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Everything posted by JAFBF

  1. Megyn Kelly referencing this is linked in quote above.
  2. The Time aspect related to the previous post is here (split) for space reasons: We used to have a 13 Months : Almost like it was divinely ordained . . .
  3. https://dailyoddsandends.wordpress.com/2019/10/20/the-pyramids-of-the-grand-canyon-its-off-limit-areas-egyptian-relics/ It is rumored that we're going to see some Roman artifacts in the next few years - AZ area I believe. True / False ? Just something to consider - I could probably do a mini thread on this and related History bits, but I just don't have the time for more right now.
  4. As this is a Clinton related thread: They're a bunch of sick twisted individuals, O's kids are not theirs either.
  5. As alluded too in another thread : Tweet_Video
  6. History is a lie. We've been through an unknown number of "Resets", the Calendars have been changed, and the Cabal have been in charge for who knows how long. Seriously, we don't know what Date it really is ([They] might, but we don't) - there are multiple accounts throughout "History" where the Times have been changed, days skipped/deleted, and so on . . . there is even evidence arising suggesting a thousand years have been added/fabricated too our "History". True ? Some yes (x number of days skipped / deleted), but 1k Years ? I've seen some evidence, but I can't confirm it - true or false, something to be addressed at another time, but it does tie into to the above Tweet and this Story : https://christiansfortruth.com/ancient-israelite-decalogue-tablet-with-hebrew-inscriptions-found-in-ohio-river-valley-in-1860/ Advanced expeditions or a rewriting of History ? Based on what is being uncovered day by day, it is nothing but arrogancy to believe we know what really has happened in the past. Fuel for ridicule I'm sure, but it is what it is until time passes to prove one way or another.
  7. You forget Trump worked undercover with the FBI many years ago to help take down the Mob? TWEET Video As for "visits" to Epstein's home: Kinda odd don't you think ?
  8. Not for a very long time. Lincoln, Kennedy, Reagan, and Trump (possibly even Nixon - have some interesting things on this) were aberrations, maybe even "interventions" . . . Recall the confirmation late last year on the Treaty of 1871, where we (USA), became a Corporation. Most people still do not know about this, or comprehend what all this entails. 2024 - The Year of more. 2024 - The Year you've been waiting for. Not my words . . . words from MUCH higher than I will ever be . . .
  9. My personal thoughts on the 12/24/23 post: Tweet_Video Excerpts from the above video (these are from different Cities around the Country, East Coast to West Coast, and in between) - note dates/times: Happened in many major Cities around the Country. Never in my life have I heard of Fireworks going off on Christmas Eve, and I've lived in a lot of different places around the Nation in the years under my Belt. Thoughts ? Border invasion of multinationals (lot of Chinese) of Military age, few to no Females / Children . . . Who's really the CIC ?
  10. Referenced this a few days back: Quite significant, but I'm not sure this is what 12/24 was referring too (could be wrong - too follow).
  11. The last with date referenced. I have not posted these before, probably should have but have just been too busy. There have been ~4 new messages each week on this site - quite informative (yeah, should have posted them). I've missed a few, but here's the latest just as an FYI (think I missed one or two between above and this one): The message changes three or four times a week, don't remember the days, but the "Secret message" trigger is in the upper right. The site is here: https://usdebtclock.org/ "Secret Messages" covers more than just our Fake money.
  12. https://oilprice.com/Metals/Gold/US-States-Make-Bold-Move-to-Reclassify-Gold-and-Silver.html No Sales / Income Tax . . . Been saying since day 1, IRS is going away (in current form) and we're going back to Gold / Commodities based Currency. The current Fiat / Fake money we have is going away . . .
  13. Here's an interesting example of "Predictive Programming", which I'm sure will garner some sarcastic "laughs": I have mentioned multiple times how they have to tell you what they are planning to do, and that many/most Movies and so forth, as crazy as they are, are actually telling you the Truth. Note, this is from January 2013. Just below "A rough guide to Hell", note the two Hang Gliders. The one on the left is Hamas, and the one on the Right is Israel. How was the October 7 accomplished again ? What are the odds ? Lot of other bits and pieces here, some possibly yet to manifest. There are currently two new-ish Movies out/coming out that people may want to be aware of / look into. * Leave the World Behind - produced by the Obamas (huge Red Flag). * Civil War (2024) - also on Netflix (Obama platform) I believe, coming out early next year. These are telling you what they have planned. If there is enough awareness/pushback, these plans can be negated. Insane ? Yep, but they're their beliefs/MO, not mine.
  14. I've had my reservations, but . . . * He's not the "Lawless One", contrary too what the Libs say/think, or MSM programs them to think. * He is not the "Destroyer", he is the "Builder". * Most on here not worth going into, too many MSM lies to sort through yet, and a lot of info has still not yet come out. * Indications is he will come out of Europe. * The current "War" in the M.E. may be the "fake" Armageddon before the real one occurs, or the fake one is yet too come - TBD. * The third Temple is not built (may be in progress though). This fits OBiden / Obama better, but they too are not him. Servants maybe, but as Evil as they are, not the one. End Times ? Yeah, but that's more than just the 7 years (Tribulation). Sad(?) to say, we may get too see the full show. This topic may be worth revisiting sometime in 2024/2025, possibly 2026 . . .
  15. LOL - it's all nothing but a PR stunt - it's over already (never really started).
  16. Wasn't going to post this, but what the heh. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/official-govt-docs-prove-michelle-obama-did-not-give-birth/
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