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Did We Just Lose Suh?


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I am ECSTATIC that the Browns won last night. I was there and it was AMAZING. That win is totally worth having a horrible season and I (a Mangini hater since the day he was hired) am now in favor of him staying at least another year and am starting to think he was the right man for the job. The only problem is: did we just lose our chances at Ndamakong Suh? We all know he is the best player out there and will probably go 1st or 2nd overall. My question is: can we still get in those top 2 picks? I'm not saying that I'm happy they are 2-11, but it would be nice to know that we have a shot at the next great d-lineman. I think we may have just lost our chances at him but at the same time I think it's worth it. Beating the Steelers means way more to me than getting the next great player. There is plenty of other talent out there that we desperately need and we should be able to get a play maker in the top 5 (please Eric, take Eric Barry). Just ask the Steelers what it's like not having a dominant safety. They'll tell you it's necessary.


Great win boys. Let's enjoy this one while we can!

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I am ECSTATIC that the Browns won last night. I was there and it was AMAZING. That win is totally worth having a horrible season and I (a Mangini hater since the day he was hired) am now in favor of him staying at least another year and am starting to think he was the right man for the job. The only problem is: did we just lose our chances at Ndamakong Suh? We all know he is the best player out there and will probably go 1st or 2nd overall. My question is: can we still get in those top 2 picks? I'm not saying that I'm happy they are 2-11, but it would be nice to know that we have a shot at the next great d-lineman. I think we may have just lost our chances at him but at the same time I think it's worth it. Beating the Steelers means way more to me than getting the next great player. There is plenty of other talent out there that we desperately need and we should be able to get a play maker in the top 5 (please Eric, take Eric Barry). Just ask the Steelers what it's like not having a dominant safety. They'll tell you it's necessary.


Great win boys. Let's enjoy this one while we can!



who cares? I'd rather go 5-11 and get back on the winning track.

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There is always the chance that we might not get Suh !


Lions, Browns, Tampa and Rams are "in the hunt" for the no 1 Draft pick. And with Tampa underachieving and Detroit+St Louis dysfunctional, we were always on the outside as far as the number 1 pick was concerned. So there exists a possibility that we could have lost to Steelers and still not get the number 1 draft pick making this season even more bitter - So I would take this situation compared to -losing to Steelers.


Although that brings up an interesting question: Since we will be surely drafting within the top5 who should be our targets if Suh and Berry are gone ?

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Although that brings up an interesting question: Since we will be surely drafting within the top5 who should be our targets if Suh and Berry are gone ?

trade down, haha. seriously though, i think that gerald mccoy will be a stud d-lineman in the league. he's not suh, but he's pretty good. i don't think that there is a linebacker worth taking in the top 5 or else i would say take him. we could always go with a cornerback as well. we need so much that we really can't go wrong... then again, we do have a history of finding busts.

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Like most have said, I will take wins over #1 pick, There will be plenty of talent out there for us. I think Detroit, St. Louis, and Tampa Bay will be drafting in front of us. I think we beat the Chiefs, and if the D keeps up what it did last night we can get another W over Raiders or Jags.

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how about TE's or RB's ? any studs there ?


Not for where the Browns will draft, I think those are not as necessary if Jennings and Moore keep progressing. We can get those later in the draft like at RB Dixon or Gerhart would be sweet I think we need to focus on D in first round LB or RB or CB second round. I think they will draft a TE and RB unless they are addressed in free agency

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The win last night for me was worth both losing suh and having to tolorate manmini-weenie for another year if lerner deems it to be...so long as dumbo is given his wallking papers in an uncreative and blunt way...we really need an experienced ,fiery and creative OC desperately...;)

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There is always the chance that we might not get Suh !


Lions, Browns, Tampa and Rams are "in the hunt" for the no 1 Draft pick. And with Tampa underachieving and Detroit+St Louis dysfunctional, we were always on the outside as far as the number 1 pick was concerned. So there exists a possibility that we could have lost to Steelers and still not get the number 1 draft pick making this season even more bitter - So I would take this situation compared to -losing to Steelers.


Although that brings up an interesting question: Since we will be surely drafting within the top5 who should be our targets if Suh and Berry are gone ?


Not true, as other threads have stated, until last night, there were three teams that had only 1 win. St. Louis, Tampa Bay, and Cleveland. Of those three teams, Cleveland had the tie-breaker (worst Strength of Schedule) to take the #1 draft pick. After last night, I think Cleveland is the 3rd worst team in the NFL, record wise, and will get the #3 overall--of course assuming Tampa Bay and St. Louis lose out. But if Cleveland can't get Suh, then I want them to win out. Hell, if they win out, they will still be 5-11, and probably will get the #6 or #7 overall draft pick.

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Right now the worst records in the NFL are:


St. Louis 1-11

Tampa Bay 1-11

Browns 2-11

Lions 2-10

Chiefs 3-9

Redskins 3-9

Buffalo 4-8

Oakland 4-8


Browns next two games are against KC and Oakland for draft position!!


If the Browns lose out on both Suh and Eric Berry, here are some possibilities for the 3rd through 6th or 8th position of the draft that I think they should consider (and I am excluding any QBs):


Gerald McCoy DT Oklahoma (can always use DL strength)

Russel Okung OT Oklahoma St. (though a LT in college, why not put him at RT? a possibility)

Joe Haden CB Florida (an obvious position of need)

Jerry Hughes DE/OLB TCU (despite last nights performance Browns need to improve pass rush)

CJ Spiller RB Clemson (can team him with James Davis for all Clemson backfield?)

Rolando McClain ILB Alabama (another position of need imo)

Trent William OT Oklahoma (he IS primarily a right tackle)

Taylor Mays FS USC (big name, but slipping reputation?)

Brandon Spikes ILB Florida (one thing I saw said he may slip to second round. I doubt it)


A lot of the mock drafts I saw had the Browns taking the likes of Jimmy Clausen or Jake Locker.

For some reason, however, despite all the big name QBs that are going to be available, the above, plus Colt McCoy, Tebow, Sam Bradford, I feel that not one of all those QBs will be taken in the top 10 of the draft! It will be a DL, OT, DB, LB dominated first 10.

Anybody with me on that thinking?

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Clausen will probably be in the first, but the Browns


will surely take Suh, Berry, McCoy - in that order.


The Browns will not draft Spiller - he's spectacular, but so was Reggie Bush.


They need a big power back. Dwyer comes to mind, depending on evals, of course.


If Suh and Berry and McCoy were gone (ie, the Browns win a few more games?) @@


A trade down a bit, then another trade down, like last year...


There's a ton of talent in the top three rounds this year, that could help the


Browns solidify their ranks. I don't see the Browns drafting oline at all in the top half of the first round.


But the addition of Thomas and Mack to the Browns offense has beautifully changed a few devastating


problems the Browns offfense has had for years.


It's still way, way early.


And the Steelers have been booted out of the playoffs, and out of town !

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Clausen will probably be in the first, but the Browns


will surely take Suh, Berry, McCoy - in that order.


The Browns will not draft Spiller - he's spectacular, but so was Reggie Bush.


They need a big power back. Dwyer comes to mind, depending on evals, of course.


If Suh and Berry and McCoy were gone (ie, the Browns win a few more games?) @@


A trade down a bit, then another trade down, like last year...


There's a ton of talent in the top three rounds this year, that could help the


Browns solidify their ranks. I don't see the Browns drafting oline at all in the top half of the first round.


But the addition of Thomas and Mack to the Browns offense has beautifully changed a few devastating


problems the Browns offfense has had for years.


It's still way, way early.


And the Steelers have been booted out of the playoffs, and out of town !


Well, given what we have on the right side of our OL, Pork Chop, St. Clair, I believe a RT may in fact be a priority for this team. At least it is one of them. With JT at LT, and Mack at C securing the line a dominant RT would make this OL a beauty. But, I know, it is difficult to invest that many 1st round picks on the OL, given the other needs this team has.

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i'll say it every time for our brownies. BEST PLAYER AVAILABLE, period. Despite an awesome preformance all the way around last night, there are few and far between positions on this team we dont need an upgrade. I hope we can get our hands on Suh or Berry, but if we finish up strong i don't think they'd fall to 5-6.


That being said another quick question..Are Winslows numbers coming close to getting that 2nd round pick? I know he's got decent yards and 5 or so TD's so far.

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That being said another quick question..Are Winslows numbers coming close to getting that 2nd round pick? I know he's got decent yards and 5 or so TD's so far.


I'm a Bucs fan from over on the TBBBB.


Anyways, we're all going insane over on the boards there. All of Bucs Nation wants Suh, if not more than you all do. We only want McCoy or Berry as a fallback, if it came down to it.


I fell asleep and woke up after the Browns won, and I must say, I almost pissed myself in excitement. (Okay, not literally)


As far as Winslow is concerned, we're reasonably happy with his performance so far. He's obviously not playing well enough to make the probowl but he's made some big catches, but also has had a few big drops. We're happy with the trade, he's been worth that mid-range second rounder last year. As of now his stats, according to ESPN, He has 58 catches, for 633 yards and 5 TD's, with VERY inconsistent QB play.

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"Aaron Curry is the only sure thing in the draft...WE MUST SECURE HIM...yada yada"


Sound familiar? He sure hasn't propelled his team to the promised land.


While I think Suh is a great talent...you still never know. Let the cards fall and roll with the punches. Winning a few more games to end this season would be worth missing out of Suh. The team is making strides and one player isn't going to save this team. I'm all for Suh or Berry but there are other options like McCoy and so on...Good teams draft late and continue to build their team. We have to pull the trigger on some talent no matter what slot we draft.

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If we draft in the top 5 and Suh and Berry are gone we'd probably take McCoy who is a prototype 3-4 NT.

Like Suh, McCoy would play end in a 3-4. However, he's a little bit more of a questionable fit: he's constantly shooting gaps in Oklahoma's defense, so it's hard to tell whether he's strong enough to play two gap.


However, he does have tremendous potential, especially in a 4-3. His play against Florida in the BCS Championship Game last year was nearly as impressive as what Suh just did against Texas.



(McCoy is #93)


I'm a Bucs fan from over on the TBBBB.


Anyways, we're all going insane over on the boards there. All of Bucs Nation wants Suh, if not more than you all do. We only want McCoy or Berry as a fallback, if it came down to it.

If Radio's got the Bucs running a Tampa 2 again, McCoy would be a very nice fit. Berry would be a good pick as well, though I wonder if the team already has its playmaking safety back there in Tanard Jackson.

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I wouldn't be too concerned over one player. I think the Browns still have many needs and, as such, will not fall in love with one particular player. That's actually a good problem to have.


As far as having the top pick, you don't want it. The talent to risk ratio is very unfavorable. By trading out of #5 last draft, the Browns saved $45 million. Now, I think that the difference between #1 and #4 money-wise isn't nearly that much but there is great financial and risk incentive for "winning your way" out of the top overall pick. If Berry or Suh is not available. I'd take the best OL available (Okung, perhaps) but that might be a reach to take a guy that you'd play at right tackle in the top five.

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(McCoy is #93)



If Radio's got the Bucs running a Tampa 2 again, McCoy would be a very nice fit. Berry would be a good pick as well, though I wonder if the team already has its playmaking safety back there in Tanard Jackson.


Yes, but not on the same page as Suh. Tanard has been WONDERFUL for us. We didn't know anyone else in the league noticed him. That's way too high to draft a safety and Berry maybe going back to school for his senior year.

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One of your BrownsBoard Fans, Peter Bell has informed me that NO ONE (and he means NO ONE) in the NFL wants the Top 4 Picks.


You really don't understand the NFL draft..Nobody I mean nobody wants the first 4 picks in the NFL draft

1. Its an untradable position

2. Ask Al Davis who's paying a back up QB 60 million dollars


He points out that like the Raiders, the Browns would just botch up the pick and take someone like Jamarcus Russell, and that Top Four Picks CANNOT be traded. (Which I didn't know either... when did that rule come out??)


I appreciate him correcting me as I obviously DIDN'T know anything about the NFL Draft as I was under the impression that previous #1 picks like Eli Manning, Carson Palmer, Jake Young, Peyton Manning, Orlando Pace have actually done pretty well and some would say have more than earned their expensive Rookie Contracts (but obviously those people and GMs know nothign about the draft either). It would be much better to give Mangini the pick at #6 pick so he can pick guys like Vernon Gholston for a whole lot less than what it would cost to draft at #1.


Of course my feeling is that you can still be in the Top Ten and trade UP (even though Nobody I mean nobody wants the first 4 picks in the NFL draft) to grab a player like Suh if you really want him... but this team needs to learn how to WIN first... so while losing the #1 pick could hurt the team in the long run, failing to learn how to win would hurt the team MORE in the long run.


Whether or not this win helps Mangini keeps his job is another matter - THAT could hurt the team in the long run to be sure.


But I think any GOOD GM is going to know that all Mangini has done so far is disassembled a team that needed to be disassembled. Get a new respected coach who can begin to reassemble the team next year and you've really lost no time whatsoever. If there's a GM who is willing to be submissive to the Coach, then that doesn't bode well for the team either.

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One of your BrownsBoard Fans, Peter Bell has informed me that NO ONE (and he means NO ONE) in the NFL wants the Top 4 Picks.




He points out that like the Raiders, the Browns would just botch up the pick and take someone like Jamarcus Russell, and that Top Four Picks CANNOT be traded. (Which I didn't know either... when did that rule come out??)


I appreciate him correcting me as I obviously DIDN'T know anything about the NFL Draft as I was under the impression that previous #1 picks like Eli Manning, Carson Palmer, Jake Young, Peyton Manning, Orlando Pace have actually done pretty well and some would say have more than earned their expensive Rookie Contracts (but obviously those people and GMs know nothign about the draft either). It would be much better to give Mangini the pick at #6 pick so he can pick guys like Vernon Gholston for a whole lot less than what it would cost to draft at #1.


True Joe, but I'd say you 'll find a lot more busts or overpriced mediocrity in the #1 pick over the years.

But if there's a player so coveted that you can get a couple picks for him I say that increases your odds of a good addition at a reasonable cost.


Wind up with three high priced players on the team eats up a lot of salary that could buy good guys at more positions.

Unless they're all hall of famers which is probably not gonna be the case.


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