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MLD Woody

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Posts posted by MLD Woody

  1. 8 hours ago, nickers said:

    Except Democraps are the masters of Grifting..


    Lets look at the participants shall we?

    Al Sharpton

    Whoopie Goldberg

    Sunny Hostin

    Joy Behar

    Maxine Waters


     Ilhan Omar

    Chuck Schumer

    Don Lemon

    Joy Reid

    Joe Biden

    Barack & Big Mike

    George Soros

    The Clintons..

    Nancy Piglosi

    Need I go on?.. See a pattern here?


    Take your own inventory before accusing other of what YOUR commiecrap party does... You stupid fool...

    Hey man, good job remembering all those folks. Awesome job. Near the end I know people can have trouble remembering but you knocked it out of the park!

  2. 57 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

    My math doesn't change at all - that general was killed in a refugee camp. You changed subjects. Several other officers? of hamas were with the general and were also killed, in the building and UNDERGROUND.


    "A few moments ago we heard from IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari who was giving the Israeli military’s daily press briefing. Here’s a summary of what he said:

    • Israeli fighter jets attacked the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, resulting in senior commander Ibrahim Biari being killed
    • Several other Hamas members who were with the commander in the building and underground were also killed


    • The attack also caused the collapse of Hamas’s underground infrastructure – the purpose of this infrastructure was to carry out terrorist activities against the Israeli forces


    • Hagari said Hamas continues to use the civilian population as shields intentionally "and in a very cruel and brutal manner"


    • Hagari repeated the IDF’s call for people in the north of Gaza to head south"



    Yes, we get it, you blindly believe whatever the IDF says. 

    Hard for me to take their statement of "it's so cruel they're using civilians as shields, we totally didn't want to" at face value when leaders within the government have called Palestinians "sub human animals".


    The IDF has bombed hospitals, schools, and refugee camps. That's a fact. 

    The IDF bombing has killed Palestinian children. That's a fact. 

    That isn't debatable. 


    You've taken the stance that this is acceptable as long as you get the bad guy (Hamas). 

    So, how much collateral death of Palestinian children is acceptable?

  3. 18 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    please stop being stupid. A school shooter is not a war, stupidass.

    No one thinks "palestinians" are subhuman. Nobody.

    You invented that because you are a coward, you're extremely ignorant, and can't take part in any discussion in a legitimate way.

    Again, you have just made yourself look like an ass.

    One Hamas general is hiding in a Palestinian school. What is the over/under on number of children killed in the bombing where it is worth it to get that general? 


    A school shooter is not a war, congrats cal, great job! On both instances you want to get the bad guy and in both examples children die as a result. 

    Just wondering how your math changes between each scenario 

  4. 2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

    Is this only bad in cases where the parent has views you disagree with? 

    Which is exactly the reason I would want my kids to be taught things the way I want them to be taught and not left to the average idiot who graduates with an education degree. They aren't the state's children. I'd wager the majority of education majors that we graduated with were Kony 2012 social media slacktivists.

    I don't understand why neoliberals are outraged that conservative people want their children to be raised with similar values to their own. They aren't your children. If you want a drag queen to read to your children or if you want your kid to go to a school that has some antiracist curriculum, by all means, go for it. The state should not be able to tell you that you can't. Likewise, if an evangelical pulls their kid out of public school so that they can "teach the controversy," the state should not step in. 

    To a point. Pursuit of higher education has made millennials put off having children, and the US for the first time ever has a fertility rate below the replacement rate. 

    Who says your last paragraph is necessarily a bad thing?

    Taking a kid out of school so parents can teach them their "truth". Great. Lovely. When that kid is an adult with a limited understanding of math, science, a skewed view of history, etc. that's not great. Standards placed across the country on education and advancement are a good thing to create the building blocks for a functional society. 


    What is being taught in schools and what LibsOfTikTok is spewing over the Internet to build up hatred are two different things. It's not indoctrination to teach that slavery was a major cause of the civil war, sorry. 

    I could never see teaching in Florida and I'd never want to raise a kid there either. But I'm not a resident and a voter there. 



    This isn't necessarily addressed to you, but I'll leave off where I started: Teachers are underpaid. And we having a growing base of anti education, anti academic individuals. That's all bad for this country long term. I don't want to hear indoctrination this, neo liberal that, blah blah blah drag queens. It should be alarming a group is so actively pushing for less educated citizens. I greatly value everything I've learned in before undergrad, in undergrad, and my MBA. It's sad to see folks so actively fighting that. 

    (And no, college isn't for everyone. Yes, skilled trades folks are intelligent and can be very successful, etc etc etc and whatever else I'll hear about in responses because I didn't cover everything)

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Jax said:

    I don't think they're underpaid. To be the best teacher it should be a passion not just a paycheck. With that said, I think they get paid fairly.

    Also, the education system in a lot of communities is a cess pool of political ideals. Who wants to teach things they don't believe in? A teachers job isn't to worry about math being racist, numbers don't lie, 2 + 2 will always equal 4. Everyone could always use a raise, but the problems with teachers lies in the system.

    If you value education then teach about subjects correctly. Stop trying to indoctrinate students and hire teachers that have standards and know how to separate their personal beliefs and lives from education.

    "You taught about slavery?" "You mentioned gay people exist!?" 

    Right, we get it dude. If the school isn't teaching what you want it is indoctrination.


    Teachers literally shape our future. We're all better off with an educated society. 

    Being dismissive of pay by saying "well it should be your passion" is dumb. Most folks don't work where they're passionate. Some folks are better at the things they're not passionate about. 


    We should value teachers higher and that should be reflected in their pay. 

  6. 9 hours ago, FY56 said:

    My God you're vindictive and a complete idiot, a toxic combination.

    I grew up on a small "part time farm", worked on farms, and had relatives that were big time farmers.

    The feelings and attitudes toward animals are completely different that those living in prim and proper suburbia.

    They have to be.

    Animals are their livelihood, when it becomes time to kill, you kill. You become immune to feelings and emotions. There is no room for compassion and sympathy like I have for you being an idiot. You idiot.

    I left that life after high school and never went back.  I've lived in prim and proper suburbia nearly all life and my attitude towards animals changed drastically the older I got..  Now it would be impossible for me not to have some pity on a chicken about to get it's head chopped off.  It would be worse now to watch my dad kill a baby calf for its veal by knocking it out with a hammer then slitting its throat to bleed out.

    I don't like it, but I understand it. Unlike clueless liberals such as yourself.

    I love dogs. On the farm dogs lived outside. In the cold. Sometimes chained to a doghouse. Thought nothing of it. Today I couldn't imagine doing that to a dog. 


    None of those examples include killing a young dog due to your inability to train it, fyi. 


    And, given everything you said, and admitting your views on animals now, that is going to be the case for many, many other voters. So my point still stands. 

  7. 12 hours ago, FY56 said:

    Ah yes when Jesus got pissed at those traders doing business in a holy place. That was like 6th grade catechism stuff.

     No shit the Jews called for Christ to be crucified.. That aint the point.

    Woody asked me if it would be considered antisemitism it the church mentioned Jews killing Christ.

    Antisemitism as you know is hatred of Jews. The church doesn't make it a point that it was the Jews that killed Jesus.

    "The Jews killed Christ" is not the message that this parable is trying to get across. Another indicator is that the word "Jew" is not used.

    I may be wrong but it seems that the word Jew is never mentioned when it is associated with something negative, as in the crucifixion.

    When the word Jew arises it's always associated with something positive or neutral, never in a negative light...as in the admission that the Jews were the chosen ones, the first ones to come to know the one true God.

    Now that there is what I've heard mentioned many times in church.





    Is it not a historical fact though that Jewish people called for Christ to be killed and then killed him? The priest doesn't need to be all "Jews are evil cuz they killed Jeeeesus!". I'm just talking about staying fact. That's now antisemitism?

  8. 10 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

    again, you can't fight a war and not have civilian/refugee casualites when hamas hides in hospitals, schools, and refugee campes.

    Your posts reflect acute ignorance. Learn some freaking history.


    Israel Admits Striking Refugee Camp—Says It Targeted And Killed Hamas Commander

    They are literal refugees. Any number of civilian deaths is ok as long as the IDF says it killed someone in Hamas?

    We get it, you're with the right wing Israeli government in thinking that Palestinians are sub human, but you don't have to be so obvious about it. 



    Cal, if a school shooter barricades themselves in a school with student hostages, do you bomb the school, kill everyone, and claim victory because you got the school shooter?

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