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Everything posted by hoorta

  1. And Syd gets barely gets a slap on the wrist in return for testifying (I assume) against The Orange One. πŸ™„ She's still got the Dominion lawsuit to deal with though.
  2. Only if you get treatment for your ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome) first. The problem is you can't admit Barak ever did ANYTHING good for the country. PERIOD. I already said it- I'm not wasting my time repeating talking points with someone living in some alternate reality. Only to have you call it bullshit for the fourth time. So stuff it Cal... I already said your puff piece on DJT's "accomplishments" is 95% political crap. Watching Fox & Friends, consulting with his criminal pals, and playing a lot of golf. BTW, millions of Americans disagree with your assertion that Obamacare is terrible. So boo hoo... Go back to your rabbit hole already.
  3. Hey Vambo, admittedly Joe isn't much better than DJT- needing to be put out to pasture in an Assisted Living Facility. It's just that Donnie needs to keep him company over in the Dementia Wing. Is this the best we can do America? Two old geezers with failing mental capacities running for president?
  4. LOL, You're the one who keeps on beating a dead horse Cal. So stop congratulating yourself over it. I've said it at least a 1\2 dozen times. I pointed out Obama and Biden's accomplishments several times- and you called them bullshit. I'm not dumb or crazy enough to keep repeating what I said, and you calling it bullshit. And frankly, I know when I'd be wasting my time going to the well again. Yup, the definition of insanity- keep doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. You apparently hate Obama (ODS) around as much as Trump does, so you're not worth my time arguing your talking point with a loony brick wall. PS Trump added six trillion the the US debt- and his lackey GOP went right along with it. So much for conservative fiscal restraint. Sorry- I don't belong to Cult 45.... Your Greatest President ever, ever, is sadly a figment of your imagination. https://www.c-span.org/presidentsurvey2021/?page=overall
  5. LOL, Trumpie can beat that by about 10 hours worth. Especially lately, been sort of babbling incoherently. BTW, at least Joe doesn't call guys like GYM Jordan deranged traitors, or prosecutors racists- like Donnie regularly spews. He's disgusting, and frankly outside of the USA he's a world wide embarrassment to us.
  6. Gawd, you're a broken record about the (formerly) GREAT DJT.... I'm not going down your rabbit hole again. I tried a couple times, but you belittled everything Obama or Biden has ever done. So stuff it. OTOH, your list has everything Trumpie ever did, short of turning on the TV when he got up to watch FOX and Friends. πŸ™„ & In case you still are in denial about it, most objective historians rate Trump as one of the worst presidents in history, ever, ever. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yeah Cal, he said that... Thank goodness you've finally come to the realization that DJT has gone off the deep end, and needs serious psychiatric help. As to his "accomplishments" while being in office... We won't even get into those 91 felony charges... 1) Currently facing state charges for inflating the value of his assets. 2) Your Orange Messiah had Mike Cohen pay hush money to cover up his affair with a porn star. 3) LOL Cal- Donnie IS the Swamp... Should I list how many of his cronies either went to jail or he pardoned?
  7. I strongly advise you to get in contact with the Space City Browns Backers (you need to register on their Facebook page). https://brownsbackersworldwide.com/chapters/space-city-dawg-pound/ I've made two trips to Houston to see the Browns, and these guys will steer you right. Besides throwing a bash Saturday night, they also have a great Tailgate, and If you need a hotel (don't know if their block of rooms is sold out yet) Holiday Inn NRG- if the hotel was any closer, it would be in the stadium parking lot. πŸ˜‰ PS- if you buy your tickets through the NFL site, there's only moderate difficulty loading them into a Ticketmaster app on your cell phone. Trust me, using the Texans app was one unholy nightmare getting my ticket usable. PPS as London Brown suggested- the Great Lakes Brewery on West 25th Street would be a place to check out Saturday night. It's not near the stadium, but I'll attest their beers and selection are first rate.
  8. Cal still sticking up for Dementia Donny. πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ BTW, he (DJT) has mentally devolved from claiming Obama is pulling Biden's strings to f**king up in an interview stating Obama IS the President. (the interviewer had to correct him) Man, woman, person, camera, TV. I haven't forgotten "We sent a brave American to a plant" either. Stable genius my ass- he's neither. But he's in extreme need of psychiatric care. FWIW, His big accomplishment was giving his rich pals a huge tax break. And FWIW, I'm beyond sick and tired of his incessant spew of insults and name calling. MHO is outside of the brainwashed cult- that's losing him voters daily.
  9. I'm making the trip over to Indy Sunday to Lucas Oil. Have in laws that live north of town. Unfortunately, for a guy who doesn't get up at the break of dawn anymore to tailgate, both the Indy Browns Backers and Steve Weber's GNATS Tailgaters will be wrapping up around the time I make it to downtown Indy.... If you have an interest, you can check the Central Indiana Browns Backers and Steve's GNATS Tailgaters sites for more info. Which brings me to another potential road trip.... I was going to blow off the Browns playing the Rams in LA- until I found out Allegiant has nonstop round trip flights (with attractive times) from Cinci to LA for less than $200 bucks. And LAX is only 5 miles away from SoFy- negating the need for a car. Plenty of cheapo hotels within easy walking distance of the stadium too. So my question to our West Coast contingent- (never been to LA) what's the neighborhood like around LAX and SoFy? Not worth it if you're going to get robbed in a hotel or on the way walking to the game. Thanks.
  10. As much as I HATE the Scowboys, they did the Browns a favor beating the playoff rival Chargers. Watched the 4th quarter. & mjp is right- it sounded like a Dallas home game.
  11. MHO- Not so much the west, but we (the Palestinians) are never going to forget those Israelis murdered some of my relatives. Boiled down, it's a Muslim- Jewish jihad that's been going on pre Muhammad all the way back to Biblical times. πŸ™„
  12. Regarding the bold, no doubt. According to some news sources, we still have some neo Nazis right here in America. Hitler may be dead, but his philosophy lives on. πŸ™„ It goes to show, this latest "war" is going to keep on going ad infinitium. Never ending cycle of violence. Already said it Steve... Unfortunately a lot of innocent Palestinians are getting killed because Hamas launched a terrorist attack from Gaza. One of the religious mentors I listen to did have a thought provoking point though. His 0.02 cents.... Yup, 1,000+ Israelis got murdered- some of them barbarically. What's a measured response? Does that give Israel the right to reduce Gaza to a smoking pile of rubble?
  13. Wrong on (almost) all counts. Read my PM. They're related in that a lot of innocent people got killed. And you're WAY wrong that I support everything that the left fringe of the Democratic party stands for. Oh, I may have posted here about a dozen times I'm pro life, for starters. FYI from my POV, it's sort of hard to like a guy who constantly calls prosecutors or anyone else he doesn't like "deranged" or worse. LOL, everything DJT says is pretty much a projection of who he is.
  14. Any degree of corruption Biden & Son may be involved in pales in comparison to Cheeto's 91 criminal charges. Let me know when Joe catches up. Cult 45 is still going to vote for him regardless. I see that on a regular basis from posters in Forums that aren't even close to being as biased as this one is.
  15. Hey, what do you expect from a program that was 25 cents? OK, that's $3.50 in 2023 dollars. πŸ˜‰ But regarding the elf- it's you either love him, or hate him. He adorned the old Muni Stadium for years. As much a part of the Browns as Otto Graham or Jim Brown. I happen to be in the former camp. Have several pieces of elf apparel. There were even rumblings about putting him on the helmets- that would have been a bad Idea. (Not having a logo on our helmets makes them unique) Though I did really like the Buccaneers wearing those orange throwback uniforms yesterday.
  16. Yup, and I 100% agree with Kareem Hunt's statement.. "about f**king time we finally get a lucky break."
  17. Gawd- you totally missed my point Steve. I'm NOT rationalizing hamas. Just pointing out to Cal that he minimalized the slaughter that's happening right here in America. Sorry that the body count here hasn't reached the 100+ level YET. Pointing out that with an intelligence lapse- it sure as hell could.
  18. Checking in- my feelings once again were 100% correct in reverse. I gave the Browns no chance whatsoever to win that game. BFT the other team blows a game winning field goal. I was ready for another crushing loss... I follow the Lions because of my wife and brothers in law. The Lions are indeed for real. Playing very similar to Cleveland- a stout defense. Worst nightmare? Browns and Lions in the Super Bowl. I followed that game for the first half Tex- with our resident Lions fan. Good old one read Baker. His play is directly the result of- until Sunday- he's taken the fewest sacks and hits of any QB in the NFL. Baker is only as good as his O-line and surrounding cast.
  19. Isolated? You mean it's got to be 100+ dead before it counts? πŸ™„ Look, I'm not about to get into an argument with you about your precious Second Amendment rights. Music Concert? Lots of people in an enclosed area? Check. Put on your thinking cap for a 1\2 second and envision (I can) like a coordinated AR-15 buying spree by HAMAS, or a similar terrorist organization. Then get 10-12 guys with automatic weapons shooting up a concert. Can't happen? It already did. 2017 Las Vegas. ONE guy with a bump stock took out 60 people and injured hundreds of others. Pulse Nightclub- 49 dead. Multiply that by a factor of 10 and chew on that for a few minutes.
  20. Woodster, I commented on this in another post... Think about it for a second. Hamas didn't go into Israel and start shooting at Israeli soldiers, they went in there and started killing, torturing, raping, and mutilating innocent civilians and children. Hamas started the atrocities. Now we should play nice-nice with these terrorists when they're using innocent Palestinians as their shields? They're just doing what any outfit outnumbered by at least 100 to one would do. They're going down- & they certainly don't care how many of their innocent human shields they take with them.
  21. I don't doubt plenty of folks on both sides have been killed. But are those Al Jazeera #s accurate, or Palestine #s inflated? However, what's happening over there does affect us. Where do you think the money to resupply Israel's bombs & rockets comes from? Hint... It doesn't fall out of the sky. Regarding the Israelis declaring "war" on Hamas... Could you point out the country of Hamas on a map for me? Welcome to warfare in the 21st century. If they want to hide in Mosques, hospitals, and suchlike, there's going to be a ton of collateral civilian casualties- and Hamas damn well knows that.
  22. As I've said elsewhere, when they have nothing to back up their statements- insult. I've come to realize that's their standard SOP around here. πŸ™„
  23. Steve, if you've ever taken a memory test, you'd know there's a sliding scale based on how old the person is to measure age related cognitive decline. πŸ˜‰ Alzheimer's and dementia are pretty much age related. Speaking of cognitive decline, maybe you've forgotten the first Biden- Trump debate.... "Will you shut up already?" Yeah, lets have a microphone kill switch. BTW, Regarding early dementia, (which I happen to care about in our elected officials). We really can have a legitimate debate on who's more demented, Joe or Donnie. I'm having quite a hoot- though it's pretty dangerous for our democracy- following Donnie's rambles about faucets with no water coming out of them, whales, windmills, and electrocution. (I'd be in favor of the last one)
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