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Everything posted by Neo

  1. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-calls-coronavirus-democrats-new-hoax-n1145721 Here is a video Trump calling the virus a hoax. There are some people who went to my church who died from the coronavirus so I believe it's real. So a placebo is basically a lie, it is a pill that has no therapeutic effect. So the president is coming out with a fake vaccine for a virus he believes is fake😵 "PLACEBO", but I believe there is another word that starts with "P" that more accurately describes it, "PROPAGANDA" Just like the "WALL" that he said we needed to have to keep all the bad people out. They demonized Fauci even though his prediction 200,000 deaths way back before this thing got out of control. Trump refuses to listen to the experts and still refuses to wear a mask.
  2. I've heard many people say the virus is a hoax. So, if it is a hoax then why do we need a vaccine?
  3. Wow, you fuckers are something else. Well, looks like we'll all be speaking Russian soon. And people call me a sheep, but at least I'm not a lemming. edit I was never a conspiracy theorist, but it's starting to look like the NWO is a real thing. Be careful what you wish for.
  4. The only thing you care about is getting your little cult hero set free. You don't care about the facts or real justice, you only care about street justice. I've read countless people say those guys got what they deserve because they had other charges. It's not anybody's business to play judge and jury, that is why we have a legal system. Since you don't care about fact I'm going share this anyhow. Charged with a weapon he wasn't allowed to have, so every charge after that stems from this charge. If he never had the weapon he wasn't supposed to have the would have never killed two people.
  5. There was no threat of death. And he should not be talking about someone he doesn't know like that. If he can't handle that, then he should keep his mouth shut. Besides, I know what he's like he's like all Trump supporters. We were cool on the other board until it became known that wasn't a fan of Trump. Of course he will deny that but I know the truth. And then when you say something bad about their lord and savior Donald Trump, they all pile on, just like here. And I get chastised for agreeing with somebody else here. Ban me if you want, but I'm not going to sit here and get bullied. edit And by the way, they did ban me from the other site for calling them out on their bullshit. Basically violating my 1st amendment rights.
  6. I knew you would answer it, just tiptoe around it and deflect. People like have no conscience, no soul, no human compassion. That's why you follow Trump because you either want to be like him or are exactly like him. You want to do anything you want, take no responsibility for anything, and basically be a complete shit bag like has been for the past three and a half years. Almost every word that comes out of his mouth is a complete lie, he belittles people, and talks about all the great things he has done when he really hasn't done shit. I don't even consider you human, just a parasite that this country should be purged of in the worst way.
  7. How? If you go to where people are fighting with gun, you're going to be attacked. How hard is that to understand? Wait, don't answer that. Dude is lucky somebody with CCW didn't pop his ass because I would have.
  8. LOL😂 Poor little Kyle getting attacked by mob. Dude, he went it practically a battlefield carrying a rifle, he's fair game😄😅 How can you expect to go into a place where people are fighting with a gun visible and expect not to be attacked. That's like stepping onto a football field in full uniform and carrying a football and expecting the other team not to tackle you. WOW. Where do you people get your logic from? And this is coming from the same people saying that if you grab a persons gun how could you not expect to get shot. The door swings both ways😄 That is the most ridiculous shit I have ever heard. Ok cupcake I'll tell you what, if you can answer me ONE question and give and answer that isn't as total batshit fucking nuts like the last shit you just spewed out, I'll leave, and I'll never come back. Here it is QUESTION - If this was never carrying a rifle and he had let's say (a medical bag) hanging from his neck being he said he was there to help people or even if he had nothing at all, would the crowd have chased him? Would anybody have attacked him his he just walked along minding his business? I already know your not going to give me a straight answer. You'll just deflect or spin it like all republicans do.
  9. You know what is also a bad look, supporting people running through the streets killing people. I, for the record, don't support any rioters or people with rifles killing people. In this country, you have to take responsibility for your actions. So how exactly did Kyle "HELP" an already hostile situation by running around with a rifle strapped around his neck? Last time I checked, you don't need a rifle to help people. And before you say "well, it was a hostile environment ", then why did he go there? He put himself in that situation and was not obligated to do so. He had a choice to go or not to go. And this may surprise you, I may have believed him when he said it was self defense he pulled out a snub-nose .38 from under shirt and shot them but having a rifle kind of makes that hard to believe. Fact that he went there with a rifle tells me he knew there was a very good chance of getting in a confrontation, almost like he was counting on it.
  10. And to think you were probably having a good day until you saw me posting. 😍😘 I'm glad I can do that for you😎 Where's the picture of the little baby with the sunglasses?😄 You really are an asshole and I love irritating you. "Oh look at me, I'm a mod on a trashy football forum" Why don't you try getting a life you geek.
  11. You really are a piece of trash. You judge people who you never even met, and I have done more than this piece of white trash, I haven't shot anybody. My whole family has served this county. If I ever meet you in real life I'm gonna pistol whip you sorry ass and throw you out a fucking window.
  12. Apperently some don't realize or even care that an AR-15 does not have to be fully auto to be deadly. Although it is not considered an assault rifle, it is still based on an assault rifle and still has the high capacity magazine and bullet used in the military versions. Even all hand guns aren't considered "self-defense" weapons. I don't think a 500 magnum or a Glock converted to full auto with a 30 mag are defensive weapons. Somebody said there is no such thing as defensive guns and I basically proceeded to destroy him and tell him there are in fact gun and ammo specifically designed for defensive purposes. Either way I'm done arguing with people, I've said what I wanted to. Besides, arguing with red-hat is like picking on a mentally Retarded person.
  13. Almost every gun store, if not every gun store I have ever been to, the most common rifle they sell is a full length AR-15 chambered in .223 or 5.56. Every store that had a rifle chambered in 9mm or 300 blackout were short barrel rifles and those are Class 3 firearms that require an FBI background check, a one year waiting period, and a tax stamp to buy. Ask me how I know.
  14. No shit Sherlock, because the pressure is too high even though the 5.56 round and .223 have virtually identical casings. The same is why you can't fire .357 in a .38 or .44 magnum in a .44 special.
  15. If you bothered to try to understand what I wrote I SAID that the AR-15 is VARIANT of the M4 and M-16 which ARE ASSAULT rifles. I know the AR-15 is semi auto, but it still fires the same powerful round the M4- and M-16 do. You talk about me being in high school but you cannot read don't have basic comprehension skills. I never said the AR-15 was an assault rifle. Typical Trump supporter rupublican trash, always have to spin everything. You fucking red-hats are ruining this country. And I'm pretty sure the very first incarnation of the AR-15 was fully automatic and then it was replaced by the M-16.
  16. Yes, if it my last resort. If I have 30 fucking people surrounding my house with automatic weapons, then yes. Cupcake.
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