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Everything posted by JAFBF

  1. That would be a bit . . . troublesome. May even result in a Boomerang of Legal Action . . .
  2. How odd. OBiden just extended another one of Trump's EO's . . . 🤔 😉
  3. Tore talked about this a year or so ago, not sure I posted anything about it though. Quite interesting on some of the folks involved in bringing down the corruption around the world . . .
  4. It's not Rocket Science: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/public-health-alerts-issued-about-communicable-disease-spread-tied
  5. This should be entertaining . . . https://www.lawfaremedia.org/current-projects/the-trump-trials/section-3-litigation-tracker
  6. Some new Sebastian posts: Some dates, not mine, just passing them on :
  7. Still having Board issues so will link the actual video: Tweet_Video
  8. There is a second "Tippy Top" in this one tonight, I just haven't come across the clip. Make of it / mock as you will. TippyTop.mp4
  9. https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/how-to-smell-occult-intelligence?r=2asy57&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
  10. Lot of clues pointing to that. AZ has things going, as well as WI, maybe even PA. Brunson Case still isn't over, just delayed. Just have to wait see. BTW - GA link does show up a few posts up now, it's just taking a few minutes to load.
  11. Might want to read that Ticker a few times . . .
  12. Seem to be having Board issues this Evening. Just in case, here's the Twitter link with video:
  13. Just as a Cookie . . . in ~ two years there is going to be something "interesting" involving the Moon that will manifest into the Human Consciousness . . . This, according to Linguistics Predictions . . . which has had some interesting "hits" so far. Side note: Russia OBiden => Woe, woe, woe . . . Russia, new : Current corruption of our current Government is pretty much obvious/well known around the World. Sucks that we've become the "Bad Guy", but unfortunately that seems to be where we are right now. With the current Environment / status of our Country, I can't really contest how Evil our Country has become. Don't like it one bit, but we're only making things worse around the World when we could be making things much better. Follow the Money and you will see where the Evil truly originates throughout the World (Our Politicians). Greed / Corruption / Treason - this is slowly coming too light. These are all coming to light, but it is only coming to light slowly . . . Slowness sucks, but we've become a Microwave Society . . . this is all being done legally, which also means slowly. Trust me, I hate this as much as everyone else, but I recognize it, and I do see progress along these line. We do have victories, and there are more to come. Don't expect the MSM to talk about these victories, because these victories mean they are getting ready to face their "Day or Reckoning" . . . It is in progress, just because your enemy (MSM) is not broadcasting it, does not mean things are not happening in the World unreported.
  14. Whatever I manage to post today, be forewarned - I'm going to be bouncing all over the place. Just a time restriction issue. There have been items where "Z" has been in Switzerland in regards to talks about Peace terms. Whatever the the Spin / Delay, don't for one minute doubt that Putin has won this "War". Deeper than that, but let it be as it is. This is not a bad thing - wait for it . . .
  15. Don't know if I'll be able to find the supporting info related to this, but : https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/silver-looks-real-bargain-right-now https://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/1844733/global-economic-crash-warning I've been hearing it will start in Europe and spread to the US, but I'm starting to think Japan may be the start. Japan is having major issues, may want to look into Japan before taking any actions. Way way back, I said we were going to return to a Gold Standard / Precious Metals Standard for our Currency. These Bills are being approved one by one around the Nation. Texas was the first, Arkansas I believe just approved this as well. There is a very important article related to this I cannot find at the moment related to this. In short, it is a huge support in the expansion of this. Will post if I find it again. Personal note: I was looking to expand my Gold holdings this week, but the prices rocketed beyond the target I was looking at. I got the Silver I was looking for, but missed the Gold I would have liked to have added. Silver is going to outperform Gold, but at 84:1 Gold is easier to transport/hide - if/when Rioting starts, folk will understand. Food is always a good investment - a year ago I addressed this. Ex: A year ago a Can of Soup was .79, now it's 1.25, and the Can's are smaller (Oz.). Never forget, they try to fool you by changing the packaging - taller Can, but narrower => less Oz. Markets / Locations will vary - I'm comparing WA to TX prices, whereas the TX prices are shocking me (WA is outrageous Cost of Living). Make your own local notes to determine how things are going. I'm just trying to help people to get a head start on things. Remember the "Covid 19" prices on Toilet Paper ? Plan accordingly.
  16. Oh, for support of the "Meme": "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" --Shakespeare
  17. Guess you haven't been watching the "News" - a lot of these are creeping into the MSM. UFO's are a BIG TIME topic coming from MSM & Military. I've even shown where some of these are our Black Project craft. May be before your time, but long before it was "Officially" revealed, the F-117 was a "UFO". Never forget, Military tech is at least 30 years ahead of what people are aware of. Lot more digs into this, but no one's going to believe it at this time. Chem Trails - have talked about this a long time ago. There are Patents on Weather Modification from the 1800's (posted them really long time ago). 9/11 ? Still too hot to address, but take a look at "Uninterruptible Autopilot" and let me know what you think. Who supposedly controls said Patent is even more interesting (if true). Roseanne. Yea. She's both Jewish and Ukrainian. Everyone keeps thinking the posts about Ukraine Military being primarily Nazi is BS . . . here she is just confirming pretty much everything I've been saying. Wait a little bit longer, these things take time . . . especially if you think the MSM is telling you the truth. Sheesh guy, I haven't even had time to come back up to speed yet. Thought mid November my time would be freed up, but it just seems to have transitioned into a different phase of "business". What a year - glad I took most of it off. Wouldn't have come back as soon had it not been for the confirmation of the 1871 Treaty transitioning us into a Corporation. That (1871) was a HUGE "Conspiracy Theory" wasn't it ? Only now it is NOT. Always said I wasn't going too be 100% accurate - no one on this Planet can be. Did say I'd have more correct than wrong - just takes time (unfortunately) for things to settle out. Still not sure where in the timeline of things we are. Lot of indications are we are now on track, but I still think we've got a year to go, hard to tell. Only takes a Day. More things going on than folk realize.
  18. 12/17 and 12/19 are also on the RSBN schedule, just didn't expand on this link. Tonight (12/9) at ~8 ET: https://www.rsbnetwork.com/video/live-president-donald-j-trump-headlines-the-nyyrcs-111th-annual-gala-12-9-23/ There is supposed to be some info coming out in a speech this month. What or which one I don't know, but for those interested here's what's available for now.
  19. https://conservativeroof.com/new-mexico-attorney-general-files-massive-lawsuit-against-mark-zuckerberg-after-undercover-operation-involving-minors/
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