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Everything posted by jbluhm86

  1. Democrats fucked up by not giving her a fare shake for the nomination.
  2. PBS: Ranked voting in Maine a go for presidential election "...Maine’s presidential ballot will feature five names, including Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden. Under the voting system, voters are allowed to rank all five candidates on the ballot. If no one wins a majority of first-place votes [greater than 50%], then there are additional tabulations, aided by computers, in which last-place finishers are eliminated and votes reallocated based on those supporters’ second-place choices".
  3. In all sincerity, I'd recommend you give Shapiro another shot and do a deep dive on him. I shared your opinion of him back in late 2014 when I started listening to him. But, even though I'm not a conservative and he staunchly one, I do find common ground with him on alot of things he talks about. Tim Pool is another good one to listen to, because he is an honest journalist, imo, and his current sentiments about being a disaffected liberal who hates the current state of the political left mirrors my own situation and many others too.
  4. From the article: "...Cops want to make it crystal clear — she was NOT arrested for failing to wear a mask. She was asked to leave the premises for violating school policy … and once she refused to leave she was placed under arrest for criminal trespassing. They add Kitts resisting arrest led to the use of force. The incident remains under investigation." It seems like the school's policy was to wear a facemask while on the school's premises; the lady in question refused to follow the school's policy, so she was asked to leave the premises. Once she refused to leave, she was committing trespassing and that involves the police at that point. Seems pretty cut and dry to me, tbh.
  5. In Mayfield's defense, he's been through 4 head coaches and 3 different offensive systems in 3 years, so that doesn't do him any favours for becoming comfortable in his position. Plus, with the Covy, the Browns in general didn't really have much of an opportunity to get well acquainted with Stephanie's system, so they already started the 2020 season behind the 8 ball. I think Lamar is doing better than Mayfield because he's had much more organizational stability to help support his growth as a QB than Baker has had
  6. In a perfect world? Then yes, Democrats would hold Biden to the same standards that they hold Trump to, and Republicans would do the same with Trump. Unfortunately, we do not live in perfect world, so Democrats most likely will not do so. However, I can also say there is also a high probability that the same conservatives who are making a big deal about Biden's deferments are also glossing over Trump's deferments at the same time, so it's pretty much mental masturbation at this point for either side of the political isle to criticize either candidate's military deferment record.
  7. More like the Battle of the AFCN Basement, the way we've been playing lately.
  8. I'm not sure Cpl. Bonespurs would have much ground from which to attack Biden on this one, tbh.
  9. Reuters: U.S. court: Mass surveillance program exposed by Snowden was illegal
  10. Be honest with the public with what they knew, and more importantly, what they didn't know. In the case of the masks, say that masks may help at least slow down the spread of the virus, but that due to insufficient supply, that the government is requesting that people do not try to hoard masks in order to allow medical personnel to remain adequately supplied. Of course there'd always be a proportion of the population that would be idiots about things no matter what, but I believe that the majority of the population would recognize the unique situation and would be willing to work together to help. The lack of transparency by this administration and by experts of all categories is, IMO, what has made this pandemic worse than it had to be.
  11. To be fair to both sides of the political argument, Cal, Trump and his administration did fuck up their handling of COVID to a significant degree too. While I can understand the rationale of intentionally downplaying COVID, that doesn't mean I necessarily agree with that action. Trump downplaying this is similar to his administration's flip-flopping on masks early in the pandemic. These things do not help if your goal is to prevent widespread panic.
  12. It's really frustrating, man. I just don't understand how an organization can suck so bad for so long without showing any signs of improvement over decades. It just boggles the mind.
  13. We're in such a deep hole, it pretty much eliminates the running game and now we're depending on Baker's arm. Methinks we're probably fucked at this point.
  14. I'm no Trump fan, but has anyone stopped to consider the Trump administration initially down-played this thing in order to try to prevent a public panic? Look how people flipped the fuck out and cleaned supermarkets out of toilet paper on just the limited information that the government let out?
  15. Well, my optimism for a new Browns season lasted for the first quarter of the first game. I think that's got to be some kind of record.
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