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Everything posted by jrb12711

  1. When the "I got paid to lose" crap came out, I was telling the people who always reach out to me that the result was going to be an extremely watered down truth if not an outright lie. It ain't my style to side with billionaires, but Jimmy said it best-the man takes no accountability for anything. He still stupidly thinks he's able to get away with stuff like hiring Briles. I sadly have met way too many people in my life like that-everyone else's fault, not theirs.
  2. I definitely agree. If Carson Wentz got a 2nd that turned into a first, there would be no reason as of today that the Browns should expect to take anything less. On top of that to your point, unlike Wentz money is only tied to the dude for one season. I think that sort of trade is very attainable, but I'm not sure what team would field the offer.
  3. And the bold part is exactly where I'm at. A healthy Mayfield had this Browns team a few plays away from an AFC championship game. I very much overall agree with you, but I trust this front office to be aggressive in opportunities should they become available for the QB position. To say it a different way-I'd MUCH, much rather be in a Titans situation (be very good but fall short) with a dude like Mayfield than the absolute shit-show of all of the 2010's. Rodgers and Wilson aren't walking through the door, so Mayfield is the best option for 2022 to God willing play at this level. Which, funny enough about the 2010's I got the chance to speak with Brian Hoyer at Disney this past weekend. I wasn't going to bother him with his kids but dude was literally standing outside the restroom while I was also waiting for our wives to come out. It was like the 4th time I was right next to the guy to include riding a few rides in their same group. Super, super nice guy- all I said was "Manziel screwed so much up" he just chuckled and said "yeah man he did".
  4. An interesting wrinkle to the combine: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33341018/agents-threaten-boycott-nfl-scouting-combine-concerns-covid-19-bubble-sources-say
  5. I'm not entirely convinced you have to have Mahomes, Stafford, etc level talent to win it all or get very close. When you consider that these guys have made NFC or AFC Championships or even the Super Bowl in the last five years: Goff, Jimmy G, Tannehill, Foles (who won the thing), and Bortles. I'm sure I'm even missing a guy in there. The reason I put those names in particular is because I think it's not unreasonable to believe Mayfield can play at the level, or even a bit better, than most of the guys on that list. Here's the BIG problem though. Those guys were all successful because everything else around them went right. Whether that's staying healthy, having elite defense, great running game, etc it all has to go 'to plan' for dudes like that to get close. In this regard, we saw what happened this season when that did not happen. The problem becomes like say in Tennessee is how long you can allow that to be acceptable and hope it all fits perfectly together. It's a really tough song and dance, but what the Rams did this year is going to change the NFL in my opinion. Teams are going to push their chips to the center for 2-3 years of getting the 'better than average' QB because it worked.
  6. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/look-matthew-stafford-completes-amazing-no-look-pass-on-game-winning-drive-in-rams-super-bowl-56-victory/ This play right here shows you everything you need to see in where the elite skill at the positions of WR and QB just aren't in Cleveland currently. While the throw is insane, the route running by Kupp is a work of art. I believe in Mayfield improving, but that shit right there wins games when it matters.
  7. Eh, so were the Bengals players though. There were two clearly missed holds on Ramsey as well. Bengals fans (and fans of the game) very much have a right to be angry that TEXTBOOK defense on that 3rd down play was called in that situation. DB's and Linebackers are taught at any serious level of play to have the "hand in the pocket" of the WR without turning them. That's exactly what happened, it wasn't called all game, and then magically when it matters the most flags start flying? I think incompetency is more to blame with reffing in the NFL, but I can fully understand why people think there's an intentional tilt. I get it, Higgins clearly got away with OPI but the ref angles on that at least make it a tiny bit understandable. That's exactly why shit like that needs to be reviewable, in fact.
  8. Just will also note I'm happy to throw some money into the pot to keep this going, presuming it is needed and comes down to cost. I can't unfortunately provide any other level of support but just let me know.
  9. And the thing with Wilson in particular is going to a market where he can build a brand with his wife, Ciara. They've made that as about as clear as they can, and I can understand it especially for his wife being in the entertainment business. Let's face it, that market ain't Cleveland.
  10. With of course the half-time show being a group of dudes who have been non-repentant on using racial, gay, and ethnic slurs over 2+ decades of music. This includes a guy (Eminem) that people have been trying to 'cancel' for some time now. But yeah, so woke. The media is destroying lives, man.
  11. Honestly, friend? It was learning not to take this stuff too seriously. For most of my 20's, my 'identity' was being a Browns and Ohio State football fan in many ways. I let it put me in a bad place and especially the mid 2010's ruined far too many weekends. I don't exactly know when the lightbulb hit me, but I finally realized it wasn't that serious. Especially with Ohio State, I was letting college kids dictate my whole weekend emotions. What it boiled down to for me was living my life (especially once my kiddo was born) NOT around football. Most weekends I'm watching, sure, but it's far from the days of absolutely having to plan for watching every second of both teams no matter what. Not looking in advance if say we want to do a Disney weekend to make sure I'm glued to the TV. I mean yeah, obviously big games are a different story but that week 7 game against the Raiders or w/e team? so be it. It took some time, but adding that perspective makes the losses and the seasons just about fade instantly when they happen. I obviously ardently support the team, but I refuse now to let it bring me down. It just isn't worth it. So what's that why for you? Hope that's not too serious, but an honest answer.
  12. Tanking isn't an issue that matters in the NFL. The Bengals went from the worst team in the NFL to the Super Bowl in two years. Football and the NFL is very unique in how many teams ebb and flow from playoffs to bad it really doesn't create long-term 'tank' culture. For example, this year there were 7 teams in the playoffs that were not last year. The teams that drafted 3rd and 5th (I know the 49ers traded up) were in the NFC and AFC championship games. There's so much parity year to year I don't see it remotely as a problem in the NFL. Don't forget, what the Browns did in 2016 and 2017 was so unique the NFL investigated it and found no wrong doing. That plan was an exception to the rule.
  13. To be sure, my comment wasn’t to say I think Hue was a good coach. He absolutely was not and having a rancid roster only made his bad coaching worse. But, he’s not wrong in specifically pointing out how miserable the roster was in 2016 and 2017. as a small devils advocate, the roster Williams had on the back half of 2018 was magnitudes or order better than two years. I highly doubt Hue goes 5-3 in that stretch, but comparing the 2018 roster to the 2016 roster specifically is marked.
  14. I listened to Hue on Sportscenter this morning (from his interview last night). I think the reality of the situation is not that there was implicit bonuses tied with losing games intentionally. More closely, the reality of the situation is Sashi Brown and his crew came in and loudly, proudly, and without remorse set the team up for tank mode. Hue was surprised (his words) at this and was perhaps understandably taken aback at this obvious plan to suck for draft capital. I can completely understand Hue being disgruntled about that in general, and feel like he was the 'fall guy' for a team that was NEVER going to win more than 3-4 games. This also brings up a fair conversation piece on if black coaches are more significantly set up for failure like the Browns were in 2016-2017. Culley, for example, this season was in a very similar boat and IMO exceeded reasonable expectations. It's definitely a very important conversation and may have merit in the lawsuit. With all that being said, that is much different than Haslam directly giving bonuses for throwing football games. Obviously, if there's proof of that let's burn it to the ground.
  15. Eh, I have no strong feelings about him one way or the other. He was IMO an awful coach (I’d only put Shurmer and Kitchens as worse) who also inherited an awful roster. I don’t use that bias to fundamentally discredit what he’s saying. what I’m saying is that I’d be absolutely shocked if owners openly as these folks are claiming flaunted something like this. I could see the truth being much more in the middle of the reality of a team intentionally tanking and the pressure coaches have in the face of owners clearly wanting to tank job. owners may be a lot of things but they aren’t dumb. It’s one thing to say foul language or comment on women. It’s another thing entirely to outright propose fixing games. I just don’t see it, but will eat that crow if it comes to it.
  16. On the surface, I find it extremely hard to believe either of these things. Ross in particular is a notorious piece of shit, but I'd be absolutely baffled and floored if owners openly (and with proof) did anything like this. I guess we shall see how it all shakes out, though. Tampering and bending rules for free agents? Sure. For example, I could easily believe the story Flores is stating occurred where he was asked by Ross to visit him on his yacht and "unnamed star QB" HAPPENED to also be there. Owners know that comes with a fine they don't give a shit about paying if it means they get the dude they want. But upsetting the balance of wins and losses? Just don't believe it. What I COULD believe is the last two-ish weeks of the season owners meeting with coaches and players and strongly suggesting the importance of getting the number #1 pick (i.e. losing) for the franchise. Maybe that's where this gets muddy, but I guess we shall see. Hue Jackson was a terrible coach and didn't need 'incentives' to lose. He also very clearly holds a grudge for his failures. No coach in the league would have won more than 4-5 games with the roster he had the first two seasons, but he also failed miserably.
  17. Yep- as I said in a previous thread it's amazing how sucking at the right time impacts a team's history. Joey Brrr was a slam dunk number one pick for a team who needed a QB. On top of that, you have in some ways a homegrown kid who wants to be there. Then, COVID and all that dictates Chase for all intents and purposes falling into Cincy's lap as well. Dude is just a winner on top of all that too. While you can underestimate coaching, development etc, this dude was gonna be elite no matter where we went. Of course, it fucking figures it's a team we play twice a year right as the dude who owned the Browns in Pitt retires.
  18. I’m honestly not trying to be a butt saying this, but this comment is kind of missing the point. The bigger point is that when the game is on the line, Joey B. Makes the throws. It won’t go down in the books, but Joe made a throw to Higgins for a first down in OT that moved the sticks. Last week he made the throw to Chase to set them up too. That’s why Brady has 7 rings. That’s also the biggest reason I have doubts about #6.
  19. The average play isn’t from the the 1 yard line. There’s more than enough time to run a play there, it was just really stupid.
  20. We need our Hill, Chase, Samuel or Kupp. Number one priority this off-season.
  21. the same reason Goff went to the Lions, my man. If it wasn't clear, I'm saying the Browns would also have to throw in pick(s) on top of trading Mayfield. In this scenario, the team wouldn't keep Mayfield as back-up. That would be plain dumb. Some team is always going to take a chance on a top pick who had at least some high caliber film on tape (Carson Wentz, for example). This situation isn't the same, but I'd say that Wentz was literally at the same place Mayfield is now in terms of "does he still have it" and look what the Colts gave up. Granted, Wentz strong season was better than any of Mayfield's, but the situation is very comparable.
  22. Depending on how the coach situation pans out, if the Browns could swap Carr for Mayfield + a pick I'd do that in a heartbeat. I think Carr is everything this offense wants and needs and quietly has clutch in his career. If I'm Berry and that's an option, it's a no brainer for me.
  23. Two things can be correct at the same time, you know. I alluded to this being correct while also saying overtime rules are stupid. IDC what the defenses were ranked, no one was stopping anyone.
  24. Josh Allen said it best "if the coin flips differently, we're playing this week" I get they let the game go in a terrible fashion. But that statement is about as correct as possible given how both teams were scoring and is really, really stupid.
  25. Man, all I can think about regarding the bengals is how much sucking at the right time and history changes a teams future. Burrow was the definition of a lock for the first overall pick. Not only that, but a local kid who wants to win for that team. Then COVID happens and ipso facto Chase falls into their lap too which likely doesn’t happen without the world going the way it did. I know it’s not that simple, but the Browns never have had that “luck” when drafting top 3. Meanwhile teams this year are contending with the QB class the way it is, etc. I don’t have that much for the Bengals but it figures on top of all that they are a twice a year opponent.
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