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We're 4-11


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We're 4-11 weve won as many games this year as we did last year with far crappier players. you know what that means?




Ive said it before mangini and his staff are doing this thing right...hell even daboll is looking good.

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One thing that is impressive about this team is that we're tied for 2nd as the least penalized team in the NFL with 4.9 per game. That shows discipline, something the Raiders showed none of at the end of the half and it helped get us more points.

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I said 5-11 after 2 games and got laughed out of the room. I based it on this team eventually conforming to Mangini football. Its happening and boy do the shoe-shiners in the media hate it. WKNR has became embarrassing in their hate for Mangini.

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I dont think that it would be fair to fire him at the end of the season. The team defense has improved and of course the special teams is great. Add a few more pieces and a remotly decent QB and the team could probably compete. At least they are playing with effort and heart.

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Cris Carter Doesn't Know Shit About Anything



This just proves Cris Carter is a biased idiot.


So, according to Cris Carter, we need to start firing coaches because of body language? How about we fire him (Carter)based on the two tons of coke he snorted in the 80s??


Spoken like a true moron.


I don't know if Eric Mangini will get another year and I won't act surprised if he doesn't. What I will not turn my back on, however, is the fact that this team has won three in a row and has clawed and fought its way to each victory. If the players in the lockerroom have bought in...then I don't see why I should be any different. If they win next week then there's going to be one hell of a decision on Mike Holmgren's plate.

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So, according to Cris Carter, we need to start firing coaches because of body language? How about we fire him (Carter)based on the two tons of coke he snorted in the 80s??

Very classy.


For what it's worth, Mike Holmgren considers body language an important aspect of the game. On his radio show, he talked about how his first piece of coaching advice to Jeff George was to smile more often.

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I said 5-11 after 2 games and got laughed out of the room. I based it on this team eventually conforming to Mangini football. Its happening and boy do the shoe-shiners in the media hate it. WKNR has became embarrassing in their hate for Mangini.



Agreed about WKNR. Do they think the anti-Mangini crap is endearing them to the fans? i thought that local sports was their business? i can they not have a pulse on how Browns fans feel?


BTW, i wasn't one of the guys laughing you out of the room. i predicted that we wouldn't win more than 11 games, and i'm sticking to it. There are so few of us that will own up to our original predictions.

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Lewis getting hurt seemed to help this team. The o line looks so much better with a running back that hits the holes at full speed. The Browns have won three games in a row without a QB.


To add on to this point does anyone else find it interesting how this played out? I mean isnt it possible the reason J-lew started acting out was because he knew he was about to lose his starting role? I think what happened was that Mangini brought it up to him and the "consumate professional" got a little pissed about I and went to the media. When mangini realized that jamal wouldnt step down gracefully placed him on the IR with "post concussion symptoms". Im just spit ballin' here but it makes sense to me.

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We're 4-11 weve won as many games this year as we did last year with far crappier players. you know what that means?




Ive said it before mangini and his staff are doing this thing right...hell even daboll is looking good.


couldn't agree more. Think about it objectively and not as a browns fan. Mangini is on the cusp (and in my opinion will) end up with a better record then last season. He is dealing with much less talent, and rookie players at many key positions. It's obvious looking from the outside in that Mangini has to be doing something right. Heck despite it being a losing season this is only the 2nd time we've won three straight games since we got the team back. I've seen something in the team the past three games i've been waiting for for years. Guys going out there and playing their hearts out from start to finish. Now imagine if the games matter (we can hope haha).


I'd be very upset with Holmgren if he lets him go.

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I would be disappointed as well... Coaches has to have more than one season to steer the team in a positive direction and no coaches should have only one seaon... just wouldn't be fair... and now, if Mangini loses his job, it won't seem right and I would hate the thought of starting all over once again...

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To add on to this point does anyone else find it interesting how this played out? I mean isnt it possible the reason J-lew started acting out was because he knew he was about to lose his starting role? I think what happened was that Mangini brought it up to him and the "consumate professional" got a little pissed about I and went to the media. When mangini realized that jamal wouldnt step down gracefully placed him on the IR with "post concussion symptoms". Im just spit ballin' here but it makes sense to me.



doubtful. Mangini had no problem axeing guys who couldn't make the cut.


why the hell wouldn't he sit Lewis earlier?


the only reasons would be Harrison's bad blocking and smart politics on Mangini's account.

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I liked mangini then hated mangini and now am neutral but dont really trust or like his "process or system"..however i honestly believe with 4 wins he has earned the right to stay another year we can see the big picture now(no thanks to mangini) himself.. but the problem and likely fact is mike may truly want to blow things up and start again in his own graven image and im all for that as well..


If mangini is forced to leave because of differences in philosophies and technique at least we can rest assured he has done well enough that he will coach again...but i would advise him not to bring daboll onboard wherever he goes..;)

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Agreed about WKNR. Do they think the anti-Mangini crap is endearing them to the fans? i thought that local sports was their business? i can they not have a pulse on how Browns fans feel?


BTW, i wasn't one of the guys laughing you out of the room. i predicted that we wouldn't win more than 11 games, and i'm sticking to it. There are so few of us that will own up to our original predictions.

WKNR.....they're really the only game in town, so unless you have Sirrius, it's what we have. Brinda is an idiot.....for years he has made these "all knowing" ridiculous predictions, and is never right about anything. Then, when he is proven to be wrong, he never brings the subject up again. Rhoda (sp)...typical Steelers fan....I won't listen to the jerk. I just can't stand to hear him....no matter who the coach is.....he likes to start the process with the fans, to keep the Browns in complete disarray. I get the feeling that he thinks he somehow has some kind of influence.....power of the media.... with the Browns. Rizzo can be o.k. to listen to.....really, the only one I can stomach.....but he is not very knowledgeable, and tends to jump on whatever direction the national media is going. Other than that......they're pretty good. I predicetd that we would go 10 -6 , but I was really concerned about our schedule early in the season. Mangini....while I agree has made some mistakes....has turned this team in the right direction. Not just because we are winning against bad teams, but because of how the newer players are responding, and the discipline the team has started to display.

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i am not trying to say that mangini had nothing to do with this, but is it possible that these guys are just auditioning for holmgren? are they just playing hard to keep their jobs for next season? just thought i would put it out there. i am not trying to take credit away from mangini.

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i am not trying to say that mangini had nothing to do with this, but is it possible that these guys are just auditioning for holmgren? are they just playing hard to keep their jobs for next season? just thought i would put it out there. i am not trying to take credit away from mangini.



this still would be a change from past years.

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I liked mangini then hated mangini and now am neutral but dont really trust or like his "process or system"..however i honestly believe with 4 wins he has earned the right to stay another year we can see the big picture now(no thanks to mangini) himself.. but the problem and likely fact is mike may truly want to blow things up and start again in his own graven image and im all for that as well..


If mangini is forced to leave because of differences in philosophies and technique at least we can rest assured he has done well enough that he will coach again...but i would advise him not to bring daboll onboard wherever he goes..;)


With you 100% there.


I would rather form my own judgments, than have ESPN, WKNR or Tony Grossi do it for me. When Mangini dumped Braylon Edwards, I was intrigued, and willing to give him a chance.


We can't help but notice the team is playing better. We've played some of our most complete games against division rivals (Cincy & Pitt), and gotten some late-season wins against teams seemingly like us. We actually played a decent half against the Chargers, then died in the 3Q.


I think Holmgren would be foolish to break up the staff now, & start over. Look at the AFC, it's not too strong. A decent draft would at least get us into that lump of 8-7/7-8 teams next season (not what we ultimately want, but it would be a turnaround in the right direction).

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mangini bought himself at least 1 more year IMO. I could be wrong, but I think they're still paying Crennel, Savage, and Kouk along with Mangini. I don't think they'll add another coach to that until they see what Mangini could do with some actual talent.


I never thought Mangini would be fired because of a win-loss record. Lombardi would lose 10+ games with this roster. I thought he would be fired because his rapport with the players, media, organization, and most of all the fans, was shattered. This winning streak has repaired that seemingly. He comes off to me as an arrogant prick, but if he wins then fine. I do think it's a mistake to fire him now though. I mean if Holmgren fired him now it would be like saying that someone else could have done better and when you look at this roster, I doubt that. Just one request to Mangini if he stays, quit signing and trading for god-awful backup Jets! I don't want to see another Jet on this team unless his name is Revis.

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The idea that players are playing for Holmgren is assinine. They have been showing signs of improvement even before the winning streak started which was a long time before Holmgren worked here. What we're seeing is a team being built. Its nice isn't it?

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