine Waters and Nancy Piglosi to harass and bring violence to conservatives while George Soros's hoodlums were planting stacks of bricks on city street corners with the intent to destroy businesses and the lives of hard working people who put their lives and hearts into those businesses... And these sudden train and plane derailments and barges crashing into bridges by happenstance?... I just don't think so charlie...

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31 minutes ago, nickers said:

Exactly.. If Trump had an "evil plan" as it were. it would've been in motion a long time ago... And what these idiots forget is.. Trump doesn't need the money.. They conveniently forget he "Worked free for the people of the United States of America" All this "evil plan" stuff is happening right before our eyes via Obamas and Soros Shadow govt... Joe is just the puppet on the end of a string who doesn't even know what day it is half the time... Anyone who believe other wise is just flat out lying to themselves just to satisfy and ease their own consciousness while their neighbors , friends and family get the shaft... This generation of people are the most evil, conceited , ego driven bunch of people I've ever seen. And selfish to the core... I mean did we just suddenly forget the vile instigating of Maxine Waters and Nancy Piglosi to harass and bring violence to conservatives while George Soros's hoodlums were planting stacks of bricks on city street corners with the intent to destroy businesses and the lives of hard working people who put their lives and hearts into those businesses... And these sudden train and plane derailments and barges crashing into bridges by happenstance?... I just don't think so charlie...

A loser the sells anything "doesn't need the money". Non-Cheetos Jesus your cult is stupid. 

The risk for the defense here is that the jurors are reminded during closing arguments that Trump hired this self-acknowledged liar and made him his lawyer, and hold Trump accountable for that.


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10 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

A loser the sells anything "doesn't need the money". Non-Cheetos Jesus your cult is stupid. 

Got any other stupid shit you want to say Commiecrat?... Let it all out whiner...

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4 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

No. I'm good, fascist.


You should look at yourself in the mirror before calling someone a facist because you don't even know that you are the epitome of what a  "Fascist" is......

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7 hours ago, cccjwh said:

A loser the sells anything "doesn't need the money". Non-Cheetos Jesus your cult is stupid. 

The risk for the defense here is that the jurors are reminded during closing arguments that Trump hired this self-acknowledged liar and made him his lawyer, and hold Trump accountable for that.


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20 hours ago, nickers said:

You should look at yourself in the mirror before calling someone a facist because you don't even know that you are the epitome of what a  "Fascist" is......

You are the moron wanting a dictator and to shot protestors. That is what fascist do dumbass.


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