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Everything posted by htownbrown

  1. Having a man-bun in jail??...good luck with that. I'm sure it will make a damn fine rape handle.
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/katu.com/amp/news/local/man-speaks-out-about-violent-assault-caught-on-camera-in-downtown-portland If you listen to the full interview, these people have a tremendous amount of class for what happened. More than I would anyhow, all things considered. Although, I would question his overall intelligence by suggesting he would NOT have done anything differently. I wasn't even there and I took it as reminder. I normally don't do this, but this guy doesn't look like he has a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of: https://www.gofundme.com/f/adam-haner-fund Only because his heart was in the right place and he never pistol whipped old ladies. If I knew who the black guy was that pulled the knife to defend another person from the mob, I'd drop a few dimes his way too. That took some balls.
  3. I have a feeling if this was happening to white people at a similar rate, it would be more about stupidity than privilege. But that's neither here nor there at this point so...moving on. White people live in crammed apartments too. Sure the paint job is probably better and has less trash laying around the complex, but the distancing isn't much different. As you like pointing out in other threads, some 3rd world countries have better stats than us on fighting this. You really want to talk living conditions? Every road leads to racism with you. As far as work goes, do you think every white person sits at a computer all day? C'mon man. You fucking know better. Back to reality... Obesity and diabetes also dominate the covid stats. Guess who have the highest rates of those cases as well. Guess who drinks the most soda. Guess who eats the most potato chips. On and on, I could go. Water is cheaper than Coke and apples are cheaper than chips where I live, so please don't attempt to go on about opportunities to buy real food. How much can a dozen eggs possibly cost in Ohio? Rice? Beans? I'm just not entertaining that, before you even start in on it. JB got me interested in "viral load" in another thread. From what I've read, diet has a heavy influence on that front. This virus appears to be affecting people who have made poor lifestyle choices far greater than most. Occam's razor, right? I can certainly believe, as you do, black people had a rough start in this country and at the same time believe they have a lot of self inflicted wounds that have nothing to do with racism. (Or are so damn removed from it, it's irrelevant) You've already convinced yourself it's the standard one size fits all answer though. FFS.
  4. Doesn't matter. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarsour#:~:text=Sarsour is an Arabic surname that translates into English as cockroach.
  5. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/she-has-no-role-biden-condemns-ousted-womens-march-organizer-linda-sarsour-after-her-dnc-appearance/ Biden's doing what he has to here, but who invited this loser? Why does the left feel that she speaks to any part of their base?
  6. The guy clearly said it's about funding for healthcare. What social deterrents do you think are causing this Woody? Segregation? If so, please explain. I can buy hand sanitizer, masks^, and soap in any part of this dirty ass town. Every "maskhole" video you've posted suggests that's all you need to do. You only need be 18 to apply for subsidized living arrangements these days. There obviously is something to say about cultural practices, but that will certainly take some self reflection by specific groups of people.
  7. Because as I said just one post ago, healthcare facilities, like hospitals and clinics, are not designed to PREVENT anyone from being infected by 'Rona. They are for treatment of infectious disease, which there isn't much of one anyway. Clearly, rural counties are going to have lower numbers of infection for many obvious reasons not related to race.
  8. I get it, Trump has his fair share, but these are "experts". I know racism and 'rona are the en vogue topics these days, but you're not expressing reality when you combine the two. Money and hospitals are not going to PREVENT you from getting 'rona, that's not how this works. On the treatment side, there may be a point, but not on prevention. That is about you're personal choices, if it's to be anyone's fault.
  9. Fuck that lady and her bull$hit. If you have that kind of time to waste, watch this instead.
  10. This is what happens when you let teenagers/young adults take over a "movement". There is no real point anymore, just an outlet for unprovoked aggression. Honestly, this IS the voting block that will decide the election. If they can be bothered to vote, you're getting Biden. These kids are never going to get what they want, out of him either. "Justice for my brothers and sisters" means what exactly? Fuck due process, let's pull people out of their cars and kick them in the face? Burn business that bring revenue and supplies to the communities? How in the hell do you draw up legislation that results in zero black deaths, that isn't at least unintentionally racist? The future is dumb.
  11. https://www.dailywire.com/news/portland-rioters-viciously-beat-man-transported-to-hospital-with-serious-injuries
  12. Eat your heart out Chris Wallace... It's pretty obvious who is going to be Old Joe's base, if he is going to win.
  13. The problem is liberals think this case is rare (which is true) and the george floyd case is common (which is false). The reaction should be louder in this case not because a black person killed a white person, but rather it was a kid that never pistol whipped old ladies for dope money.
  14. Now it's making sense.... You have to see and smell and feel the circumstances of people to really understand them. Kamala Harris #MeToo
  15. I still remember when she tried to rip Joe's balls off in the debates....forced busing. She literally implied he was a racist while the entire world was watching. Incredible.
  16. The reason teachers and administrators in Texas take so much bullshit from parents, is directly linked to the STAAR test. To put it bluntly, it's a joke. If you're a go getter and care about your GPA, then you'll do fine one way or the other, but if these kids don't give a shit the STAAR test offers the perfect cover for them and their teachers. You can practically mail it in all year, as long as you pass that test you're likely moving on. So the real teaching begins right before the test comes. In other words, they teach you how to pass the test and not much else. That's all they care about. "The whole firestorm was sparked by student statements and questionable test scores. Education Week reported that the youngsters “suggested the teachers provided improper assistance to them” on their STAAR tests, although the teachers countered that the students were confused getting help on the STAAR practice. Reed also said, “Testing helps us measure the degree to which students are learning, and HISD will remain vigilant in its efforts to ensure that the integrity of the state’s testing process is not compromised.” Testing is the benchmark, although not everyone is a fan of it anymore as witnessed by the increasing “opting-out” of this kind of intense or “high-stakes” testing. It has been spurned on by a growing resentment that too much emphasis and worth is placed on the tests for student accountability and teacher evaluations. The tests also take away from classroom learning time. Proponents believe the tests are a viable snapshot to justify taxpayer dollars that fund the public schools as they show a measure of successes, failures and areas for improvement. Opponents feel that this kind of testing breeds a pressure cooker style of learning, fostering a “teach to the test” environment where no one learns anything other than how to take a test. Furthermore, educators are saddled under the scrutiny of delivering high test scores that are tied to their job performance indices."
  17. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/07/900279687/barr-promises-doj-wont-try-to-influence-2020-election Gee, I wonder why they're so jumpy? I thought democrats loved investigations. Seems to me, Joe really needs to pull this one out.
  18. One more point about the Covid "catastrophe"..... If your waiting on Trump or Obama or Clinton or Bush to tell you when it's a good time to wash your hands, then life has dealt you an awfully cruel hand.
  19. Yeah, you're a Biden guy. Easy to spot. If you guys get a chance to ramble, you lose track of where you're at in just a few sentences. Look, you have to choose one of these two points and stick to it. You can't have both.
  20. Let's just assume everything you just said is 100% true. WTH does that have to do with the question YOU asked in your previous post?
  21. Wish everyone the best and hope it's mild.
  22. I think he wouldn't be talking about a rigged election, if he didn't have to deal with a rigged investigation...
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