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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. In watching Dobbs and the game just for a little bit, my honest thought was two fold: -Totally fine with having Dobbs as the backup. He's clearly earned it and looked poised out there -I'll give coach Stef credit, those hard fake boot actions are things of beauty. The three concept look off the boot just has guys open. If Brissett can play at that level with obviously significantly better talent, this team can compete at a high level. I'm confident in his ability to do so, especially with the first six weeks of the schedule appearing to be softer.
  2. I wrote two detailed paragraphs, and this is a fan forum. Do you want a 5 page, double spaced, citation paper? Or are you choosing not to read critically? In any case, it's not my concern. Yes, I understand grand juries well. My family has been practicing attorneys in South Florida for a combined 60 years, and presented to many grands juries in that time. I asked them their honest opinion of the matter, and it was a simple "indicting a ham sandwich is a myth". There's plenty of times where a grand jury doesn't indict as a miscarriage of justice. This, for example, is a good story (albeit older): https://www.recordonline.com/story/news/2000/11/03/exploding-myth-about-grand-juries/51197640007/ Here's another example in Texas of a man who has nearly 15 accusations of sexual assault not being indicted: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/investigations/2020/10/25/handcuffed-tied-down-beaten-pastor-rickie-rush-faces-new-allegations-of-abusing-children/ Sometimes the legal system doesn't hold up to abuse, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  3. and there's nothing more I can say to you if you think 66 massages that he actively sought out and 25 women accusing him of sexual misconduct is a 'stupid mistake'. Forgetting your lunch at home is a stupid mistake. Having one too many beers and throwing up is a stupid mistake. This is a willing and able piece of shit.
  4. Until the day he's no longer a Cleveland Brown. I'm not a perfect person and have a few skeletons in my closet, but I also didn't have a quarter hundred women accuse me of sexual violence and misconduct. I'm truly baffled that's so hard for people to understand. I'm not suggesting most people, even for heinous crimes, don't deserve some sort of second chance. But that doesn't mean I will ever forget, be happy, or root for this POS.
  5. Jimmy only made sense for a multitude of reasons if Watson was gone the whole year. If he (likely) gets cut? It's an interesting thought experiment, but no reason to give any assets at this point.
  6. Heard a lot of conflicting information, but the prevailing thought is 11 was chosen so Watson can play 6 games thus accruing a season on his contract. Longer term, it means he can roll into the actual meat of his contract next year without any financial repercussions.
  7. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/08/14/joel-bitonio-wonders-whether-jc-tretter-is-being-blackballed-for-his-stance-on-player-safety/ There's a lot of reasons I can easily understand why Tretter wouldn't re-join the Browns. I doubt he feels we burned a bridge based on being cut, but this organization is turning into a clown car in some respects and it's matter of fact wonky he'd be on the roster with the Watson news looming. Not saying he couldn't join, but there's variables where I understand why he (or the Browns) may not be interested in a reunion. That being said, I figured TB would be a lock when Jensen went down. Who knows, maybe they are super high on their backup and I have no clue. But there very well be some truth to this article too.
  8. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRyBhPNc/ the ol Baker Mayfield special on this throw.
  9. If Watson gets suspended all year? Man you’d think so. I didn’t catch any of the game until the second half so I’m not sure if and how Felton looked as that WR/RB option. But if it’s Brissett out there all year I’m fine having that depth on game day.
  10. As much as we love Hunt, getting someone to trade for a 7.5 million 27 year old RB with an injury history isn’t that easy. I’m not sure the cap implications of cutting the guy, but for now his best value is running for Cleveland. It’s very likely we will need as many healthy Rbs as we can get this year.
  11. I’ll tell you this much, kudos to this coaching staff for getting schemes and dudes who can run the damn football. When you consider Kelly was essentially a fifth option, it’s incredible how fluid the run game looks when it’s firing no matter who is in the backfield.
  12. Who knows, but I'd be a bit surprised if it goes full year if we didn't find out today or tomorrow morning. I wouldn't think the NFL would want Watson trotted out there and the media circus that comes with it if he's gone for the year.
  13. jrb12711


    I've seen a lot of your posts, and it's obvious you aren't going to change your mind based on the things I've said multiple times. I just encourage you to take time to read through the below. There are MANY reasons women go back to abusers. There are MANY reasons sexual based offenses are notoriously hard to prosecute. The below is about domestic violence, and I understand that's not the same scenario but it's similar to Watson's cases in Psychology. We need to be better about understanding this. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202107/why-do-domestic-violence-victims-return-abusers
  14. jrb12711


    I'm so proud of your ability to quote. You said that I said "Hunt was a victim", which if you could continue to use basic reading comprehension I didn't say. Which means, guess what? You put words in my mouth. I've outlined three different times why the situations are markedly different. You choose to continue to virtue signal as an attempt to make peace with Watson being on the team. Do whatever makes you content, but I'll keep critically thinking over here. Have a good one.
  15. jrb12711


    Don't put words in my mouth, and take time to actually read my comments. If that's the best response you have you aren't doing any of that and are simply, like many, trying to virtue signal two markedly different situations.
  16. jrb12711


    No, and I've seen the video. Look at this way, albeit more severe. A man kills a man after a heated argument. Does he deserve to go to jail for a very long time? Sure. But at the core of it, would you agree one really poor decision warrants a second chance? Maybe you do, maybe you don't. This situation plays a lot different than a serial killer who stalked, planned, and killed innocent people. Both people killed a person, but you would pretty objectively agree the serial killer is "worse" offender and isn't nearly as warranted, if at all, to deserve freedom right? My values are as straight as an arrow. Part of understanding your values is the realization that the world of gray exists in specific, individual scenarios. Kareem Hunt didn't go searching for dozens of underage girls to stalk, get drunk, and take advantage of. Watson did search out 66 women for what he wanted to do. I'm not going to argue with you for a second if you think he didn't, cause it's a waste of typing.
  17. jrb12711


    I mean, this one isn't too much of a head scratcher. With Hunt, it's clearly a scenario where all parties were drunk and arguing. The story is a lot he-said, she said but if you believe Hunt at any value he accused the girls of saying racial slurs and refusing to leave. Obviously, he crossed a line and was (and should have been) punished severely for it. Hunt lost likely 10's of millions of dollars of money from that video and incident: https://www.espn.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/25471824/how-kareem-hunt-nfl-career-was-put-hold-night-town. What went down with Hunt, while awful, is a good example of someone who warrants a second and final chance. That scenario plays a lot differently than a dude searching for 66 massage therapists, 25+ of them accusing him of nefarious acts, and actively looking for what he put himself to. Really cut and dry actually.
  18. jrb12711


    Hunt is the man, but he’s 27 years old coming off missing half a season from injury. The injury bug tends to stay around RB more than any other position in the NFL. Nearly $8 million for being a clear backup is more than fair given these variables. if they want to throw the guy a bone and add a year and give a signing bonus this season, I would be all for it. But I also completely understand holding pretty firm with him too. You can’t pay everyone, plain and simple.
  19. It's used because folks like the person who said this are being told all day, every day, that the shit they disagree with is "woke culture". It's absolutely insane how much it's used in the news folks like that listen to and it clearly works. Anywho-I don't think I'm going to disagree that this process is stupid. The fact that Goddell has the power over an arbitrator, let alone one who is a federal judge, is insane. I strongly disagree with her opinion, but that should have been the end of it for better or for worse. But, that doesn't mean what the NFL is saying is untrue. This is according to them the "most egregious" violation of the conduct policy in NFL history, and I'm inclined to agree. I could see a world where they bargain for 12 games to show 'good faith' that they will work with the NFLPA and somewhat respect the arbitrator, but I doubt it. It seems evident they want to make an example out of Watson, and I can't argue that they shouldn't. There's no more debate to be had with any of you if you think 25+ women formed a cabal to railroad a dude for strictly money. All I can say is go listen to some Bill Cosby standup and watch a Harvery Weinstein film with your fingers in your ears.
  20. To be honest, my thought of why this wasn't going to happen is that Jerry Jones, Robert Kraft, and Dan Synder can (and should) come up in the lawsuits that will be coming when they increase the suspension I'm guessing, though, the legal calculus was done insomuch they determined they could skirt around airing the owners dirty laundry out while laying the hammer down on Watson. . Make no mistake, the NFL is going to say a year or maybe indefinite and I'm not sure any legs Watson or the NFLPA have to stand on. I'd be shocked if it was less strict. Easy decision to go get Jimmy G in my opinion. This team can win now, and big, with that dude for a year. Give up a 5th and eat most of the salary (we have room as I understand).
  21. https://www.profootballrumors.com/2022/08/nfl-appeals-deshaun-watson-suspension He's getting more time. I just hope this drags the owners in the mud too. Let them all burn.
  22. TBH my friend, making the statement "she never saw a beat off before" is missing the point. It doesn't matter if she has (or hasn't), it's that they clearly did not want a man doing this in their professional work place. I can have sex with 100 people, if I don't want to have sex with a person who forces me to it's still assault. Regarding the settlements, I just hope you and others bear in mind a settlement for crimes like this make a lot more logical sense than dragging themselves through the context of a trial. These crimes are notoriously (and unfortunately) hard to prove, and settlements serve as a logical conclusion when criminal prosecution won't occur. It isn't, for many, about just the money. Honestly? Nah, nothing short of this never occurring would make me feel strongly. To say it a bit differently and appropriately, if I could magic wand this I'd much rather have rolled with Baker and rolled the dice on how the season went.
  23. As I've used before, all I'm going to say in response is "a rotten apple spoils the bunch". Further, this isn't JUST Watson-it's owners and an organization who made a conscious choice to go this route. I haven't forgotten those awful days, at all. But that doesn't change my mind at all either. “Watson then started to masturbate," the suit said, and the woman immediately stopped the massage. “Apparently responding to the look of shock on (the woman’s) face, Watson said to (the woman) ‘Relax. It is okay to touch it.' ” the suit said. When she refused, Watson stood and “continued masturbating more aggressively,” the suit said. As he did so, he also asked the woman, “Where do you want me to put it?” the suit said, adding that the woman was “in complete shock and could not speak. She froze.” Watson then quickly ejaculated, the suit said, and “some of his ejaculate got on (the woman’s) chest and face,” the suit said. The woman immediately left the room to clean up. Watson dressed, “offered no apology or explanation for his conduct,” left and paid her $150 via Cash App. The woman called her close friend afterward and told her what happened. “They were both mortified by Watson’s conduct,” the suit said. Sure, just handjobs. At least admit you are ignoring things.
  24. I can tell you without a moment of hesitation that I'd rather watch shitty football than win with Watson. I'll always be a fan of the Browns, but any success associated with Watson will feel like a tarnished crown to me. I just don't how on Earth I'll be able to cheer, or even be happy, assuming he has success playing the position.
  25. Just FYI, and YMMV of course. I called Directv last year because my new house genuinely doesn't allow Directv in our neighborhood. I read online if that's the case you can get the streaming service and not have to get directv. When I called and said as much, they instantly said "no problem, let's make an account to get you on the streaming service". I asked if they needed my address or any info to verify and they said no. There's that website that you can use to 'check' if you qualify for the streaming plan (and again, not having to buy directv as a TV service) and it almost always says you don't qualify. I'd give calling a shot if you're in that boat.
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