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Everything posted by JAFBF

  1. She is getting quite a bit of money behind her, but doesn't seem to have done too well in the last debate. Something to keep tabs on (donors/supporters).
  2. Not necessarily high tech, but effective - there are tunnels all over the place there.
  3. They can swear in on a roll of Toilet paper and it makes no difference. Until they are held accountable too their Oaths (pending) it makes no difference.
  4. Spittin' truth, even though he's not even in the running.
  5. But OMG ! It's just a CoNsPiRaCy Theory . . . There are Chemtrails, and there are Contrails. Two different things. Actually, it has come too my attention that there is more too Chemtrails than just the spraying of toxic Chemicals. This turns out to be part of the "Star Wars Defense Initiative" - (nevermind the toxic part). Seems these Chemicals (Barium & Aluminum) are intended to interfere/burnup incoming ICBM's due to a varying of density in the Atmosphere (short version) - courtesy Juan. Oh, the "Official" designator is "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection". There's more going on here as well, but for now we can leave it at this - I've posted long ago about related items, that still apply, but for another time. Baby steps . . .
  6. 15 minute City - research it, it's real. Some Articles will say this is BS (UK), but it's not, the Citizens are just tearing down the Road Barriers they've placed between areas. Happening around the EU and even Canada - damn sad. No way, it'll never happen, I just won't move . . . Nice thought, but all they need to do is deem your land/home/area "Polluted" - be that Air, Soil, Water, or whatever. I mean, it's not like there's ever been a Toxic Train derailment that contaminates the Water Table or anything . . . Oops, that's already happened . . . several times just this year all around the Country. Seem to recall one in Ohio this Spring that could affect the Water Table all the way into Tennessee. I know Tenn was impacted because that was one of my relo targets. On a positive note. I'm seeing Dealerships complaining about EV's now as they're Stockpiling up in their lots - seems folks don't want them. I'm utterly amazed at the abundance of Common Sense manifesting these days 👍
  7. Related to above topic (Tucker) - click the pic should open an article with video of the TR-3B in action.
  8. There are more Laptops . . . Part of Elon's I posted yesterday, Tucker is next post to save on thread loading.
  9. He's WEF. So is Nikki: Uni-Party => One World Gov. Had we not been put in this position, we would never have seen them exposing themselves like they are.
  10. Recall, Dominion machines were / are used all over the Country / World.
  11. Have seen talk there's more than these charges (plea bargin ?). Tweet was up this morning, but has since been deleted, and was referencing a different Case (NBC Director).
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12641137/FDA-approves-cancer-treatment-sound-waves.html Things take time to percolate through the system . . .
  13. How do you think all these "Third World" peoples are "marching" thousands of miles, all with pristine clothes and new iPhones are making it here ? Most are Military aged Males . . . the females / children are just commodities for the Sex Trafficking trade.
  14. Suspected as much. There are quite a few others out there as well . . . don't know if they want to come back into the public view though. I've touched on one or two over the years, can't blame them if they want to remain in the shadows. On the other hand, Hollywood is in the process of changing. Been lots of exposures and will be yet more too come. Just a little spark of encouragement in these times of madness.
  15. Yep. Dude's in the "Club" (Mid level ?), so expect a degree of CYA from others in the "Club" (there are a lot unfortunately). Connections to higher ups is what will grant him a degree of cover, but with what's coming they're going to have to (already are) throw people under the Bus. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/john-podestas-friend-who-debunked-pizzagate-arrested-for-raping-toddlers/ https://geniuscelebs.com/john-podestas-friend-arrested/ https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/john-podestas-friend-and-pizzagate-debunker-caught-raping-babies/ https://thetalkstoday.com/john-podestas-friend-arrested-for-raping-toddlers-update-latest-update/ https://www.sarkariexam.com/friend-of-john-podestas-arrested-for-rape-of-toddlers-is-he-in-jail-now/498188 BTW - this is not the first somewhat connected guy connected to Comet Pizza that's been picked up this year.
  16. TX AG also filing a suit (second one filed by TX AG today).
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