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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. Pass interference has to be reviewable. With that being said, not running the ball on 2nd or 3rd down with three timeouts is inexcusable as a coach there. You are GASHING the ducking assholes and that’s the drive.
  2. What frustrates you watching this game is that you know for 200% if thats Aaron rodgers that is a free play.
  3. Empty set literally never works. The hubris of our coaching to slam that shit down the throat is staggering.
  4. Watching stefanski totally abandon a game plan cause of a penalty drives me insane. You are literally running all over them, and then with a penalty it’s like 5 yards changes everything that and the 5 wide sets need to be reviewed, hard.
  5. Which is why I’m telling you that running the blitz and being in man zero in the first place was stupid. Also, yeah maybe I don’t know that but I’m not a defensive coordinator who gets paid millions of dollars to spend weeks not putting practice squad players against a top 3 WR in the league.
  6. And I get that. But the browns can also scheme against what they know is coming. And no matter how you slice it, that scheme is fucking stupid.
  7. Sending an all out blitz and leaving a rookie practice squad player on the best WR/QB combo in the league is just beyond stupid.
  8. I told my friend group, it felt like if we had 2-3 guys back (and not even at the QB position), we win that dang game. Specifically, if we could have just gotten back one more DB and Wills I feel like this one was in the bag. Anyway ya'll, got the whole family coming for the holidays through new year. We're hosting christmas this year too, so won't be around the board next two weeks. really looking forward to watching the game with my old man, we don't get too many chances to do that anymore. Stay safe and happy holidays!
  9. I can’t express in words how angry I am at the blitz call on the last play of the game. That shit didn’t work all night and it objectively cost the game. Absolutely no reason with no timeouts to send that pressure.
  10. I love you mother fuckers, win or lose let’s go.
  11. Feels like the type of game where a lucky break needs to happen. Raiders have been making them all night, need one to go out way.
  12. No, but you know the definition of insanity right?
  13. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I get being conservative to this point but that point is gone. When there’s 9 guys in the box, yea you can.
  14. So who is to blame on the depth of these routes? Seems pretty strongly on the coaches. i hope everyone saw that drive and realizes the run game ain’t happening tonight unless we get creative.
  15. The shame is it feels like if we just got mayfield and Landry back this game would at worst be tied.
  16. I would have taken a $1000 bet that was going to be a miss. You could literally tell in that bums demeanor he was going to miss.
  17. A missed false start. Why on earth did we elect to receive the ball?
  18. Need to introduce some horizontal runs, gets Schwartz in the game some. Running into 9 man boxes with several backups ain’t gonna happen today.
  19. Colquitt needs to remain the punter. And a dropped throw. Offensive play calling was fine there, no way this unit can just slam it down their throats
  20. I understand it’s backups and playing zone. But we’re going to give up 50 points today if we don’t play further up. Take some chances today.
  21. No, no they didn't. In fact Romo's direct quote is "That's short Jim, the Steelers are going to win this game" It's 2021, almost 2022 homie. It's not difficult to look things up.
  22. stop being a stubborn POS, come on man be an adult. There was no screw job in place there, Joe Haden just made an incredible tackle.
  23. if that's the screen shot you are using to try to prove your point, it still looks short. It isn't a massive conspiracy they ruled it short even with that spot, that's as close it gets. The point is, if they would have called that a first down and not been reviewed it would have been a MUCH bigger screw job than this. He was short every way to Sunday, period.
  24. dude, I'm normally with you but come on. The original spot of that ball was literally 3/4ths of a yard better than they deserved. That would have been a total screw job against the Steelers.
  25. The idea being any sprint out to the QB's dominate hand is to buy time to make a play, especially with a mobile QB. Watch the play again and you'll see if Huntley would have waited 1 more second, Marquise Brown was the definition of wide open. The DB who vacated his spot to make the play on Andrews left a void where Huntley could have easily gone. I'm not complaining, but I disagree it's completely stupid too. Heck, Andrews had inside position too and a ball more to the outside shoulder would have given him a chance.
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