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Everything posted by hoorta

  1. Right- but a run would have put it past 2:00. Punt, another TO on change of possession. That gives the Seahawks (charitably) on their own 20 with two time outs left and around 1:50.... Enough time to score? Sure... But you trust PJ more than your defense Kev?
  2. Tom it was actually a pretty bold move from Stefanski to try and have PJ throw that pass. I'll let you cue up your Depodesta rant. That play call was a pure anal-itics move. Sometimes you just have to go with what your gut tells you to do, instead of some stupid numbers.
  3. Totally agree. Yeah, I know. Walker makes one decent throw for every two he throws in the dirt. EDIT: Forgot to add, his play brings back memories of that Bengal Bust Akilli Smith, he was very good at that. The interception that Njoku tried to save is another example. Field vision is zero. I can't really fault Walker, he is who he is, an XFL practice squad talent. Now on the final helmet bounce interception... Seriously, you tell your XFL quarterback to make a play to win the game? Ride the horses that got your there... Hunt and Strong. Even if they had gotten stuffed for no gain, at least we went with what was working. (and our best players- which Walker is far from being) Kev thought about running on that play, and in typical I'll out think myself, they expect a run- so I'll throw a pass. Stefanski had amnesia that he trusted Hunt to run for a yard with the game on the line against the Colts, should have done the same yesterday.
  4. And for those ready to run Stefanski out of town on a rail for letting PJ try tossing a pass on third down with 2:04 left in the game.... OK, but that was ONE play. He had the Browns one first down away from beating the Seahawks with an XFL qb at the controls. OTOH, I agree with the boo birds completely. Kev again out thunk himself. Give the damn ball to short yardage specialist Kareem. Yeah, they're expecting it, so? The guy would have tried to run through a brick wall to get those three yards. Even if he didn't make the first down, a punt would have forced Seattle to go 60 yards just to get into field goal range. 🙄
  5. Wadda I say in my pregame assessment mjp? ERROR FREE. I can't blame PJ for the freaky helmet bounce, but he was his usual off target on plenty of throws.
  6. You said it for me, should the Browns run that table, or even pick up an unexpected win somewhere else, that puts them at 11-6, and it should be good enough to get into the playoffs. I have losses chalked up against Seattle, Baltimore, Jaguars, and Bengals.
  7. But was it wise to have Watson travel with the team? Unless he's pretty much done with his rehab, and they've just giving him exercises he can do on the plane and in the hotel. Regarding the sourpusses around here... They way they're bitching, you'd think this team is 0-6 heading for 0-17. 🙄
  8. Gosh, Mr. Eeyore, maybe you should find another team to follow?
  9. Yeah, and I'm sure hoping he can keep the far right GOP loonie crowd in line enough to prevent a government default coming up shortly. I'll give the guy a fair chance, but his past history is concerning to me- to say the least.
  10. Regarding Conklin- yep, the Browns are on the hook for a lot of dead cap for Jack. Not only 2024, but 2025 as well- unless he takes a retirement buyout. Remains to be seen if he'll try to come back from that ACL injury next year. And old Jed's a millionaire- the Browns picked up his fifth year 2024 option for $16 million. At best he's average, and at worst a liability.
  11. Yeah, sucks that the Bengals lucked out getting Burrow. I'm not so certain Watson is done for the season though. He's getting two whole weeks of rest, so we'll see. If he's still not ready to go against the Cardinals 11\5 (I'll be at the game BTW) you may well be right. They said a six week injury, and Arizona is week six. Said it earlier, stating PJ against the Seahawks is all but throwing in the towel for a loss... However, looking at the rest of the schedule- call me an optimist- I see at least seven games the Browns could potentially win (not with PJ at the controls though) = 11-6. That should be good enough to make the playoffs. Crime indeed bw. Somehow on my tablet I can sneak behind the Cleveland.com paywall to see what one of my High School alums (Cleveland Benedictine) Terry Pluto is up to. Quote from Terry "I'm getting carpet bombed with emails from fans asking why the Browns aren't going hard after Jacoby Brissett". I have to wonder about that too- before the trade deadline coming up soon. According to an article I saw, the Browns would only have to pay him peanuts- $3 million left on his one year contract. The only question is what the Commanders asking price is going to be. Desperate times require desperate measures. In 2024 the Browns have Their second and third round picks, two fifths, two sixths, and two sevenths. I'd happily offer Washington both our fifths, and if I have to- our third. Stay tuned. A LOT is going to depend on the Browns medical staff's informed opinion exactly how badly Watson's shoulder is damaged. If they're 100% confident that this is going to resolve sooner than later, Berry is unlikely to hit the panic button making a trade. Though he should anyway- another Deshaun injury down the road, we're probably not making the playoffs relying on PJ or DTR running the offense. 🙄
  12. So in Mr. Johnson's opinion, what this country needs is for everyone to have a come to Jesus moment. 😉 And if we ban guns, people will just use their cars as deadly weapons. Maybe he forgot that sort of thing has already happened right here in the good old USA.
  13. Your opinion means exactly zero to me Nickers. Hate on. After the season is over- if you're right, I'll congratulate you for your astute observation. And if you're wrong, you're never going to hear the end of it.
  14. The Watson haters are never going to give it up. Their next act is See!!! See!! We shoulda drafted CJ Stroud. 🙄 BTW, I watched all of the Bills- Bucs game last night, and Baker looked pretty pedestrian. ANY quarterback with NFL talent can make the throws if he has all day to survey the field, and that's what a lot of Mayfield's decent passes were the result of. That said, I'd still take Baker over Walker Sunday in Seattle.
  15. And that has exactly what to do with mass shootings Vambo?
  16. Why not order up a few 100 round drum magazines while you're at it if you can still find them? They'd be great for taking down a herd of buffalo or elk. Exactly Woody. It's the NRA approach, just throw up your hands and yell "THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO!!!" And it's sort of true. Even if there was an immediate ban on the sale of AR-15s and their cousins, there's tens of millions of them already out there. I'm not buying the solution to gun violence is for more of the populace to arm themselves. This isn't the Wild West Tombstone Territory for God's sake. Flag laws and mental competency hasn't helped much. IIRC one of the mass shooters had no criminal record, and the neighbors thought he was Mr. Goody Two Shoes.
  17. Now I'll agree with you to a point, that Haslam is a problem. Que up the Johnny Football fiasco. At the time, trading for Watson looked like following the Rams Yellow Brick Road path to a quick Super Bowl win. Yep, it was a PR nightmare at the time... Seems to have settled down a bit. But you want a very close apples to apples Comparison D Bone? Let's compare what the Broncos gave up to get Russell Wilson. Three players, two first round picks, two second round picks, and a fifth. (Elway was drinking a fifth when he made that trade.) Contract? Actually bigger than Watsons. Yeah, I looked it up- $242 million as opposed to Watson's $230 million. Only difference is the guaranteed money Wilson's "measly" $161 million as opposed to Watson's $230 million totally guaranteed. Which from a dead money standpoint, makes Wilson slightly easier to unload. So the Browns gave the Texans three first round picks, and few others, but no players. Yes, Wilson won a Super Bowl, and is a proven commodity. However, you can take a look at Watson's stats before he sat out a year or two. 😉 OK, true- Peyton Manning sat out a year with an injury and didn't miss a beat when he came back. Watson? Not so much. No explanation there. However... Since the boo birds are ready to run Deshaun out of town on a rail, I'm of the opinion starting with the Cardinals game, there's 10 games left in the season to form an opinion if the Browns got taken for a ride.
  18. Yeah I know hammer... Guns don't kill people, people kill people... And nuts with guns are killing lots of people, more and more frequently over the last decade or so. Have you hugged your AR-15 today? 😉
  19. Nothing like a little optimism. Unfortunately, I don't share it. Sure, if PJ doesn't turn the ball over, and the defense can manufacture 4 turnovers resulting in 17 points "you mean, there's a chance?" It's not as bad as I thought, but the Seahawks are 8-3 against the Browns at home. Jiggins without Watson we not only don't have this season, we don't have three seasons. There is NO viable Plan B should Watson not return to his 2020 season of 4,800 yards, and 112 qbr. This article showed up in my mailbag this morning, and as I've been telling Nickers- just cutting Watson if he sucks isn't financially feasible for the Browns. https://www.si.com/nfl/2023/10/26/deshaun-watson-dilemma-browns-have-four-options
  20. FWIW, shoving is now legal because it was just too damn hard to tell if the ball carrier was getting some teammate help. Goo look at that mess where Hunt scored the winning TD for Exhibit A.
  21. LOL I think I'm in that picture somewhere way up in the 400 level We didn't leave the stadium until way late, and we were right at 443, row 1.
  22. Forget to take your meds? Too bad Steve allows you to get away with personal attacks like this... Aw, you all but hurt because someone would dare to challenge the Right Wing Alternate reality you live in?
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