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Everything posted by JAFBF

  1. Okay, I'm really not liking this at all. Video_Link Just thought it was coincidental and started wondering about the Moon's proximity in it's orbit to Earth at the time, but being aware of some other things was not really going to worry about it. Then this just popped up : https://insiderpaper.com/senate-democrats-urge-bold-us-push-on-palestinian-state/ This showed up yesterday, but I never passed it on: (My thought is that the US is Babylon . . . ). If this occurs, it's possible the two-State push could have some serious traction. Now here's where the problem comes in : https://telling1312.rssing.com/chan-5228987/article66.html My understanding of this Prophecy is that it's avoidable, as long as Israel is not divided the US won't be divided. This is something I wasn't expecting to come into play until 203x's + if at all (avoidable). I've said I'm expecting a "Hand of God" event - this fits the bill. This though, I'm hoping is a total miss, and I don't even care if ya'll tell me I'm full of $#!+. OTOH, I'm not going take the hit for having info that I didn't pass on. Logic dictates that eclipses aren't that rare and don't cause earthquakes . . . in normal times.
  2. (Following is cut off as it is pretty long and contains linked pages like above but are not readable due to TG format). We were under several National Emergency EO's (still are) when the above happened. Foreign interference in Elections is an act of War. Colluding with a Foreign power to overthrow and Election is Treason. We (the whole World actually) were attacked by a Bio weapon. We are at War. This War is 5 GW - 5th Generational Warfare. This is a different type of Warfare and a different type of Enemy. Sound familiar ? We're under CoG, and have been for quite some time. No ? Why isn't Gitmo closed, the Dems wanted it shut down ? Why all of a sudden does the Regime want to process the Haiti refugees through Gitmo instead of just letting them in like all the other invaders ? If Gitmo is busy/occupied where would we process our Treasonous "Leaders" ? Treason in Wartime is handled by . . . who ? In the Corporation post above there are two videos. The second one is longer, but has some very interesting "Comms" . . . It starts off linking Lincoln / Laken, expounds on Lincoln and then Trump talking about how he's treated worse than Lincoln. Next it links the Castle of Laeken (pronounced Laken) and the 22 year old Princess, who is going to Lincoln College : Also note, the John Solomon post with Lincoln & OBiden - note the Gold Eagle on the Flag pole. A Gold Eagle facing to it's right is the Presidents flag. (Dayton OH Rally).
  3. Meant to post this before the previous post. The linking post to the Corporation post is more important than this so that info will be after this, though this post also links into that info. Here are a couple links about the interference that are a bit longer than I want to post here. 1 - Tweet_Expansion 2 - Tweet_Expansion
  4. More confirmation on USA as a Corporation: Tweet_Video More related to this in a bit . . .
  5. Continuing: Saw some reports that the NG was going to be deployed for this in some places. Seeing some rumors about this - not good. There's a video somewhere, is/was supposed to be a follow up one as well, but haven't seen it yet.
  6. Here's the full context : Tweet_Video It's fine when MSM talks about Bloodbaths though : BB54bed26bc1f4c9249249712fc6f42c37af1c848a2978d5750bfb7eac487806f1.mp4
  7. This is your Media : And it was not just NBC, the others were (may still be) pushing this lie.
  8. https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/robert-hur-trump-special-counsel-b2510944.html
  9. https://gab.com/gatewaypundit/posts/112077397676224101 Hearing the next two weeks are going to be . . . "Busy" . . .
  10. https://gab.com/gatewaypundit/posts/112077220799120403 Way more coming . . .
  11. Whole lot of "Election" BS coming out . . . only took 3+ yrs . . . Rigggghhhhhtttttttt. Not the only State . . .
  12. Thought I quoted and annotated this, but don't see it showing up . . . Damned if I can't pull it up again (tired). Pretty sure it's on history here, if not I'll try to dig it up later . . . thought I'd linked it in the post EDIT: Okay, the video links in previous seem to work, so no more hunting for me on this.
  13. Sadly, it's far worse than this . . . and I think I've posted this before. There is so much BS we're being fed, that I can barely keep up with it these days. Thought the Photo / synopsis would be enough. So many DS players, I would hope folk would keep a scorecard of whose who . . . unfortunately, there are so many that it may be too challenging to track them all. At this point, follow Trump (Rallies, etc), too many deceivers elsewhere . . . ultimately, follow God. I'm seeing three courses at this time : Either 2020 is resolved (and there's unbelievable evidence of Fraud), or we go through another Election to expose even more of the Election Fraud perpetrators . . . I'm on the Record for saying Trump will be back before the 2024 Election . . . At this time, is it possible that the WH allow the 2024 Election to be hijacked the same as it was in was in 2020 ? Yes, unfortunately I can foresee that. Totally sucks, but maybe that is what they're waiting on. Country can not survive another 4 years of OBiden, and am not sure we'll survive the four we've been subjected too. I do hope it doesn't come to a kenetic confrontation, but it's possible that it may. There comes a point when the PTB totally ignore the Constitution of the Land. We've far surpassed that. I'm not sure what Trump's plans are at this point, he's been doing everything within the confines of the Constitution (the Law). There are Case's in the wings, so to say it is over at this point, I can not say. Things are very close right now . . .
  14. Their "Congress" (?) has also just agreed to ban Natural Gas . . . incurring up to $75k for residents to upgrade their homes or be without Cooking / Heating (Natural Gas). Hand of God. Moved out of WA several months ago . . . beautiful State, insane Culture. Only my time in Alaska eclipsed this . . . Posted some of the views I had from my home there (really miss that), but the madness was growing too fast. Whole West Coast has become this way . . . very sad, and total madness . . . I grieve for the days we must soon face . . . Mt. Rainier ( to the East - the Cascade Mt Range - to the West - the Olyimpic Mt Range. Hope one day to be back in such scenic beauty of our Nation . . . but time may hinder such desires . . .
  15. Oh, before I forget and get sidetracked : Haven't really seen anything on Haiti posted here . . . quite relevant to the Clintons . . . Oh, ideed examine his Necklace . . . Did ya'll know that "Barbecue" is the leader of a group of Cannibal Gangsters . . . Yea, there are some pretty graphic pics of them doing their "Cannibal" stuff (Butchering / Cooking) floating around if you care to go looking for it . . . Anyway, all those Billions to the "Clinton Foundation" never materialized in Haiti . . . who's surprised - come'on - raise your hand. And how weird is it that Hildebeast's Brother/BrotherinLaw got the Rights to the Haitian Gold Mines . . . which didn't really seem to exist until the fall of Ghaddafi and the disappearance of all the Gold he had, which suddenly became productive . . . It's all just got to be Magic, like having 50 - 60 associates commit suicide (Pedos at that) . . . right ? What a weird World we live in . . .
  16. More old News : One of many things I've posted about the previous years that are just now coming around for the second or third time. Not really much difference between this and Obama and Gore saying the Coasts are going to be underwater, and then going out and buying Beach Front Mansions . . . Are ya'll feeling "sucker" enough yet ? There's more . . . in time.
  17. This is old News, but since folk probably ignored it the first time (like many things I've posted), here we are again three years later : More on this later.
  18. Speaking of Network outages (above) . . . I've said this long ago, these things are not normal. Telecom / Communication Companies target 5 9's in availability/reliability . . . there is a certain factor designated by the FCC / FTC for this. I've had ~ 30yrs in the Telecom Industry, so to see all these major outages in the last few years . . . sumpin's up with that they're not telling you. Some of the details I've seen about these "outages" are rather interesting in themselves . . . in that "certain" portions of the outage did not affect certain systems . . . Yea, that's not how things work. Just something to consider based on the number of "outages" we've had over the past few years . . . and those we're about to have in the not too distant future . . .
  19. Actually, upon reflection . . . I believe it was a joke. Unfortunately, with the way this current Regime has operated, it would be totally unsurprising for this (joke) to be the state of affairs. I mean after all, OBiden got "81 M" votes . . . 🤣 Ya know that's got to be eating Obama for lunch . . . Still, it was interesting how President Trump was still Tweeting/Truthing while the above noted Networks were down. 🤔 Did some pic follow up in the other thread, not going to repost here, no point. Been difficult to get back into things being gone for so long, and access has been severely hampered in the last few months as well. Likely to be sporadic in posting for a while yet still, sure some will enjoy that.
  20. Attached Ear Lobe. Non attached Ear Lobe. There were better shots in the video, but this suffices. And why was he being escorted by U.S. Marshalls ? Here another Masker: How about Schumer: There were others, but this is more than enough to show this was just another Clown show.
  21. Obviously that Sean Spicer Tweet was a total load of Bullshit. Outside the Mask debacle, what a load of Horseshit that whole thing was. I want my two hours back.
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