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Everything posted by JAFBF

  1. Supremes looked appalled . . . The lies are incredible . . . someone once said "Tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Odd, that some eighty years later we're right back there . . . Oh, and you can the the Drugs are starting to ware off . . . Round 2 coming up soon . . .
  2. Interesting that not even all the D's are supporting his inane statements . . .
  3. Haven't hit the first "Bell" yet :
  4. Ding ding ding . . . Round 2 . . . will they fix the Mask or will they make it worse ?
  5. 😂 Bad Mask night - he has an Ear lobe on the left but not on the right.
  6. Saw they got stalled by Protesters. Trump is "Mean Tweeting" though on the two channels I linked . . . maybe he'll make it at least worthwhile.
  7. My thoughts on the "Two Intermissions" they have planned. WTF is that all about - never in my life would I have thought to have seen what we're seeing these days . . .
  8. Looks like both previous links should work. As mentioned, only reason I'm observing this 🤡 show is as noted several posts back.
  9. This just popped as a possible : Response
  10. Unless it's exclusive to Truth Social, this is the best possibility I've found and I'm not sure this is even valid : https://www.rsbnetwork.com/video/live-biden-gives-the-2024-state-of-the-union-address-3-7-24/ Try the "Watch Live" and see what we get.
  11. I hadn't planned on watching the "SOTU" tonight . . . but : And : Don't have a link for this yet, will post it when I find it.
  12. There were some interesting Propositions on the TX Ballot . . . they were all approved by a large majority. I'm using a this pic since it's groups them and saves me time compiling from the site - you can check them if you want, they're the same. Sadly, these are just "feelers" or a sounding board, hopefully for the upcoming Election - these are not binding. #9 is telling (also the smallest margin of victory), and would seem to infer there were quite a few D's voting as R's (as in many States). Why on Earth should you allow the opposing Party to determine who you select for your Party ? Just another way to cheat. Overall, some interesting things to think about . . . maybe other States will look at this as well.
  13. Maybe he's of no further use to China ?
  14. Time for Eye rolls . . . Video_Link Video_Link Think Lahaina : 5de13d6cb7c4b1b16748741faa1dbe9a228edd481fa2956f6467ac08cf52ce39.mp4
  15. Don't forget MSM - the propaganda arm may be the worst.
  16. Progress is being made, but not there yet. Tweet_Video There were some Machine issues (R only) in Dallas and Austin I saw, and some people in another State were told they had already voted.
  17. Man, I thought that was John Locke from Lost at first 😁
  18. Michigan is one odd State. Not only is the State split - primary and handle, but they also seem to adhere to this in their Elections. There were two other States today voting, and the last I saw they were both 100% Trump (Idaho / Missouri). Posted elsewhere why this is likely happening . . . Cannot confirm this at this time, but seeing as how her major donors are Dems . . . True / False ? If her $ and 40% of her votes (D) (South Carolina - can probably dig up these stats with time) of her votes are coming from previous OBiden voters . . . do you think it is that far fetched ? RINO at best.
  19. Has a few other really good tunes, but the reason I posted this here is to show how he can dissect Songs and explain them to a degree. I'm not a Musical person, I totally appreciate it, but I have no Musical talent. My Brother in Law - another story, he had the opportunity to go Professional, but my sister wouldn't allow him (Groupees - understandable). All long ago, he actually opened for Aerosmith once, long ago . . . I know there are quite a few on here with Musical talent, that's the main reason I posted this, thought they might like to how a Professor evaluated different Music. He has nearly a thousand songs reviewed so far and is still going. More a PSA than anything else - Baker Street is a classic, some stellar bits to it (whole song is great, but parts are excellent). For a more challenging assessment this may be a good one to look at (very long) : Probably well before the time of many on here (1972), but fairly diverse. The first (this Baker Street clip) just popped up in my feed while I was searching for something else (awesome info), which I'm still looking for. If I can find the clip I'm looking for . . . it's a blow your socks off type of info/confirmation clip. Have the reference too it, but not the referenced clip, which is why I'm sitting on it . . .
  20. Time for an old break from the current craziness we're going through. Should be a good one for the more Musically inclined : Guy covers a lot a different Music, may be worth a follow even if he is/was a Lib . . .
  21. Still not target topic, but : https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/02/john-mills-suddenly-notebook-is-discussed-that-connects/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=john-mills-suddenly-notebook-is-discussed-that-connects
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