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Posts posted by jbluhm86

  1. Fuck all you old geezers. Im holding the line on Gamestop and Dogecoin and taking money from your retirement accounts with me to the moon. GenXers and Millennials are starting to wake up and take back their slice of the pie you old fucks have been hoarding.

    💎 👐

    • Haha 2
  2. 7 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

    I think you have to look at it from the perspective of one of those underrepresented groups. Seeing someone that shares traits to you in a position that someone with those traits has never held is a big deal. 

    Here's another candidate who checked nearly all the same equity boxes as Kamala Harris: She's also a woman of color. Except Tulsi Gabbard is a good human being. How does voting in a despicable human being like Kamala Harris advance the idea that women and minorities can excel in the same arena as white males? 

    Once things like race and gender are looked at as the first criteria for choosing an elected official instead of things like integrity, competence, and patriotism, then this country is truly fucked.




    • Upvote 4
  3. 3 hours ago, Browns149 said:

    It’s not so much republicans that worship him. It’s the extremists that do the worshipping 

    If the Republicans could have a do over, a lot of them would’ve never nominated him 4 years ago

    I voted for Gary Johnson back in 2016; pretty much voted a straight Democrat ticket in every election I voted in since I turned 18 back in 2004.

    I would vote for Trump 100/100 times over Hillary Clinton.

  4. 9 hours ago, cccjwh said:

    Voting out Cheetos Jesus saved the country from a cult. Pretty much all the non cult members have already said getting rid of your lord and savior was the number one goal. Nobody is excited by ByDon, other than he isn't a fucking moron with a legion of assholes too stupid know they are being conned. Thank the founder fathers for putting in enough safe guards to keep a cult for over throwing the nation. 

    But I'm enjoying the cult member's tears. 


    So we vote out the MAGA cult...just to vote in the Woke Leftist cult.


    • Upvote 1
  5. 41 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

    Oh I think somebody could get some traction for Trump 2024 and it will last for a few months but America is fickle and will forget all about this shit soon enough. By then Trump fatigue will have set in even with the most Ardent supporters.

    Hopefully in 2022 Biden will lose enough in the Senate and House to star in his own corruption investigation. If he even knows what day it is by then.


    Honestly, I think Trump Jr. would be a better option in 2024 than his dad. Trump Sr. is just too old and narcissistic to run successfully. I think Jr. is better informed on the issues and is young enough to dig in for protracted political battles

  6. 18 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

    Nut jobs are under the impression that rioting at the 7/11 is the same as rioting in the Capitol Building. They also think that rioting to stop an election's result is the same as rioting because of police killed an unarmed person are the same.  


    Willful and wanton destruction of property by a mob is rioting, whether it's the local 7/11, a person's home or the Capitol Building. But people running roughshod through the Capitol Building isn't going to affect a person's ability to provide for themselves and their families nearly as much as having their homes, businesses and communities destroyed in the name of "social justice". 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

    Non-Democrat here, but I’ll give you their reasoning.

    They want to make sure Trump will not be able to run for any public office again.

    Its my belief, they’re scared to death of Trump coming back and winning the 2024 election.

    Trump will be be 78 years old in 2024; I think it's a good policy in general not to vote in geriatrics to positions of high office in the first place. Throw Nancy pelosi into that equation as well.

  8. 18 minutes ago, TexasAg1969 said:

    Well pay with their lives (unless they killed someone) is a bit harsh. But track them all down and bring them all to justice in a court of law I would totally agree with regardless of which riot it was. If that results in the death penalty like it did McVeigh, then so be it. Punishments should appropriately fit the crime. Sending a rock through a window and running off with a TV during a riot should not have the same penalty as killing another human being during the same riot.

    The only problem is that you actually have to be willing to prosecute people who break the law by rioting; that didn't happen when BLM and Antifa were having their fun over the summer:

    NYPost: Portland DA reportedly declined to prosecute nearly 70 percent of protest cases





  9. 8 hours ago, Tour2ma said:

    The vote is still recorded.

    Ok, the vote is recorded. What does said vote actually accomplish in the way of removing Trump from office? Republicans in the Senate won't vote to remove him. The shortest impeachment trial was Trump's 1st one and it took 21 day; Trump is out of office anyway in less than 6 days, so - again - what does all of this Kabuki theater from the Democrats actually accomplish?

  10. It just amazes me how people are so hyper-focused on getting rid of Trump that they actually voted Biden and Harris in to office.

    I wonder how many people will have buyer's remorse once the junkie high of raging at Trump wears off and they realize it's Joe Biden sitting in the White House.

    People are gleefuly forging the whip for their own backs and the shackles for their own necks.

    • Upvote 3
  11. Just now, The Cysko Kid said:

    Why not? Everything else they've done for the last four years has been utterly pointless and it's been applauded by at least half of the country which, by the way, is more than has ever paid attention to them and stroked their egos before, so why not make hay while the sun shines? When the ball is in their court it'll start to go badly for them pretty quickly. 

    That's true, I suppose. The only way this country is going to get better is when it hits rock bottom. Just depends on how fast people want to rip that band aid off. 

    Personally, I think we're screwed until we get enough States to vote for an Article V Convention to bypass Congress and get some desperately needed amendments to the constitution to begin fixing this mess.

    • Upvote 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, Frenchie said:

    Oh well, a great game for Baker and the offense. Ravens won on a bunch of broken plays. I didn’t think Woods coached this one well. Not a good game for Garrett, the linebackers or the secondary.. How big was the missed field goal by Parkey on the second possession? 

    I liken this game to the first Rocky movie. Browns still lost, but we went the distance with an "elite" team. We put the league on notice and the Ravens will be licking their wounds from this one for awhile.

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